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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Index GT 11 read:

As promised, after finishing '100 Waifus' I switched over to the newly translated Index volume.  It didn't take long to finish because it was short and mindless, requiring a lot less focus than '100 Waifus' does.  In '100 Waifus' you're expected to memorize over 1,100 names.  Index GT 11 only has three characters.  Just to get a sense of the difference in scale.

So what happened in this newest volume of Index?  Nothing, to be honest.  It was already foreshadowed in volume 10 that Touma would come back to life, so having him journey through hell so that he can come back to life at the end of the book doesn't actually tell us anything more than we already knew.  The journey through hell was surprisingly simple and easy -- most of it was making bland jokes about women's sex appeal.  Then there was a fight with a superpowered mage (like always) which Touma somehow or other won easily (like always).  That's it.  That's the whole book.

I feel like more happens in a single page of '100 Waifus' than a whole book of Index.  At the very least, in an average page of '100 Waifus,' a more heartfelt feeling will be revealed or a more momentous action will be undertaken than this whole book managed.

This is the nth time Touma has been revived from the dead, so it's no longer possible to categorize as 'momentous.'  More like humdrum.

Nothing in the book was particularly offensive so it wasn't hard to read all the way through in a single day, but I don't know why anyone would particularly want to read it either.  Hopefully the next book in this endless series brings more emotional or thoughtful content to the table.

Confident that no further edits will be necessary, I've already ordered my new paperback version of '100 Waifus.'  Once I read that for the 46th time and don't have to edit anything I can declare my magnum opus truly complete.  I already got so close this last time.

Meanwhile, the Spice & Wolf remake anime ended, with the good news that it would be continuing later.  Unfortunately the remake's next arc will be covering another already-animated segment from the old series.  But if the next season is 25 episodes like this one that will still be a lot of new material.  I'm looking forward to it, but Spice & Wolf is a very long series where nothing much happens, a lot like Index.  Even with 25 more episodes I doubt it will reach Nyohira.  I'll start to get excited once they announce a Parchment & Wolf anime.  That story actually does include momentous events.

Speaking of Parchment, the next volume should be out in a week, so that's my next goal to read.

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