In order to allow me to flirt with my 100 waifus, Cute-sama had been kind enough to give us all an inborn universal translator. Though American in origin, I was able to speak and read Japanese without issue. If Cute-sama had been stingy I suppose she could have stopped there, but she even allowed us to understand German, French, Russian and all the rest of mankind's tongues as well. It was due to this language assist that fantasy worlders like Lyria were instantly aware of Terran terms like copyright infringement. Most importantly, we could all understand and speak Abh, or Lafiel would have been in a real pinch. Even fantasy world languages like Myusel's were all liberally translated by our great Goddess' benevolence.
I was worried if our children would be equally fluent in all languages, but it seemed like they should be. After all, part of marriage was children, so if our children couldn't communicate with their own family members (everyone in this world was part of one giant family thanks to the virtues of polygamy) it felt like a gyp. Cute-sama had never let me down so I figured it would be fine.
I was also worried that our children wouldn't look like anime characters anymore due to my normal Terran genes. Cute-sama had given birth to a new species of mankind, all with big beautiful eyes, small noses, hair that could form impossible shapes and move in impossible ways, and other subtle features as per the character designs of their stories. (Sakura Kinomoto cast Illusion on Louise before her trips to Earth so she wouldn't stand out) What happened when boring old me was mixed in with such unparalleled beauty? Cute-sama's one teaching that had been passed down to us was that 'Cute is Justice' so I figured our babies would be as cute as their mothers. Again, I just couldn't imagine Cute-sama letting us down when she'd so thoroughly granted my original wish in such a compliant and generous manner. The new breed would all be along anime lines and my contribution really wouldn't show up, externally, at all.
There was a more pressing issue now that many of my wives were pregnant, and that was the education of the next generation. My wives were all exceptionally moral people so I could trust them to be good without any instruction, but there was no guarantee our children would turn out so well. For children to grow up correctly, they would have to know and believe the right things, and be exposed to the right influences, while shielded away from falsehoods and temptations.
The question was what exactly the curriculum should be. Since we were wholly isolated from Earth, there was no particular need to raise my children to be racist or xenophobic. That issue had taken care of itself. There were no Jews so there needn't be any antisemitism. There were no Muslims or Christians to spread their dumb heresies against the one true Cute-sama needing defenestration. We lived in a classless society with a citizen's dividend and I was its eternal dictator, whose rule was backed by girls with ridiculous superpowers, so there was no real need to teach them economic or governmental models.
When it came down to it I only foresaw two serious flashpoints needing special care. The whole motley assortment of LGBTQwhatevers springing up and spreading rot and degeneracy across the land, and feminism. Once a new generation of boys and girls were born, there would be girls who didn't want anything to do with boys, or girls who thought boys shouldn't have any rights, because it was convenient and self-serving for girls to think this way. If left alone children would recreate the same pitfalls I had escaped from thanks to Truck-kun.
Since nothing in our environment or upbringing would encourage LGBTQ'ers, including a lack of modern chemicals in any of our manufactured goods, hormones in the water, etc., and since we all had healthy young bodies that should not be liable to defective mutations, I was confident the rate of sexual degeneracy would be extremely low. Whatever the cause of homosexuality, our society was about as unlikely to produce any such factor as humanly possible. But there would always be some portion slipping through the cracks and gumming things up.
I decided it couldn't be helped. If a child ended up wanting to do and be weird things even after all the natural protections afforded to him or her, I would have Orihime 'reject' the error of their ways and make them straight again. If Orihime weren't around I would have thrown them off a cliff so this was already the merciful solution. There would be no transgenders mutilating their genitals, no drag queens parading around in leather, no loose-sphinctered bathroom stall encounters between anonymous strangers, no women deciding they preferred each other, just full stop. We were going to be a healthy, decent, normal society with the maximal chance at happiness for all.
Girls who didn't see the point of boys, marriage, or childbearing, and just wanted to go to work every day would be a much more common syndrome. My answer to that was again a forceful chopping of the Gordian knot. Since there was no subtle way to manipulate girls into love and motherhood, I would just mandate it by law. Every girl must marry by age 20 and have at least two children by age 25. If they grew up with that expectation in place, they should be able to arrange their future hopes and dreams around it. So long as they weren't constantly fed male-hating poison from the schools and the media, they might even look forward to it. Girls were free to pursue careers if they wanted, and with eternal youth they had plenty of time to do both, but first things came first, and family should always come first.
As a polygamist, I thought it would be a little hypocritical to ban polygamy, so I decided if that's what my daughters wanted they could have it. Without Cute-sama's editing, though, I doubted it would be a commonly favored option. The number of boys who would be left with no one as a result would be a shame, but that was how sexual selection worked. If you couldn't even be as enticing as the prospect of being someone else's 2nd or 3rd wife, you probably shouldn't be reproducing anyway. If they became absolutely miserable due to loneliness, I could always throw them off a cliff too.
Another problem reproduction would bring about, in combination with the Silver Crystal, was overpopulation. The homey atmosphere we had created with our tiny village would soon be swarming with people, with all the accompanying costs of overcrowding, pollution, resource depletion and the loss of our familial bonds where everyone knew and loved everyone else.
However, I decided that for everything lost due to a rising population, there would be offsetting gains. Perhaps we could have a diverse enough workforce with enough useful skills that our economy wouldn't have to rely on magic anymore, which would have to happen eventually because even beneficiaries of the Silver Crystal weren't immortal. There would be more chances for people to make friends and find a husband or wife to their liking. We could play sports again. There would be a higher chance of scientific and artistic innovations.
Most of all, we could afford a space program, so the moment Eden looked like it was filling up, we could start chartering whole cities off to foreign worlds. The universe was vast. I suppose eventually even it could be overpopulated, but that wasn't my problem. I'd be long dead by then. Billions of years from now our descendants would have to work something out themselves.
No, even though I'd been enjoying our world's minimalism, I enjoyed even more the idea of large families with lots of siblings playing and learning together and lots of dashing young husbands and wives having intercourse with each other with complete abandon as to the inevitable consequences. The population would just have to get out of hand.
As for moral instruction, I decided to introduce an "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality" class, where my children would all be mandatorily exposed to the greatest books, anime, movies, video games, visual novels, music and manga that I had discovered and treasured while on Earth.
They didn't have to read and play and enjoy all of them, but for at least that two hour long session of the school day, every day, they would have to pick from the list and enjoy one of them. I figured that by the end of high school, with that many great role models to choose from, they would at least be in the top 1% of morality compared to what you could find back on Earth. And that would be enough to ensure the felicity of their married lives, that they took care of their health, learned good manners and courtesy towards others, and were honest and upright.
Some of my wives were prepubescent and even though via the magic of 'Little' I could properly have sex with them, children would never come of it. As a matter of fact 9 year olds had given birth and their infertility couldn't be taken as a given, but Asians developed slower so Ai, Miu, Rin Nohara and Illyasviel were in a bit of a pinch.
I thought it was a shame that they'd be left behind, but in fact they really hadn't lived enough of their own lives to suddenly be raising children, and I really really enjoyed their original loli looks from their anime, so at least for now it couldn't be helped. With so many pregnant women at once, we would need the non-pregnant wives like Ai and Miu to pitch in and help out with daycare anyway.
I'd consider letting them age a few years so that we could start our own families a decade from now. Once I'd tasted their current charms enough. Promise.
It was good to be mayor. I finished typing out the outline of our future growth and stretched with contentment. With the proper structures in place, I would show Cure Flora a long line of alternative statistics -- obesity: 0%. tattoos: 0%. divorce: 0%. single motherhood: 0%. drug use: 0%. alcoholism: 0%. smoking: 0%.
If any of our precious children came down with mental illnesses, the Hospital would take care of them. If Elize couldn't do it Orihime could. So depression: 0%. autism: 0%. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: 0%. schizophrenia: 0%. God bless the healers of this world.
There would be no advantage to doing crime in a world already giving out a citizen's dividend and no ability to escape the swift punishment of the law, not with Reina and Fate on the job, so let's chock down crime: 0% while we're at it.
Guns would not be available to the general public so spree shootings: 0%.
Children drunk on the joys of anime and taught to worship Cute-sama could not possibly lead to terrorism, so I checked off another 0%.
Poverty was impossible in such a bounteous resource to population ratio as Eden, magicians who could literally create anything needed out of thin air, and the citizen's dividend, so 0%. That also meant debt was set to 0%. Everyone would be given anything beneficial to them for free if they couldn't afford it by normal means. I would gift it to my children and grandchildren myself if needs be.
The STD rate would be 0%. None of us who originated here had an STD, so no matter how much sex this world had, we were forever free of consequences. If an STD naturally evolved well then Cheria or Sherria would take care of it.
For that matter all diseases of any sort would be forever 0%.
I smiled involuntarily as I kept plopping down 0 after 0. Anything I could think of was set to 0. I was almost feeling guilty and thinking I should have at least some insoluble problem that would cause a lot of anguish, but I couldn't come up with anything.
The suicide rate would probably be above 0, especially for guys who couldn't get a girl to turn their way, but even that would be lower than on Earth. And for every suicide there would be ten more happy children coming into the world ready to take their place.
Infant mortality rate? 0%. Thanks to the hospital. Maternal mortality rate? 0%. Thanks to the hospital.
Risk of losing a war with aliens? 0%. I'd love to see them try against Sailor Moon on her own. I was getting giddy comparing all the 0's I could email Flora's way and started writing sillier and sillier things.
Gluten intolerance? 0%. Allergies? 0%. It was nothing the hospital couldn't take care of. Insomnia, indigestion, constipation? 0% 0% 0%.
Car crashes? 0%. We flew around on summoned beasts. Commute time? 10 minutes tops.
Retardation? 0%. Ugly people? 0%. Not from the wombs of my wives!
0% of our music would include rap.
This was a world so lacking in problems that Flora wouldn't have to worry about anything, even 1,000 years from now we would still be living in Paradise. And together we could watch as many happy generations go by, all succeeding one after the next, as we could possibly want. For that matter we could have 100 kids ourselves and watch them all grow up happy no matter how old we became. Whether children or great-grandchildren, there was a 0% chance any of them would fail. It was just mathematical.
Chapter 19:
If a girl and a boy of our ages had sex during her ovulation period there was a 30% chance she would get pregnant. Said period was about 40% of the time. In addition, I was having sex with my waifus about 3.6 times a year. The result was out of the 96 girls capable of pregnancy, 31 children were on the way. The perfect size for a classroom, if I do say so myself.
The mothers to be were: Mai, Asuna, Keiko, Suguha, Rin Natsume, Haruka Saigusa, Yui, Leia, Rinoa, MOMO, Aruruu, Misuzu, Lucy, Mirajane, Sakura Haruno, Lafiel, Yukino, Usagi, Shana, Mikan, Yuuhi, Rin Tohsaka, Orihime, Hozumi, Mylene, Lyria, Meiko, Kirino, Mikoto, Louise and Mitsuki.
The terrifying power of young fertile girls meant that even a little bit of unprotected sex had put a third of the population in the maternity ward. This was why I had wanted to hold off for as long as possible, but time marches ever onward and here we were.
Since adopting my last name would result in the entire population sharing the same last name, I obviously went with the children inheriting their mother's last name instead. In cases where the mother lacked any last name to give, I made some hopefully appropriate ones up on the fly for at least the children to inherit.
Mai's son was named Shou Mishou.
Asuna's daughter was named Yui Yuuki.
Keiko's son was named Wesley Ayano.
Suguha's daughter was named Rika Kirigaya, or 'Lisbeth.'
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Komari Natsume.
Haruka Saigusa's daughter was named Kanata Saigusa.
Yui's son was named Takashi Hirasawa.
Leia's son was named Jude Rolando.
Rinoa's daughter was named Selphie Heartilly.
MOMO's daughter was named Sakura Mizrahi.
Aruruu's son was named Kurou Green.
Misuzu's son was named Yukito Kamio.
Lucy's daughter was named Yukino Heartfilia.
Mirajane's daughter was named Hisui Strauss.
Sakura Haruno's son was named Sasuke Haruno.
Lafiel's son was named Jinto Abriel.
Yukino's daughter was named Ezekiel Ouhama, or 'Ell.'
Usagi's son was named Mamoru Tsukino.
Shana's son was named Yuji Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Rito Yuuki.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Minato Katagiri.
Rin Tohsaka's son was named Shirou Tohsaka.
Orihime's son was named Kazui Inoue.
Hozumi's daughter was named Makie Schmetterling.
Mylene's daughter was named Minmei Jenius.
Lyria's son was named Gran Jewel.
Meiko's daughter was named Naruko Honma.
Kirino's daughter was named Ayase Kousaka.
Mikoto's son was named Touma Misaka.
Louise's son was named Saito Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Mitsuki's daughter was named Tia Lightning Mononobe.
I took my perogative as the father to christen all my children. The naming system followed five ground rules --
1) If a mother had a child in the canon source, she should have that child here as well, if she had a lover in the canon source, she should have that lover here as well.
2) If possible, even if not a child or lover, the name should be from the same franchise as the mother's name, in order to deepen the ostensible bonds between mother and child.
3) The child's name should be based off of a high quality person, so that the child can be inspired to likewise reach that level, and so that Eden is populated at least on paper by nothing but badasses. Even a villain would do so long as they had something about them that was admirable and memorable. If there was no one left from the mother's franchise worthy of recognition, the name should just be based off of any random badass available.
4) No two children should be named after the same source.
5) It's okay to have nicknames, but all children should bear the official name of whoever they're named after for proper gravitas.
Though of course our children weren't going to grow up exactly like their namesakes, there was no reason why Yukino, for instance, wouldn't eventually grow up into a wonderful celestial mage, just like Layla had taught her daughter Lucy how to become one. I expected great things from all of my children. I couldn't wait until Nagisa gave birth to the Ushio of this world, but apparently the 3.6 times I had tried with her wasn't enough so it would have to wait until next year. (Having been cured of her curse upon arriving here there was no chance a similar fate to the story's awaited us.)
I had wanted to name Sakura Haruno's child Salad, but she went and had a boy so Sasuke it was. Sigh.
Likewise with Sailor Moon. I was so excited about naming her daughter Usagi/Small Lady/ChibiMoon and then she went and had a son. So I grudgingly named him Mamoru and awaited my next chance with her full of hope.
My first daughter with Asuna just had to be Yui, but I was still looking forward to having a second daughter with her. I had the perfect name set aside and chosen out for her -- Yuuki Yuuki.
One pregnancy obviously wasn't enough. All these girls would have to report for duty again sometime down the road because my naming pot was still bubbling over with great ideas.
The pregnant group had a separate breakfast, lunch and dinner menu consisting of dairy products, legumes, sweet potatoes, salmon, eggs, broccoli, beef, pork, chicken, fishliver oil, berries, whole grains and 1.5 liters of water a day.
Thankfully neither Kotori nor Deedlit had gotten pregnant so our farmers could remain hard at work providing for everyone, including the many new mouths heading our way. Though their hard work basically meant sitting somewhere nice sipping tea while giving out simple commands to their golems and spirits, when you farm such a huge variety of different crops even this gets to be quite a chore. Well, even if they were pregnant, I would still order them to keep farming our fields. The women of the ancient past didn't take 9 month vacations during pregnancy and farmed just fine before and after birth, so they'd have to display similar grit and take a hit for the team.
Cherry trees took about seven years to grow so they'd be in full bloom just in time for our children's kindergarten entrance ceremony. Alcohol was banned for everyone because we never knew who would be getting pregnant next, so we'd sadly have to figure out a new way to celebrate our harvest festival.
I did not plan on being a good father to these children. There were already 31 with surely hundreds more to come, so even remembering all their names would be a tall order. Studies showed children got nothing from parenting anyway. An adopted child had a 0% similarity to their adoptive parents. Obviously my genes were going to have a sizable impact on my children, for better or for worse (I hoped for the better), but that did not mean I had to be constantly playing with them, changing their diapers, reading them bedtime stories or whatever people thought parents did. In truth it was all an illusion. Kids became socialized via their classmates, siblings and unique experiences that no parent could predict or provide. They would grow up however they grew up, and whether I dandled them on my knee or not wouldn't make a lick of difference.
Rather than wasting my time and energy trying to do an impossible feat -- take care of the children of 100 separate wives simultaneously -- it was time to do what I always did as Mayor -- delegate.
"Howdy folks." I barged into the one and only classroom of our school.
"To what do we owe the pleasure?" Nozomi, wearing glasses, asked officiously, lowering her pointer from the blackboard.
"It's been about three years since life began here, most of you should have already graduated by now." I pointed out.
"Shishou, what about me? I should still be in middle school." Ai raised her hand, her ahoge bobbing energetically.
The terrifying cuteness of an eternal loli who was still also a legitimate loli reared its head before me. "Ai is special so she doesn't need any more education." I said with a used car salesman's smile.
"I'm special!" Ai clenched both of her fists in front of her in a victory pose.
"As you may have already noticed, two of your classmates, Silica and Menma, have dropped out of school due to pregnancy. The children of this school are incredibly slutty, I'm surprised the principal has let things get so out of hand." I said.
"The principal felt there were extenuating circumstances seeing as how they were all properly married." Cure Dream said with fists on her hips. "Should we have instead reported the statutory rapist to the authorities?"
"Ah, no, there's no statutory rape on Eden, so it's fine." I smiled and waved the problem away breezily. "More importantly, Silica and Menma are part of a larger trend. My wives are dropping like flies out there, and since this school no longer serves any useful purpose, it's going to become a trauma ward instead."
"In other words?" Nozomi asked with growing dread.
"Until there are children grown up enough to attend school here, this is no longer a school. Likewise, none of you are students anymore. Today was your graduation day, as per my authority as mayor, I acknowledge all of you as ippana students with full credit on all possible courses. Instead, this is a daycare center, and all of you are daycare workers. Mothers can't spend all day every day tending to their infants, they need breaks, and many of them are needed elsewhere to do real work."
"Nursing babies is real work!" Ten girls shouted at me at once.
"Err, I mean, paid work." I quickly amended. "Since none of you are up to anything important, consider yourself Babysitters Inc. Train hard with these kids and maybe you can all become good mothers yourselves one day." I held up a thumb in encouragement.
"I can't become a mother. I'm stuck at 11 years old forever." Ai looked down at the floor.
"Ai is special so it's okay." I gave her a winning smile.
"I'm special!" Ai clenched both her fists in front of her chest happily.
Why was everyone in the classroom giving me a withering look? Well, moving on.
"What do you say? Are you willing to give all those poor mothers a break? The village needs you. The battle is upon us, the troops are already in the field. I don't know about you, but as for me, give me daycare or give me death!" I did a Shingeki no Kyojin salute to illustrate the gravity of the situation.
"So either we start taking care of your babies or kill you right here right now? ♫" Nemu asked with a sweet smile on her face.
"Let's hold a vote." Yume, Nemu's granddaughter, quickly followed her up. Nozomi went to fetch Sakura Yoshino and fill her in on the situation so that the two of them could also vote on the matter.
The vote was 9-4 on secret ballot to become a daycare center. I knew I could trust my loving wives.
"I'm special so I voted to take care of your kids." Ai said happily running up to fill my field of view.
"Thank you Ai-chan. I knew I could count on you!" I put my hand on the top of her head and rustled her hair. If only Nemu ever looked at me like this!
"I voted for you so why don't you train me in shogi again like old times?" Ai asked hopefully.
"Shishou forgot how to play shogi so I can't train you anymore." I told her in a sad voice.
Ai started to cry, realized what was happening, and sniffled her tears back, putting on a brave face. "It's okay, I still play lots of opponents online. I'll become the Ryuuou for you and conquer the shogi world."
Was our internet really connected straight through to Earth? Well, if it was Mikoto I wouldn't put anything past her.
"If you're playing people online, be sure not to tell them anything about your private life." I warned Ai sternly. I didn't want Terrans' condemnatory opinions of our lifestyle polluting any of my waifus, and the best way to avoid that was for Terrans to think we weren't any different from them in the first place so the subject never came up.
"Like that I'm married to Shishou and we cast a spell to make your chinchin little so it can fit into my pussy?" Ai asked.
"Yes, exactly like that." I gulped.
"Or that I live in another world with a full complement of arable land, valuable mineral resources and uninhabited star systems ready for the taking, but we're still reachable by portal?" Ai asked.
"Yes, that too." I tried to look as unagitated as possible. Nozomi had at least done a great job expanding Ai's vocabulary.
"Or that a Loli-king finally admitted his true nature, dumped that silver-haired bitch, and scooped up my shattered heart at the last possible moment due to this miraculous world of do-overs?" Ai mumbled something.
"Eh, what was that?" I thought I heard something a little more cutting than usual.
"Okay. I'll make sure to keep all our secrets. Because what we do at night is special!" Ai beamed with an innocent, trusting, proud face.
I picked Ai up and perched her on my forearm facing me so that I could look her in the eye, letting her legs dangle off to the side. "I love you so much, Ai. Never change. Especially don't change into Nemu, alright?" I kissed her on the lips because she was too cute and I couldn't hold back anymore.
"Nii-san?" Nemu seemed to want my attention about something.
"As the vote was 9-4, as Mayor I hereby declare the Paradise Daycare Center open and ready for work. I'll arrange fresh babies and all the necessary supplies to start arriving here by the afternoon, so everyone just sit tight and enjoy your graduation day. Oh, on that note, congratulations on your graduation, everyone!" I waved and rushed out the door.
"Shishou, is this what you call an 'elopement?'" Ai asked, still leaning happily into my chest as we left the school grounds.
"Ai's special so she gets to be carried by me for the rest of the day." I explained. In truth I just hadn't had time to put her down, because Nemu was scary. But I kissed her again and after a few seconds of feeling her tongue against mine fiction had already become reality. Given the choice, who would ever let a girl like this go?
* * *
With all the mothers doing checkups, babies with ear infections, fevers or colds, and wives giving birth, the hospital had become a busy place. Five of the hospital staff themselves were expectant or new mothers, namely Sakura Haruno, Leia, Leafa, Rinoa and the all-important Orihime. My taste in women tended towards powerful wielders of white magic, and I had had the foresight to plan big for our hospital complex, so even this wasn't a strain upon our system. I figured we could have four children per wife before the dependency ratio got out of hand. With just 1/3 of my wives with child, we were still on easy mode.
This meant Cheria, Rosa, Eruruu, Wendy, Sherria, Rin Nohara and Elize Lutus were tasked with making sure everyone survived birth and infancy. With seven competent healers to work with, I changed their work schedules up into 8 hour shifts.
Cheria and Rin Nohara would take care of 12am to 8am, Eruruu and Rosa would take care of 8am to 4pm. Wendy and Sherria would take care of 4pm to 12am (presumably the rush hours but as best friends they shouldn't mind), and Elize would alternate the shift of one person each day of the week so that everyone could have a day off (for instance in order to have sex with me).
They were working every day and many at weird hours, but I felt this was important. If one were going to the bathroom or dealing with a critical patient, we couldn't have an emergency arise and no one else be on hand to take care of it. That meant we needed 2 healers available at minimum at all times. I wasn't about to let one of my immortal lovers die due to a lack of emergency care. Furthermore, accidents and illnesses didn't wait for the sun to rise, they could happen any time, so the night shift needed to be just as staffed as the day.
Luckily if work only lasted eight hours there was still plenty of time left to unwind, eat, sleep, take a bath and watch anime. Plus these girls were so innately compassionate and could see how concretely useful their work was to their extended family that they probably looked forward to going to work every day anyway.
Gambatte! Healing staff, you're around 75% of the reason Eden is better than Earth! Work hard and give me hundreds of cute babies both directly and indirectly! I'll be sitting over here celebrating with a cigar!
Well, not really. Smoking was banned and there wasn't even any tobacco in this world to smoke. But the lazy smug satisfaction straight from the 1950's was right on target. Mayor was a heck of a job.
There were some cute patterns in who had gotten pregnant and who had not. For instance, the tsunderes were all mothers now -- Shana, Yuuhi, Kirino, Louise and Mikoto. They didn't have much time to hit me anymore, they were all nursing their babies and singing them lullabies.
Also, all three of the SAO girls had gotten pregnant together. It was nice to reunite Asuna with Yui again, now the true mother of a true daughter. I wish I could let them celebrate by playing a VR game together with me, but Aoba said a AAA game takes about seven years of development time so I shouldn't get my hopes up.
Since I was knocking out the staff making the game -- like Mikoto -- one maternity leave at a time, you could expect that release date to suffer several postponements as well -- just like back on Earth, nothing ever got released on time.
Well, we of the Silver Crystal had plenty of time, and I was looking forward to what a game that took seven years to design would look like. Life itself was already a New Game+.
Chapter 20:
Knowledge of Japanese wasn't only useful to be able to communicate with my wives and children, it also gave me access to every manga, visual novel, anime and light novel series that hadn't been translated into English yet. It was a good thing I had a 1,000 year lifespan because there was a lot to catch up on, starting with Oreshura and PapaKiki. I tasked Louise to visit Akihabara and buy everything I needed.
I could even finally read the remainder of Solzhenitsyn's Red Wheel series in its native Russian. Cute-sama was the best.
Much of my time these days was spent in the hospital ward awaiting the birth of my next child. But mothers took hours giving birth, so I would be happily reading manga and light novels off of my Kindle in the meantime. Once the baby looked like it was about to pop out I would hold my wife's hand and give her encouraging words. Then I'd hold my newest baby in my arms, give it a name, and congratulate the new mother. Once my work was done it was off to prowl the night again with a different wife. I had an unrelenting schedule of sex, otherwise I'd never be able to satisfy all 100 of my wives. Since I was trying to impregnate as many girls as possible as soon as possible, it was always straight into the vagina. The only time I'd slipped around that requirement was when Myusel insisted as my personal maid that she had to accompany me to the giant bath hall, insisted it would be rude to the bath hall if she didn't undress alongside me, washed my back with her breasts, and then insisted it was a maid's duty to wash my front as well. I received a glorious handjob that day which we kept secret from the wife I was supposed to be meeting that night. Well, with Illyasviel's Ruby on my side, I could probably afford to cum twice a day, but generally I thought it was better to stay on an even keel of one wife a night, so that I could truly enjoy my time alone with her and focus on how special she was to me.
That being said, I couldn't wait until it was Myusel's turn again. . .
Most of the time she was busy cooking meals for the mansion's communal breakfasts and dinners. After that came everyone's laundry, cleaning the dishes and sweeping the endless floors. She might be the hardest working girl in the world, but she never complained and said it was a maid's duty to look after her master's abode. She even found the time to add on the personal touches like washing and cutting my hair, shaving me, and keeping a calendar of which wife I should be attending to today. There were also times she would lay me down in the baths and give me a massage, whenever she said I was looking tired or dispirited. Maids were great. Or maybe it was just Myusel, the greatest maid in the world, who had already accepted a polygamous marriage with me long before we'd even come to this world together. That level of unquestioning service couldn't be ignored, which is why I had chosen her for my harem in the first place.
Maybe, after all this time of her serving me, I should find something to give her. Well, the greatest gift I could give her was a child, and we were already working on that. But since that hadn't worked out this year maybe there was something else I could do for her. But what? She already had access to all the interesting manga and light novels we had imported over from Japan. The city was already overflowing with flowers thanks to Cure Flora's influence.
How about chocolate? We were raising cocoa plants alongside everything else, so maybe she would like it if I cooked her some homemade chocolate in the kitchen while she was busy cleaning the bath? That should at least give me an hour long window.
Plenty of girls in Paradise had a sweet tooth, so luckily there was already a batch of cocoa powder in our pantry. If I had had to roast, crack, temper and ferment the stuff, it would have become a year long enterprise. So once breakfast was finished and the dishes washed and Myusel had safely retreated into her cleaning mode, I quickly whipped out all the ingredients I needed and got to work.
After that I just followed the recipe I found online. I heated water in one bowl while mixing butter and cocoa powder in another. Then I poured the mixture into the hot water and stirred, slowly adding milk, sugar, vanilla and egg yolks until everything congealed.
Then I poured out the dark liquid chocolate into a series of pans, let them cool and harden, then used a heart shaped cookie cutter to provide the shape of my feelings for her. I thought even this may not get across how much I loved her and was grateful for her daily ministrations, so I wrote 'arigatou' on some hearts, 'kind,' 'cute,' 'sexy,' 'those breasts,' 'I can't wait,' 'your hair is a work of art,' 'beautiful,' 'gracious,' 'perfect,' 'dutiful,' 'pure,' 'humble,' and 'Myusel + Chris forever' on the others.
It was hard to see all the letters just by carving indentions so I wrote over the lines with red icing. Then I let the chocolate harden some more, ate all the scraps that couldn't be fit into the heart shapes myself, and found a purple bag to secure my haul to match her eyes. I tied the bag shut with a white ribbon to denote her essential goodness and hid the bag in a vase I knew only she would come across during cleaning. She was so thorough I knew she would discover it, and the message that I knew she would discover it because she was such a hard worker would then also be conveyed. After that I only had to wait.
My reward came swiftly the next day, in the form of Myusel noticing I was staring at her, blushing and looking away. She never spoke anything of it. I suppose to her everything she did for me was atarimaida, unworthy of praise, so it was beneath her dignity to make a big deal out of it. But I still counted the present a success.
* * *
"Sakura Mamiya, could you go tell Sakura Kinomoto that we need additions to the school complex to account for the rising population? Instead of just one classroom, hmm, let's make the school big enough for a thousand students. The babies can graduate straight from daycare into formal schooling all in the same building. That should take care of the baby boom for now." I called her into the mayor's office.
"So you plan on giving us ten children a piece." Sakura Mamiya mused non-judgmentally.
"I wouldn't mind that, but I was thinking of our grandchildren. Our kids are going to grow up in the blink of an eye and I've mandated that each of them has to have at least two kids themselves, so you see how quickly our village is slated to grow." I explained myself.
Mirajane was tending to our daughter Hisui at home so I now worked directly with Sakura Mamiya to implement city planning. It was good to have backup workers in place at every location.
"Lucy will also need to be informed." Sakura Mamiya put a finger on her lip. "But she's at home taking care of Yukino."
"You know my daughter's name?" I asked, my eyebrows rising in surprise.
"Of course, since we're married, isn't Yukino also my daughter?" Sakura Mamiya asked.
"You actually care about your stepdaughters? Aren't you supposed to throw them off cliffs, lure them deep into forests, feed them to bears, steal their food and beat them with chipped washbasins?" I asked.
"I think Cute-sama understood that being fine with polygamy meant also being fine with the children of polygamous marriages. So I like all my stepsons and stepdaughters at least a bit. But even without her intercession, shouldn't you trust me a little more?" Sakura Mamiya retorted.
"Okay, you're on." I summoned up a list of my sons' and daughters' names and started scanning for the absolutely most obscure ones.
"So you still need to check a list to know your own children's names." Sakura confirmed my failure as a father non-judgmentally.
"Say what you like, but there's no way you're any better." I prophesied. "Mai's son's name is --"
"Shou." Sakura Mamiya said.
"Are you sure that's not Orihime's?" I taunted.
"No, that's Kazui." Sakura Mamiya held both of her hands in front of her clasped together and gave me a triumphant smile and a daring glare to try again.
"Yui's son is named--" I tried again. No one could remember this one.
"Takashi." Sakura Mamiya replied instantly.
"MOMO's son is--" I baited.
"It's a daughter and her name is Sakura, just like mine." Sakura Mamiya smiled happily. "I especially love her."
I gave up and rested my forehead upon my lovely oaken desk. "How? How? I don't remember any of their names. . .when did you even grow so close to your other wives. . ."
"Don't worry, Christopher. None of us expect anything from you." Sakura Mamiya reassured me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"When you say it so kindly it hurts even more." I whined.
"Then, what do you want me to say?" Sakura Mamiya asked.
"Say you love me." I proposed.
"I love you Christopher." And then she lifted my chin off the desk with her fingers and kissed me on the lips. "I'm sorry my tone of voice doesn't convey anything. But surely our nights together can give you some clues." Sakura Mamiya gave me a troubled look. She was genuinely worried beneath all that emotional armor.
"I love you too. I hope our days together convey that." I said, brightening up happily and seizing her hands between mine.
"More or less." Sakura Mamiya gave a small smile. "But I think your children would like it if you could at least memorize their names by the time they're five. If you don't remember the name of our child when the time comes I think I'd feel really hurt. . ."
"I'll work on it!" I promised her.
"First work on getting me pregnant." Sakura Mamiya gave me a flirtatious smile and then was out the door to work again.
I summoned up my list of baby names and started drilling fervently. And to think this was only the first 31.
Kuon took her place at my desk. "I'll go take care of Yukino so that Lucy can install the extra plumbing."
"Thank you, that would be a great help." I smiled up at her.
"If you forget our child's name it won't be me who is feeling hurt, just so you know." Kuon smiled sweetly.
"Eavesdropping is a bad habit." I responded, and then I turned back to my baby name list with ferocious intensity.
Chapter 21:
I woke up in the arms of a beautiful nude woman, the same woman I had made love to the night before, which meant in this case Illyasviel. We used 'Little' in her case to be safe, and she wasn't capable of getting pregnant, but she was so irresistible a beauty that I had to have her anyway. Nothing mattered so long as I could make love to her. I suggested to Illya that since she couldn't get pregnant anyway we could try something kinkier, but it was hard to decide what that could be.
Her breasts were so small she didn't even wear a bra, so a boobjob was out. I considered anal sex a filthy, unhealthy and degrading act, which in principle would have justified homosexual sodomy, so that was out. She looked a little lonely, like it wasn't personal enough, at the thought of a handjob. And oral sex when she'd been waiting 100 days for this moment and would have to wait 100 days until her next chance wasn't nearly fulfilling enough on her side. As someone who had sex every day it was difficult to identify with the feelings my partner must be going through. Girls didn't want to have sex nearly as often as boys, but they still would like to unite with the love of their life and center of their existence more often than 3-4 times a year. Which meant every night with me was incredibly special, something they wanted to make the most of and experience as much as they could during. And invariably, the most loving, real, husband and wife experience that left them satisfied with our relationship was the one true sex, penis in vagina. It's like they understood on a fundamental, instinctive level, that vaginal sex was something you did with a wife because you wanted to have children, while all other sex was what you did with whores and porn stars because you did not want them to have children.
Telling Illyasviel that she could be the lucky recipient of a dick in her mouth while everyone else in the mansion was having my babies just didn't go over very well. Which meant, ludicrously enough, even though I had lived in Paradise for three years amidst 100 wives, I still hadn't gotten a blowjob. Well, maybe someday. The Silver Crystal meant I could be philosophical about things like this.
I woke Illyasviel up with a kiss and when her red eyes fluttered open, I told her in a soft voice, "Ohayou."
"Ohayooou," Illya responded, stretching out all four of her limbs like a cat. "Your bed is so big and soft, I never want to wake up."
I had the privilege of watching her nipples move with every ripple of her muscles or change of position at about point blank range, so I didn't want her to get out of bed either, truth be told. But Myusel would soon be here to change the sheets and tell me breakfast was served so I could only stall for so long.
"Since you're already here could I have my daily dosage of sex serum?" I asked. Usually I would do this after breakfast but any excuse to keep Illya nude with me a bit longer was welcome.
"Let's do it." Illyasviel nodded to herself and gave me a determined look.
"The dosage?" I asked, not following.
"Since your testes are going to get refilled anyway, it would be a waste to leave anything left. I'm still full from yesterday, so I'll suck your penis. You're hard just from watching me stretch, right? I'll relieve you." Illya smiled proudly at the instantaneous effect she had had on my body.
There was no time to waste. Myusel would be coming soon. So I nodded like a co-conspirator and threw off our covers. I sat up with a rock hard erection at just the thought of what was going to happen. An 11 year old magical girl was going to give me the first blowjob of my life.
"This is my first time, so I don't know if you'll like it." Illya warned, leaning over my dick and tentatively licking its tip.
"This is the first time anyone has done this to me, so as far as I'm concerned whatever you do is the right way to do it." I replied, running my hand lovingly along her cheek and down her neck, holding her long white hair out of the way.
She smiled and blushed. "So this penis really does belong only to me. In that case I have to treat it daijini." She wrapped her lips around my shaft and took me into her mouth, her tongue stroking the bottom of my inner tip where it felt best.
I didn't want to just sit there like a statue while Illya tried her best, so I used my free hand to stroke up and down the arch of her spine, across her pert nipples and down her side, her hips, the tops of her thighs, and finally over her clitoris. Illya switched between kissing, licking and sucking on my dick, her free hand stroking my shaft that couldn't fit in to her perfect little mouth and even gently stroking over my testicles. Occasionally she would stop, gasping for air, and resting her tired jaw, and sometimes she would have to stop because her thighs kept squirming against each other and her eyes would close tight, but even then I never stopped rubbing her clitoris with a pushy urgent strength.
"If you don't cum I'll die of shame." Illya said, leaning back down to suck me again. Then she started talking with her mouth stuffed. "Hurry, Onii-chan. I don't want Myusel to see me like this." She gave me a look of upturned, pleading, watery eyes as she begged for release.
The thought of Myusel barging into this scene only made me harder and more engorged. I started rubbing her clit as fast as I could, and she started twitching against me even as she kept swirling her tongue around my tip frantically. In a way my hands were beating out the rhythm for her lips, so she knew what I wanted from her. Right now I just wanted to orgasm as explosively as possible, so I closed my eyes and thrust up into her mouth. She accommodated me as best her little mouth could, sinking her cheeks in to either side of my shaft like a makeshift vagina, and in seconds I was over the top, spurting more and more semen into her mouth.
She gave a soft squeal of surprise, and then swallowed it down, giving me a pained face. Then she put her hand over mine which had been stroking her and pushed urgently.
I nodded and took her clit between my second and third fingers, tugging it left and right, up and down, and in and out. Ten or twenty seconds of eternity later, watching her back arch and her nipples thrust towards me from just inches away, she shuddered and then nodded, telling me without any need of words I had made her complete.
I grabbed Illya's small body up and hugged her to me, with her inner thighs wrapped around my waist and her butt on my dick, our chests together and her head resting over my shoulder. "Thank you. That was wonderful. Illya, you're the best!"
"I love you too." Illya said sweetly, her arms and legs wrapping around me for an everlasting embrace. I knew that we should be getting dressed, but I was just too emotionally overwhelmed. I wanted to feel her body against mine. Even though we'd just had sex, I hadn't gotten to have this feeling of tight bodily contact throughout, and now I wanted it more than anything. I started kissing her neck, and then her lips, and she nodded and started squirming to surround my rising penis with her vagina. Within seconds the hug had turned into penetrative sex, and I started thrusting hungrily into her.
Myusel knocked on the door. "You two, it's time for breakfast."
"In a minute!" I shouted at the door, thrusting feverishly into Illya. Was the 'Little' magic still working? I hoped so but I couldn't stop now.
Illya's vagina clenched tight around me in panic, her hair bouncing up and down in a loose veil around her ivory white skin and flushed red breasts. Of course I was allowed to have sex with any wife I pleased whenever I pleased, but the informal convention between all the girls had been to let each girl monopolize me daily in turn, so what we were doing was strictly into the forbidden zone.
"I have to change the sheets so I'm coming in." That was an important job of Myusel's, because the girls didn't want to smell the scent of another woman every time they joined me in bed.
"No, Myusel. No no no." Illyasviel cried out desperately, her vagina getting wetter and tighter by the second.
"5, 4, 3, 2--" Myusel started counting.
"I'll do anything so don't open that door!" Illyasviel cried out.
There was silence behind the door, and then footsteps leading away. We looked at each other in some sort of delirious shared triumph and then I was kissing her lips and my tongue was wrapping around hers.
Since it was my second time, our third if you counted last night, I stayed painfully erect but not quite cumming for longer than usual. She started twisting her waist in circles to help, and kept stroking up and down my back with her hands encouragingly. Eventually I could feel her cumming around me, her vagina clenching in short spasms over and over around me, and she buried her face in my chest releasing a high pitched squeal. Even then I couldn't stop, I kept thrusting into her, seeking that perfect moment, and her vagina kept pulsing around me, her hands digging into my back from the endless pleasure.
Then I was spurting into her and we were both panting in exhaustion. She leaned back, letting our bodies separate, sitting atop me with only my penis connected, her hands behind her back balancing on my thighs to keep her upright. And in this beautiful arched pose, looking up at me with her bare nipples still offered up to my vision, we stared at each other like stargazers with the whole night ahead.
Breakfast had come and gone and Illya had finally managed to slip on her panties. She didn't wear a bra so I stopped her one more time and turned her around so I could stare at her breasts and keep their memory as enduring in me as possible.
Illya smiled and waited patiently. Then she lifted one corner of her mouth into a smirk and starting tracing circles around her nipple with her fingertips.
I stopped her hand and pulled her back into me, kissing each of her nipples reverently. Then I finally stopped and pushed her away. "Until the next 100 days," I said with a pained expression.
"99." Illyasviel gently corrected me. And then a tear formed in her eye.
"Illya?" I asked, concern rising all through me.
"It's not. . ." Illya shook her head, her still bare nipples flashing. "It's not that. I'm just so happy. . .this is the happiest day of my life. . .to think I was your very first. . .so when I think of it ending, of us leaving that door. . .I just. . .but I'm not sad. I love you, Christopher. I'm not complaining. . .I just. . .that door looks so big and dark and long right now."
"You'd better fill me up with some love juice." I advised.
"You're right." Illya nodded, putting on a smile and forcefully wiping away her tears. "Just getting to be with you was already a dream come true. I shouldn't complain. In my original world it would have been forever banned, as brother and sister I couldn't so much as kiss you. So this is my paradise already."
"Ruby!" Illya called out in her hoarse voice.
"Yes, mistress?" Ruby came floating out from under the bed.
"Make Onii-chan's chinchin genki again." Illya said forlornly. "He has a lot of women left to woo today."
"Starting with you and me in the shower." I whispered in her ear. "I think we pretty much have to clean up after this, don't you think?"
"Onii-chan!" Illya's smile burst past the barriers of her face and pierced me like an arrow through the heart.
"You're light enough I bet I could pin your back against the shower wall, hold you up and fuck you standing. If we do it right it would be my first time." I smiled down at her like an indulgent parent.
"Yes. Let's do it. Anything you want." Illya choked back a sob, now crying for an entirely different reason. I felt the sting of Ruby's venom into my system, and gave a little apology to the twins who were next in line. I promise I'll be available tonight, so just wait a little longer and let me heal this girl's broken heart in front of me for right now, okay?
We retreated deep into the interior of my room with its own personal master bath, further and further away from my front door.
* * *
When Illya and I crept out to the dining hall together, famished from all the exercise, we found two plates in the fridge with plastic wrap and a hastily written message on permanent marker. One plate had "For Illya," and the other read "For Goshujin-sama." My dutiful maid had made sure we could eat breakfast whenever we were ready. With everyone else out of the house the two of us shared a conspiratorial smile again, and she walked around the table to sit snugly in my lap. It made it difficult for me to eat so she started serving me breakfast with chopsticks bite by bite. Today it was tamagoyaki, fish and tomato slices dipped in ranch dressing. She would take a bit of her own breakfast for herself, then lift a portion from my plate to my mouth, smiling every time I successfully chewed.
Our meal was quiet, but she was seated sidesaddle on my lap so that she could interact with both the food on the table and my mouth, and her legs were interchangeably kicking outwards from the knee with a child's overflowing energy.
"I graduated you early. Do you miss school?" I asked, starting up a conversation.
"I do, but I love playing with all your children too." Illya assured me.
"All those wailing infants?" I looked at her with disbelief.
"They're the closest I can get right now." Illya said nonchalantly. Due to my selfishness she hadn't aged a day since she arrived here.
"There's still plenty of time, right?" I begged for her indulgence. "For you to go back to school once the baby boom is done, and for you to bear my children."
"There is." Illya smiled and leaned her back into my chest. "Just let me age eventually, okay? Even when I'm 18 my breasts don't grow at all, so you have nothing to fear."
I smacked myself in the forehead for my stupidity. Illya from Fate/Stay Night looked no different from Kaleid Liner. Aside from the stylistic differences and the fact that she was psycho in the original, her loli-ness was absolutely unchanged. I could have let her go through puberty and lost nothing. Though her mother had such enormous tits and stature, Illya would at least stay the same for seven more years.
"I'll ask Sailor Moon to reverse your immortality until you're fertile. I had completely forgotten." I apologized.
"Then wait a couple more years for me, Onii-chan. I'm almost there already. And then, maybe we won't need to use 'Little' anymore either." She looked excited at the prospect.
"I'm sorry to say but I don't think you'll grow down there any either. Plus, we just had sex all morning without it, so it's a little late to worry about that." I said.
"Homunculus bodies rock!" Illya clenched her fists victoriously. "Before I knew it, I'd already adjusted to you. Your cock's trained my pussy into its ideal shape, Onii-chan."
I almost spit out my food. Saying things like that was hansoku, hansoku!
"What's wrong, Onii-chan?" Illya tilted her head innocently, her big wide eyes staring up into mine with concern.
"I just realized I was living in an eroge, only, 20 times as lucky as the normal protagonist could ever hope to be." I said, my cheeks blushing a furious red.
"I was born in an eroge, but they wouldn't let me have sex with Onii-chan, so I hated it. I'd rather live here in the real world." Illya replied with a pout.
"That's right. Down with censorship. Up with lolis! Loli sex, banzai!" I declared emphatically.
"Loli incest, banzai!" Illya cheered on my lap, raising up both her arms with her distinctive Mai Kadowaki voice.
"Down with censorship, up with loli incest! Down with censorship, up with loli incest!" We madly started chanting together, and then she started giggling and hugging me tight to hide her blushing face away from me.
When breakfast was done, she sighed and got off me. "What will I have to do for Myusel I wonder? I hope she doesn't demand to take my next turn away from me."
"Myusel's kind so she wouldn't do that." I assured her. "Let's go apologize to her together and I'll take whatever punishment she gives with you."
"We're staying together even now?" Illya asked, her eyes widening. "I was about to go to the daycare center to help out."
"They'll be fine without you for one day. Let's go find Myusel, she's still in the mansion somewhere. I bet she's doing the laundry right now, since she was talking about our sheets." I suggested.
"Shuppatsu!" Illya raised a fist in the air, and we left the dining hall to search out Myusel, holding hands up and down the long branching corridors.
We came across Chtolly who was flying up and down the corridor with iridescent butterfly wings wiping down the wooden floors with a washcloth at hyper speeds.
She came to an abrupt surprised halt before barreling into us, floating in midair, her beautiful bare thighs rising up into her skirt to the point that I felt like I could see her panties if I just leaned over a bit further.
"Christopher, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"More importantly, isn't using venom bad for you?" I asked, a deep anger rising up in my voice. "Why are you using it to do basic chores?"
"It's fine, I just ask Orihime to reverse time every once in a while and I feel good as new. We leprechauns are pretty tough you know, we can fight for years, I'm not straining myself too hard. And these hallways are really long. There's only Myusel, me, Sora and Mikan to take care of a place holding hundreds of people. If I didn't use venom we'd never get done." Chtolly looked at me defiantly, putting her fists on her floating hips.
My stomach twisted in worry. "But don't the aftereffects of venom come randomly and suddenly? It isn't always when you would expect."
"My hair would turn red before anything else, right?" Chtolly held out a twist of her bangs in front of her for inspection and tilted it back and forth in the light. It was distinctly, deeply blue. As beautiful as her red hair was I hoped I'd never see it in this life. It had already been years so I guess she knew what she was doing. I gave a long, deep sigh to collect my wits and then nodded.
"I'm worried, but I trust you. Thanks for using all your strength to clean such a vast mansion, I had no idea." I finally told her.
"You always worried too much." Chtolly gave me a look of infinite tenderness. "But it's okay. I'm right here. I'll always be here for you. Until the end of time."
I held up my free hand and Chtolly floated down enough until she could take it and embrace it to her cheek. She closed her eyes and smiled in contentment, finally able to marry the lover who had been so cruelly separated from her.
"Chtolly, have you seen Myusel? Illya and I need to apologize to her." I asked, getting back on track.
"She's doing the laundry, so just keep walking down this corridor and then turn left at the end." Chtolly responded. "She told us you two were having breakfast in bed and to go ahead and start eating without you."
Nice, Myusel! Sasuga my personal maid!
Illya nodded to me and we resumed our journey together, still holding hands. We were actually approaching our doom, but somehow it felt like we were on a fun treasure quest together. We even defeated the midboss that had floated between us and ultimate victory.
"Christopher, you're still here?" Nekone asked me, her dog ears twitching in surprise. "This is a good time, can you tell Mitsuki to dark matter up thousands of additional diapers? The mansion is running out."
"Actually we're doing something right now." I put my hand behind my head shamefacedly. Everyone else was working to take care of my babies and here I was flirting with Illya.
"Ruby, fly directly to Mitsuki and give the order for more diapers." Illya declared.
"Yes ma'am!" Ruby saluted. "But shouldn't she be in the mansion taking care of Tia?"
Oi oi, do even my wive's wands know all my children's names?
"She was but our supply of manufactured goods kept dwindling so we forced her back on the job and put her child in daycare." Nekone responded matter of factly. I guess some members of the community simply couldn't afford to be missed.
"So the research institute it is, huh?" Ruby settled on a flight path, and then vanished down the corridor with wings outstretched.
"Is that everything?" I asked Nekone, still holding Illya's hand.
"Just don't parade around in front of Yoru and Asa like that." Nekone rebuked me. "You didn't forget whose turn it was today, right?"
"We'll be done before dinner." I promised. Illya waved goodbye to Nekone and then we started running down the hallway again.
The next girl we came across was the proper half-elf, complete with long triangular ears, carrying a big basket of fresh bedding back towards our individual rooms. Her vision was so obscured she almost barged into us before noticing we were there.
"Myusel, I came to apologize for this morning." I bowed my head. Illya bowed silently beside me, still holding my hand in a gesture of unbreakable bonds.
"Are you sure you didn't come to rub it in?" Myusel said with a sigh, eyeing the two of us together.
"I'll do anything so keep this a secret," Illya pleaded, blushing with her eyes downcast.
"Anything, hmm. . ." Myusel put down her laundry and closed her eyes for a while to think. "Okay, the two of you can cook dinner for everyone. I've been wanting to catch up on Da Capo, so I think I'll be returning to my room. The series is so very long and there's never enough time."
"Dinner, is it?" Illya raised her head and looked with strong conviction into Myusel's eyes. "I'll do my best so don't worry about a thing."
"Illya, do you know how to cook?" I asked her worriedly, still holding her hand.
"Onii-chan can just chop all the potatoes and carrots and onions up. I'll cook the rice. Tonight we're having curry." Illya gave me a confident look, and I realized she was right. With the power of curry powder we could accomplish anything.
"And remember Cinderella, the clock hontouni hontouni strikes with the dinner bell." Myusel gave her last bit of advice to her sister-wife.
"I understand." Illya said bravely, then she tugged on my hand and turned back around. "Hurry Onii-chan, I don't want to waste a single second."
When our dinner was complete and a hundred piping hot plates of curry-rice were arranged on the dinner table awaiting their incoming guests, Illya hugged me one last time, and I buried her in my arms affectionately.
"I'll never forget today." Illya promised warmly against me.
That reminded me, we really needed the Research Institute to give us eternal memory in addition to eternal youth, or someday I really would forget this moment, and all this love would disappear like it had never been. That was one thing I could never allow.
Before dinner was served, we separated back to our rooms and acted like nothing had happened, arriving at the dinner table like everyone else with pleased surprise. Asa was good at reading the atmosphere and Yoru was ridiculously sharp, so maybe it was impossible to hide what had happened from them, but Cute-sama had made sure polygamy was possible so even if they did know they wouldn't hold it against us. The important thing was the symbolism. So long as we didn't rub it in their faces, it wouldn't be taken as a message to them. It was the least we could do.
That night I had the exquisite joy of rubbing my dick between two pussies at once as Asa lay on top of Yoru and they kissed each other, finally plunging into Asa and unloading, before starting over and finishing in Yoru the next time. The three of us collapsed into a heap and I fell asleep sandwiched between four breasts squeezed tight against my chest and back. It was the perfect night to accompany the perfect day.
Chapter 22:
Incidentally, the order I had sex with my wives was established by the order I had lain with them at the beginning. It went like this:
Himeno, Levy, Asuna, Rin Natsume, Haruka Saigusa, Kud, Kagome, Kaname, Rosa, Rinoa, Yuna, Eruruu, Kuon, Nayuki, Nagisa, Misuzu, Kotori, Mavis, Juvia, Makina, Sakura Haruno, Deedlit, Sora, Sara, Nemu, Yume, Sakura Yoshino, Aisia, Koko, Yukino, Sayaka, Isara, Sae, Usagi, Shana, Yuuhi, Rin Tohsaka, Orihime, Louise, Cheria, Iris, Aruruu, Ai, Nekone, Lucy, Wendy, Lisanna, Nanoha, Fate, Miu, Myusel, Reina, Kobato, Mikan, Mikoto, Akane, Lafiel, Sakura Kinomoto, Chiwa, Lyria, Sherria, Teletha, Nozomi, Silica, Suguha, Rose, Leia, Sophie, Rydia, Rin Nohara, Sagiri, Elf, Kirino, Aerith, Tifa, Mitsuki, Chtolly, Sakura Mamiya, Menma, Mylene, Mumei, Nadeko, MOMO, Mira, Kobeni, Illyasviel, Yoru + Asa, Aoba, Mirajane, Urara, Azusa, Yui, Mai, Honoka, Elize, Kokona, Riko, Nico, Haruka Haruno.
Since I made love to Yoru and Asa together, but they still had the right to claim a day of my time a piece, I made love to them two days in a row. Since threesomes were a pretty unique sexual experience compared to the rest of the cycle, getting to experience them twice as often as I normally would was right up my alley.
If I pressured more of my girls, could I have more threesomes or even foursomes? I bet they would go along with it if I asked, but I'd rather they volunteered themselves. Otherwise I couldn't be sure it was something they really wanted. Yoru and Asa I knew were a team, the rest, in their origins, never had been, so it was a little risque to insist upon it. Still, it sure would be fun to sleep with Yui and Azusa together, or Sherria and Wendy, or Nemu and Yume and Himeno, or Nanoha and Fate, or Mirajane and Lisanna, or Cure Dream and Cure Lemonade, or Rydia and Rosa, or Aruruu and Eruruu, or any number of fun combinations.
Maybe someday, when they were more used to me and each other. We had an eternity of sexual opportunities still in front of us, so there was no rush to get through absolutely every possible variation. For now everyone seemed content with the routine of one agreed-upon-girl visiting my master bedroom a night.
The point was that when I woke up with my beautiful twins in my arms, it wasn't the end of our time together but just the beginning. Watching the two of them put up their hair into their matching twintails, put on their socks, their bras, their panties, their skirts and finally their shirts was mesmerizing, and I knew later tonight I could watch everything come back off again and touch everything that was on offering because they were all mine to do with as I pleased.
"After breakfast, let's go together to the Research Institute." I told the twins. "I want to see if there's any way to crystallize our memories so I need all our best thinkers in one place."
"I'll head on to the transportation hub alone, then." Asa said, not at all one of the 'best thinkers.' Yoru had completed Asa's glider and the launching and landing site, so it wasn't unusual to see Asa piloting people on flights across the sky, but since there was no other runway people could travel to, Asa could only 'transport' people past the clouds and back. I had thought of a variety of uses for her glider, like crop dusting or taxiing Kotori out to the farm's Operating Center, but none seemed practical so it just evolved into a recreational device like the girls who worked at the studio or tavern.
"Once I'm done at the research institute, Asa, how about you take me up for a flight?" I offered, not wanting her to feel left out.
Asa smiled happily. I had flown with her the very first time the glider had been finished, as a gesture of faith in her piloting and Yoru's engineering skills, but so far that had been the only time.
"Let's chart out where to put the first new houses for when our children move out." I suggested.
"Before then, shouldn't you at least get us pregnant?" Yoru complained.
"I'm trying!" I defended myself.
"After all we do for you, hontouni tsukainai." Yoru tossed her twintails.
"Don't say that, Yoru. Pregnancy is a rare event even when everyone is healthy and young. This is nothing unusual, no one is to blame." Asa interceded.
Myusel knocked on the door. "Breakfast is ready."
"Coming!" The three of us shouted. Then we opened the door and started walking the long path to the dining hall. Everything in the mansion was a long path because it was so big. Maybe that's why we still all looked so thin and fit? Or maybe the cooks at the mansion knew better than to let our diets go unbalanced and kept everyone the natural beauties they had been through strict discipline. Or maybe Orihime just rejected any belly that started bloating outwards and returned it to its original mint condition. Well, that seemed like a delicate matter so I wouldn't ask.
"I'm saying the problem is the number of wives. If it were just the two of us we'd definitely be with child by now. Why 100? The two of us served you just fine in the past. Even though the dormitory we lived in was full of beautiful girls, you were happy with just us two, right? So when did you feel the need to drag in the other 98?" Yoru pressured me.
"I loved our time together in Konozora, don't get me wrong." I explained. "But I couldn't read Japanese, so I didn't even get to see your after stories. So that meant about one month of my life spent with you two until I was out of material. Since I still had a long life ahead, I had no choice but to keep stumbling across other lovely girls who could keep me company, and before I knew it there were 100."
"Never mind me, isn't Asa attractive enough to keep rereading the same material over and over again? Just stare at her cg for life and be content!" Yoru demanded.
"Yoru, you're being unreasonable." Asa blushed. "I couldn't look at Christopher all day and be happy, much less for years."
"Asa is infinitely more attractive so that's not relevant." Yoru stated as a fact.
"Yoru, would you be okay looking in the mirror for the rest of your life?" I asked, because that was the exact equivalent to being content with staring at Asa's cg for the rest of my life.
"That's. . ." Yoru sighed and gave in. "I just want your baby already. We keep falling further and further behind."
"It isn't a competition." I said.
"Oh but it is." Yoru replied cryptically.
* * *
"We've only been together for three years, so it might not sound like a pressing issue, but I'm already having a hard time remembering the names of all my wives and children, much less every date I go on and every night we spend together. Since these are all precious memories, I want a mnemonic device to help me. Isn't there anything you can do?" I pleaded to the assembled scientists and magicians.
"Perfect memory to go along with eternal life." Mavis Vermillion summarized. "I've always been immortal, but most of my life was a struggle to forget as much as I could. I don't think you were any better, husband, in the centuries you lived your mind only became more and more erratic. To the point that I had to kill you myself. It really would be better if history didn't repeat itself."
"I'd just be content with a way to store everyone's names!" I begged. "The next wave of pregnancies is already on its way."
Kaname shook her head. "I've searched for a future solution to memory loss but my timeline never came up with anything. I'm sorry I can't be of help."
"What about Sakura Kinomoto's Record card?" Levy asked.
"She can display any event's externalities so long as she is located in the same place it occurred, but most of our memories were how we felt at the time, what we were thinking. It would only be a pale facsimile. Besides, she can't be everywhere accompanying everyone casting Record all the time to help us remember what we were doing in the past." I rejected.
"The Akashic records are said to store the knowledge of all things. If people could tap into the Akashic records whenever they wanted, they could retrieve whatever memory they sought." Rin Tohsaka mused.
"How would we manage that?" I asked.
"Well, luckily the point of the Holy Grail War was for a quality mage like me to reach the root of the Akashic Records and come to understand all things. And Illyasviel, the real live grail, is just a few blocks away. So if you let me do the ritual and turn Illya into a vessel, I could probably fill you in from there." Rin looked at me hopefully.
"Rejected." I said in a flat voice.
"The everlasting cherry tree once granted a girl perfect memory." Sara Rukawa pointed out. "Her name was Anzu."
"Were there any bad side effects?" I asked. "Wasn't the point of Da Capo that all the wishes people made were ultimately self destructive?"
"Not that I recall, but I only read about the case in the newspapers. You could ask Koko, she was Anzu's best friend." Sara offered.
"At least we have a lead." I said, suddenly feeling more hopeful. "Then, I'm going to ask Koko what happened to Anzu and we'll go from there."
Koko worked at the daycare center, which conveniently also included Sakura Yoshino, the creator of the everlasting cherry tree. If we were going to convert the trees into wish granting mode, I would need her expertise.
When I managed to take the two away from the infants they were handling, Koko thought about it for a while. "I think Anzu was happy with perfect memory. She used to be very forgetful in middle school so it really helped her out. If I had to name a bad side effect, when the cherry tree wilted, she lost all her memories. Since they had all been stored via magical means, they were all lost as well. You can imagine how traumatic that was."
"So if the tree never wilts, we'd all be fine?" I asked.
"But the tree always develops too many curses, which is why I had to keep killing it off in the first place." Sakura Yoshino warned.
"You couldn't contain the tree's power on your own, granted." I kissed Sakura Yoshino on the forehead so that she knew I didn't blame her for anything that had happened in either Da Capo I or II. "But what if Orihime were to reject any negative energy that accumulates periodically, reverting it to its original pristine state, and only the good wishes were left behind?"
"We wouldn't know until Orihime tried her power on it." Sakura Yoshino tilted her head sideways at the novel concept.
"I'm confident Orihime's power can restore anything. There was a time your tree worked according to plan, so if Orihime forces time back to that moment, the tree would be perfect." I reasoned.
"But even then, the power of granting wishes is something mankind should never touch upon. Even though my magic stops the bad wishes from being fulfilled, even the good wishes twist the world and eventually ruin it." Sakura Yoshino complained. "This is why we agreed not to plant the wish-granting tree in the first place."
"Can't we leave things be? The residents of the Silver Millennium weren't particularly forgetful." Koko asked worriedly. "If we're like them now we should be as well off as they were."
"But if we restricted the cherry tree to wishes we really needed, like perfect memory, and kept people away from wishes that distort their lives, wouldn't life be better?" I insisted, not wanting to give up on such a powerful tool so easily. "Plus the people of the Silver Millennium lived very structured, repetitive, calm lives. I'm not sure they actually remembered much across their lifespans at all. Sailor Pluto, for instance, stood in front of a door. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune crouched at the edges of the solar system ever watchful for danger. It's easy to keep your memories intact when you're just doing one thing forever. But I'm doing at least 100 different things."
"Ahh, Onii-chan, did you just call us things?" Sakura's left cheek went out in a cute pout.
"You probably misheard me." I patted her on the head.
"What about Lafiel? As an Abh, she was already destined to live to 1,000. How did the Abh deal with that? Or what about Deedlit? Her elven heritage should give us a clue. What is so different about the elves, that they can remember everything clearly for so long?" Koko asked helpfully.
"I guess you're right." I sighed, shelving the plan of a wish-granting device in the center of town. "In that case, I'll go talk to Lafiel next."
"You're looking at an immortal right here." Sakura pouted, pointing to her eternal loli chest. "Even without the cherry tree, I could remember everything intensely."
"But even you lost all your memories in Da Capo III." I complained.
"That was because. . ." Sakura sighed. "Stabilizing the tree was a little more difficult than I anticipated, so it couldn't be helped. In the end I got my memories back." She stared up at me defiantly.
"Lafiel, Myusel, Sakura, Deedlit, Shana --" Koko counted my immortal wives off on her fingers. "When you think about it, aren't we surrounded by immortals with perfect memory?"
"So if we put all five of them under the microscope at the Research Institute, maybe we could isolate the difference between their brain structure that deals with memories and ours, and then do some sort of magical surgery to graft that region onto all of us?" I asked.
"I don't know. That sounds really difficult. And a little painful." Sakura Yoshino rolled her words out forlornly.
"It's so that I can remember everything we do together, because I love you." I encouraged Sakura to become our guinea pig. "If we can't rely on the everlasting sakura, I can only rely on the everlasting Sakura here before me, right?" I cajoled.
"Onii-chan, you're about the millionth person to remind me I'm named the same as a species of cherry trees." Sakura said drily. "Can anyone read people's minds here in the first place?"
"Himeno, but she enters herself into our own inner mental plane via magic, she can't literally read electron flows and chemicals and the like." I thought out loud. "And in a pinch, Mira."
"If Mira plugged her tail into my brain, could she isolate why our brains work so much longer than yours?" Sakura Yoshino wondered aloud.
"As a surfer of all possible states a person might have, she could look at the Sakura who didn't use magic to preserve her eternal youth, and the Sakura who did, and then look at the differences of brain structure between the two." I said. "But Mira could die trying. She could never come back from a mission like that."
"If we took a brain sample from each of us, had Orihime cure us back to full, and then let Honoka study what made us different from the rest of you under a microscope, that could fulfill the first stage." Sakura Yoshino came up with a rather gory solution.
"Who would modify our brains to match your memory mode afterwards, though?" I asked.
"Sophie could do it." Koko suggested. "She modified Cheria before to cure her asthma, right? She can use her nanites to reform people like a scalpel, only targeting the right areas to make things better."
I could see the ending. Without risking Mira's life, without planting a nuclear bomb in the middle of town, I could give everyone an elf's capacity for memories as well as an elf's lifespan. It still wasn't the perfect memory I wanted, but it was a huge step up from anything a normal human could manage.
"Sakura, go tell all the relevant actors about our plan. I've got an afternoon glider date I have to meet, so I'll leave the rest to you." I said with proper Mayoral gravitas. All I had wanted was a shortcut to memorizing my kids' names, and I still didn't have that. But at least I had cured a long term Armageddon that had been heading our way. A good day's work by any measure.
Or maybe Koko was right and Sailor Moon's Silver Crystal was already doing the job just fine. If so, nothing would change. If not, we would all change for the better. It couldn't hurt.
* * *
When the winch had launched us high into the sky, and Asa started catching updrafts from the nearby mountains, it felt like we could fly through the deep blue sky together forever. The view was fantastic, in the sense that there was no view. Everywhere beneath us was a sea of clouds. They were shining with reflected sunlight, so it looked like one giant golden fleece that Jason would have rent his garments in envy over.
I got out my Kindle and put on a special song for the occasion, 'Morning Glory.'
"What's that?" Asa asked from the front seat of the cockpit. We couldn't see each other, so we both just stared out at the sky together, but the long leisurely glider ride was a perfect time for conversation, just like the enclosed space of a Ferris wheel. In a sense a glider was the largest Ferris wheel attraction imaginable. So long as your pilot was good enough to not crash you into a fiery doom. But I knew I could trust Asa with my life on this one front. She lived for this moment, where she could be the best at something, a girl who no one had credited to be good for anything.
"This is the music that played in the visual novel when we finally saw the morning glory together. It wasn't part of the game's plot, so only I could hear the music as an outsider looking in. But this time we can listen to it together." I explained.
"Though these clouds aren't a morning glory." Asa pointed out.
"Can't I get a little sentimental?" I asked petulantly.
"Our most important memory together, of course I'll get sentimental if you bring it up out of the blue. But as the pilot I've got to keep focused on what I'm doing, so I'd rather you not." Asa replied.
"Neh, Asa, do you know what Yoru meant, about pregnancy being a competition?" I asked, having a good chance to talk to her alone away from Yoru's ears.
"It isn't very complicated. There are 100 of us. 100. Aren't you curious? After Himeno slept with you, everyone else started piling on, even the young, embarrassed girls who never would have thought to do it with you in their origins." Asa said.
"Well, Sakura Kinomoto always loved Syaoran so it was only a matter of time, right? I'm sure it was the same for the other girls." I replied.
"Maybe, in ten years, that would have made sense. But they went from shy and embarrassed to ready to go in just a few weeks. When it's you and me, we've had sex forever so it was no big deal to sleep with you again, but why did all the other girls proffer themselves?" Asa asked.
"If I recall correctly, the first girl I slept with here who I hadn't slept with in their origin was Aruruu. Then Ai asked to do it the next day and then Nekone the day after that. It's obvious they all had crushes on me in the original material, but we'd never gone that far together before." I tried to remember back. If only I could have a perfect memory.
"Aruruu was your 44th conquest. After watching 43 wives sleep with the boy they loved and take a step ahead of them, don't you think they were getting a little anxious, like, 'at this rate he'll forget all about me.' Or 'I'm getting left behind, how can I compete with sex just by being cute and embarrassed every now and then?' Or, 'now that he's tasted heaven the milkwater love I've been showing him could never satisfy him anymore.'" Asa said. She was basically an empath when it came to knowing what others were feeling, so I didn't doubt her.
"So each time I slept with another girl it chiseled away at their self-doubt, until they were. . . after 43 whole body blows in a row. . .begging me to turn back their way?" I asked.
"These are young girls, too, dealing with their first love. They don't have any self-confidence to fall back on. Their bodies are less developed, no one else has ever confessed to them, all they have is you. If you abandon them it's all over. In a position like that, wouldn't you do anything to get the boy you love to look at you again? Even strip?" Asa asked.
"Evidently so." I shrugged helplessly. "Are you saying sex with all the older, more developed romances put an unfair amount of pressure on them?"
"We're used to you being unfair, so I don't think that really matters." Asa brushed the issue aside. "The interesting part is what came next. Even the girls who didn't love you at all started lining up for you. Don't you think that's weird? This is sex you know. Their virginity even."
"You mean like Azusa?" I asked. She hadn't even pretended to love me, but she'd still taken me inside her without complaint. Her red face turned to the side with her black twintails splaying across my huge bed had been an incredible turn-on.
"Think about it." Asa said, expertly flying the glider back into an updraft to keep us aloft as long as we wanted. "Here we are in another world. There's only 101 of us in the whole world, and only one man. If we're going to marry anyone, it has to be you. If we're going to have sex with anyone, it has to be you. If we're going to have children by anyone, it has to be you. And if we're going to be friends with any of the 100 other girls here who make up the entire population, we're going to have to be friendly with you, because every girl here loves you to death. Our clique, the wives who wanted you from the start, had the overwhelming numbers. If they want to fit in with their coworkers, the people they eat with and live beside, the people they bathe with, the people they sing with during the holidays, the only people they can talk to about what's on their minds -- they have to be in our clique. The clique of the women who love you and have sex with you and want to have your children. There's nowhere else for them to go but into that master bedroom with you."
I thought that sounded about right. It wasn't just my seductive charms, it was the peer pressure and the overwhelming aura of popularity the other waifus had afforded me, that sealed the deal with all the holdouts. But was that so wrong? I was treating them just as well as everybody else. . .
"But right when everyone had caught back up to the starting line, right when we thought we were all safe again, some of us get pregnant and some of us don't. Some of us are the mothers of your children, which makes them real wives, while some of us are just having sex with you, which makes us just your mistresses. And then the worry comes back, how can I compete with a mother of your children? Won't he start spending all his time on the girls who gave him what he really wanted? What use are we to him anymore?" Asa said.
"That's not true at all!" I protested. "I'm going to impregnate all of you. I want all your children. 31 kids isn't nearly enough for me!"
Asa laughed. "Don't most boys get tired of it and want to stop at 2?"
"They aren't as rich or powerful as I am." I said.
"But even billionaires usually stop at 2 you know?" Asa pointed out. "We don't know when you'll be satisfied and want to stop, and meanwhile we still haven't had even a single child in this other world, the only chance for us to have a future. The only person in the world who will love and need us most in the world. We still don't have that and we might never have that."
"I would never abandon any of you. Not only one child a piece, I'd already planned on four for each of you. I love siblings laughing and playing together. Now that we've begun, I'm going to keep impregnating everyone non-stop, every day, every night. I'll definitely see this through." I protested.
"But what if, for some of us, it doesn't work out? Not only after one year, but two or three or four? Couldn't you give up on us and return to the fields that you know bear fruit?" Asa asked.
"You don't have to worry about that. If somehow any of you are infertile, the hospital could definitely cure it. Haven't you all been checked already and the doctors said you were fine?" I asked.
"Even if our heads know that, our hearts still worry." Asa said. "Around women, our hearts speak first and the head only follows. Isn't that why we love you despite knowing you're an impostor?"
I think that was more due to Cute-sama.
"And it isn't only that. We're competing to be mommies, yes." Asa went on.
There was more???
"But we also want to feel special. We want to feel like we matter to you. So we're also competing for every word you speak. Even just a glance, a moment where we can think, 'ah, he's looking at me.' Even a 'hi' in the hallways is as precious to us as solid gold bars." Asa said.
"Aren't you exaggerating?" I asked, amazed.
"How much do you think I love you?" Asa asked. "Can you even imagine?"
I felt like she'd punched me in the stomach. I had chosen all of these girls for their otherworldly levels of affection, devotion and constancy straight from the storybooks. Of course 'common sense' wouldn't be a good measuring stick for any of them, and yet somehow I had went and applied it anyway.
"If I gave birth to your child, would you look my way? Would you come up and talk to me? Would you thank me and kiss me and tell me you love me?" Asa spelled out what everyone down beneath the clouds was thinking.
"I love you already. I'm thankful at just the chance to see you at breakfast every day." I replied.
"I'm here, with you, and I'm throwing everything in my heart at you." Asa said from the front of the cockpit. "This is already everything I can give you. This sky, my ability to read the atmosphere and explain it to you, our twincest at night, and looking as beautiful as I can for you during the day, in case you even happen to see me. You have my womb and as many children as you want from me too. But Christopher, we're only receiving 1/100th of what you've got. 1/100th of your heart, if we're lucky, if we aren't being ignored, if we aren't one of the losers of the competition. Maybe, if we're unlucky, it's only 1/1,000th of your heart, or 1/10,000th. If we don't make an impression on you, who knows how low it could go? And do you really think, after hearing this, that we aren't in a desperate, life and death competition, every single day?"
"Is there anything I could do to make things better for you?" I asked defeatedly.
"If that meant your attention became less authentic, I don't think it would help at all. Rationing out your words and treating everyone equally like a robot won't make any of us happy. It's the real moments we can really share with you, where we really talked about something important and you really listened, those are the crown gems. So I don't think you should change at all. This is a problem we just have to struggle with ourselves. This is what it means to be in a harem." Asa replied.
"Do you regret marrying me?" I asked hopelessly.
"Life with you is better than the alternative, don't you think?" Asa quipped. "But no, even if I had an alternative, I would have chosen to be right here with you. Even if it's just 1/100th of your love, I prefer it over anyone else I could imagine. That's how much we're in love with you. Me, and Yoru, and everyone else here too."
"Even Azusa?" I asked hopefully.
Asa laughed. "No, not Azusa. But a lot of us, okay? At the very least, my sister and I have no complaints. We're happy here in Paradise with you. We'll follow you into Hell if you take us there next. To Hell and back again."
We were floating through the heavens though.
That night Asa and Yoru tried a new position with me. Asa sat on my lap and took my penis inside her while Yoru pressed her breasts against my back and wrapped her arms around me from behind to hold hands with Asa in a sort of fenced in chain. Their legs criss crossed each other's and all four encircled me in a meaty prison. When I finished inside Asa, they simply turned me around and then Yoru was staring into my eyes, climbing onto my lap, and Asa hugging me from behind and interlacing her fingers with Yoru's. Their bodies were identical, but the eyes were different. Asa's were always round and kind, drinking me in, while Yoru's were always slitted half shut, judging me and thinking about something else. They were both incredibly sexy in their own way. All too soon I had finished inside both of them.
With Yoru's thigh inserted between my groin, her petite breasts rising and falling with every breath, her sleeping face only inches away from mine, she looked like an angel. All the sharpness was gone and her relaxed face just looked young and vulnerable. Her unbound straw-brown hair floated all the way down below her beautifully curved butt, to that ineffable intersection where the back of her thigh ended and the beginning of her ass began. Asa had leaned her head in against my back and was sleeping on my other side, her arms wrapped around my chest and her palms outstretched to touch as much of me as she could. I wanted to sleep, but I knew if I did I wouldn't get to stare at Yoru's bosom rising and sinking anymore, and it felt like that would be too much of a waste. Another day, another night, that I never wanted to forget. I wanted to think back on it and feel it all over again for as long as possible.
Yoru's purple eyes opened, still heavily lidded, and stared into mine. She nudged her thigh up against my penis and gave me a menacing look. "How long are you going to stare at my nipples? Go to sleep, you nipple maniac." She whispered so as not to wake up her precious twin sister.
"I can't help it. I love you too much." I whispered back, and then my throat felt constricted and I felt sorry for everything I had done. To treat such wonderful girls, who were so good to me, so rottenly. To turn around and sleep with Aoba tomorrow like today hadn't even happened, how could I possibly do that?
"Don't cry you fool. This is the road you chose, so follow it to the end. We're in this together for the next 1,000 years. Don't wimp out on me now." Yoru hissed.
I nodded, blinking my tears back and absorbing some of her strength. "I love you, Yoru. Even when I'm sleeping with someone else, or talking to someone else, or holding someone else's baby, I love you. You and Asa both."
"We know." Yoru whispered, and then she smiled and closed her eyes again. "It can't be helped so stare as long as you want. Just don't blame me if you're too tired for your date tomorrow."
Chapter 23:
The seasons passed, the year turned, and soon enough an entire new batch of children had arrived. Though I had sex with everyone equally, obviously the ones who were nursing their infants were in no shape to get pregnant again, so overall the second brood was smaller than the first.
The mothers to be this time around were: Honoka, Kudryavka, Azusa, Elize, Cheria, Rydia, Tifa, Yuna, Nagisa, Nanoha, Fate, Deedlit, Sora, Sakura Yoshino, Aisia, Sae, Reina, Kobeni, Nico, Chiwa, Sakura Mamiya, Akane and Iris.
Honoka's daughter was named Nagisa Yukishiro.
Kudryavka's daughter was named Kaya Noumi.
Azusa's son was named Kenichi Nakano.
Elize's daughter was named Milla Lutus.
Cheria's son was named Asbel Barnes.
Rydia's son was named Cecil Mist.
Tifa's son was named Cloud Lockhart.
Yuna's daughter was named Hasumi Sea.
Nagisa's son was named Tomoya Furukawa.
Nanoha's daughter was named Vivio Takamachi.
Fate's daughter was named Caro Testarossa.
Deedlit's daughter was named Eltolinde Glade.
Sora's daughter was named Hina Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's son was named Yoshiyuki Yoshino.
Aisia's son was named Jun'ichi Snow.
Sae's son was named Junichi Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Rika Ryuugu.
Kobeni's daughter was named Mashiro Yonomori.
Nico's son was named Agito Yazawa.
Chiwa's daughter was named Ai Harusaki.
Sakura Mamiya's son was named Rinne Mamiya.
Akane's son was named Kou Tsukishima.
Iris' daughter was named Ren Freyja.
All in all, 23 additional children, 12 daughters and 11 sons. Some of the mothers had children that were straight out of the canon source work -- for instance Kud with Kaya or Nanoha with Vivio, so I was delighted with the result. Others weren't so lucky. For some reason Nagisa had a son instead of a daughter, so we would have to wait for Ushio to join us in this world yet again. It just made me revved up for my chance with her next time. There was no way I would stop impregnating Nagisa until Ushio told me, "Papa, daisuki" in a non-heartbreaking situation.
I was happy for all of my mothers, though. To see Wakaba reunited with Kou, Tifa with Cloud or Honoka with Nagisa, how could I not be happy? Of course they wouldn't be the same, but I felt there was power and magic just in the name. Just in the thought they were here now with us, in this world, together at last. Sakura Mamiya had her little Rinne, Sakura Yoshino had given birth (this time naturally) to her son Yoshiyuki, Rydia had her very own Cecil, and all was right with the world. Things were as they should be.
One step at a time I would give these girls back everything they had lost from their origins with interest. By the time our eternal lives were over I wouldn't leave them with any regrets.
So long as the babies were only nursing at their mothers' breasts, crying for no reason, dirtying their diapers and sleeping, I had exactly zero interest in them. They were more grubs than human beings, with whom I could have no meaningful exchanges. I left everything to the mothers and carried on my important responsibilities as Mayor. (like keeping up with all my favorite anime.)
I was the father of 54 children, but none of them were walking and talking so it may as well have still been 0. Even once they hit two years old, the only words they generally spoke were "Mama," to get attention, "No," to say they didn't want to do something, and "Mine" to take whatever they felt like, whether it was theirs or not.
I was fine waving hi to my babies, but until they could at least string a sentence together they weren't worth my time. Maybe I'd try to have a chat with them once they were 5. Before then they would forget anything I said anyway, so really what was the point?
The one thing I felt was truly my responsibility, as the person who named my children in the first place, was to remember all their names, so that when the time came that they did develop separate personalities, I could identify and address each of them as a unique special snowflake. Not as 'you,' or 'brat,' or 'hey,' but as 'Yukino' or 'Takashi' or 'Shou.'
I would have to memorize them quickly, because I had taken Asa's words of warning to heart. This year, year 4 Eden Time (4 E.T.), I'd be sleeping only with the girls who hadn't gotten pregnant yet, so that everyone could keep pace with each other as much as possible. Incidentally, I'd lifted the embargo on Ai, Miu and Rin Nohara's aging so that they could at least reach puberty and join in the fun too. Their loli beauty shouldn't suffer too much from reaching age 12. (Surely, right? I fretted to myself that even 12 was reaching old hag territory. . .). The wives lucky enough to have children already would just have to focus on their children for awhile. And that meant an entire additional motherlode of children was on its way.
I hoped Azusa and Nico were at least happy with their new babies. Maybe they'd never truly warm to me, (though you'd be amazed what people could get accustomed to if you saturate them in it long enough) but at least they were now firmly members of the community. They now had a stake in this village and people who cared about them just like everyone else. Kenichi and Agito. Kenichi and Agito. I had to memorize all these damn names.
"Ah, mou. Urusai Urusai Urusai!" Shana transformed into a red eyed, red haired flaming demon and blasted the water in our power plant into steam, sending the turbine spinning like hell on wheels. I felt like I could actually see our battery banks charging before my eyes.
"Is something wrong?" I approached her tentatively from across the street.
"It's Yuji! He won't stop crying no matter what I do. I carry him, I rock him, I sing to him, and it's never enough. It's just waaaagh, waaaaagh." Shana impersonated her son, her flames blazing forth even hotter than before.
"Sounds tough," I commiserated with her.
"Usually I could punch him or kick him like I always did you, or draw my sword and swing it a few times near his face to put the fear of Shana into him, but I can't do anything when my opponent is my own baby. I have to just sit there and beg, beg for him to listen to Mama and go to sleep." Shana looked like she was going to melt down the entire power plant.
"I'm the Enpatsu Shakugan no Uchite! Contracted to the most powerful Guze no Tomogara, Alastor! Why does Yuji get to boss me around all day every day???" Shana screamed.
"Because you brought him into this world?" I offered helpfully.
"Urusai Urusai Urusai! I distinctly remember you participating in that event, but here you are happily strolling through the streets with your hands in your pockets, whistling!" Shana turned on me. Which was for the best because the power plant really couldn't have taken any more.
"Is there anything I can do to make Yuji feel better when even you can't?" I asked, honestly wondering.
"There's nothing you can do. Yuji won't listen to anyone. Thank Cute-sama for the daycare center, that's all I have to say." Shana sighed, reverting from her sheathe of flames back into her yamato nadeshiko black haired, brown-eyed form. She was beautiful either way but I hadn't seen her powered up for a long time so it was a real lucky break I came across her this morning.
"And now I hear you aren't going to sleep with me anymore because you want to concentrate on the laggards, so there's literally nothing for me to look forward to except Yuji's crying." Shana sighed, kicking the dirt in the road.
"First words, first steps, first solid food, first time he masters the toilet?" I offered.
"Do you get really excited and thrilled every time I take a step, say a word, eat or go to the bathroom?" Shana asked me archly.
". . .I can't say I'm that much of a fetishist." I admitted.
"Those things are atarimaida. I don't respect or care for just anyone who can walk in this world. It takes infiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinity more for me to notice someone. They have to wield a gigantic broadsword, slay gods and save the world or who the heck cares?" Shana snapped.
"Luckily our world isn't being preyed upon." I said.
"How would you know? With your current spiritual power, I could be fighting the Guze no Tomogara every day in subspace and you'd never even notice." Shana said.
"Are you?" I asked worriedly.
"Hmph! Who knows? Maybe I won't save you next time they come to nibble on your power of existence." Shana tossed her head.
"Komarimasu! Save me!" I begged Shana.
"I don't even get to date you for the entire year but I still have to fight off all the monsters surrounding you?" Shana's voice rose in pitch at the unreasonableness.
"We're immortal." I laughed. "We have plenty of time. Wait, you were immortal even before we got here, shouldn't this amount of time be normal for you?"
"I can miss you if I want. I already miss fighting by your side and now I can't even kiss by your side. And all I got was this lousy t-shirt." Shana whimpered.
I carefully walked up to her and hugged her to me. Then I leaned down. She closed her eyes and stood on her tiptoes, and we kissed on the lips in the middle of the street.
"It's not like we're banned from seeing each other." I told her, after I felt like she had calmed down a bit, (though now a portion of my body was far from calm.) "I'll design a better shirt for you and ask Sae to sew it out. I'll pay for it out of my own salary." I promised.
"Oh?" Shana laughed at the ridiculousness of the present. It had only been a turn of phrase but here I was pestering her anyway.
"Hmm, what if it were black with small burning red embers floating in a diagonal slash across your torso?" I said, looking her compact but perfectly proportioned body up and down.
"Do you think I'd look good in it?" Shana asked, her eyes looking up at me like a lost pet.
I pointed at my bulging crotch. "Is there any doubt?"
"Baka. After banning me from helping you out with that, look how you've ended up after just one kiss." Shana giggled delightedly.
"Let's put a loop around the back of your neck to hold it up so it can bare your shoulders. And sweep it all the way down past your collarbones before the shirt really starts. It should expose your shoulderblades and the indention of your spine down the small of your back on the other side too. Your alabaster skin against the black fabric would be the perfect contrast." I started fantasizing.
"If I wore that could you really keep yourself off me?" Shana asked, smirking.
"I can at least look at you all I want. You're still my beautiful perfect wife." I puffed out my chest.
"I'll wear it when I feel like." Shana stood on her tiptoes and kissed me again, just as long as the first time. Then she dropped back down flat on her feet like a gymnast's landing in a perfectly coordinated thump. "I feel stupid, letting a baby get to me. Just you wait Christopher, once I'm done raising Yuji he'll be the best mannered kid in the village. And I'll tell him, 'that's your father, the Mayor. He was chosen by God to rule the world, and he chose me to be his wife.'"
I felt like I was going to cry again so I bit my cheek instead. "I'd like that. Good work charging our power plant, I think I'll head on over to the studio to make our order."
* * *
The mayor's office was down to Kuon and me. Sakura Mamiya was at home taking care of her newborn son Rinne, while Mirajane was at home taking care of her still one year old daughter Hisui. The same was true everywhere. My village now consisted of majority mothers with young infants who needed constant care and supervision. Sae was able to sew up the shirt I ordered from home while her baby slept, so at least my gift to Shana went as promised. But that was the least of my concerns. With Elize and Cheria giving birth, the hospital was understaffed, the one building that could never be understaffed. For now I had Nekone move over to the hospital to start healing in their place. Which meant there were six doctors working every day, for eight hour shifts in groups of two. But what happened once they also gave birth? It's not like the mothers of the two year olds would be in any better position to come back to work.
Even my daycare worker group had been attritted. Sakura Yoshino, Aisia and Chiwa were down for the count, while the number of babies needing attending had doubled. Sora could no longer help out at the mansion, and Deedlit had simply been ordered to take care of her child while directing her sylphs and undines around to continue our crop irrigation and fertilization needs.
The police force was basically annihilated. Nanoha, Fate and Reina were taking care of Vivio, Caro and Rika, so Cute-sama help us if Kuon decided to stage a coup or Rose decided to lay my bones to rest.
When we first got here, we had nothing, and we still managed. I was confident we could manage with nothing again, if needs be, but it was frustrating as mayor to see my village planning all go up in smoke. 54 of my precious wives were out of the workforce. Both Iris and Mitsuki had children now, so the dark matter production of diapers was creaking at the seams. And without diapers our village would end in ruin. The mansion only had Myusel and Chtolly left to do all the chores, from cleaning to laundry to dishes to meals. Luckily they were both powerful mages who could do quite a lot of work when they set their minds to it, but was that even mentally healthy? To push so much on so few for so long?
It was my job to prioritize critical tasks, assign people to the right places, and let the rest lay fallow. The fact was even more of my girls were going to get pregnant, even more children would need tending to, and if I wanted even remotely similar in age siblings for my children the process could never stop. As soon as I got everyone pregnant for the first time, I would need to redouble my efforts on the wives who had first gotten pregnant, so that brothers or sisters could appear that were at least only three years apart, close enough that they could still enjoy playing with each other.
It was like a game of Tetris. The moment you placed a falling block and breathed a sigh of relief, another block started falling yet faster that you had to find a way to forcefully fit in. This couldn't go on. As mayor it was my responsibility to look at the bigger picture and find a solution. Should I just place all our babies in cold sleep until their siblings were born, and then mothers could take care of multiple screaming infants at once?
Did any of my 100 wives have the power of cold sleep? I leafed through our list of super powers and cradled my head in despair. Sakura Kinomoto could freeze time, but only for a few minutes at best. It was way too severe a drain on her magic power to be used for anything practical. If we could somehow channel the power of the Silver Crystal into Sakura's staff of dreams, maybe something could be done, but it was impossible. The two magical artifacts came from different worlds, operated on different principles, and couldn't interact with each other in the least. Just like Kotori's power spot was the only way to animate her golems, Sakura Kinomoto's own magical power was the only fuel for her own spells.
The tavern was a shadow of its former self. With Kobeni, Yuuhi, Akane, Asuna, Tifa and Nagisa down, Makina was the only cook and Aerith the only waitress. I fondly remembered the days I was searching for jobs to give people. How halcyon my woes were back then!
The absolutely essential personnel were Mitsuki, Iris, Deedlit, Kotori, Sakura Kinomoto, any six healers, Myusel and Riko. I'd even task wetnurses to feed their babies if needed. It was important for mothers to bond with their children through nursing, but it was even more important that no one died and we stayed sheltered, clothed and fed. Sakura Kinomoto's Appear magic was the only thing clothing all our babies. So far we'd managed to sneak work in while their babies slept, so maybe it wouldn't come to that. But if that list of girls had the same casualty rates as the tavern workers, how would things go? And ultimately the casualty rate was destined to reach 100% I was working diligently to ensure such a scenario every day.
"How would you like a cup of tea?" Kuon asked, looking at my pained face with a hint of concern.
"I'll drink it if I have to, but I prefer chocolate milk." I replied, still looking for a magic power that could save the day.
"You're older than all of us but your tastes are still so childish." Kuon sighed, searching the fridge for milk and the counter for cocoa powder to mix in.
"Age is just a number." I waved her off. "If I didn't believe that I wouldn't be marrying nine year olds."
"Cute-sama made sure we were okay with all your other wives, which conveniently includes the underage ones. We like to tease you about it but underneath we understand. Ai-chan really is cute. Plus she's shikkari and hardworking, she knows who she wants to be and she strives towards it every day. Her skills and talent are already on level with pros. To me that's an adult, no matter her size." Kuon said, putting the completed glass of chocolate milk down in front of me.
"All my younger wives have achieved feats old grannies could never have dreamed of." I agreed. "They all showed a maturity I could envy, overcoming hardships I could never have withstood. I mean, look at Rin Nohara. She died at age 11, after serving in a long and bloody war, losing most of her friends, and finally sacrificing her life to save her village after being possessed by a gigantic tailed beast. I respect her from the bottom of my heart. Do you know how ridiculous, how insulting it would be to call Rin Nohara 'just a child?' Is she an 11 year old who needs to be told how to live, who to love and what to think by 'wiser' adults? Or is she the wiser adult we should all be listening to?"
"Illyasviel saved her world from a magical disaster, then went and saved an entirely separate world simply out of generalized love and compassion, even though she could have ignored it and stayed at home. And she risked her life, even her sanity, in every fight for total strangers. Is that 'merely an 11 year old?' Or is that a hero? Is that a role model? Do you know how insane it is for a law code to label her my inferior, just because I managed to eat and sleep and eliminate waste and breathe for 18 years in a row? A freaking comatose patient is officially considered better than her."
I downed my chocolate milk in a giant chug and then wished I had more. My throat had become dry from my raised voice in anger at the ridiculousness of Earth's mores. The children of Eden would be raised with a completely different view of adulthood, based on character, on merit, on ability, not absolute nonsense. They were a nuisance right now, but they represented a brilliant golden future, a future where good people would be considered and treated well, and evil people would be considered and treated poorly, without anything arbitrary weighing in on the scales. A generation that believed in justice, just like the name of our shrine.
"When I was a child, I hated all my mothers coddling and sheltering me. I wanted to go out and live my life. I was already stronger than most adults by age three. I had to fight a battle just to escape from home and go on my travels, well into my teens." Kuon shook her head in annoyed remembrance. "I understand and agree with all your choices. The more I get to know my sister-wives, the more I respect them, and the more I respect you for respecting them. I've lived around a lot of great people. They were my comrades in war and we achieved great things together. You were one of them. Somehow, even though you'd lost all your memories, you managed to revolutionize the entire world. But even saying that, looking around, I'm startled. I can't help but admit, today the people I live beside are even better than the world I came from. I mean, Nekone, Aruruu and Eruruu are still here with me, and so are you. But Rulutieh, for instance. Or Ougi. Really good people. They fought through thick and thin for what was right, and were kind and unselfish and helpful with the chores inbetween. But when I compare that to Mitsuki, who killed her own best friend in order to save the D's serving under her command, who risked her life over and over fighting dragons impossibly stronger than her. . . Or take Haruka Saigusa for instance. For her to be judged from day one as somehow evil and filthy, just because she couldn't run as fast as her twin sister, or jump as high, or get as good grades. To be literally tortured every day through no fault of her own, and to still come out of that loving others, having fun, making friends and playing games. It makes you want to cry. . .like, how can anyone be so good?"
I smiled and nodded. "Every one of my wives has a story like that. Well, ideally not as sad as that. But they're all amazing in their own way. Our seed corn, with this new world to grow in, is so ridiculously high quality that it would be impossible for me to fail, no matter how bad a ruler I am."
"But we're still faced with a labor shortage due to an insatiable dick that rampages through us like a scythe through wheat." Kuon reminded me kindly.
"I'd like to punch that bastard in the face." I sighed. "Would it help if we gathered all the babies and mothers together into one place? They could at least chat with each other, not be forced to be stuck in prison with an unthinking crying machine."
"But then all the babies would wake each other up crying on their own terms and none of them could get any sleep." Kuon warned.
I sighed. Of course she was right. "Then just the opposite. What we really need is soundproof rooms we can stick the babies in. Then we could have a monitor room that makes sure they're all okay with one or two women staffing. And then every three hours or so their mom could come in, nurse them, change their diaper, and then leave again, ready to go back to work."
"Babies need to be held. It isn't really their physical health mothers are attending to, it's their mental health." Kuon reminded me.
"The Romanian orphanages." I sighed.
"Hmm?" Kuon asked.
"Back on my world, on Earth, Romania decided to have a lot of kids." I explained to her.
"Just like you." Kuon smiled.
"Yes well, the mothers didn't want to take care of their own children and so they dumped all the babies in state orphanages. The state provided the babies with everything they needed -- food, shelter, clothing, diaper changes -- but it didn't help. The entire cohort was brain damaged for life. They were complete failures. All because no one loved them, and no one tended to them lovingly like a real mom would. Love is an essential ingredient in life, just like milk. The baby needs both to grow." I narrated.
"So every infant, every toddler, needs their very own mother to fuss over them all day long." Kuon summarized. "Or Eden will not survive."
"I can't cut any corners with the babies, so I have to cut corners on our work. The amount of work this village does will have to scale back to nigh zero." I sighed. "And not only for a couple years. Since I plan on giving everyone multiple siblings, for more like a decade."
"It will be okay." Kuon put her hand over mine. "I know you want to improve the village and give us fun careers so that Paradise won't lose to our original lives, but we have all the time in the world for that. Right now we all decided to have your children, so we'll just have to be mothers for a little while."
"It could take decades." I warned. "Decades of nothing but child bearing."
"What's twenty years out of a thousand?" Kuon asked. "We voted 100-0 to transition to this, you didn't ask it of us. We were ready to be mothers and now we are. Everyone but me of course." Kuon glowered.
"Crying babies from dawn to dusk, for twenty years. How can anyone endure it?" I asked. I knew I couldn't.
"Are you really questioning whether Haruka Saigusa can handle a crying baby? Or Chtolly? Or Kudryavka? Or Nagisa? Or Nekone or Lafiel or Sakura Yoshino or Sakura Kinomoto or Mylene or Deedlit or--" Kuon started, until I interrupted her by holding up my hands.
"I understand. I'm still underestimating you girls. For people who have been kidnapped, tortured, or won wars, children are literally child's play. I need only trust you and wait for the kids to all grow up enough to enter the school system." I surrendered.
"Yoroshi." Kuon's tail wagged with delight at my sunao admission of her correctness.
"In that case there isn't much point in my being mayor. I can't direct anyone's labor because there isn't any labor left to direct. I can't make any bold new investments in any new field because there isn't anything to invest. I can't even enforce the law because my whole police force is down and out." I sighed.
"Tessa is still ready to arrest any evildoer who disturbs the peace." Kuon pointed out.
"Until next year." I laughed in despair. "Is there any point in sitting at this desk anymore? I could use the next decade to catch up on Da Capo. All those visual novels were never translated into English, but now, thanks to Cute-sama, I could read them all."
"Why not use this time to get to know your children?" Kuon asked.
"It's impossible. There will be hundreds of them soon enough. No one can bond with that many people. My heart is already maxed out with you all." I said sullenly.
"Then don't think of it as hanging out with your children. Think of it as hanging out with their mothers. You said it yourself, that they'd be bored out of their minds tending to sub-sentient babies all day. So give them company. Go chat with them. Brew them tea." Kuon urged.
"You're a big fan of tea." I smiled.
"Actually I prefer sake but I've been banned for the next couple decades." Kuon grimaced.
"I do want to catch up on Da Capo." I said. "But very well. I'll start doing home visits too. It only requires walking from my bedroom to theirs in the same darn building. Absent an emergency, consider City Hall closed. There's no city left to command, just a lot of bawling brats. Kuon, I want you healing at the hospital starting tomorrow. Any healer is precious beyond words. There's no point in me keeping you here any longer."
"Riko will summon as much food as we need, and Sakura Kinomoto can fix anything that breaks with the wave of her wand. We'll be fine. We'll weather the storm and come out stronger and more united than before." Kuon predicted.
"Unless everyone is driven crazy by boredom and irrationally loud fleshy objects." I made my own prediction.
"Well, husband, it's been nice knowing you. See you in ten years." Kuon held out her hand.
"Once I get you pregnant, I'll do a home stay with you too." I smiled, shaking her hand firmly.
"I'm looking forward to it." Kuon's tail matched her words for once, and I felt like I had passed a test in her eyes. It felt pretty good.
"Are you an idiot?" Sara Chrysalis' yellow irises narrowed in disgust. She was one of my wives who hadn't gotten pregnant yet, so I was spending the night with her. When I told her my decision to step down as mayor her response was swift and biting.
"Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded. Kuon had just agreed it was a good plan a few hours ago, so what could we have possibly missed?
"I think it's a good idea to pay attention to us for the nonce. I agree that it's impossible to get any work done in a situation like this." Sara held up a finger for each point, sipping her beloved coffee as we sat on the bed together. We had been casually watching musicals together that suited her 1950's London upbringing but I decided to pause the movie and listen to her for now.
"But!" Sara pointed the finger of her free hand at me. "What is this nonsense about needing close-in-age siblings, so that we have to shut everything down and become a breeding factory?"
"You're opposed to having multiple kids?" I asked, astonished.
"No, silly. If you want a dozen I'll give you a dozen." Sara looked at me like a lost cause. She was so much smarter than the rest of us she probably always felt that way, but she only showed it so openly around me. Maybe because I was the stupidest person in the village, or maybe because she trusted me to know her love ran deeper than anything else. "Why are we all breeding like crazy right now? Why are you trying to get me pregnant?"
"Because I want everyone to have kids together, with no one left behind." I answered, not getting the question.
"So doesn't that mean every one of our children already have 99 close in age siblings to play with and grow up beside?!" Sara couldn't believe I still hadn't noticed.
I stared at her, bemused. "Technically, yes, they're all half-siblings. But--"
"No buts! Not just technically!" Sara put down her coffee so she could strangle me. "We're one big happy family, right?"
"I hope so." I replied.
"We all live under the same roof, right?" Sara asked again.
"A really big roof, but yes." I agreed again.
"So why can't our children be brothers and sisters to each other? What is stopping them? Who is holding them back?" Sara asked.
"But each of you at least have your own rooms. . ." I objected.
"And real families don't? Real siblings don't?" She arched an eyebrow.
"But if we only cross paths every once in a while--" I started.
"You mean during breakfast, lunch, dinner, bathtime, and whenever one of us picks up our kid, walks over to a friend's room next door, and chats?" Sara asked.
"You mean the mothers are already commingling?" I asked, surprised.
"What did you think they were doing?" Sara sighed, sitting back on her rump and giving me a pitying look. "The babies are already crawling all over each other at daycare. They're crawling all over each other when the mothers put them down next to each other to play. They're throwing food at each other during mealtime and splashing together in the tub. If you told them they weren't brothers and sisters, they'd be the most startled people in the mansion."
So there was no rush to give my children people they could relate to and depend upon. They weren't 100 single children. They were members of one big 100 child family. It simply blew my mind.
"Honestly, for such a huge fan of polygamy, why do you doubt its validity at the crucial moment? Isn't it great that our children have so many relatives? Isn't this what makes us special?" Sara asked.
"Then, once I've given everyone their firstborn. . ." I struggled through the implications.
"I do want one of those. I think you were right to frantically push the pace there. It's no fun being the sex doll while all these cherubs laugh and run through the halls calling out to Mommy." Sara Rukawa said. "But after that, there's no rush at all. We can have our next kids five years from now, ten years from now, and they'll always have dozens of siblings. Because you have all of us breeding with you together, at the same time. If there's one thing in this world we have enough of, it's siblings. This entire harem is designed to maximize the number of siblings in the world."
"So people could return to work again, and fewer would drop out of the workforce next time, because I won't have to get everyone pregnant at once?" I figured it out.
"Just start cumming in our mouths, or take it out and spurt on our thighs, or let us stroke you out at the end and spray it over our belly and breasts. I'm sure you can think of something you'll enjoy. Meanwhile the pregnancy rate will go down, and we can get back to making music, starships and games." Sara Rukawa bowed with a flourish, even though she was already sitting in bed with me, which looked amazingly cute.
Of course, none of this would work without the Silver Crystal. But Sara was right. I could have a dozen children with all my wives and still keep 80% of the workforce active, if only we chose to do so. I had been blinded by my own prejudice. If a polygamous family lives together in loving harmony, half siblings would be full siblings for all intents and purposes. Since everyone here loved each other's children like their own, what was there left to fear?
"So the sex will continue but the crying will eventually stop." I felt like I was floating in relief.
"I don't know how many mothers want their next child immediately. Maybe they love motherhood and want more and more. I don't know how I'll feel until you give me mine." Sara warned.
"So the crying will continue after all." I sighed.
"But I'd be astonished if all 100 of us want to plunge right back into motherhood the moment our firstborn turns three. The storm will pass." Sara predicted confidently.
"So the crying will stop after all." I brightened up.
"I feel like if I told you to jump off a cliff, you would immediately do so. You don't have to trust everything I say implicitly." Sara rolled her eyes.
"But I do." I said helplessly. Was there anyone who was smarter, harder working, more diligent and dutiful than Sara Chrysalis? As far as I was concerned, everything she said came in red text.
Sara blushed when she realized I was being serious and quickly turned to press play on the remote again. "I want to finish this movie before we have sex so be quiet and let me listen."
I sidled up against her and pulled her hand over to my lap, interlacing her fingers with mine. She squeezed my hand once, with all the love in her heart, and let our shoulders and legs warm each other side by side for the rest of the movie.
By the time The Sound of Music ended, I was so drunk with the need to touch her more I stripped her myself.
Sara only nodded and spread her legs, indicating she was ready for me immediately. I felt like we'd been having sex for hours. I could smell her hair, feel her warmth, her softness, and every twitch of her body the entire time, so enticingly close but far away. I was orgasming only twenty seconds after thrusting my way in.
* * *
"Look, Nii-san. I can walk everywhere in the mansion by myself!" Sagiri puffed out her meager chest, showing me pictures of all the rooms she'd entered.
"Technically that still makes you a hikikomori." I smiled, loving the cutest little sister in the world. If all girls would docilely stay at home like her, men could keep their wives all to themselves forever. This made her the perfect woman.
"And the mansion is full of treasures. I can go to the public bath and watch women come and go, in shitagi, full nudes, touching themselves all over. Can you believe it, 99 different beautiful women, all irresistibly lewd, showing themselves off to me on a daily basis. Elf ears, dog ears, metal tails, dog tails, big breasts, medium breasts, breasts even smaller than mine -- it's an all you can eat buffet. My illustrations are continuously inspired. I never got such amazing service at home. Other worlds are great -- really great!" Sagiri gave me a big thumbs-up.
"I've been secretly taking videos, so I can consult my models whenever I want. See?" Sagiri showed me a video of Mira slipping and falling on her butt in the bathhouse, all her body parts moving in interesting ways. "Or look at this!" Sagiri flicked right and now I was watching Orihime using a washcloth to rub between, under, and over her enormous breasts. "Or this!" Eruruu's tail was swishing back and forth, only her nude back and butt showing as she washed Aruruu's hair and ears, whose own tail was curling and uncurling involuntarily with pleasure, also with her back and butt bare.
Sagiri was oblivious to the torturous foreplay she was putting me through, especially since I was spending tonight with her in the hopes of getting her stubbornly unpregnant body pregnant.
Sagiri's next scroll was a video of her dancing back and forth, wearing only a t-shirt as she did her laundry. When she started jumping up and down I kept thinking I could almost see it, I could almost see it.
Sagiri blushed and turned off her smartphone. Apparently that hadn't meant to be part of the show. Too bad, it had been the best video so far. . .
"You're Elf's illustrator now, right?" I cleared my throat, my face red just like hers.
"Since Nii-san suddenly lost your writing talent." Sagiri pouted. "I've been illustrating for Elf's newest series instead. 'Dark Flame of Dark Elf.' I have so many great samples, and she's constantly putting her characters in nude situations, so the ero is many levels higher than when I was a kid. In fact, since there's no censorship to our publishing here, Elf has started to write in sex scenes based on her experiences with you, and I've been drawing them up based on my experiences with you, and it's just. . .heeheehee. . .poyuuuunnn. . ."
I put my hand on her head and stroked her hair, and she smiled and closed her eyes. "You've adjusted really well, haven't you?" I asked happily.
"It's better here. All the annoying people who used to try to break into our house are gone, and no one ever tells me to go to school, go to school. I can still share my illustrations over the internet, too." Sagiri reported to me as I stroked down her long hair like a comb, then started back up again at the top.
"If you're connecting to Earth, don't tell them anything about our private lives." I warned.
"Like how I'm 13 years old but Nii-san took my virginity and now we're trying to have a child together?" Sagiri asked, smiling.
"Down with censorship! Loli incest banzai!" I repeated myself like clockwork.
"It's fine. I'm not stupid you know. I'd never reveal our secret lair and hidden base to the enemy. I want to be as far away from other people as you do. And I'd never turn Nii-san in to the pigs." Sagiri promised. Was that Elf's influence leaking through in her speech patterns? "Besides, Nii-san isn't Nii-san anymore, so you haven't actually had incest with any of us. On top of that, we weren't even blood related to begin with, and in truth I'm nearly 18 now, so don't get so full of yourself. Soon enough even Ai-chan will be a legal loli and your playacting as a brave rebel against the Man will be at an end."
"Kirino, Kobato, Mirajane and Mikan were the only blood-related sisters. The rest are stepsisters or cousins. It's not that I'm deadset on incest or anything, the vast majority of the romances I wished for were normal, socially accepted ones. I'm just tired of people telling us who we can and cannot love. Isn't there enough heartbreak in the world, why do some of the only happy couples in the world have to be violently torn apart to suit some prude somewhere? It doesn't affect them in the least, so why can't they leave us alone? There are people who only fall in love once, who are only loved once, in their entire lives. If you force that couple apart, you may as well have murdered them. You took away everything that mattered to them in their entire life. A loving couple is one of the rarest, most beautiful wonders of the world. It's one of the only justifications for humanity's continued existence. When you spit on it, you're not trampling over one boy and one girl's feelings, you're trampling over all good feelings everywhere, over holiness itself, over the purpose of life in general." I grew impassioned.
"I wish you were my sisters, just so I could stick it to the Man every time I stuck it in you. I'd feel no greater pleasure than to defy them and their evil, abhorrent, vile, despicable laws. And all those birth defects they keep going on about? Bring it on, I have an entire stable of healers who could fix them up with the flick of their wrists." I snapped as an example.
"Well, you'll get your way eventually. Every single one of our grandchildren will be the product of a sister-brother pairing. Unless you intend to gobble up your own daughters, in which case we can have some Papa-daughter pairings." Sagiri replied drily.
"These were the 100 wives I wanted. If I took any more, if I broke the initial contract, that would justify you all cheating on me with all our new sons. There's no way I'm going to let that happen." I swore. "Besides, Makina already cries out "Oh, Papa, Papa, there, there there," in bed so I get all the daughter play I could ever need."
"Should I call Nii-san Papa from here on?" Sagiri looked at me as though to say, 'ah, mou dame mitai.'
"Like I said, I get all I need from Makina!" I protested my innocence. Imoutos were infinitely sexier than daughters, I swear!
"Everyone here is so nice." Sagiri leaned her head back into my chest, so I gave up stroking her hair and wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her from behind instead. "I was afraid of all the strangers you stuck me with, but watching them from my web camera, I got to know them bit by bit, and now they're all family, just like you. Myusel especially, she would always cook me tasty meals and leave them at my door, with little notes like 'gambatte!,' and 'genki ni'. She never tried to starve me out like Nii-san did."
"I told you that was a gokai." I complained.
"Someday, I want to fly atop Valefor in the sky, like I did when I first arrived here and we circled the world. I want to be able to go anywhere and do anything. I'm sure I could draw something even better then." Sagiri said. I actually hoped she would stay my caged bird, but if going outside would make her happy, I guess I should support her.
"I'll hold you tight so you don't fall off." I offered.
"Nii-san wa koi nakute ii. Jibun kara dekiru." Sagiri replied crossly.
"Then I'll look forward to the illustrations you make after your return." I amended.
"Arigatou." Sagiri smiled, snuggling deeper against me. "I have a thousand years to leave the mansion, so I can take it step by step. Even if I fly to the other side of the world, I'd want to fly right back here to tell you about it, so you don't have to worry about anything. Even when I become independent, I'll still be yours forever."
My heart warmed up as she addressed my most hidden worries and doubts. Really, there was no topping Sagiri.
"Matasetene. Nii-san, mou ii-yo." Sagiri took my hands and guided them up her body until they were cupped around each of her breasts over her pajamas. She turned her head to look up at me and I lowered mine to kiss her on the lips.
"Nii-san, daisuki." Sagiri whispered as we melted into one.
* * *
Aerith and I walked through the flower garden Flora had built as part of the schoolyard. We passed by a bunch of babies being entertained by Illyasviel blowing magical bubbles and multi-colored sparkles with Ruby as they laughed and clapped.
"It's good to be alive." Aerith said, taking a deep breath of the flowers' fragrance and stretching her arms over her head, one holding the other at the wrist. Aerith and Tifa were of course modeled after their beautiful Remake versions, just as Rosa and Rydia were modeled after their PSP Complete Collection opening fmv versions. If she had still been the bunch of floating blocky rectangles from the original intimacy would have been a hurdle too high, even for me.
"I cried when Sephiroth jumped out of nowhere and stabbed you clean through. And then your theme started playing and I couldn't believe it. Jenova attacked, Sephiroth ran away, and the whole time I was fighting your theme was playing overhead, that quiet, calm, happy theme, even though you were already dead." I said, torn up just describing it.
"So something like that happened." Aerith put a hand on my arm sympathetically. "But it's all over now. We're safe here. Eden is the safest place in the universe."
"I wonder what Cute-sama was thinking, putting me here. This empty world. If I had wished for something else as my 'one bonus,' like a flaming sword or something, I would have starved to death, not knowing left from right. Was I really lucky to wish for all of you? Or did she see through my intentions, and know what I really wanted was to have you all to myself? Really, truly, all to myself?" I mused.
"Why not ask her at the shrine? Isn't that why we built it?" Aerith suggested.
"Heh, I've prayed to her before, but she never answers. It's like -- 'I did all I could for you, bucko, from here on you're on your own.'" I imagined her.
"You never know. Maybe next time you come to the shrine she'll be there, floating over the offering box, saying, 'Sashiburi! Asobi mashou!'" Aerith encouraged me.
"As someone who lived on after death and did all sorts of divine interventions, maybe you know Cute-sama best. Maybe she's just waiting for the right time, like you did." I smiled at the thought. I'd love to meet that beautiful Goddess again and show her what I'd made of her beneficence.
"I wasn't referring to Sephiroth you know." Aerith smiled enigmatically. "Of course it's great that he didn't stab me this time. But since I was a computer code to begin with, this really is the first time I'm alive. And I have you to thank for that. A life away from the slums, away from danger, away from sickness, bubbling with beauty and life. The world isn't in danger from overpollution. We haven't polluted it at all. Of course I loved you in our first world, too. You were strong and brave and inspired me to do what I must. But I love this you, too. The kind and fun loving Christopher who prefers living in Paradise to cutting down enemies. I think this is the sort of life I would have chosen too, if I had had a choice."
"In another world with 100 ikemen, huh?" I tried to imagine it.
"I'm not that desperate!" Aerith blushed and held both her arms straight down paralleling her legs with her wrists bent outwards. "Mou, shirimasen."
"If I'd wished to live here only with you, we probably would have both starved to death together. Or I guess eaten each other. So in a way my endless lechery saved the world, you know?" I continued teasing her.
"Why is it always so extreme with you? I could have found some edible plants. We would have built a tree house, then I could take out my staff and go hunting. You could cut the hides and fashion us with new leather clothes, go fishing in the streams. . .soon enough we'd have babies and then they'd help us in our old age. . ." Aerith imagined.
"Without the Silver Crystal, before we could even see the first village be founded, we'd die of old age. And with all our children related to each other and no healers left, they'd all die of some congenital defect or other." I prognosticated.
"Ara, but I have miraculous healing powers. I'd cleanse our genes of any defects and our descendants would be set for all time. And due to being half-Cetra, my spirit could still take care of them even after death." Aerith countered.
"I'd forgotten about that." I admitted. "But I still prefer my wish."
"I do too. Tifa's here with me. And all the others make the world so much more lively. I greet everyone as they come in to the tavern and wave them goodbye when they leave, and I get to see their happy faces every day. They always have a kind word for me. It's better with 100. You may have 100 sexual partners, but the rest of us have 100 friends." Aerith agreed.
Aerith was such a good person. It felt like I shouldn't even tarnish her with my dirty hands, even though the whole point of today was to try and get her pregnant.
Aerith interrupted our walk to grab up Cloud from the sandbox. "It's auntie Aerith, Cloud. Takaii Takaii. Takaii Takaii."
The baby giggled and smiled, though he had Tifa's black hair instead of his proper blond. Maybe I should have named him Zack?
"I wonder what you'll name my child." Aerith said, still making silly faces for Tifa's son.
"Tanoshimi." I responded enigmatically. "But we won't get any until we can find somewhere private."
"Oh? For a pervert king like you, right here in the middle of school in broad daylight should be fine." Aerith put Cloud down and returned him to Nemu's care.
That's true. Since everyone here has had sex with me anyway, why couldn't I flaunt our bodies right out in the open in front of everyone? It would be another first time. . .
"Don't mind me♪" Nemu smiled politely. "Plus the children are too young to remember or care."
"Alright then! Let's do it!" My desire evolved into decisive conviction.
"Arrreeeeeehhh," Aerith spun around as I ripped off her long pink skirt.
"No way! Nii-san, you're really going to do it?" Nemu squealed, stepping between us and the four or five babies that were under her watch to obscure their view.
"Love feverrrrrr!" I tackled Aerith to the grass, pulling off her vest and ripping down her blouse. Even four years in, I was still enjoying new things.
* * *
"Nii-san wa zurui. Zurui-yo." Nemu cried as we sat together on the couch of my master bedroom. The plan had been to watch Happiness Charge Pretty Cure together but somehow things ended up like this. "Haven't you been really mean to me ever since we got here? That stunt at the daycare, what you told Ai, isn't it always me being singled out? Are you still pretending not to love me after all this time -- even though there's no one left to get in our way? Even your sperm is bullying me. I'm the only one left without your child."
Oi oi, weren't there still dozens? Asa's floating head appeared inside my mind and repeated, 'Women think with their hearts, and their heads only follow.' If Asa were here she'd know what to say to calm Nemu down, huh. . ?
Every time Nemu sobbed the bell around her neck gave off a quiet ring, and I was reminded what a fragile girl she had always been right beneath the surface. Sickly and scared of being rejected, burning with forbidden love, she had almost died from the power of Sakura Yoshino's jealousy and the wishing tree. Having lost her original family, from the very beginning all she ever had was me. The two of us had lived alone together even during middle school. If I were to treat her coldly, she wouldn't have a single ally left in the world. I had tied that bell around her neck, long long ago, in her origin, and she had continued to wear it as proof that she was my property ever since.
Nemu might be the waifu who loved me most in the world. The tone of veiled disgust she used around me in public was only to keep from drowning in the strength of her feelings and exposing them to the public at large, it was all a veneer to protect her pride. But I had returned every tsun-tsun remark she had made with my own needle back, playing along, having fun with our pretended antagonism, and here we were.
"It used to be the two of us, and then the three of us with Aisia, but now it's 100 and Nii-san couldn't care less about me." Nemu sobbed. "It's just ijiwaru bakari."
I went to the fridge and poured her a cup of barley tea. Then I knelt down so I could look into her downward cast face and offered it to her.
"Iiranai." Nemu sniffed, trying to hide her distorted face from me.
"I thought you knew I was only joking. I thought we were having fun, playing around." I explained.
"Maybe if it's once or twice, but Nii-san!" Nemu angrily brought her eyes up to my level, the bell on her neck ringing from the sudden jerk. "When it's every single time! When there's nothing kind inbetween!"
"I guess sex doesn't count." I proffered hopefully.
"Isn't that me showing my love for you? A beautiful girl like me, letting you do whatever you please with me, of course any boy would jump for it. Do you take me for a fool?" Nemu asked angrily.
"No." I responded, angry at myself. I hadn't done anything wrong, so I refused to apologize. Nemu dug her own grave by always being mean to me first, so what did she expect would happen? But if I didn't apologize, what else could I do to cheer her up?
"I do love you, Nemu. I always have. Since we were kids together. You should know that by now. How long have we been married? Heck, Yume is our own granddaughter. Jishin motte." I cajoled.
"That was then, right?" Nemu challenged. "What about now?"
"Now you're the one girl in the world I tease the most. Boys only tease the girls they like, right?" I answered.
Nemu laughed, then she shook her head. "Zurui. Nii-san wa zurui."
"I could stop, but then I wouldn't know how to act around you at all." I admitted. "Wouldn't that feel even more distant?"
Nemu nodded silently.
"We're bound by the red thread of fate. From childhood to old age, and now again with eternal youth, we'll be going back deep into our old age again. We'll always be together. We've always been together. Out of all the girls I could have ever dreamed of, I chose to spend my second life with you. I admit it, no amount of sex with you can ever prove I love you, not like how you can easily prove your love for me. But I could have wished for someone else. I could have had sex with someone else. Anyone else I wanted. But I wanted you. I wanted to marry you, again, just like last time. I wanted to have sex with you again. I wanted to have children with you again. Because I can't ever get enough of you. The two of us are inseparable. That's the sort of relationship we have. We're stronger than anyone, so jokes and pranks, they're like water off a duck's back. We know we'll always be together, so who cares what it looks like to the world? We know the truth. Neh?"
"Unn." Nemu nodded, her bell ringing softly. "I'm sorry. This is our only night together and all I can do is yell at you like always. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I doubted you. I know better. I really do."
I crawled atop the couch and pulled down her skirt, then her panties. I carefully unbuttoned her shirt and exposed her beautiful cleavage and the illicit flash of her bra. Then I unclasped that and revealed her perfectly shaped, perfectly sized, perfectly colored left breast and nipple, with her shirt still obscuring her right breast from view. Finally I lifted up one of her legs high into the air to get it out of the way and placed my erection against her.
Nemu shuddered with recognition and looked at me with teary eyes. It was the exact same position as our first time had been, ages ago in a different world. "I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too," I smiled encouragingly down at her, and then I thrust my way back into her heart and through.
Chapter 25:
By focusing exclusively on the childless girls, I'd managed to get a great many more pregnant. As year 5 E.T. rolled along, the number of able bodied workers dropped yet again, and the number of new mothers rose yet further. The sleepless apocalypse of never ending crying babies was now truly upon us.
The mothers to be this time around were: Nozomi, Urara, HaruHaru, Riko, Kagome, Aoba, Kaname, Rose, Sophie, Rosa, Aerith, Nekone, Kuon, Kotori, Mavis, Levy, Juvia, Chtolly, Sagiri, Sakura Kinomoto, Myusel, Sara, Nemu, Yume, Sayaka, Isara, Yoru, Asa, Kokona and Nadeko.
Nozomi's son was named Coco Yumehara.
Urara's son was named Nuts Kasugano.
Haruka Haruno's son was named Akito Haruno, or 'Shujin.'
Riko's son was named Moritaka Izayoi.
Kagome's son was named Inuyasha Higurashi.
Aoba's son was named Subaru Suzukaze.
Kaname's daughter was named Nami Chidori.
Rose's daughter was named Edna Dagger.
Sophie's son was named Lelouch Lhant.
Rosa's twin daughters were named Io and Noeri Farrell.
Aerith's daughter was named Yuffie Gainsborough.
Nekone's son was named Izuku Gold, or 'Deku.'
Kuon's daughter was named Anju Black.
Kotori's daughter was named Shizuru Kanbe.
Mavis' daughter was named Zera Vermillion.
Levy's son was named Gajeel McGarden.
Juvia's son was named Gray Locksor.
Chtolly's son was named Willem Seniorious.
Sagiri's son was named Masamune Izumi.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Nunnaly Kinomoto.
Myusel's son was named Shinichi Foaran.
Sara's daughter was named Ricca Chrysalis.
Nemu's daughter was named Alice Asakura.
Yume's son was named Crono Asakura.
Sayaka's daughter was named Yukie Mayuzumi.
Isara's daughter was named Chisato Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Ame Kazato.
Asa's daughter was named Sothis Kazato.
Kokona's son was named Ryoga Aoba.
Nadeko's daughter was named Shinobu Sengoku.
In total, 31 new children were born, 15 boys and 16 girls. Again, various patterns emerged. Asa and Yoru both had daughters at practically the same time. Since they had sex with me together, maybe the result was to be expected. Then there was Nemu and Yume being on the same page, as well as Cure Dream and Cure Lemonade.
The names were the best part as always. Through careful naming, I managed to reunite many women with their previous lovers, like Chtolly with Willem, Kagome with Inuyasha, or Juvia with Gray. There were also daughters who were best friends with the mother, like Mavis and Zera. Sayaka's daughter was named after her older sister, Yukie, who she had always been very close with (in fact we'd even had a threesome together back in our source work), so it felt great to reunite them in this manner. Rosa's twins seemed to only be fraternal so they were not setting up to be next generation's Yoru and Asa, sadly. Well, they'd do in a pinch.
Every name carried deep significance to the mother involved and/or was deserving of recognition as a worthy inhabitant of Eden, the inheritors of our future. A few children were named after the cute girls featured in Dal Segno, not related to their mothers at all, because there were no better names related to the mother to rely upon. In cases like that I simply wanted to see the names of those cute girls living on in the new world, and as the patriarchal head of the family I had the privilege to realize any petty desire I seized upon.
I almost managed to impregnate every last waifu in my harem, but even my herculean efforts over the course of last year weren't quite good enough. 84 of my wives were now moms, with 16 still to go. Ironically, the girl who took my virginity, my very first 'true wife,' Himeno, was among them. Even though she had been so confident she would get pregnant on our first try, here we were three years later. Sometimes that was just how the mathematical probabilities of getting pregnant worked. But with only 16 girls left to impregnate, by concentrating solely on making love to them for the entire next year, I was sure we could celebrate all 100 having their very own firstborns soon enough.
With only 16 girls to cycle through, round and round, we could have sex almost 23 times a piece. That meant twice per month for each of them, which meant I would definitely hit them while they were ovulating every single month. Not even the gods of math would deny my wives their rightful offspring this time around.
Of course this meant there would be some wives whom I hadn't lain with for over two years, but from the very beginning I didn't lay with anyone for over a year, so it really wasn't a big deal. With our extended lifespans, we could take a philosophical stance on all these minor details. It didn't mean I loved them any less than before, I was just looking out for the less fortunate among us like the Communist Manifesto ordained: 'to each according to their need.'
Of the remaining 16, four had been girls too young to get fertile in the past, but were now old enough to bear my child thanks to Sailor Moon shutting off the effects of the Silver Crystal for them. They hadn't had a chance until now, but I'd relented on my love of lolis for the sake of everyone reaching full equality, which I felt was the more important of my two competing desires.
Namely, the 16 as yet without issue wives were: Illyasviel, Rin Nohara, Ai, Miu, Tessa, Mira, Eruruu, Nayuki, Wendy, Sherria, Lisanna, Makina, Emily, Kobato, Himeno and Koko. (Koko seemed to always defer herself to be the very last in getting anything. It was eerie how good she was at avoiding her own happiness.)
Simultaneously, these 16 wives were the only women fit for duty in any job. The mothers of two year olds were no more able to work than the mothers of one year olds or infants. Except when the babies slept, they were all incapable of work. Miraculously, we still had Rin Nohara, Eruruu, Wendy and Sherria to man the hospital, who now operated in 12 hour shifts in groups of two to cover the full day. That was the good news. The bad news is I was having sex with each of them 23 times this year such that they'd be with child too. Which meant next year I would have a bunch of mothers of 3 year olds, 2 year olds, 1 year olds and infants, and not a single woman available for work at the hospital. It wasn't like 3 year olds could be left unsupervised either.
Well, I'd worry about next year next year. This year the bare minimum hospital staff was available, so our biggest worry was addressed. I assigned some of the older girls -- Nayuki, Lisanna, Himeno and Koko to take care of the chores in the mansion in place of the heroic efforts of Myusel and Chtolly, who now had newborn babies to worry about. If nothing else, in order to not starve someone needed to be preparing breakfast and dinner every day. The remaining eight all served in the daycare center. They were so up to their ears in other people's babies it was a wonder they still wanted one of their own, but they all gamely soldiered on.
Like Deedlit before her, Kotori managed to order her golems around to keep up the good work farming while simultaneously tending to her infant's needs. Luckily only one task required hands on work, and only one task required mental work, so it was actually easier than it seemed to juggle both. In a pinch we could have relied on Riko again, but Riko had her own newborn to worry about and it didn't seem fair to plop the entire colony's fate on her shoulders.
I never hated kids so much. Though I suspected I would hate them more next year, when they'd fully occupied every single one of my wives. But it was bad enough already. The mansion was literally crawling with them. They were all loud, smelly and stupid. And somehow I had to memorize all of their names, even though the list kept growing and growing.
I imagined myself repeating this process four, ten, or twenty times and my eyes swirled. Crying babies planned on dominating the entire next century of our lives.
The time I spent with my 16 as yet unsullied wives became all the more precious. They were my only escape from the endless wailing babies. And yet paradoxically every day I spent with them meant another closed escape path, as I undid my very own footing by pumping ever more semen towards their ripening eggs. Maximum insanity awaited. I was bringing it closer to fruition every day with my own two hands (or one erect dick if one wished to be precise).
I started taking long walks up our mountain trails to get away from it all. I went camping with the girl I was to bed that night, and we listened to the beautiful sound of silence under the stars, eating simple meals of beef jerky and chocolate bars. Likewise I started to pick up snorkeling at the beach. Underwater was a great sound cushion, and watching the fish swim by gave me a sense of peace and tranquility the mansion no longer could.
I never went to work at city hall anymore, because there was no possible work anyone could be ordered to do. Some days I barely left my room and contentedly read up on Da Capo, as I said I would. Aside from dutifully copulating with my remaining 16 wives, I tried to close myself off from the world entirely. There were just too many non-sentient actors in my home at once. I became repulsed at the very sight of them, like a vampire faced with the cross.
Mothers cooing over their children happily seemed to me ludicrous, hideous, Lovecraftian. And though I thanked them all for their patient service to the cause, I could not understand why they hadn't all strangled their babies by now and brought back the peace and quiet we once took for the norm.
Perhaps a boy really could raise a baby or two on his own. Perhaps he could put up with all the nonsense babies partook of and Mr. Mom with the best of them. But I dare any boy to raise 85 babies at once and maintain their sanity for four years running.
* * *
You would think the 23 days I spent with Wendy that year would be some of the happiest days of my life. But each of those days was after she had already worked at the hospital, mostly taking care of other people's sick babies, for twelve hours straight. She was completely exhausted and most of the time plain asleep. Her workday would be starting again shortly, and then there was still the time she needed to eat and bathe and brush her hair and all the rest. All it amounted to was 23 quickies, tired smiles, brief kisses, a few terms of endearment, and then she would be fast asleep in my arms.
The same was true for the staff working at the mansion. Lisanna could use her takeover magic to make a few chores easier, like sweeping the floors swiftly with the speed of a cat, but essentially four women were taking care of 186 people's food, laundry and dishes every day. The idea that they could be looking forward excitedly to our date at night was simply naive.
The best days were with the daycare group. They would arrange to cover each other's shifts, so that I could spend the whole day and night with them, usually in the mountains or at the beach. They were ebullient to get out of town, like I was, and had the energy to keep me company throughout. They were my oasis in the desert, just as I was hopefully theirs.
Even so, there were so many children, and we were all getting so little sleep now, that truly the whole year passed in a haze.
The year after, Paradise officially renamed itself Hell, as Asa had predicted I would send us to.
6 E.T. was the year every single one of my wives had a newborn child to tend to. I had succeeded in my mission -- not just 100 sexual partners, 100 mothers of my children, the true meaning of wives, all one big happy family. I simply hadn't realized what it meant for all 100 to become mothers at once.
The mothers to be this time around were: Illyasviel, Rin Nohara, Ai, Miu, Tessa, Mira, Eruruu, Nayuki, Wendy, Sherria, Lisanna, Makina, Emily, Kobato, Himeno and Koko.
Illyasviel's son was named Heracles von Einzbern.
Rin Nohara's son was named Kakashi Nohara.
Ai's daughter was named Ai Yashajin Hinatsuru.
Miu's daughter was named Nodoka Takanashi.
Teletha's daughter was named Cethleann Testarossa, or 'Flayn.'
Mira's son was named Kyoma Yurizaki.
Eruruu's son was named Hakuowlo Green.
Nayuki's son was named Yuichi Minase.
Wendy's son was named Natsu Marvel.
Sherria's daughter was named Minette Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Spike Strauss.
Makina's daughter was named Michiru Irisu.
Emily's son was named Lawrence Granger.
Kobato's daughter was named Sena Hasegawa.
Himeno's son was named Kiyotaka Katsuragi.
Koko's daughter was named Minatsu Tsukishima.
The full cast of 101 children, one for every adult, had been assembled. A dependency ratio of 50% was not unheard of in modern society, but one where the entirety of that 50% was under the age of 5 was another story entirely. Not a single child was old enough to go to school. Not a single child would be safe if left unsupervised. They could fall off something, choke on something, cut themselves, poison themselves, wander off into the woods and get lost and eaten by wild beasts, or anything imaginable. The one thing they couldn't manage to do is look after themselves.
The daycare center was swarming with children so that critical hospital, mansion, farming and manufacturing staff could continue working. The mothers of newborns were of course exempted from any other workload, but that meant a bunch of mothers of 3 and 2 year olds were put back to work in their place. Kotori and Deedlit heroically soldiered on to keep feeding us, while Mitsuki and Iris heroically dark mattered up the infinity diapers we went through every day.
The names this time also called upon a rich history of wonderful acquaintances to the mothers -- their lovers, friends or relatives. When that wasn't possible, alternatively there were instances like Tessa's daughter Cethleann, who was named after a beautiful healer from Fire Emblem. I felt Cethleann was a wonderful enough girl that she deserved some level of representation in Eden, even if not as my wife, and so Cethleann it was. Another example was Miu's Nodoka, who was based off of the shy but brave girl from one of my favorite manga, Negima. Like Makie before her, she was too attractive to ignore despite her lack of a connection to any of my wives.
It was good to see Natsu join our community. Mira finally got to reunite with her Kyoma, and Himeno with her lover and step-brother Kiyotaka. My favorite name had to be Ai giving birth to Ai. I couldn't resist the symmetry of double Ai's appearing not only in Ryuuou, but here as well. When both Ai's were present, we called the littler Ai 'Yasha,' which worked for a pretty girl's name just as well, but someday down the road, when she had enrolled in school for instance, I fully intended to address her as Ai as well. The lesson Ryuuou no Oshigoto had taught me is that there could never be enough Ai's in the world.
Putting it all together, the parentage and names of my 101 children were:
Mai's son was named Shou Mishou.
Asuna's daughter was named Yui Yuuki.
Keiko's son was named Wesley Ayano.
Suguha's daughter was named Rika Kirigaya, or 'Lisbeth.'
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Komari Natsume.
Haruka Saigusa's daughter was named Kanata Saigusa.
Yui's son was named Takashi Hirasawa.
Leia's son was named Jude Rolando.
Rinoa's daughter was named Selphie Heartilly.
MOMO's daughter was named Sakura Mizrahi.
Aruruu's son was named Kurou Green.
Misuzu's son was named Yukito Kamio.
Lucy's daughter was named Yukino Heartfilia.
Mirajane's daughter was named Hisui Strauss.
Sakura Haruno's son was named Sasuke Haruno.
Lafiel's son was named Jinto Abriel.
Yukino's daughter was named Ezekiel Ouhama, or 'Ell.'
Usagi's son was named Mamoru Tsukino.
Shana's son was named Yuji Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Rito Yuuki.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Minato Katagiri.
Rin Tohsaka's son was named Shirou Tohsaka.
Orihime's son was named Kazui Inoue.
Hozumi's daughter was named Makie Schmetterling.
Mylene's daughter was named Minmei Jenius.
Lyria's son was named Gran Jewel.
Meiko's daughter was named Naruko Honma.
Kirino's daughter was named Ayase Kousaka.
Mikoto's son was named Touma Misaka.
Louise's son was named Saito Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Mitsuki's daughter was named Tia Lightning Mononobe.
Honoka's daughter was named Nagisa Yukishiro.
Kudryavka's daughter was named Kaya Noumi.
Azusa's son was named Kenichi Nakano.
Elize's daughter was named Milla Lutus.
Cheria's son was named Asbel Barnes.
Rydia's son was named Cecil Mist.
Tifa's son was named Cloud Lockhart.
Yuna's daughter was named Hasumi Sea.
Nagisa's son was named Tomoya Furukawa.
Nanoha's daughter was named Vivio Takamachi.
Fate's daughter was named Caro Testarossa.
Deedlit's daughter was named Eltolinde Glade.
Sora's daughter was named Hina Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's son was named Yoshiyuki Yoshino.
Aisia's son was named Jun'ichi Snow.
Sae's son was named Junichi Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Rika Ryuugu.
Kobeni's daughter was named Mashiro Yonomori.
Nico's son was named Agito Yazawa.
Chiwa's daughter was named Ai Harusaki.
Sakura Mamiya's son was named Rinne Mamiya.
Akane's son was named Kou Tsukishima.
Iris' daughter was named Ren Freyja.
Nozomi's son was named Coco Yumehara.
Urara's son was named Nuts Kasugano.
Haruka Haruno's son was named Akito Haruno, or 'Shujin.'
Riko's son was named Moritaka Izayoi.
Kagome's son was named Inuyasha Higurashi.
Aoba's son was named Subaru Suzukaze.
Kaname's daughter was named Nami Chidori.
Rose's daughter was named Edna Dagger.
Sophie's son was named Lelouch Lhant.
Rosa's twin daughters were named Io and Noeri Farrell.
Aerith's daughter was named Yuffie Gainsborough.
Nekone's son was named Izuku Gold, or 'Deku.'
Kuon's daughter was named Anju Black.
Kotori's daughter was named Shizuru Kanbe.
Mavis' daughter was named Zera Vermillion.
Levy's son was named Gajeel McGarden.
Juvia's son was named Gray Locksor.
Chtolly's son was named Willem Seniorious.
Sagiri's son was named Masamune Izumi.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Nunnaly Kinomoto.
Myusel's son was named Shinichi Foaran.
Sara's daughter was named Ricca Chrysalis.
Nemu's daughter was named Alice Asakura.
Yume's son was named Crono Asakura.
Sayaka's daughter was named Yukie Mayuzumi.
Isara's daughter was named Chisato Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Ame Kazato.
Asa's daughter was named Sothis Kazato.
Kokona's son was named Ryoga Aoba.
Nadeko's daughter was named Shinobu Sengoku.
Illyasviel's son was named Heracles von Einzbern.
Rin Nohara's son was named Kakashi Nohara.
Ai's daughter was named Ai Yashajin Hinatsuru.
Miu's daughter was named Nodoka Takanashi.
Teletha's daughter was named Cethleann Testarossa, or 'Flayn.'
Mira's son was named Kyoma Yurizaki.
Eruruu's son was named Hakuowlo Green.
Nayuki's son was named Yuichi Minase.
Wendy's son was named Natsu Marvel.
Sherria's daughter was named Minette Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Spike Strauss.
Makina's daughter was named Michiru Irisu.
Emily's son was named Lawrence Granger.
Kobato's daughter was named Sena Hasegawa.
Himeno's son was named Kiyotaka Katsuragi.
Koko's daughter was named Minatsu Tsukishima.
I planned on continuing to have children until at least Nagisa gave birth to Ushio, but frankly, I was tuckered out. For at least a little bit, I didn't want to impregnate anyone more. I found it difficult to even maintain a sex drive. But for all those wives who had been waiting so patiently for the laggards to get pregnant, I felt duty-bound to return the affection that had for so long been withdrawn from them, so the 100 day 100 wife sexual cycle grinded onwards, draining me yet further. I just made sure to cum outside their vaginas if they were ovulating, so no more horrors would join the picture. The new mothers could see the reasonableness of my decision on that front.
With every wife clutching their very own baby to their breast, a deep air of contentment suffused the village. Their first worry, that I might give up halfway through, or that they weren't fertile at all, had at least been resolved. The next worry, like how on Earth we were going to take care of all these kids, was actually minor in comparison.
Now all 100 of us were sealed together by blood, not mere airy phrases. Now all 100 of us had provided a physical, concrete, enduring result of our love. It came at a steep price, but it meant something, to all of us. Our polygamous family had never felt closer or realer than the day Koko finally gave birth.
It made our 100 wife sleepover to celebrate Nico's consent to sexual relations look like a molehill to Koko's mountain.
And to think, even now, our marriages, our lives, our New Game+, was just beginning. The vast majority of our children were yet unborn. The vast majority of our new world was yet unsettled. The vast majority of our city was yet unbuilt. This, the moment when all my wives became mothers and thus superior to gay marriage or marrying your pet horse or marrying a sidewalk or whatever Earthlings were up to these days, was only the most basic and obvious step in our journeys together.
I could narrate all sorts of fun and interesting events that happened this year, except if there were any, they passed in and out of my brain in a gray blur, never to be recalled again. None of us were in a good mood, we were all sleep deprived, the babies were always crying and hitting each other, and it was a struggle to have hot meals ready for everyone each night. Juvia and Shana were heroines true to any of their greatest achievements in battle keeping the water and power on.
Year 7 E.T. was only slightly better, because only a small portion of our 101 children were old enough to not get themselves killed the moment you looked away. Plus we were even tireder than before, because we'd been taking care of babies for an even longer sustained period than the year before.
Perhaps the first time I have any concrete memory of having some free time to enjoy with someone I cared about was Year 8 E.T. At that point half of our children were old enough to attend school, hospital shifts for our healers became sane again, and mothers were able to sleep while their children were running around playing outside. By refusing to impregnate anyone else, the storm had finally passed.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter, Nunnaly, was three years old, which meant she could be entrusted to daycare without crying the entire time. With the magic of Appear back online, life gradually started to improve again.
Perhaps just as welcome, the trees we had planted when we first got here started bearing fruit, giving us access to an entire new slew of dietary pleasures. I upgraded my drink from chocolate milk to orange juice, apple juice, lemonade and all the rest. It was a new fruit juice every day, the first drink of it in almost a decade, and every sip tasted like heaven.
That was probably my fondest memory in years: My first glass of orange juice in another world.
Chapter 26:
If you have 101 children, some of them are bound to have all sorts of difficulties. Autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, asthma, allergies, you name it. But due to the various abilities on offer at the hospital all those issues were wiped away and all of our children were developing normally. We didn't have to play Russian roulette with childbirth here in Eden, we automatically, invariably hit the jackpot. Likewise, due to the hawk-like supervision of their mothers and the powers available at the hospital (and the fact that in a village of this size it was quite easy to reach said hospital quickly), not a single one of our children died due to illness or accident.
No sudden infant death syndrome here, thank you very much. Our babies were here to stay.
Our children were too young to really determine if any of them were fruitcakes, but if the issue came along that too would be cured by Orihime's power of rejection.
In the modern world, around 20% of children had a serious defect. Whether it be a mental illness or preference for sexual degeneracy, having a child meant running the gauntlet. Here in Eden I could have 101 children and not worry about a thing. As promised to Cure Flora, the number of defective children born into this world was 0%.
Just the fact that the mothers were teenagers instead of 40 year olds already helped greatly. The lack of weird chemicals in all of our products, our air and our water contributed equally. And finally magic handled the rest.
I had thought that with sufficient resources polygamy had no drawbacks. If you can feed, clothe and shelter all your children, why couldn't you have a vast harem? With Sakura's Appear magic, the baby's clothing and shelter was taken care of. With Kotori's golem workforce, our food was planted, cultivated, harvested and processed into edible form without any of us having to lift a finger. With Shana and Juvia's steam turbine, our buildings had heating and air conditioning, refrigeration, laundromats, lighting, stovetops, microwaves, dishwashers, etc. Economically we should have been able to take care of thousands of additional people, much less 101.
What I had not accounted for was time. Babies required huge amounts of people's time. They had to be cared for with a personal touch, in a way that they could bond with their mother and feel safe and comfortable throughout the growing process. There was no substitute, no product, no manufactured good, no golem that could step in to do this job. In a monogamous marriage, two parents could balance the amount of time spent with the child, giving them leeway to sleep or just relax for a night off. In a polygamous harem, I couldn't be of any help at all to the mothers. They had to stay with their children 24/7.
Now, the wives used their ingenuity to come up with their own solutions. When one mother wanted to take a bath, eat dinner, take a nap or get some work done, she would offload her baby onto the mother next door. The two babies would hopefully play together for a while, and the assigned babysitter would make sure they both didn't get hurt.
By trading their babies back and forth like this, they could open up windows of breathing room for themselves. But there was no substitute for cuddling and pair bonding with a baby than their actual mother, who would nurse them at her breast. The baby could tell the difference between a stranger's touch and their mother's, and they would not stay content for long.
If I had been 100 men instead of one, I could have been the one to hold the baby while mother slept. I could have been the intimate associate a baby could rely on other than the mother. But I was only 1 person so trying to help out was a waste of time. There's no way I could have made a sufficient impression on 101 separate children that they could trust me the same as their own mothers.
I thought monogamy was preferred because it meant 100 separate paychecks flowing into the family vault instead of just 1. I was naive. Monogamy's best selling point was that two trustworthy adults were available to take care of every needy child. You could not buy time. Time was the bottleneck to childrearing, not money.
Monogamy had its uses -- but even as a polygamous family, we had figured something out. Our babies were happy and healthy. And polygamy had its own advantages -- like getting to hang out with all sorts of different cool people and never getting bored with each other -- so now that the crisis was past, I was feeling pretty good about my choices.
Polygamy worked -- if the mothers got along, if they were all faithful to their husband, and if I treated everyone if not exactly equally, at least well. If I at least showed that I loved them and there was a place for each of them in a corner of my mind, the rickety ship would continue to sail.
We had reached a point where it was better for the kids to have their own rooms, so Sakura Kinomoto and Lucy (wielding Gemini she was as good as a 2nd Sakura) were tasked with adding additional floors and elevators to our mansion. The caretakers of the mansion could only walk so far, so stacking higher instead of wider was the only sensible solution. Most of the 2nd floor was a replication of the 1st floor via Sakura's Mirror card, so it went much faster than one would expect.
Just like this, if we had a 2nd batch of kids, we could just add a 3rd floor, and so on. I wouldn't mind everyone living together for multiple generations of grandchildren and great-grandchildren in our very own Burj Khalifa. If we love each other, why live apart?
In two more years our children would be grown up enough that I could resume impregnating girls who were ready for a 2nd. But if there were more than 10 girls asking for it at a time, I decided to resolve the issue by lottery and only try to impregnate the 10 winners. I didn't want more than 10% of our women knocked out of the workforce tending to young children ever again. We had plenty of time, so from here on we should take our time and relax a bit more.
It may seem strange, but even though I'd been living with my wives for 8 years now, I felt like I'd barely gotten to spend any time with them yet. I actually missed them fiercely when the babies hijacked our abode. I wanted to go out on dates again, see what cool new art Earth had made while we were busy and enjoy it together, and have nice romantic sex with girls who weren't tired and hoping to get it over with.
And now that many of my children were five years old and capable of stringing sentences together, I wanted to spend time getting to know them too. Rather than crying babies, if I could spend some family time with mothers and children together, read to them, listen to music together, go on walks together, and get all the children used to my face and who their Papa was, I thought that was the better investment right now. But we did need more babies. Especially for the mothers who wanted more. I wasn't against new life entering the world, it was just a lesson I had taken newly to heart: 'moderation in all things.'
I decided the best way to get to know my children was to become their "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality" teacher for two hours out of every day. This wasn't as difficult as it first may have seemed. For now all it meant was watching Pretty Cure together. But someday, when their vocabulary increased and they began to understand more of the human heart, they could consume the good stuff, and I could instill into them the moral lessons I wanted them all to have before reaching adulthood.
It also didn't hurt to have a grown man with a deep voice telling the kids to shut up and sit still. Compared to the loving mothers they were used to being cuddled by, they had an awe of this strange organism that looked and acted differently from everyone else they had ever seen. I may as well have been a T-Rex I was such a rare specimen, and it put the fear of Cute-sama into them. Which was kind of funny because most of the girls in my harem could have easily beaten me up. But I was tall and big and old and gruff, and all my wives treated me deferentially as both husband and Mayor, and so the myth was instilled in the kids' heads that upsetting me was a bad idea.
"Listen to your father and do as he says." Was a phrase often kicked around whenever I came to visit their personal shared rooms. Since my children loved their mothers and trusted them implicitly, they accommodated themselves to this new world order, and so I usually interacted with children while they were on their best behavior.
I kept a set of flashcards with the names of all my children and who had begat whom. Every night I drilled with them until I could finally remember all the relevant information. The names of my wives, the names of my children, and which wife was the mother of which child. I drilled and drilled and drilled, and so when I saw them in school I was able to attach a name to every face, and be their proper teacher and father who knew them personally, as an individual. That had been my minimum benchmark as a parent. Sakura Mamiya's son was Rinne. Kuon's daughter was Anju. Neither of them would be sad or mad.
Incidentally, all of our children were raised speaking Japanese. We may not have had a common tongue in the 1st generation, but we all agreed it would be best for the children if we settled on one for the 2nd generation, and the vast majority of my waifus came from Japanese settings, so Japanese it was. My goal was for all of my children to be bilingual in both speaking and writing, English and Japanese, so they could understand as much of the world's accumulated knowledge and art as possible. Yet another reason school would be so important for them to attend.
* * *
We started breeding in year 2 E.T. It took four years for all of my wives to give birth, so that took us to 6 E.T. It took another five years for all our children to enter the school system, which brought us to 11 E.T. No new children were allowed until this benchmark was passed. The oldest children were 8 years old and the youngest were 5, so we had 1st through 4th graders learning progressively harder material in different classrooms with different teachers. I assigned Nozomi to the highest grade, Nemu to teach the 3rd graders, Yume to teach the 2nd graders, and Himeno to teach the 1st graders. This conveniently allowed Nemu to also serve as the school nurse, the job she’d always aspired and trained for. In addition we introduced two elective sports our children could play with the appropriate grounds, uniforms and equipment. Sayaka was the coach of the soccer squads and Chiwa of the baseball teams.
Wakaba instructed all of the children how to swim and acted as their lifeguard in the school swimming pool.
Someday, when there was a large enough population, I intended to introduce more sports like basketball, volleyball and tennis. But with even two soccer teams that was 22 players, and two baseball teams who could play each other was 18 players. Take into account at least a couple substitutes for each team and you were up to 26 soccer players and 22 baseball players. That was already 48 children out of our 101 to play the bare minimum of one game against each other. Some children weren't interested in organized physical activity and thus soccer + baseball soaked up the entire available pool of recruits.
"Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality" class was taught with all four grades together. This was because there was no need to get all the children to concentrate on the same thing together. So long as they were reading or watching something on the approved list, they were properly doing their schoolwork. We gave each of them their own personal iPad with streaming access to all the approved content buried deep in our server's memory vaults. My job was simply to make sure they were staying on task, making use of at least one choice or another, weren't making noise or hitting anyone and disrupting the other students, and being there to answer any questions the children might have about a word they didn't understand or a scene they didn't understand, or discuss with them what they liked or didn't like about the story they'd just imbibed. Though I was intent on getting my kids to learn morality from this approved list, it was still the easiest and most fun part of their day -- because they could choose for themselves what they found most entertaining out of all the best entertainment the world had ever produced and then pass the course just by being entertained by it.
As far as the kids were concerned my course was a brief break from school, like a long relaxing lunch hour. They didn't realize this was the main reason school existed.
On that note, the school cafeteria seated all 101 of our children together, where they could gather, chat about what had happened so far today, and eat fresh good meals. The cafeteria ladies who handled cooking lunch, serving lunch and cleaning up after lunch were Aisia, Koko and Menma.
We also had an arts and crafts elective, where if you didn't like soccer or baseball but also still wanted to hang out with friends after school, you could be taught acting, singing, dancing, sewing, drawing and the like. Kobato was their teacher, and she would invite in experts to give demonstrations and lessons according to their field. Our kids had access to some of the greatest talents in the world, from Urara to Nico to Nadeko to Kirino to Sae, so the classroom was always lively.
The core courses, the hard learning, were English, Japanese, History and Math. Perhaps when they got older the curriculum could expand, but until they were literate and numerate it's not like they could understand anything more anyway so it would have to wait.
As such, the school day went like this:
1) Arrive at school, a short walk away from home, chatting with your siblings along the way, at 9:30 am, after everyone having eaten breakfast together in the mansion.
2) Separate into 1st through 4th grade classrooms.
3) First period, 45 minutes -- learn to read and write Japanese appropriate to your grade level.
4) Second period, 45 minutes -- learn math appropriate to your grade level.
5) Third period, 45 minutes -- learn world history and the lessons to be derived from it appropriate to your grade level.
6) Lunch break/Recess, 1 hour -- eat something delicious, hot and nutritious, go out and play if you like.
7) "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality" class, 2 hours -- watch, play or read whatever you want from the approved list.
8) Fourth period, 45 minutes -- learn to read and write English appropriate to your grade level.
9) After school elective, 1 hour -- swimming (As a community that lived near the beach, I was adamant that all our children know how to swim. There would be no tragic drownings like what happened to Wakaba in her source work on my watch. Wakaba herself would make sure that would never happen again) until you've demonstrated mastery, and after that either soccer, baseball, arts and crafts or kitakubu.
10) Walk back to the mansion with your siblings and get ready for dinner, where everyone would assemble together yet again.
As such, school lasted from 9:30am to 3:30pm for people who elected to go home, and from 9:30am to 4:30pm for those who wanted to stay and play with their friends. Six or seven hour school days depending. There was no homework. Just like real work, once you punched out of school, your school day was considered finished, and you didn't have to think about it again until tomorrow. The rest of the day was yours to do with as you pleased.
Since our children were intelligent and well behaved, thanks to the genes of their overspecced parents, they could easily keep pace with the learning speed of regular children back on Earth even with this lighter menu. If anything we were progressing faster than the normal school year. Our children were more mature than theirs on a year for year basis.
I intended to introduce school uniforms, mainly so that I could see all the cute girls dressed up in sailor outfits, but only starting in middle school. Starting in high school they would level up into a newer and even better looking uniform. School uniforms were meant for the chosen people -- people mature, well behaved, disciplined and beautiful enough to lend them their proper grace. Until they had the figures to merit those holy trappings, it would just be a mockery of the real thing. For middle schoolers it would be the underclassman uniform from Da Capo. For high schoolers it would be the uniform from Rewrite.
Perhaps for our grandchildren I could switch things up into a different cosplay set but I was confident in my choices for this generation. The girls of these series were simply ravishing. Dressing up like them could never go wrong. Boys in school uniforms also looked much more handsome than the sloppy, baggy stuff plaguing America. And since these children were supposed to get together, marry and have children by age 20, I wanted everyone to look their best while they commingled in class. It was important for love to bloom naturally while they had a chance, because for anyone who wasn't finding a handsome or beautiful partner there was only arranged marriage left.
Also in middle school I intended to introduce an additional 1 hour block of instruction: job training. The kids would each choose how to become good at something practical and necessary to our lives, like construction, manufacturing, repairs, computer programming, nursing, etc., and learn to do it. No one could teach them these skills because none of us had any of them, so it would be on the honor system whether they became effective or not. Someday all our magicians would be dead and we would need our descendants to know how to do all necessary tasks to maintain a technological civilization. Once we got down to grandchildren, I hoped to introduce a master-apprentice system, where those with useful job skills would personally train up their successors, but we didn't have any masters so obviously apprenticeship was not currently an option. They would just have to learn it all from textbooks, YouTube tutorials and practical hands-on experimentation. As our children became accustomed to their jobs, I hoped to rely more on their work and less on our magic until they could produce everything we needed without any cheats.
Middle School included the three grades of 12-13 year olds, 13-14 year olds and 14-15 year olds. It started in April and ended in March, just like in Japan, but the cherry trees were always in bloom and the temperature here was always temperate, so there was no need for summer or winter uniforms, (we wore perpetually summer uniforms, all the better for me to look at the luscious maidens with) and no real sense of the seasons passing.
High School included the three grades of 15-16 year olds, 16-17 year olds and 17-18 year olds. After that there was no college, so they would have to apply at the Mayor's office for a suitable job based on the job training field they had selected, of which 'mother' or 'housewife' were fine. I would assign them their 'Sacred Task,' as it were, give them their citizen's dividend, build however many extra rooms they needed in our ever-growing mansion, and they could be well on their way having their own children without any fear of want.
I felt like I had a good plan for these 101 kids. Now all they had to do was grow up and live it out. If they followed my plan, utopia awaited them. If they didn't, well, I would order one of my enforcers to throw them off a cliff. There was no sense in letting bad apples proliferate and like a cancer undermine our perfect society. Paradise required the right kind of people, and the right kind of people were the ones who could follow my orders.
If members of the 2nd generation couldn't meet a minimum floor of goodness I didn't want them. I didn't need them. We could kill them and try again with some new children who listened and behaved better. I had all the time in the world, and 100 eternally young wives, to do things over and get things right.
* * *
It was year 11 E.T. Our children were all out of diapers and in school, my wives were back at work doing what they enjoyed doing (or what needed to be done, whether they enjoyed it or not. I think they enjoyed it though?), and I was ready to start flirting with them and impregnating them again. When I opened up the lottery system for those who wanted a second child, all 100 volunteered.
I asked them if they were crazy, to want to go through the same thing so quickly, but they said it would be unfair to demand all of their children marry and have two children by age 25 if they didn't show the willingness to do the same, and so they had agreed amongst themselves that they would all try for two kids before their kids had their first child. As role models and trailblazers, it was up to us to show them how it was done.
If I impregnated ten wives every year for the next ten years, I could produce a full second batch by the time our eldest were 18 and graduating from high school, so the timing was just right. We agreed that all ten lottery winners would get to have sex with me during each half of every month, for maximum chance of germination. That meant the remaining 10 days of each month would be afforded to the unlucky 90 wives who didn't win the lottery. Or in other words, each of them would get a day with me and to have sex with me in a non-impregnating way over the course of the year, but only one, compared to the lottery winner's 24. Again, I felt the lesson of 'moderation in all things,' applied. No one completely shut out, and no swarms of babies all at once, would maximize happiness for all.
The lottery winners were Asuna, Rin Natsume, Rose, Deedlit, Yume, Koko, Yukino, Isara, Yoru and Chiwa. However, Yoru insisted she would never have sex without Asa so we made a special exception and included Asa as a lottery winner too. So for the first year of pregnancy resumptions, I was lucky enough to have twenty-four twincest dates over the course of the year. I got hard just thinking about it.
Chapter 27:
Long story short, by 21 E.T., I had 100 more children by my 100 wives, who had all fulfilled their base quota. This time there were never so many vacancies in any one job that our workforce was overwhelmed, everyone got at least a little love every year, and yet there were still plenty of near-age siblings for the secondborns to play with.
At the same time, it did mean that for 4 years out of the previous 10, my wives' careers were disrupted yet again, so it was very difficult to put together any interesting long term projects. Like usual we relied on magic to tide us through -- we now had a 66% dependancy ratio, which pretty much required magical powers to pay the bills.
Our firstborns were aged 15-18 by the time the last of our secondborns popped out, aged 0. We had offered the girls the right to stop physically aging once they could ovulate, like many of my own wives were stuck at, but the girls opted to keep aging and growing until at least age 14. I could see their point -- their height, physical strength, IQ, fertility and breast size continued developing if they were allowed to age a couple more years, so why not take advantage of it? Some of the girls were still gamely aging even as 18 year olds. Aerith had still been attractive at age 22, so I wouldn't complain unless it got truly ridiculous, but with the median age of their mothers being 15, and Cute-sama, the God we had taught them to worship, being a 14 year old girl, most of the girls had already sipped from the Silver Crystal's age ending elixir.
The boys I expected to wait until they were at least 21, if not 25. Brain development, height and strength continued to increase in men well into the 20's. There was no real sense in stopping as a lanky teenager with poor self-control and raging acne-inducing hormones.
None of our children ended up causing any trouble. Not a single one insisted on identifying as a UFO or whatever, and they were all dating or marrying a member of the opposite sex. For one thing, firstborn children have the least gay-causing factors in the womb. Then there was the lack of endocrine disruptors in our food and water and air, thirdly the health of our sperm and eggs due to our relative youthfulness, and fourth the culture of complete intolerance for degeneracy got through to them, so anyone who was thinking that maybe it might be fun decided instead to just get with the system and follow the program.
It's amazing how easily a problem can be solved with a no tolerance policy. It reminded me of how easily Singapore dealt with its drug problem simply by executing all drug dealers. Just say no to drugs worked, and lo and behold, so did just say no to degeneracy. For that matter Eden also had a zero tolerance drug policy, but since our world didn't have any drugs in the first place, nor had we taught our kids how it might be possible to create any from the ingredients at hand, they didn't even know the vile stuff existed, so the idea of taking any never entered their head.
There were a few lucky boys who had managed to snag two or three girlfriends to themselves, following in their esteemed father's tracks. But they found it extremely difficult to juggle their girlfriends' jealousy and inability to get along with one another, so it didn't get very far. I had relied on the miraculous powers of Cute-sama to cover those problems, but they had no such ally. In the end only one boy had scored -- Cloud Lockhart was engaged to the twins Io and Noeri Farrell. The twins explained that they had never separated in their lives and they had no intention of separating in the future, so sharing a man was the only reasonable course. After that their similar descent from Final Fantasy characters and Cloud's overwhelming athletic prowess inherited from his mother had done the trick.
Cloud could have wielded a buster sword if he had wanted -- in fact I had given him one for his 17th birthday -- but there was nobody to cut down so his strength and agility had been put to good use as an ace pitcher instead. That had been enough for him to stand out to the girls and in an entirely peaceful manner win their hearts.
Since there had been one more girl than boy (51 to 50) among the firstborn in the first place, there was still a chance for everyone to land a wife. Time was ticking out for everyone so I was interested to see who would eventually end up with whom.
Each of the children had chosen to learn, mostly from YouTube tutorials and college lectures posted on YouTube, how to do one technical thing well. It didn't have to have any practical application right now. They understood that with the Silver Crystal's power, we could gradually build up the population and thus the skill base to the point that their skills would come in handy. The boys went into computer programming, construction, appliance manufacturing and repairs, plumbing, wiring and engineering. The girls went into nursing, farming, textiles, teaching, performance arts and cooking. Sadly none of them learned how to mass manufacture diapers so Mitsuki gamely dark mattered up the endless necessary supplies my breeding went through.
Even if none of my children could get a job right now -- because my wives would outcompete them with supernatural powers -- they still needed to have these job skills so that they could teach their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on for the day they would have to take over. And even if they had no jobs, they were still afforded a place of their own, free meals at breakfast and dinner and a citizen's dividend to buy what they needed. The primary job of our young ones was to find someone to marry, have children, and then take care of said children, which should occupy them all for a good while anyway.
Of course if they could find something useful to do that people would pay them for on top of their mandated childrearing then more power to them. It just wasn't considered a big deal in terms of wealth or status whether you were employed or not. For boys, reliability, athleticism, charisma and intelligence were how they distinguished themselves. For girls looks were of course the prime factor, but since every girl in the world was a descendant of a breathtaking beauty, that didn't really affect the rankings one way or the other. It more came down to constancy, courtesy and yet again intelligence.
Generally speaking, though, the girls were so damn pretty that any of the boys would have been fine with any of the girls. Like usual it was the girls doing all the picking and choosing.
The boys weren't of bad genetic stock either, so they could hold their own. Of course they were supremely handsome, but they also inherited a lot of other great traits from their moms, like courage, grit, altruism and strength. Even without the concept of high socioeconomic status jobs, the girls could find plenty of things to swoon over.
All of my children were proper otakus, having grown up with it alongside their mother's milk. Even the girls enjoyed shows largely meant for boys, like Naruto and One Piece. Probably because they had no other choice, they were so saturated in it. But I think another factor was how very many of them were descended from women warriors. Final Fantasy characters, Tales characters, Fairy Tail mages, Pretty Cure, Shana, Mikoto, Louise, Nanoha, Fate, Mumei -- the average wife I had incarnated into Eden was more ferocious than the average man back on Earth by orders of magnitude.
I may as well have been breeding a ninja clan I was so martially oriented. Plus it probably helped that a lot of children were reading about and watching their own mothers' exploits. They loved their mothers, so they loved the stories wherein their mothers appeared. Go figure.
They were also delighted to find their own names popping up in famous works of art, right alongside their moms. It made them feel like they were part of a collective legacy. Just as intended, their names had power and significance for them. Both the boys and girls strived to be like the characters they had been named after, and with the genes they had been given that wasn't necessarily beyond their capacity.
When Vivio realized the strength of her mother-daughter bond with Nanoha, she broke down into tears. Moments like those could make anyone an anime fan.
There were so many wannabe heroes in school that the first whiff of any bullying brought down the fury of dozens of intercessors. The teachers didn't have to do anything. There had yet to be a single crime in Paradise's history. I hoped it would stay that way. I didn't want to have to execute one of my own children, who we had worked so hard and so long to create. It just seemed like a colossal waste. I also didn't want to look into the mother's eye, my wife's eye, at the funeral.
So much for how things were going with my firstborns. Now on to what transpired with our secondborns.
As I mentioned, the first lottery winners were Asuna, Rin Natsume, Rose, Deedlit, Yume, Koko, Yukino, Isara, Yoru (which inevitably also meant Asa) and Chiwa.
Asuna's son was named Sora Yuuki.
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Saya Natsume.
Rose's son was named Sorey Dagger.
Deedlit's daughter was named Pirotess Glade.
Yume's son was named Soo-Won Asakura.
Koko's daughter was named Nanaka Tsukishima.
Yukino's son was named Jun'ichirou Ouhama.
Isara's daughter was named Kate Aomi.
Yoru's son was named Aoi Kazato.
Asa's son was named Armin Kazato.
Chiwa's daughter was named Elehayym Harusaki, or 'Elly.'
For year two, the lottery winners were Rosa, Eruruu, Sherria, Lisanna, Emily, Usagi, Nadeko, HaruHaru, Riko and Aoba.
Rosa's daughter was named Celes Farrell.
Eruruu's son was named Oboro Green.
Sherria's son was named Lyon Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Happy Strauss.
Emily's son was named Aragorn Granger.
Usagi's son was named Ranta Tsukino.
Nadeko's son was named Araragi Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's daughter was named Kirara Haruno.
Riko's son was named Lucius Izayoi, or 'Askeladd.'
Aoba's son was named Hiraku Suzukaze.
For year three, the lottery winners were Kud, Kagome, Nekone, Sagiri, Kobato, Myusel, Nemu, Aisia, Sakura Mamiya and Hozumi.
Kudryavka's son was named Riki Noumi.
Kagome's son was named Sesshoumaru Higurashi.
Nekone's son was named Ougi Gold.
Sagiri's son was named Alain Izumi.
Kobato's son was named Kodaka Hasegawa.
Myusel's son was named Ryu Foaran.
Nemu's daughter was named Miharu Asakura.
Aisia's daughter was named Kotori Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's daughter was named Sena Mamiya.
Hozumi's son was named Ikoma Schmetterling.
For year four, the lottery winners were Kirino, Mylene, Nico, Rin Tohsaka, Kobeni, Mavis, Levy, Yuna, MOMO and Urara.
Kirino's son was named Kyosuke Kousaka.
Mylene's daughter was named Ranka Jenius.
Nico's son was named Griffith Yazawa.
Rin Tohsaka's daughter was named Sakura Tohsaka.
Kobeni's daughter was named Yue Yonomori.
Mavis' daughter was named Erza Vermillion.
Levy's son was named Laxus McGarden.
Yuna's son was named Tidus Sea.
MOMO's daughter was named KOS-MOS Mizrahi.
Urara's daughter was named Kanade Kasugano.
For year five, the lottery winners were Silica, Tessa, Kaname, Kotori, Makina, Sora, Sara, Sayaka, Menma and Mitsuki.
Keiko's daughter was named Shino Ayano, or 'Sinon.'
Teletha's daughter was named Moiraine Testarossa.
Kaname's son was named Sousuke Chidori.
Kotori's daughter was named Kagari Kanbe.
Makina's son was named Yuuji Irisu.
Sora's son was named Yuuta Takanashi.
Sara's son was named Theoden Chrysalis.
Sayaka's son was named Yamato Mayuzumi.
Meiko's son was named Jinta Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Yuu Mononobe.
For year six, the lottery winners were Saigusa, Cheria, Juvia, Mirajane, Nanoha, Rin Nohara, Lafiel, Himeno, Yuuhi and Wakaba.
Haruka Saigusa's son was named Masato Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Hubert Barnes.
Juvia's daughter was named Rebecca Locksor.
Mirajane's daughter was named Elie Strauss.
Nanoha's son was named Yuuno Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's son was named Obito Nohara.
Lafiel's daughter was named Marle Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Emeralda Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Danette Katagiri.
Akane's daughter was named Aoba Tsukishima.
For year seven, the lottery winners were Leafa, Elize, Tifa, Aerith, Fate, Chtolly, Sakura Kinomoto, Sae, Reina and Ai.
Suguha's daughter was named Alice Kirigaya.
Elize's son was named Teepo Lutus.
Tifa's son was named Zack Lockhart.
Aerith's daughter was named Relm Gainsborough.
Fate's daughter was named Alicia Testarossa.
Chtolly's daughter was named Nephren Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Melisandre Kinomoto.
Sae's son was named Fei Fon Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Hanyuu Ryuugu.
Ai's daughter was named Lulu Hinatsuru.
For year eight, the lottery winners were Rydia, Aruruu, Kuon, Lucy, Sakura Haruno, Shana, Mikan, Illya, Lyria and Louise.
Rydia's son was named Edge Mist.
Aruruu's son was named Benawi Green.
Kuon's son was named Haku Black.
Lucy's daughter was named Brandish Heartfilia.
Sakura Haruno's daughter was named Salad Haruno.
Shana's son was named Riku Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Janus Yuuki, or 'Magus.'
Illyasviel's daughter was named Chloe von Einzbern, or 'Kuro.'
Lyria's son was named Rackam Jewel.
Louise's son was named Citan Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
For year nine, the lottery winners were Cure White, Cure Egret, Azu-nyan, Yui, Sophie, Rinoa, Nayuki, Misuzu, Orihime and Iris.
Honoka's daughter was named Veyle Yukishiro.
Mai's daughter was named Saki Mishou.
Azusa's daughter was named Mio Nakano.
Yui's daughter was named Ui Hirasawa.
Sophie's son was named Law Lhant.
Rinoa's daughter was named Lenna Heartilly.
Nayuki's daughter was named Ayu Minase.
Misuzu's daughter was named Kanna Kamio.
Orihime's daughter was named Rukia Inoue.
Iris' son was named Erwin Freyja.
For year ten, the lottery winners(?) were Cure Dream, Mira, Leia, Nagisa, Wendy, Miu, Sakura Yoshino, Kokona and Mikoto.
Nozomi's daughter was named Rin Yumehara.
Mira's daughter was named Elizabeth Yurizaki.
Leia's son was named Alvin Rolando.
Nagisa's son was named Akio Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Charles Marvel.
Miu's son was named Kouichi Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's son was named Luke Yoshino.
Kokona's daughter was named Hinata Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Last Order Misaka, or 'Misaka Misaka.'
Add them all together, and the details surrounding my secondborns looked like this:
Asuna's son was named Sora Yuuki.
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Saya Natsume.
Rose's son was named Sorey Dagger.
Deedlit's daughter was named Pirotess Glade.
Yume's son was named Soo-Won Asakura.
Koko's daughter was named Nanaka Tsukishima.
Yukino's son was named Jun'ichirou Ouhama.
Isara's daughter was named Kate Aomi.
Yoru's son was named Aoi Kazato.
Asa's son was named Armin Kazato.
Chiwa's daughter was named Elehayym Harusaki, or 'Elly.'
Rosa's daughter was named Celes Farrell.
Eruruu's son was named Oboro Green.
Sherria's son was named Lyon Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Happy Strauss.
Emily's son was named Aragorn Granger.
Usagi's son was named Ranta Tsukino.
Nadeko's son was named Araragi Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's daughter was named Kirara Haruno.
Riko's son was named Lucius Izayoi, or 'Askeladd.'
Aoba's son was named Hiraku Suzukaze.
Kudryavka's son was named Riki Noumi.
Kagome's son was named Sesshoumaru Higurashi.
Nekone's son was named Ougi Gold.
Sagiri's son was named Alain Izumi.
Kobato's son was named Kodaka Hasegawa.
Myusel's son was named Ryu Foaran.
Nemu's daughter was named Miharu Asakura.
Aisia's daughter was named Kotori Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's daughter was named Sena Mamiya.
Hozumi's son was named Ikoma Schmetterling.
Kirino's son was named Kyosuke Kousaka.
Mylene's daughter was named Ranka Jenius.
Nico's son was named Griffith Yazawa.
Rin Tohsaka's daughter was named Sakura Tohsaka.
Kobeni's daughter was named Yue Yonomori.
Mavis' daughter was named Erza Vermillion.
Levy's son was named Laxus McGarden.
Yuna's son was named Tidus Sea.
MOMO's daughter was named KOS-MOS Mizrahi.
Urara's daughter was named Kanade Kasugano.
Keiko's daughter was named Shino Ayano, or 'Sinon.'
Teletha's daughter was named Moiraine Testarossa.
Kaname's son was named Sousuke Chidori.
Kotori's daughter was named Kagari Kanbe.
Makina's son was named Yuuji Irisu.
Sora's son was named Yuuta Takanashi.
Sara's son was named Theoden Chrysalis.
Sayaka's son was named Yamato Mayuzumi.
Meiko's son was named Jinta Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Yuu Mononobe.
Haruka Saigusa's son was named Masato Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Hubert Barnes.
Juvia's daughter was named Rebecca Locksor.
Mirajane's daughter was named Elie Strauss.
Nanoha's son was named Yuuno Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's son was named Obito Nohara.
Lafiel's daughter was named Marle Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Emeralda Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Danette Katagiri.
Akane's daughter was named Aoba Tsukishima.
Suguha's daughter was named Alice Kirigaya.
Elize's son was named Teepo Lutus.
Tifa's son was named Zack Lockhart.
Aerith's daughter was named Relm Gainsborough.
Fate's daughter was named Alicia Testarossa.
Chtolly's daughter was named Nephren Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Melisandre Kinomoto.
Sae's son was named Fei Fon Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Hanyuu Ryuugu.
Ai's daughter was named Lulu Hinatsuru.
Rydia's son was named Edge Mist.
Aruruu's son was named Benawi Green.
Kuon's son was named Haku Black.
Lucy's daughter was named Brandish Heartfilia.
Sakura Haruno's daughter was named Salad Haruno.
Shana's son was named Riku Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Janus Yuuki, or 'Magus.'
Illyasviel's daughter was named Chloe von Einzbern, or 'Kuro.'
Lyria's son was named Rackam Jewel.
Louise's son was named Citan Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Honoka's daughter was named Veyle Yukishiro.
Mai's daughter was named Saki Mishou.
Azusa's daughter was named Mio Nakano.
Yui's daughter was named Ui Hirasawa.
Sophie's son was named Law Lhant.
Rinoa's daughter was named Lenna Heartilly.
Nayuki's daughter was named Ayu Minase.
Misuzu's daughter was named Kanna Kamio.
Orihime's daughter was named Rukia Inoue.
Iris' son was named Erwin Freyja.
Nozomi's daughter was named Rin Yumehara.
Mira's daughter was named Elizabeth Yurizaki.
Leia's son was named Alvin Rolando.
Nagisa's son was named Akio Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Charles Marvel.
Miu's son was named Kouichi Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's son was named Luke Yoshino.
Kokona's daughter was named Hinata Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Last Order Misaka, or 'Misaka Misaka.'
The sex ratio came down to 52 boys/48 girls. This posed a problem for my mandatory marriage laws, so I figured I'd give the poor boys a waiver until some additional daughters could be provided for them. You can't marry what isn't there.
As usual, my children's names were the best friends, relatives, or lovers of their parents in their source works. However, when there weren't any worthwhile options down that road, I was willing to cast elsewhere for inspiration. Sara and Emily were originally English, so I named their sons after inspiring characters from Tolkien. Sakura Yoshino lived in America for most of her life, so her son was named after the protagonist of Star Wars. Cool characters from series that were totally unrelated to my wives, like Xenogears, Street Fighter and Soul Nomad found representation.
Yet again, Usagi had stupidly had a son, so Small Lady still didn't exist. Likewise, Nagisa had a son, so Ushio's birth was yet again delayed. Rin again had a daughter, so I again failed to bring Kyousuke Natsume into this world. There were some great successes though, like Illya giving birth to Kuro, Sakura to Salad or Mikoto to Last Order. In these cases I was able to bring about the literal canon mother-daughter relationships straight into Eden.
I was pleased that Tifa had another son so I could give Cloud a little brother named Zack.
All in all, the names were amazing. I could rave about any of them -- Yui having Ui, Azusa having Mio or Sayaka having Yamato -- it was all good.
In the source work, Mitsuki Mononobe was the protagonist, Yuu Mononobe's sister. In this life Mitsuki Mononobe was Yuu Mononobe's mother. It was so perfect. I was able to match even the last names.
Elize giving birth to her very own Teepo was classic.
In short, I managed to fill in most of the remaining gaps in my coverage, but there were still some prominent open sores, which meant, you guessed it, there was no helping it but to try for a third child with everyone.
We fulfilled our quota of births, though, so maybe we could take a break for a while and have some fun first. For one thing, I wanted to give Aoba and Mikoto the chance to finish their VRMMO. And I wanted to give Silica, Asuna and Suguha, who had been so patient with me, the chance to play it. If I wanted their lives to be as good here as it was in their source work, yappari VR was a must.
The dependency ratio was also getting out of hand, so it would be nice if all our 0 year olds could grow up and become old enough to look after themselves before we piled on any more.
I also wanted to try some more adventurous sex. All this focus on breeding meant I still hadn't enjoyed all the threesomes and foursomes I had originally imagined as one of the chief perks of owning a harem.
Plus there was still a ton of Da Capo to catch up on, light novel series to read, etc., etc. In short I wanted to go back to being a carefree adult again. Of course I would still teach the "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality" class so I could get to know my new 100 children, and I was still Mayor in case anyone needed me to make a decision, but it felt like ages since I could concentrate on having fun. If not for the Silver Crystal, I'd be closer to my death than my birth right now. It was a frightening chunk of time, getting 100 wives pregnant with just 2 children. I have no idea how non-immortals thought harems of this size would work. I was struggling to serve them all as is.
Surely there was something more to life than churning out children. It had just been so long that I had forgotten what.
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