That being said, Last Order was literally the last in order, Mikoto had just given birth to the squealing infant, so she couldn't very well program an all new virtual reality system. Right when I thought I would have to wait another five years before anything could happen, Kaname visited the Mayor's office. 40 of my 100 wives were still taking care of their children at home and essentially out of the workforce, but as luck would have it both Kuon and Sakura Mamiya were available to man the government.
So when Kuon opened the door to my office with, "Someone to see you, sir," I had a sense from her posture and tone of voice that something big was going down.
Kaname brashly followed after, her long blue hair swinging as she walked up to my desk and plopped into the comfy chair across from mine. "So a funny thing happened the other day." Kaname began. Kuon set down a cup of coffee for both of us and then retreated back to the antechamber, closing the door.
Kaname took a sip, which probably wasn't the best idea because she was already brimming with nervous energy. "Aoba asked around at the Research Institute for someone who could help program the AI for her game, now that Mikoto was back out of the loop again."
"At this rate the game will suffer more delays than Final Fantasy 15." I sighed, sipping my own coffee.
"And it occurred to me, wait, I've known the blueprints for a functional AI all along. Teehee." Kaname stuck out her tongue and bopped her head cutely.
I blinked. Come to think of it, isn't Al featured prominently in the Full Metal Panic! series as one of the many whispered technology advances, right alongside lambda drives and invisibility cloaks? You've got to be kidding me.
"Why didn't you say something before?" I asked.
"Like I said, I try to keep the whispers out of my head because it drives me insane, so if there isn't a good reason to be listening. . ." Kaname put her two hands together in prayer fashion in front of her and bowed apologetically, closing her eyes.
"Is this. . .Full AI?" I whispered breathlessly.
"No. The AI in our timeline does not have the full range of human emotions and inventiveness." Kaname answered decisively.
I sat back in my chair. "Thank God." We had just gone through all this effort to produce all of these human children. If they were all set to be replaced by mass manufactured fully sentient machines, I would have felt like a fool. Plus I didn't exactly feel like losing my place on Eden, or robbing my children of their rightul inheritance to the bounty of the earth and the stars.
"But we're still talking about amazing capabilities. Before I unleashed the whirlwind, I wanted to swing the technology by you. What should we be doing with this? What will this change?" Kaname asked me, seriously not knowing the answers.
"I assume it can perfectly translate all spoken and written languages?" I asked.
"Bacchiri." Kaname held up an o-kay sign.
"So there goes half the school curriculum." I mused. "What about enhanced recollection? Can it give me a perfect memory?"
"Nope." Kaname crossed her fingers in an X. Yet again my wish eluded me. "But it would have a devil of a search engine. Ask for any fact you wanted, ask even generalized questions that you need the answers to, and it would find the answer almost immediately. All the information ever put on the internet will now be at our fingertips. All we have to do is ask the AI to analyze it and come back with the answer to whatever we wanted, and voila. If you wanted to know the name of my son, you need but ask and it would be provided."
"Sousuke." I quickly responded. "And your firstborn daughter's name is Nami."
"Ohhhhh." Kaname clapped appreciatively. "Then, what about Tessa's children?"
"Cethleann is her firstborn daughter, and Emeralda(?) is her secondborn daughter?" I guessed hopefully.
"Booboo." Kaname held up an X. "Her second daughter's name is Moiraine. You christened her so at least try to remember these things."
"How many fathers have to remember the names of 200 of their own children. . ." I complained.
"Incidentally, Emeralda is Himeno's daughter. She can read minds so be careful." Kaname smiled triumphantly at me, drinking some more of her coffee.
Ugh. Someday I'll know the names of all my children. Someday. The problem was I was already planning on adding another 100 down the road, so it's not like it was going to get any easier.
"I feel like both math and history classes are now also pointless. Science too of course. We could simply task AI robots to do all the manufacturing, engineering and construction work. The farm work too, huh?" I brainstormed.
"Not to mention the logging, fishing, mining and transportation industries. We could build the sewage treatment plant you've always wanted. They could also cook, clean, do the laundry, mow the lawns, rake the everlasting cherry blossoms, referee sports matches. . ." Kaname pointed out the endless versatility of even non-feeling AI's.
"We could have diapers!" I exclaimed joyously.
"We could just press a button and any clothes we designed would come out complete on the other side." Kaname dreamed.
"Kimonos!" I celebrated again. "We can dress our girls up for Hinamatsuri, their coming of age ceremonies. . ."
"They could change the babies' diapers. No sense of smell." Kaname enthused.
"Rather than listing what they can do, shouldn't we be trying to figure out what we need to keep doing ourselves?" I asked, reversing the question.
"They can't love and be loved." Kaname said. "So the role of wife, mother, husband and father is still safe. The artists over at the studio are fine, as are the kids playing sports in school. They don't enjoy art, so it's still our task to consume and pass down Earth's best stories from one generation to the next. They have no sense of morality, so we can still instruct our children right from wrong. Lastly, if we want to reach higher than pre-tread ground, we have to discover that knowledge ourselves."
"So still no carbon nanotube space elevators." I gave as an example.
"Right, AI can search its databanks for a solution, but all it will find is 'no applicable information available.'" Kaname explained.
"Computer programming will no longer be needed though. They can understand our speech. We can just tell them what we want them to do, and they'll do it." I marveled.
"Correct. I have whispered down to me the exact base program necessary to make them obedient servants to us. So long as we upload that program, the rest they can learn on their own as the situation arises. If we tell them, 'make a box here,' we don't have to input ten thousand lines of code to make them understand what we want. They'll just go make a box." Kaname said confidently.
"Our children need to know how to read and write. They need to know the concepts of arithmetic and algebra so they even know what to ask of their AI assistants in order to get the right answers. But with AI translation, they wouldn't have to memorize kanji to get at the majority of good art. Given the simpler English alphabet and its greater size and versatility we should switch to English as our written and spoken language. After that it's just building up our vocabularies. The larger our vocabularies, the more we can understand and appreciate both art and nature. Fiction and non-fiction. If we don't have a concept for something, even AI can't help us. We have to understand the words internally to make sense of the world." I said.
"Drilling the concepts of math into a kid should be much faster than actually coming to the correct answers. And English should be much faster to learn to read than kanji. Both the math and English classes can be reduced in length and achieve the same effect. I see your point about written Japanese, but spoken Japanese is beautiful, concise and poignant, it would be a shame for children to lose access to it. Besides, can you really accept anime as genuine if it isn't voiced in Japanese?" Kaname advised.
"Alright, we'll keep the bilingual education like we had before, but only with the English alphabet." I conceded.
"People still need to know history in order to understand ethics, politics and economics. Just having the facts available isn't enough, they have to actually know them so that they can apply said historical lessons to the governance of their daily lives." I decided.
"So let's say, 50 minutes of English/vocabulary building, 50 minutes of history/geography/economics/politics, 40 minutes of math, 2 hours of "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality," 1 hour of lunch/recess, 40 minutes of Japanese/vocabulary building, 1 hour of sports or performance arts. The full school day would then be seven hours." Kaname typed a note up on her iPad.
"People still need to know history in order to understand ethics, politics and economics. Just having the facts available isn't enough, they have to actually know them so that they can apply said historical lessons to the governance of their daily lives." I decided.
"So let's say, 55 minutes of English/vocabulary building, 55 minutes of history/geography/economics/politics, 10 minutes of math, 2 hours of "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality," 1 hour of lunch/recess, 1 hour of sports or performance arts. The full school day would then be six hours." Kaname typed a note up on her iPad.
"And as for us adults, the hospital, school, daycare, shrine, studio, city hall, power plant and research institute should be fine, but everything else is pointless." I said.
"I think the law enforcement should still be conducted by humans. I think you need a human touch, a human empathy and understanding, to make those split-second decisions correctly." Kaname countered.
"Okay so the police can stay. No Terminator armies to lay down the law." I conceded.
"Isn't this great though? We barely get any work done between all our babies anyway. Now we can concentrate on family life without feeling guilty about it." Kaname enthused.
"This is great, Kaname. This is really great. I've been using magicians to automate most of our work, but even they must be tired of repeating themselves every day on these routine tasks year after year -- and we won't have magicians forever. Eventually our healers will have to be replaced with advanced medical technology. You've just revolutionized the world, and all for the better. So many shortages we don't have to worry about anymore. . .it's just unbelievably wonderful." I couldn't put my feelings into words.
Kaname blushed and looked at her feet. "Sorry for not noticing until today."
"What are you saying? Tessa should have known the exact same thing and she still hasn't realized it, right? Doesn't that make her the one true idiot?" I smiled encouragingly.
Kaname laughed. "So I finally beat her at something."
"Well if you braided your hair maybe you'd finally look as good as her--"
WHAP went the paper fan as Chidori instantly took to her feet and leaned over my big oaken desk.
I smiled even as the red mark stung on my cheek. It had still totally been worth it to see the reaction on her face.
"Couldn't you stick to "thanks Kaname, I love you!" for just one day?" Kaname shouted angrily.
"But who is Kaname if she isn't always angry? I'm only trying to preserve your soul manifestation." I defended my noble intentions.
"I'm not always angry!" Kaname shouted. Then she caught herself and sat back down, pouting.
"Sexual harassers can be sued." Kuon called through the door from the other room.
"No they can't. There's no such thing in Eden. It's been properly redefined back to flirting, i.e. courtship, which is what it was all along, an entirely innocent and noble deed meant to perpetuate the human species." I shouted back through the door.
"Curse your endless reign." Kuon shouted back.
Kaname sighed and stood back up. "I'll leave you two to your flirting, since it's a noble deed meant to perpetuate the human species, then. I just wanted you to know."
"You have the green light, Kaname. All our servers are yours to tinker with as you please. Give us a centralized AI that can use all our smart devices as relay points back to its core all powerful mind. And then have that AI tell us the blueprints for all the robots it needs to do our work. I'll have Mitsuki dark matter them up, and then the AI can reproduce itself from there. And then maybe all of us can have a giant barbeque on the beach and a long, long vacation." I spoke as Mayor.
"The Mayor has spoken." Kaname saluted me. "I shall now overturn all common sense."
* * *
The order went out -- all my wives were to report to the beach in swimsuits to celebrate this historic occasion. We left the secondborn children with the firstborns to take care of them, and enjoyed a private beach all to ourselves. For the entire day, I planned on staring at my 100 wife harem baring all. In addition, I had brought a camera and a video camera, to preserve this moment to ogle at for eternity.
That was my entertainment. Their entertainment consisted of things I thought they'd look sexy doing -- wading in the waves, water cavalry battles, beach volleyball, watermelon smashing, floating out on rubber bananas and sharks and the like (I provided the specific swimsuits and banana float for Wendy and Sherria and ordered them out to sea), sunbathing (sunbathers were required to go full nude for my enjoyment and everyone was required to sunbathe at some point during the day so I could picture and film them), skinnydipping, swimming contests, and most of all Bar-B-Q, Bar-B-Q, Bar-B-Q!
Shana was our human grill, in beautiful red burning hair and eyes mode, cooking up endless combinations of charred meat and vegetables and laying the finished food out on plates along an enormous table. Shishkabobs full of dripping lamb, pork, shrimp, beef, duck and every exotic beast imaginable were ready to eat at all times. People would take up the skewers, finish them whenever convenient, and then place them back in line to be refilled again. If anyone got ill from it our healers would cast 'cure' so no one cared.
In addition, we broke out the long-banned alcohol. Even for the nursing mothers. I decided screw it, we could just cast 'cure' on the mothers afterwards, today we were all going to get royally drunk. Alcohol of various types were the only drinks made available, so no one could escape getting drunk. This was also to help smooth the way into the 'all the girls stripping and letting themselves get filmed by me' plan. Imagine this as a sort of Girls Gone Wild staged event, except with the 100 most beautiful girls in all of human imagination, most of whom were well below age 18. We would drink until we were sick, go ask Orihime to reject the alcohol poisoning, and then go drink some more.
Sakura Kinomoto had Appeared a beautiful beach house and outdoor onsen for us to sleep in tonight and for all our showering off the saltwater and going to the bathroom needs. There was a constant stream of ladies going to and from the beach house, and I also felt the need plenty of times after all I'd eaten and drunk. But the line of revelers was laughing and chatting both ways, so it didn't put a dent in our parade.
Once I'd taken all the pictures and videos of my wives both in swimsuits and stretched out on beach cots fully nude (front and back!), both together in groups and separately, I transitioned to the climax of the event.
I got all 100 of my wives together, kissed each and every one of them on the lips, and told them "I love you, now and forever," after each kiss. Then I got all of the girls to line up in their swimsuits together. The first row lay down on their backs and only bent from their waists up, propping themselves up on their elbows to look at the camera. The second row stood up but leaned over, their faces still pointing towards the camera, letting their breasts hang with the strength of gravity with a glorious view of cleavage, and then the third row stood up behind them, tall enough that I could see their hourglass figures above the bent over 2nd row and facing the camera directly, their hair billowing in the sea breeze. Then I set the timer for my camera and sat down in the middle of the laying down row, putting both my thumbs up in a tacky sign of approval. There I took my first commemorative photo of my full harem.
Next I told them to take off their swimsuits while holding the same pose, and I took the picture again, this time surrounded by 100 nude waifus. After checking to see that the camera caught everything perfectly, I let the group disassemble again. The swimsuit edition was going straight onto my master bedroom's wall. I could look at it whenever I wanted, day or night. My endless sea of beautiful girls. The nude version could be kept on my computer, Kindle, etc., in case of need.
Then we waited for night to fall and Aisia used her magic to put on a fireworks show. It rivaled the sound, fury, size and brightness of the 4th of July. Which was appropriate, because today we were all celebrating our independence from work. Machines were going to take over all the drudgery from here on. When it was done and everyone started clapping, I put on some festive beach-appropriate music from my enormous favorites collection, and we broke out the coolers full of ice cream. Lemon, vanilla, chocolate, caramel, we had it all, and we dug in like ferocious beasts. If ice cream had been an entire herd of wildebeests trying to cross the river that day, we were the crocodiles that dragged every last one of them down to their oblivion. None survived our carnivorous wrath.
Soon enough some of the girls were getting their instruments from the beach house and coming back, still in their swimsuits. Then we listened to our live band performances from some of the greatest singers on Earth. 'Fuwa Fuwa Time,' rang out, as did 'My Friends.' Even if I had been blind I still would have been surrounded by the most beautiful women in history. The voice actors who had originally animated my wives were all here with me. Yukari Tamura, Rie Kugimiya, Kana Hanazawa, Yui Horie, I had them all perform their best songs one after the next, deep into the night. "Pre-Parade," "Yuki no Saku Hana," "Happy! Lucky! Dochi!", "SHOOT!," "Ray of bullet," "Secret Base," "Innocent Starter," "Natsuiro Egao," and then we brought out the big guns. Aerith Gainsborough, voiced by Maaya Sakamoto, took center stage with all the necessary musicians behind her, and sang one after another an entire concert of my favorite songs.
She hadn't initially known these songs, as they had nothing to do with the character of Aerith, but she had learned them for my sake, because she had the voice that had originally sung them, and thus the capability to bring them all to life, and stood here for the first time under the starry sky to present them live to me in nothing but a swimsuit.
It started with "Purachina," then "More than words," "Yakusoku wa Iranai," "Magic Number," "Triangular," "Kiseki no Umi," "Yakudo," "Korekara," "Okaerinasai," and lastly "Yasashisa ni Tsusumaretanara." It was so beautiful, so clear, so crisp and clean and perfect a performance, I was brought to tears. All my assembled wives listened in rapt attention, even though they themselves all had voices to die for and hits of their own. We didn't clap after each song ended. We just quietly waited, watched and worshiped, as she paused to wet her throat and recover her breath between each song. The only noise we wanted to come from this beach was the lifting of her voice and the start of her next melody.
As each song passed like a dream, I found myself holding hands with the girl to the left and right of me. And then we were all holding hands up and down the line (no doubt Himeno was at it again). All we could do was hold hands and listen to the nightingale before us as the witching hours passed. No one wanted to go to bed. We just wanted to keep singing and listening forever.
I wasn't a good singer, but even I wanted to participate by the end, so I started up one of the only songs I knew, "Silent Night." Soon enough my entire harem had joined me in chorus, as we sung glory to God. "O Holy Night," "God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen," "Amazing Grace" and "Ave Maria" followed soon after, some people knowing the lyrics and others just harmonizing. And then the entire crowd, holding hands, fell into silence, having nothing further to express.
These girls would do anything for me, I would be eternally grateful to them, and not a single one of them wished that a single other of them wasn't there. We loved each other like this, one happy family, who loved each other's company far more than the conveniences we could provide one another. Even the wives who had started out hesitant, after 21 years together, had opened their hearts to me, the boy who kept making them orgasm, and the girls around them, who knew exactly what they were going through -- whether it was me, childbirth, childrearing, suddenly appearing in this new world far from home, mediating quarrels between siblings or trying to balance work and pregnancy. Everything I'd put them through, I'd put them through equally, which meant they had all gone through it together.
It all passed like a flash, but our married life was already longer than most happy couples ever managed. And with the power of the Silver Crystal, our time together had still only begun.
I stood up, and my wives followed. We silently made our way to the beach house, stripped, and jumped into the enormous onsen, where I yet again single-mindedly went about filming all my wives nude.
"Peeping on me nude at the beach, and now in the hot spring, somehow, this is really nostalgic." Iris blushed, swaying shyly back and forth in front of the camera.
"Ah, Iris! Iris!" I exclaimed, not knowing how to express my feelings any better, my video camera tracing up and down her luscious fully exposed body.
"Remember I'm an otaku too, so date night with me is always as simple and easy as turning on the tv!" Iris used her appeal time in front of the camera to devastating effect, holding up her index finger and smiling brightly.
"Wait, dates are on the line?" Nayuki panicked. "Look, Christopher, big wet breasts!" She held them up and pushed them together in a proud display to the video camera, which was indeed tempted into turning like a dog to a frisbee. Suddenly there was a great deal of splashing in the water as girls started vying for this newly imagined prize.
Mitsuki gave a commanding clap, seeing where this was going. "Alright everyone, line up, pose, and give a personalized message. The sooner this is done the sooner we can go to sleep." No one complained as things quickly took shape. It seemed that today a weird mood was in the air to the extent that I could do anything I wanted to them.
"You really enjoy seeing me wet, don't you?" Cheria glared at me with suspiciously slitted yellow eyes, hands on her hips.
"Playing at the beach again was really fun. Let's do it more and more!" Misuzu held out her arms and her palms in a willing embrace.
"Love was all I ever hoped for and better than I ever dreamed. In exchange, I'll give you this body whenever you want!" Sherria formed a heart shape with her fingers over her heart, emphasizing her fulsome offering.
"Even if you don't know shogi, Shishou can still train Ai in various things!" Ai beamed innocently at the camera.
"I wouldn't normally do this, you know!" Mikoto tossed her head, trying to deny this personal reality. "You only earned this sight by saving the world fifty times or so, being hospitalized thirty times and saving my life once or twice! After this we're even!"
"Hau. I'm so embarrassed." Reina cupped her cheeks in her hands, closing her eyes. "Hau! I'm an adult now, so I'm trying not to say that word anymore! Retake, I demand a retake!"
"Nii-san no ecchi." Sagiri complained with tears in her eyes, last in line in order to avoid the crowd, already struggling just by being here outside with everyone else and now on top of that having to keep her arms tightly clasped behind her back to let the video camera see.
"And that's a wrap!" I finished filming the greatest porno of all time, urgently took Kaname by the arm, dragged her out of the onsen, marched her still nude into our specially apportioned bedroom, and fucked her brains out, with the accumulated lust of the entire day for everyone pouring directly into her over and over again. While she moaned and was forcefully turned from one position to the next in a never-ending barrage, the rest of my girls went to sleep in a giant futon line in a room to the other side of the complex. Everyone felt she had earned this night. With the help of Ruby's wand, I did her doggy style, spooning style, missionary style, cowgirl style, and even pinned her standing against the big glass sliding door such that she was looking out into the beach and starry sky (and her own lewd reflection) as I rammed into her from behind.
When I lifted her legs to rest on my shoulders and pulled most of her back up to the point that she was only touching the bed with her shoulders, she gave a mewling whimper, and then I made love to her again, plunging into her body as I held her floating in mid-air. She couldn't move in any way from her precarious position, so all she could do was clench her vagina around my shaft each time I bore down into her. When I felt her vagina pulsing tight against me and saw the muscles in her thighs and calves shaking I knew I had pulled off another first, a position I'd never dared to try before had managed to make the girl I loved orgasm yet again. When I finished inside her for a sixth time and finally lowered her body back down onto the bed, she curled up into a fetal position and clutched her spasming stomach. I stroked up and down her spine and kissed the back of her neck, but that probably only made things worse. I had never stimulated any girl for as many hours in a row as I did Kaname that day, and the miracle of a girl's body meant that they could orgasm every time, time after time, for as long as I kept touching them. Each time came easier and faster than the last, so long as we kept touching, so she might have cum twenty times that night. She was in no state of mind to count, so we would never know. When her body finally stopped radiating pleasure and she'd gotten control of it again the sun had already risen.
We looked at each other and kissed one more time, before embracing tightly and sleeping through the entire day, waking up only the next night from an experience like no other. Without magic, I'm not sure any man could last that long. I wasn't good for much, but after 21 years of daily experience with 100 different girls, I made for a fiendish lover.
When we woke up and had freshened up in the middle of the night, Myusel had already set out meals for both of us waiting on the table with little messages on flags, "Goshujin-sama, I request similar service," was on my flag. On hers was "Thank you for lightening our load, from everyone." Kaname giggled at the message meant for me and smiled at the message meant for her. After dinner we clinked wine glasses together and watched the surf come in and out under the moon.
"I should have thought of this sooner." Kaname said, and then she blushed a deep bright red all the way up to her ears.
"Thanks Kaname, I love you." I replied.
"It's too late now. Baka." Kaname turned her face away to hide her expression.
Chapter 29:
The city was undergoing renovations. The Shana-steam-turbine was being replaced with solar and wind power that stood ontop of the mountains plus endless banks of batteries. It was all essentially free -- automated mining machines gathered the necessary materials, and then they were transported back to a factory outside of town via automated vehicles, where they were automatically assembled into battery banks, solar panels, windmills, etc., and then automatically installed wherever needed. All I had to do was make known what I wanted to happen in a vague and general sense and they would take things from there.
I wanted a green, eco-friendly planet this time around. I was not a fan of air pollution, water pollution, or climate change (I liked the climate here in Paradise very much and wanted it to stay this way). I also thought it was silly to keep slavedriving Shana and Juvia when an automated solution was at hand.
As for the water, a freshwater supply was secured via an automatically built dam and reservoir up in the mountains. Then various complex underground pipes relying on pressure and gravity brought said water to our already installed water tanks, which then linked in to our pre-built system. I didn't pretend to understand the engineering feats involved, but it was all well known technology on Earth that any decent AI could understand and mimic.
I decided to name our AI 'Siri,' and whenever we wanted Siri to do something, we would say, "Siri, do x." Then Siri would do it. Water and electricity was only the start.
Since we now had Siri, I built a sewage treatment plant and let only clean water back into the ocean. The plant used lots of electricity so we built lots of solar panels and batteries for it, again automatically. The whole thing was well out of town and Siri took care of all of it out of sight and out of mind. Now even if our city became much larger we wouldn't leave a negative footprint on the land.
We also started transporting our trash to a far off landfill, because, why not? We also built a recycling center because, why not? The recycled materials as well as mined up materials were used to manufacture endless daily necessities, like shampoo, deodorant, cutlery, toilet paper, diapers, furniture, anything we could think of. Since Eden was brimming with untouched resources and Siri could supply labor throughout the product chain, anything we wanted we just asked for Siri to deliver to our door. Then Siri over at the manufacturing plant would build us the product from scratch and then Siri the drone would fly it over to the mansion and then Siri the robo-maid or robo-butler would walk it up to our room and knock on the door, problem solved.
We had been relying on Mitsuki's dark matter and Sakura Kinomoto's Appear for tasks like this, but it was a welcome relief for Siri to take over. For one thing, it was quite boring to repetitively cast the same spells over and over again for 21 years running. For another, as the population kept increasing the burden on the two was becoming inordinate.
We also let Siri start attending to our crops and orchards. Deedlit and Kotori complained that they liked spending their time in the outdoors and they could handle the farming just fine, but I told them the population was only going to keep increasing from here and we shouldn't have to choose between child neglect and starvation. I also told them Misuzu and Kokona spent most of their time hiking outdoors already so farming was hardly vital to enjoying nature. Siri would harvest vast piles of food and then put them in freezers until they were needed. When we put in a grocery order for what we wanted to be filling our refrigerators for the next month they would assemble the finished goods and deliver them to our door.
The vast cellar in our mansion which our cooks had worked with to prepare breakfast and dinner was replaced by Siri maids. Myusel decided on our mealplan for the month and Siri cooked it up and put out the servings before we sat down at the table, then whisked our plates away and cleaned them all afterwards. Siri could cook anything, even the most extravagant of cuisines, perfectly according to the recipe, so everything tasted great. Myusel started challenging herself asking for more and more exotic Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Mexican, Indian, French, German, Southern, Italian, etc. foods, until we started getting acid reflux and asked for some oatmeal and potatoes to be served every now and again.
Of course our healers stepped in and fixed the issue. But the point was we had as much food as we wanted, of any type we wanted, for free, without even having to think about it. All we had to do was sit down at the table and wait to be served. Our dining table was big, but as the population kept increasing, we needed to renovate the mansion and expand the table's length. Siri took care of that too. It also reviewed our shoddy workmanship on the foundation and the materials and the like, and rebuilt all of our buildings to bomb-proof levels. The most impressive aspect is it managed to do this without ever requiring us to leave the premises.
Now we really could build our mansion into the Burj Khalifa when necessary. For that matter we could just tell Siri to build a Burj Khalifa, and using the known blueprint from Earth it would be done in a couple months. But since we had no use for it right now that kind of playful extravagance was not called upon.
Top of the line computers, gaming systems, televisions and gadgets flowed into our bedrooms until all the kids owned everything they wanted. Apparently Earth's technology had improved while we had been replicating what we knew with dark matter, so this too was fun to see.
Louise connected our internet to Earth's via a portal into a public wifi zone at multiple international airports, which Mikoto then hacked to let us tap into. It was only a small hole and on top of it covered by Sakura Kinomoto's Illusion spell, but it sucked all the terabytes of data we needed. We were untraceable because Mikoto's rule over computers was absolute. I had always wondered how that was happening. We were also able to bypass any protections and download or torrent whatever we wanted without paying, yet again thanks to Mikoto's level 5 psychic powers. There was rarely any reason to visit Earth directly anymore.
After 21 years, most of my favorite series had already ended. New good series emerged, but much more rarely than before, and since my memory was never much good, I found myself preferring to rewatch what I already had. I wouldn't mind watching all the anime I loved with each individual wife separately, just to see how she reacted to it. And then I could do the same with all my kids, and the cycle could repeat indefinitely. Now that I could read Japanese freely thanks to Cute-sama's blessing, I had such a tremendous backlog of good material anyway that I hardly cared what was coming out these days.
The girls at the tavern had banned Siri from cooking or serving tables. They wanted to provide the homey atmosphere no AI could match, and it appeared their customers agreed, so I left them alone to enjoy themselves.
Though our transportation system had been flawless, featuring superfast, superpowered robot girls like Sophie and Mira plus summoned beasts like Yuna's and Rydia's, there was no point wasting their time anymore and so it was all shut down. Siri delivered everyone in automated vehicles wherever they needed to go, and delivered all packages that needed to go somewhere instantly.
I asked most of them to become healers at the hospital or to join the police force instead. Sophie, Rydia and Yuna had magical healing powers of their own. Lafiel and Rose were good at uncovering skulduggery and snuffing it out. Asa continued her glider flights as a type of theme park ride and Lyria watched over her with her guardian beast powers to prevent any crashes while operating the winch.
Louise was still our important emissary to Earth who maintained our internet connection if nothing else, so that only left Nayuki. She decided to join the school as a track and field coach and open up another sport the kids could participate in. “With eternal youth, I wonder how many times I can beat my own personal bests?” She asked me with stars in her eyes, displaying quite the ulterior motive.
Cure Flora and Cure Magical continued their role as city beautification managers, they just let Siri actually do the work after deciding what they wanted to be done.
Siri was a great handyman who could fix or replace anything that broke down. It could instantly diagnose the part that was broken and order a new widget from the 3d printing factory, which would then custom make a replacement out of Siri mined base materials laying around waiting to be made use of.
This put Isara, Haruka Saigusa and Lisanna out of a job. I decided to reassign them to the daycare center. You could never have too many playmates for young children.
I let Lucy continue to use Virgo for our tunneling needs. Siri found it difficult and slow work drilling holes through mountains to provide us water and power, so I told Lucy to keep up the good fight in the sewers or wherever else she was asked to dig.
Mikoto, Mitsuki and Iris were reassigned to the Research Institute to see if their amazing powers could be applied to any cutting edge inventions. If it didn't work out, it didn't matter. So long as they had fun applying their minds to various problems the role of the Research Institute was being fulfilled.
Everyone else continued as before. A lot of our kids were forming up into professional sports leagues and branching out into more and more different outdoors activities. Suddenly we had skiing, surfing, snowboarding, ice skating, hockey and so on. They were all happy to make use of the citizen's dividend, our healers' ability to annul any sports injury their intense behavior might incur, and their eternal youth and limberness. Since many were descendants of legendary warriors they really were pro athletes. When people started flocking to watch them we went ahead and built various stadiums and started holding championships scheduled for every four years.
There were also e-sports pros, from first person shooters to fighters to real time strategy players. Anything they could sink all their time into and get good at was fine by them. The citizen's dividend meant they could do whatever they wanted, though the mandatory marriage and two children rule meant that for now all they'd be doing is breeding. Living up to the strict laws of Eden was in and of itself a worthy job deserving of due compensation.
I had just finished a ten year cycle of new children and thought I wanted a long break, but with so many wives freed up from work I thought it might be best to get them pregnant again and give them something truly meaningful to do. I was by no means content with two children per wife, and now seemed like a good time to get going again.
Plus we needed some more daughters, pronto, to help out the sex imbalance which had through sheer bad luck developed. I wanted all my children to find love just like I had, so it was up to me to give them a chance at it.
Since the last 40 of my wives from the previous cycle were still dealing with newborns and toddlers, I decided to restart the cycle in the exact same order. By the time I got down to year ten again, the mothers currently dealing with newborns would only have a ten year old at home, so there was no chance of overstraining them.
Hopefully this time with more daughters. And hopefully this time with more Ushio. I felt like if I wasn't breeding up more children, in a sense I was unemployed, and I preferred to stay productive. So long as I kept filling up wombs, I was producing the future. There was one thing I wanted to do before we resumed the one on one pregnancy sex, though, and that was have a threesome with every wife pairing I'd always wanted to try it with, and a foursome with one particular trio I'd always had my eyes on.
I announced my plans for both events at breakfast the next day.
"Given Siri's amazing ability to steal our work, I felt it would be most beneficial to both ourselves and to Paradise if we got back to breeding again. Children are the one resource Siri can't mine up or deliver to our door. And our children need us to take care of them, not Siri. Children are our comparative advantage. I want to have more children with all of you. But before the long ten year gruelling cycle resumes, I wanted to at least once taste all the forbidden fruits you ladies have to offer. Will you please fulfill my wildest dreams and come in the threesomes I request for the next couple months? I want to satisfy my every hedonistic need before I get back to the pregnancy-only sex, and only you girls can provide it for me. What do you say?" I made a speech at the head of the table.
The girls looked at me and sighed. "We knew it would come to this, and we already agreed that it was your right to have us any way you wanted, as many as you wanted. After all this time, what's the point of being reticent with us? You've always been this sort of guy." Tessa stood up and answered as a spokesman for the whole crowd.
"I knew I could rely on you!" I exclaimed, almost hopping with excitement. "Okay, here are the pairings. In the order of how you all should appear each night, Mirajane, Myusel, write this down okay? So when I call out your name, tonight that will be you. And then the next set of names is tomorrow, and so on, until I get through every combination I wanted. So here we go:" I started to recite from the list I drew up.
"Cure Dream and Cure Lemonade, yes as Pretty Cure." I said.
"Right off the bat!" Urara squeaked in panic.
"Tessa and Kaname. Sophie and Cheria. Kobeni and Orihime. Rydia and Rosa. Tifa and Aerith. Aruruu and Eruruu. Kuon and Nekone. Azusa and Yui. Wendy and Sherria. Lisanna and Mirajane. Nanoha and Fate. Sagiri and Elf. Sora and Miu. Sakura Yoshino and Nemu. Nemu and Yume. Sakura Yoshino and Aisia. Nemu and Aisia."
"Isn't my name getting called a lot?" Nemu started blushing furiously. "This is bullying. This is definitely bullying."
"Iris and Mitsuki." I finished.
Iris and Mitsuki smiled at each other, best friends since the beginning and entirely unsurprised by the development.
"And finally I want to experience a foursome at least once in my life. Nemu, Yume and Himeno will close out the event." I finished.
"Me again!" Nemu whispered furiously in protest to Cute-sama at the unfairness of her life.
"I'm generally opposed to lesbianism or bisexuality, but during this event, I would absolutely love to see you girls all over each other as well as all over me. I think it would be very sexy. If it's for my voyeuristic entertainment, it isn't really lesbianism anymore, now is it? So go all out, even if you don't find your partner attractive, I still want that girl on girl action to play out in front of me like I'd always imagined. But since all 100 of you are so intensely beautiful, I find it hard to believe that any of you aren't attracted to each other." I carried on, ignoring Nemu's pain like usual.
"In addition, for anyone who wasn't on this list, I have a special occasion set aside for you girls too. Instead of vaginal sex, I want to have sex with each and every one of you in a kinky way. Boobjobs, handjobs, between the thighs, we both masturbate in front of each other, 69's, blowjobs, heck, I'm even okay with footjobs, knees and elbows." I said. "I just want to do something kinky. Sex in front of my other wives watching on, outdoors sex, underwater sex, sex in zero gravity, cosplay, dildos, vibrators, handcuffs, blindfolds, spankings, turtle bindings -- a-okay! Aside from Aoba, I get to be the S though." I said.
"Isn't it about time you took our anal virginity, Christopher?" Sayaka boldly said the one thought everyone was thinking in the room.
"I can't very well condemn sodomy if I do it myself, so no." I replied.
"I'll keep it secret, you can do me and we'll pretend it never happened. Just this once and then secret." Sayaka offered yet again.
"I think I'll lose something valuable if I do that, but thank you for offering Sayaka, I really wish I could put it in your butt, it's ridiculously firm and tight and thick, and I do stare at it all the time." I replied.
"I know, which is why I'm offering. Come on, Chris, it's not sodomy when it's with a girl. The healers can heal any damage to my sphincter too so you don't have to worry about it." Sayaka flipped her skirt up to show her rounded ass and white panties that barely covered anything.
"Sodomy is sodomy, harlot. Get thee back, temptress!" I made the sign of the cross.
"Just once, just with me!" Sayaka batted her eyes and bit her lower lip.
"Will the law enforcement escort the anal fanatic from the room?" I finally ordered.
"The night you've always dreamed of. Once in a 1,000 years. You know you want to, Chris, Chris, I'll be waiting, we'll keep it secret, when it's my turn--" Sayaka kept shouting all the way until she was out the door.
The door closed to a loud and ominous silence as all the girls blushed and stared at their plates.
"Ahum." I cleared my throat. "Sodomy is bad, girls. Don't take after her. Even kinky sex has its limits. I don't want electrodes, hot candle wax and whips either. But let's have fun and really let loose this time. Before our third child, let's create some memories."
"Ooooohhhh." A muted cheer rose up from the crowd as they halfheartedly raised their fists. Compared to pedophilia, all of this was socially acceptable though? I think my wives' sense of propriety had distorted after being in Eden for so long.
"That's all. Remember, Cure Dream and Cure Lemonade starts us off tonight!" This time for sure, I'd leave no regrets left on the table.
Chapter 30:
"Sensei, I have a question." Vivio walked up to my desk. She was technically 17 years old, but had already locked herself in at age 14 like many girls among my firstborn. It was surprising to be approached by a high schooler during class, by now they usually were independent enough to read or watch what they wanted on their own.
"Of course, Vivio, what is it?" She had Nanoha's purple eyes, not the green and red from the story, and brown hair instead of blonde, but she was still absolutely beautiful to look at.
"I'd like to talk to you about it in private, if possible." Vivio gave me a steely look.
"Of course." I gestured and we left the "Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Morality" classroom to take a walk through the flower garden outside. The everlasting cherry trees rustled in the wind, with petals drifting slowly and casually towards the ground in a neverending stream. It was a sight these children had grown up with since their earliest memories, so they never noticed it anymore, but I was always struck by how blessed we were to live here every time we walked under their boughs.
"You know I've watched Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha multiple times, right?" Vivio asked, broaching her subject.
I nodded. It had made quite an impression upon her the first time, as I recalled.
"Well, I couldn't help but wonder, why you were my father. In the story, Fate-Mama and Nanoha-Mama raised me together." Vivio said.
"Are you unhappy with me as your parent?" I asked.
"I don't know. Fate is always kind to me, and we don't talk very often, so maybe." Vivio said.
"But without me you couldn't have been born, no matter how kind Fate is." I pointed out.
"Maybe. But with science these days, it might be possible to combine two X chromosomes from two different girls and artificially inseminate the new daughter without any male's help." Vivio disputed.
"I guess. I'm not very keen on that scientific development so Eden doesn't have it, but it probably could be done." I admitted.
"That doesn't mean I'm not thankful to you. Even if sperm isn't technically a requirement, if you hadn't wished Nanoha-Mama into existence, obviously I couldn't have been born either. And if you hadn't loved Nanoha-Mama, because Nanoha is that sort of timid person, she never would have had a child. I'm definitely alive because of you." Vivio said.
"I guess I'm not following you very well. You might be unhappy with me, but you're still thankful to me, but you kind of wish Fate were your mother instead?" I asked for clarification.
"You don't really matter either way." Vivio said frustratedly. Ouch! "The point is Nanoha and Fate are really close in the story. They're really, really close. And I really liked that. It was inspirational."
"Ah." I thought maybe I understood where she was going.
"After that, I've watched other stories too, in our Arts class. The ones you hand-picked out to be the stories that would make us good people. Over and over again, almost any show I pick, it has girls who are really close to each other." Vivio continued.
"Yuri." I spelled it out.
"Yes, yuri." Vivio looked at me with her piercing purple eyes. "Maria-sama ga Miteru, Saki, Madoka Magica, you name it. And then what goes beyond yuri. Sailor Moon. . .and Sakura Trick."
I gulped.
"In our history class, we're told that gays are degenerates, they're despicable people who ruin themselves, families, even nations. And they're discourteous people who demand everyone treat them equally when they're obviously not equal, they're degenerates who go around ruining everything. But in our Arts and Literature class, Nanoha and Fate look really happy together. Saki and Nodoka look happy together. Father, even Yuu and Haruka look really happy together. So which is the real truth? I wanted to ask you this. If you're so against girls loving girls, why did you show us all these beautiful love stories? Why did you get my hopes up? Why did you poison my heart?" Vivio stopped and put both her hands over the center of her chest, giving me an anguished look.
Nanoha's daughter, huh? I guess it could have been expected. "Do you have someone you love, Vivio?" I asked.
"Caro. Of course it has to be Caro. I was interested in her from the beginning, when I knew our common origin, our common Mamas." Vivio confessed.
"And you love her so much, it's no longer enough just to live with her, to see her every day, to talk to her all you want? You have to kiss her too?" I asked.
"And beyond that!" Vivio declared passionately. "Nothing would be enough! I want to melt into her very soul and disappear, that's how much I love her!"
I sighed, looking at her fragile 14 year old body. It's not like I didn't understand her. If I were a girl, I would be looking at the other girls too. It seemed madness to me to be attracted to any boy at all. And yet, if life were to continue, boys and girls had to work together. Not just because of sperm and eggs. As Vivio pointed out, that was pretty much a cop out these days. But because of their complementary strengths. Like how Frodo wouldn't have gotten very far without Sam, boys and girls didn't get very far on their own. That was the macroscopic reason why heterosexuality wasn't just a lifestyle option, it was a necessity. But in the microcosm, when it's Vivio the single woman, the single girl in love, would an argument like that ever be convincing to anyone?
"I included Sakura Trick because it was a beautiful love story. One of the best romances I've ever seen. And the best part about it wasn't even the lesbianism, it was the open admission that sex was an intrinsic part of love, that sexual attraction and acting on sexual attraction was what true lovers did. That it could unite people, overcome obstacles, and deepen our bonds." I answered honestly.
"So what, it's unfortunate that it was between two girls, but the sex scenes were so good you had to praise it anyway?" Vivio glared at me.
"No, I thought it was important. It was true, a truth no amount of history lessons can contravene. Sometimes two girls can love each other so much and so well that nothing should ever get between them. Sometimes a love like that is right and good and true, and Sakura Trick proved that to me." I said.
"So why?" Vivio cried out hoarsely. "Why can't I marry Caro?"
"Because if you married Caro, next thing we know, ten other girls will want to marry ten other girls, and five boys will announce their love for other boys, and ten boys will say they want to transition into a girl and cut their dicks off, and five girls will say they're tired of being girls and want to grow beards, and four other boys and girls will call themselves non-binary pansexual furry attack helicopters, and on and on and on. And at the end there will be no one left to carry on the torch of civilization. Or so few that the freaks will outnumber them and drag us all down to oblivion. I've already seen it happen once, and I never want to see it again. Eden will not, will not, go down that path." I looked back into her eyes with an equal level of conviction.
"So just allow lesbians. You said it yourself, lesbians can be true lovers. I don't care about the others, ban them if you want." Vivio pleaded.
I laughed at her precociousness. "It wouldn't work. I agree that they actually are different, but that's not how others will see it. They'll say that if lesbians can marry for love, they should be allowed to as well. And if lesbians can follow the personal identity they feel is right in their hearts, then transgenders should be allowed to too, and so on. The moment the principle of individualism, of human rights, of freedom, of liberalism, of pluralism, of degeneracy is allowed, it spreads like a cancer and envelops everything. Like I said, I've literally seen it all before. From start to finish, I saw the entire philosophical sweep. It started with a beautiful love story, a fervent kiss between two girls, and ended in a dung heap."
"So I just have to suffer?" Vivio said. "I'd rather kill myself."
"There is a solution." I said calmly. "We can cure you."
"I'd rather die than be 'cured' of my love for Caro." Vivio repeated herself.
"I thought you might say that." I sighed, admiring her the longer we talked. If it wasn't like this, she wouldn't be my daughter, huh? The courage of her convictions burned as brightly as any Divine Buster.
"I'll let you in on a secret." I finally said. "Polygamy in Eden is legal."
Vivio stared at me uncomprehendingly. I just stood there smiling back at her. It may have taken thirty seconds as she waited for me to say something more. And then, slowly, her mouth formed into an O.
"Father!" Vivio jumped into my arms. I swung her small body around and then hugged her tight against me.
"I didn't say anything except what everybody in the world knows. So there's no reason for you to thank me." I said to her ear.
"Unn, unn!" Vivio nodded happily.
"But does Caro even know? Would she agree even if you asked?" I asked, now simply curious for my daughter's happiness.
"She doesn't know a thing. I didn't want to take her down with me. But I think. . .I think if I asked. . .if I pinned her down and just started. . ." Vivio blushed.
"Well, putting that aside. You'll still have to be a proper wife to the lucky guy, too. Can you do that?" I asked seriously.
"I'd do anything. Anything, if it means I can be with Caro. We'll choose a guy together, and make him so happy he has nothing left to complain about." Vivio promised me.
We re-entered the classroom as co-conspirators.
* * *
Cure Flora made good on her promise and, as part of our kinky sex relay, let me lick vanilla ice cream off her breasts, over her nipples, down her cleavage, all the way to her belly button. She also would take a bite of ice cream, and then we would French kiss, and every time I licked and sucked on her tongue that delightful cool vanilla taste would suffuse me yet again. Then she let me paint her body with whorls and spirals and flowers of pure vanilla from her cheeks down to her pussy, and lick it all off her again. Eventually she was a sticky mess and I was full, so we retired to the shower. Once she was feeling clean again, she turned and embraced me standing, her breasts squishing softly against my chest and warming my soul.
I pushed her back to the wall and lifted one of her legs to spread her hips for me, and then I finally slid my way into her standing. Each time one of my thrusts brought my face in close to hers we would kiss again. With the constant beat of the hot shower against our skin, it felt more like we were being purified in a holy ritual than having sex. After I came inside her, I carefully put her back on two feet, and then held her tight to feel those precious ruby nipples and ivory breasts against me for as long as possible. She wrapped her arms around my back and stroked me up and down my spine, occasionally playfully squeezing my butt.
"We've come a long way, huh?" Cure Flora smiled at me.
The first time she'd made this suggestion was to insult me for being such a pervert. But after so long together, she even wanted to make that perverted side of me happy. Though she would have acceded to my request probably from the very beginning, after 18 years of lovemaking it came to her comfortably and naturally. Watching the effect she had on me was reward enough to keep going.
"This really beats coughing up blood." I agreed.
"You hold a grudge for a long time, you know that?" Cure Flora punched me in the side. She couldn't punch me in the chest because I was still currently crushing her entire frontal body against mine.
I closed my eyes and sighed. "I also have fond memories for a long time. That first time you transformed in front of me, but you left the clothes out and only your hair changed with that lovely tiara on top. . .that might be the most beautiful sight I've ever seen."
"Even better than making my body into your canvas and painting me with melted ice cream?" Cure Flora teased.
"That might actually be the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I replied seriously.
Cure Flora blushed, not thinking she had made such an impression on me. "If you really liked it so much, we could always do it again." She said softly.
"I don't know. . .I think I just want to treasure this memory forever. . .maybe someday when this moment dims. . .but right now, holding you like this. . .I just want to feel how special this is." I replied, trying to collect my thoughts in the midst of such overwhelming happiness.
"Whatever you want." Cure Flora nipped my ear. "I'll do whatever you want, whenever you want, Christopher. I love you."
A love I had won all on my own. A love even Cute-sama couldn't assist me with, had now bloomed in full glory.
Chapter 31:
"Fuketsu desu. Christopher wa fuketsu!" Sara whined as we both lay on our sides, our polarities reversed. She oriented my erection towards her with her small hand and resignedly stuffed it in her mouth with her eyes closed tight even as I leaned in to start licking her slit.
She squealed something that sounded like fuketsuuuuuu as my tongue dived deep into her but her mouth was too full with dick for me to make it out very clearly.
* * *
"I'm sorry, this is all I could think of." Koko blushed as she put the meal down in front of me. It was hamburger steak with hash browns doused in a liberal serving of ketchup.
"Ii! Jitsuni ii!" I exclaimed, giving a huge thumbs up as I gobbled down her meal.
"I'm glad you like it." Koko said, her face pointed straight at the ground and her hands clenched nervously in front of her, wearing nothing but a naked apron.
* * *
"Today's present is me." Silica said nervously, her body a beautiful interplay of bare flesh and diagonally wrapped pink ribbon. A giant bow crested over her meager breasts, hiding them from view.
* * *
"Harem no Jutsu." Sakura Haruno did a blazing series of different hand signs. And then all around me Sakura's of different ages appeared, from when she was a little child with a ribbon in her hair, to when she had her beautiful long pink tresses, to the time she wore a purple diamond on her forehead, all nude and posing in different positions.
I reached out to her long haired self eagerly and my hand passed through the empty air.
"I can't do kagebunshin, silly, these are only bunshin. But I asked myself what I could do, and this is what I came up with. If you touch me while looking at all of them, nantoka naresou kamo. . ." Sakura Haruno looked at me with hopeful upturned liquid green eyes.
* * *
"I dressed up as Ishtar. Are you happy now?!" Rin Tohsaka queried demandingly through tears of humiliation. Though an outfit like this hardly qualified as being 'dressed'. . .
* * *
"Henge!" Rin Nohara crossed her fingers into a hand sign and then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Emerging from the white vapor was the pure white-eyed, blue-haired, busty-formed, fishnet-vest-clothed Hinata Hyuuga. It was so lifelike I thought for a moment she had actually somehow appeared here in Eden.
"Today is special, so I pondered what I could uniquely do best, and this is what I came up with." Even Hinata's voice was perfectly attuned. This was a truly potent ninjutsu! "Though technically, Mirajane could do it with her takeover magic, or Sakura Kinomoto could use Illusion, or Sakura Haruno could henge like me. . .so I guess it still isn't unique. . ." Rin Nohara started to lose heart and trail off, her head dipping even as her eyes rose to see what my reaction might be.
"But you were the first one willing to do it!" I dove in to cheer her up. "You're beautiful! I mean, you're always beautiful, but this is so far beyond my imagination!"
"I always wondered why you picked me instead of Hinata, so I thought, why not give him both?" Rin Nohara as Hinata looked back up into my eyes and smiled nervously.
"I chose you over Hinata because I felt ten times as poignantly over every word you said and every face you made and every thing you did than I felt with her. Tragic heroines like you and Wakaba have an otherwordly magnetism, an aura I just can't resist." I tried to express her ineffable aura with some wavy hand gestures.
"My life really was rotten, you know? Of all the luck, not only did the boy I confess to reject me, then you went and stabbed me through the heart! Is that really called for?" Rin Nohara pouted with both her cheeks puffed out.
I couldn't help it and broke out laughing. "I swear I didn't mean it that way!"
"But when I woke up here, I was in a wedding dress, and you leaned over and kissed me, and you've been making it up to me ever since. Thanks to your wish, I'm alive and loved, the best off I've ever been. So maybe I'm a little more grateful than the other girls, and that means I'm a little more motivated to please you than the other girls, and that means I'm a little more lenient with the definition of 'cheating.' I'll transform into any girl you want, for the rest of our lives, and you can sleep with a new fantasy every time it's my turn, so long as you promise to remember it's still me underneath." Rin Nohara promptly delivered on her promise by pulling down the sleeves of her shirt and letting Hinata's exposed breasts pop up in front of me.
* * *
Kobeni and Orihime sat down on the bed in front of me, holding their enormous breasts in their hands as they faced each other and looked at me. "Now, slip your penis into the cleavage between us." I adjusted my kneeling position to squiggle inbetween them. Then the two kissed their breasts and nipples to each other, encasing me in a four-fold prison. The two held their breasts tightly around my shaft and started rubbing them up and down, their nipples crossing back and forth over each other's in a visual heaven far exceeding the physical contact. Then the two leaned into each other and started kissing.
* * *
"I remember you preferring me in black hair." Lafiel said stiffly, sitting in my lap in a floral patterned dress and looking up at me. "You can play with it if you want." She had dyed it just for this day.
* * *
"Star dress: Leo Form!" Lucy called out dramatically as I watched appreciatively from the couch. The first treat was a black evening gown type. "Virgo Form!" Now she was a French miniskirt maid with white thigh high stockings. "Taurus Form!" A bikini cowgirl with one-sleeved pants emerged. "Sagittarius Form!" A sexy wood elf archer outfit came next. "Aries Form!" Fluffy garments suitable for underwear blessed me next. "Gemini Form!" A circus clown. "Scorpio Form!" Something like motorcycle riding gear, skin tight with a v-back exposure followed. "Cancer Form!" A beautiful wide sleeved Chinese martial arts style dress appeared. "Capricorn Form!" A dominatrix? "Aquarius Form!" A beautiful bikini pareo combo suited to a water spirit made the perfect finale.
With clothes like that, it wouldn't take much to go the rest of the way from here! Or so I thought.
"Ugh. Out of. . .magic. . ." Lucy started to collapse and it was all I could do to catch her and lay her down as the new occupant of my couch.
"Zzzzzzz." Were Lucy's last words.
"Otsukare-sama," I whispered after fondly tracing her bangs away from her closed eyes.
* * *
"I don't have any special skills so please let me off with this." Kotori asked as she knelt down to suck my dick, carefully holding her long hair behind her ear.
* * *
"I always make love and give birth in Akane's form because it's easier on my body, but today is special, so I'm giving you Wakaba's virginity too." Wakaba's eleven year old, pre-drowned eyes gazed into mine with the passion of an unfulfilled dream.
* * *
"Uuaaahhh." Usagi squealed. "If you turn it up so high, I'll. . .cum. . .cumming." I watched as her face distorted from the vibrator over her clitoris. Finally my patience wore out and I wanted to join in on the fun. She was so wet I slid all the way to her cervix with my first thrust. "No, no, this is no good, not while the vibrator is still. . ." Usagi tried to protest, and then her vagina started clenching around me spasmodically again and again. It had only taken one thrust for her to orgasm again, but as for me I was just getting started.
* * *
"I thought, you always liked me in goth-loli." Sae gestured down towards her black lace dress. "Here, like this, we can do it clothed. . ." Sae undid a few laces criss-crossing her front, letting the fabric slide away from her vagina. Then she kept untying the laces higher and higher, until the dress split far enough for me to see the glorious rise of her breasts and the cleavage inbetween. "Is this enough?" Sae asked, looking at me. "If I undo the next tie, you can see my breasts entirely. Just tug here whenever you want it to happen. But I thought it might be better this way tonight. . ."
* * *
Deedlit's arms were chained to the wall above her in a revealing black dress that started barely over the swell of her nipples and ended well before the juncture of her ass to her thighs. She wore a blindfold and shifted her body back and forth helplessly against her constraints. "Oh no. I've been captured and kidnapped once again. Someone please save me. You brute, what are you planning to do to me?"
* * *
"Just this once okay?" Azusa snapped, blushing. She and Yui sat seiza style in the nude at my feet as I relaxed sitting up and watching them with my legs hanging over the bed and my penis front and center.
"Sei, no." Yui said, and the two girls leaned in and started licking my shaft together. The best feeling in the world was when their tongues crested the tip and started kissing each other.
* * *
"I thought you might like it if I were draped in nothing but cats." Rin Natsume said in a monotone, lying on her back in bed and waiting for me to be impressed. I could barely see any of her bare skin beneath the ever shifting mounds of sleeping purring flesh.
"Itai, itai-na! Lenin, no claws! No claws, Lenin! Not now. Kora. Dame, Lenin, okotteru!" Suddenly she was tackling her cat, her body emerging from the sea of stripes like a whale piercing the water, and started tickling his belly. It didn't look like I was going to get a moment in edgewise.
* * *
"How do you like mature me?" Elize wound a finger through her beribboned short twintails while proudly wearing her school uniform from Xillia 2.
"I love all your versions, but scientifically speaking I think it's established I like twintails the most." I replied delightedly. Her light blonde hair and yellow eyes contrasted starkly with her navy blazer and black ribbons, bringing vibrancy to both. Likewise, her combination of joy at being paid attention to contrasting with the shyness of how to handle that attention carried equal magnetism. A girl who started with nothing and almost lost everything was now basking in the radiance of more love than she ever imagined receiving.
"In that case, I was thinking, since I'm so much older like this, that it might be okay to, you know, go with something bigger. . ." Elize blushed and made clear it was up to me to figure out the rest.
* * *
“I spent my whole life trying to beat Sophie and this is my reward.” Cheria grumbled. Of course the pairing was inevitable precisely due to that rivalry, which only here could be resolved in the most obvious way, the way every love triangle between equally wonderful girls should be resolved.
"I'll sit on his tongue so you can take his member." Sophie graciously gave Cheria the pole position.
"Wait!" I protested. "What's the point if I can't see your bodies?" The entire purpose of a threesome was getting to look at four breasts, not zero!
"So what do you want to do with the two of us?" Cheria asked, perplexed as to how three people could fit together any other way.
"Sophie, sit on my left. Cheria, sit on my right. Then kiss your pussies to either side of my erection." I explained.
"You want me to scissor Sophie with only your dick inbetween?" Cheria's face went redder and redder.
"Don't worry Cheria, I've always loved both of you like family." Sophie encouraged while placidly complying, stripping and nestling in to her assigned location.
"Urrgh." Cheria had no answer to Sophie's innocence. As someone who owed her health and life to the robot she somehow felt compelled to follow suit. The heat where the three of us conjoined was tremendous.
* * *
Haruka Saigusa wore a pair of matching purple and pink, horizontal striped, thigh high socks. She had me lay on the bed and then stood over me so I could see all the way up her skirt to the pink panties underneath. "You said you wanted a footjob, so here it goes."
* * *
Yuna pulled out all of her dresspheres, from gunner to thief to songstress to dark knight to (cat-girl) berserker to kimono-clad matsuri goer, and then finally transformed into a blooming flower goddess floating in mid-air.
Her blue and green heterochromia eyes tracked my face hopefully, nude save for the unfolding petals that framed her glowing body. "It ends the same way with you inside me, but I thought if we began like this, it might feel special. Did you like it?"
* * *
"Raising Heart! -- Bardiche! -- Settt Up!" The magitech duo commanded, facing me side by side. "Stand by, ready." "Condition all green, get set." Their intelligent devices responded. Pink feathers and sparkles flew on one side of the room while yellow lightning forked dangerously around the other as my whirling in mid-air magical girls were stripped of their casual clothes and encased in their beautiful matching white and black barrier jackets from A's.
Nanoha gave me a triumphant look as she grounded her staff. "You've had so many threesomes already. So we knew, if we were going to catch your eye, ours would have to be a bit flashier than the others."
"So we thought, as nine year olds in strategically displaced barrier jackets, we wouldn't lose to anyone." Fate mumbled while blushing and staring determinedly at the floor.
* * *
Suffice to say they were trying their hardest, with varying effectiveness, to fulfill all my wildest dreams, just like I'd asked of them. This was probably what it felt like to enter a love singularity, where the feelings per cubic inch in the air became so dense I could never escape them again.
Chapter 32:
I had been busy as Mayor recently overseeing and officially sealing many of my children's weddings. As they graduated from high school they felt like there was no reason left to wait and embarked upon their adult lives together. (Which less meant work these days -- there was Siri for that -- and more often meant snowboarding)
Only the eldest of my firstborns, the very first crop of kids in Eden, had reached this landmark so far, but from here on it would become more and more frequent. It wouldn't be long now before I had my first grandchildren. Just as with my kids, I had no intention to be a good grandparent either. There would be far too many for me to keep track of them all. All I could do was set up a good society for them to grow up in as Mayor, and lead them to a deep appreciation of the good things in life as their teacher. As a grandfather I planned on being in absentia.
However, when Kuon knocked on the door and then opened it to introduce Mira carrying a helmet, I felt something unusual stirring in the wind.
Mira put the helmet carefully down on my thick oaken desk. "If you thought Siri was something, take a gander at this."
"You want me to put it on?" I asked gingerly.
"Go ahead. Here's the power switch. Once it's snug say 'link start.' Oh, and be sure your body is in a comfortable position because it won't be moving for a while." Mira advised.
I did as was instructed and entered the world of virtual reality. Looking down at myself, I saw that I looked and felt exactly the same. This was no mere pair of goggles with a high definition screen able to project images, all my senses were equally immersed. I touched my penis and sure enough a pleasant feedback transpired. Virtual reality porn was possible. I wasn't sure I would need it, since I was already a porn star in real life, but for boys who couldn't land girls this should be a welcome relief. As good or better than the real thing, as much as they liked, with as many different imagined partners as they liked. This should be a powerful deterrent to suicidal thoughts.
I looked around at the beach, felt the sea breeze tickle my skin, the warmth of the sun beating down on me, and smelled the salt in the air. It was all real. I couldn't tell anything apart from the real deal. I pinched my skin and sure enough there was pain. Wait, wouldn't this make for an ideal torture device? We could put people through endless virtual disembowelments and yet their body in the real world would still be untouched, so the damage could stretch on and on. I hoped there was some mode where pain was turned off, but I guess the virtual world Mira sent me to for the demo was here to show me its full capabilities.
As I searched around for something to do, I came across four of my wives playing beach volleyball. The breast physics as they jumped and ran about were perfect. It looked exactly like what had transpired at our recent barbeque cookout. I blinked with disbelief. How much processing power would it take to so minutely calculate all the ray tracing of the light, the collision detection of each grain of sand with their skin, each follicle of hair's separate motion and collision with each other follicle, all in real time? Was this really computing power anymore or relying on some other method?
"Christopher!" Iris waved at me, jumping up and down, her ample breasts bouncing in incredible fashion. I was shocked, frightened, that the virtual reality girls had so much independence that they had even initiated our encounter.
I waved back, trying to keep a straight face. Iris in her white bikini was paired with Mitsuki in her black as they faced off against the equally warrior-honed adult mode Nanoha in white and Fate in black. Iris approached me after apologizing to the other girls and leaned over dangerously, exposing her perfect curves with an inquisitive tilt of her head.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you still be working at City Hall? It's no good to ditch everything and leave it to Kuon you know." Iris advised.
She knew everything about me? And she passed the Turing test? Wait, was this really a simulation, or was Iris connected with another helmet and just straight talking to me right now? Panic welled up in my breast as I could no longer tell what was happening.
"Iris, what's 35 x 7,497?" I asked.
"Umm. . ." Iris tried holding out her hands and looking at her fingers, and then got an angry face and puffed out her cheek. "Gomakasunaide, I was asking you a question first."
"Then what if a rabbit passed a road?" I asked again.
". . . Are you okay?" Iris put a hand on my forehead to see if I were suffering from heatstroke. The concerned look in her purple eyes made me feel bad for trying to throw the AI off its pre-set script.
"Are you wearing a headset?" I finally asked in desperation.
"Does it look like I am?" Iris pointed at her head.
"Logout!" I shouted. The world blinked out and suddenly I was trapped in the darkness of the helmet's visor. I scrabbled at the chin strap, pulled it off and took a deep breath like I'd almost suffocated. The comforting environs of my office reappeared with Mira sitting across from me in the visitor's padded chair.
My hands shook as I carefully placed the invention atop my desk and let go of it. "What is this? This isn't virtual reality. That was just reality."
"It was virtual reality." Mira assured me, putting a hand on my shaking arm. "What happened? I set the demo to something I knew you'd love. Were you attacked by sharks or something?"
"I was attacked by Iris acting exactly like Iris as far as I could possibly tell." I snapped in response. "What. . .on Eden. . .in Cute-sama's name. . ."
"Siri's AI was used to analyze everyone's mannerisms and conversational habits. It's listening in and watching everything we say and do so it wasn't hard for it to extrapolate what we'd do next in any given situation. If we feed it enough data about a non-existent person, Siri can fill in the gaps with guesswork in their persona too. We could create a horde of goblins or Chaos Marines just as easily." Mira explained.
"So Siri was the breakthrough." I sighed.
"One breakthrough." Mira corrected me. "The mental block so that people wouldn't sense anything from the real world or send any signals to their bodies required a separate breakthrough. The real time physics engine was a third breakthrough. The electrical signals sending the exact right sensory information to the brain was a fourth. The mind-machine interface interpreting your thoughts into actions in the virtual world was a fifth."
"How? Even with Kaname's whispers we could never figure it out." I asked. That's why virtual reality had been at a standstill for so long. The difficulties had been insurmountable.
"I entered Dimension W, scoured every possibility in the Research Institute's present, and found the only one where we had invented a working virtual reality headset. Then I memorized the exact blueprints for it and came back to our dimensional axis. I wrote it out for Mitsuki to dark matter up, and here is our prototype. Sakura Kinomoto was kind enough to use the Mirror card to produce thousands of copies, so that everyone in Eden can have their personal VR machine. But we don't have much software to go with it yet, so there's no real point in distributing the hardware." Mira said.
"Then how did they make all those breakthroughs?" I asked, still not satisfied.
"With enough monkeys on enough typewriters eventually by pure chance one will churn out the collected works of Shakespeare. Now imagine Mitsuki's instead of monkeys and there you go." Mira explained succinctly the infinitudes she'd traversed.
"Even though I've warned you so many times about the dangers of Dimension W, you went anyway?" I finally got around to my real objection.
"Dimension W depletion destroys the world. And every time I leave my body I may not come back. But it would take a lot more usage of Dimension W to deplete it, and my life is well worth this invention. Virtual reality is more important than me. Plus, as you can see, I did it perfectly and came back fine." Mira flexed her arm in a sign of full strength. "I'm not just the tonkatsu you always say I am. In a pinch I can come through."
"It's not about whether I have faith in you or not, it's about how much you mean to me." A sigh of resignation went through me. Mira was always quick to sacrifice herself for the good of others. As a machine she had always discounted her own value compared to human beings.
"This isn't the first time I've used Dimension W either." Mira confessed. "When you said you wanted to start having children, I surfed the worlds of possibility for the nanite structure which could answer your dream, and rebuilt myself along those lines too."
I blushed. I had asked the impossible of her and she had selflessly, without any complaint or even mention, delivered. And after all these years I had never even realized the risk she had taken for me.
"Was that too something worth dying for?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Yes. Having children together was my dream." Mira's green eyes looked into mine unwaveringly.
"Anything else I should know?" I asked.
"Nope, it was only those two times, so far." Mira's tail swished back and forth innocently.
"Well, if you decide to wander off again, please come back to me like you have the last two times. I don't want anyone to die. My wish was 100 wives, not 99 wives and a VR headset." I said.
"But now everyone can enjoy anything we can imagine for the rest of time." Mira put her finger on this helmet which represented a solidification of dreams into matter.
"With Siri to help with the coding, how fast did it take you to build that demo?" I asked.
"I think the Research Institute all working together took a week to build that?" Mira put a finger on her lip, thinking back. "They all agreed it was my right to present it to you today once we had finished." She gave a happy smile like a pet who had received praise.
"Well, I want a prominent menu option for people to logout with, from here on, and make it always appear in our vision, so we know none of this is real. And of course a pain filter in any type of game that could lead to taking damage." I instructed. Though it had been a beach volleyball game with Iris in a bikini, I can't say I had very much enjoyed my first time down the rabbit hole.
"As you command, my lord." Mira saluted me. Shouldn't that have been a curtsy then? A salute would have been to a general. . . oh well, not that it mattered.
"Tell Aoba I'm looking forward to her game." I said, handing the precious helmet back into Mira's waiting hands.
"Everyone at the Research Institute and the Studio is pouring their all into it, sir. You won't be disappointed." Mira assured me.
I hoped I could play a character other than the 100-penised lolicon Goat Demon. . .
* * *
My 100 wives and I were all laying down in a line of futons together in a specially prepared gaming room, wearing identical virtual reality headsets. Siri maids looked after our bodies while we were away.
In the virtual world Aoba was giving us a tutorial. The real Aoba, not a simulacrum. Everyone here was a real wife who had dived in with me.
"Your abilities are the same as what you could do in your source work, but we've calibrated the damage and healing outputs to your moves so that they're all game balanced. If you blow up the solar system with an amazing summon attack, you'll still do 5 damage at level one. Kirino's slap also does 5 damage." Aoba explained, and everyone laughed.
"So everyone fight naturally like you're used to, the game is designed to make the fights challenging but not impossible. If you use your ingrained battle knowledge it should go well, and there are only slimes and goblins outside the starting town anyway, so you can get used to things and level up." Aoba advised.
"The premise of this game is that a Maou has unleashed his demonic armies from the north upon the human realm, and multiple countries have already fallen to their evil reign. Our job is a quest campaign that starts at the center of human power and then counterattacks into the north, where we'll topple the No Life King, the Skaven underworld, the Orc Chieftan, the Beastmen, the Dark Elves, the legions of Chaos, and finally the Maou's personal domain with all of his evil human collaborators. We call them the Fallen." Aoba said excitedly.
"Those filthy traitors." Shana called out in disgust, apparently already fully in character.
"There's a huuuuuuuge plot twist waiting for us at the Maou's castle. But maybe I should just reveal it now? I really want to reveal it now." Aoba put on an evil grin.
"Stop!" Some in the crowd shouted, while others encouraged her with "Go ahead!"
"Okay, here it is!" Aoba's arms stretched wide. "The Maou's chosen royal guard are none other than -- dark versions of us! The Dark Harem that serves his infinite unbridled lust. We have to defeat ourselves if we want to win the game!"
"Let's show the AI who can best use our own powers." Mikoto got revved up at the thought.
“You mean I get to meet Dark Dream again?!” Nozomi smiled uncontrollably, her interest in the game suddenly spiking.
“Dark Dream and Dark Lemonade!” Aoba promised. “I’m sure if it’s you they’ll somehow be befriendable too.” Aoba rolled her eyes at the prospect.
"Are there any variable fighters I could pilot, like, by unlocking after some quest?" Mylene asked hopefully, lacking the direct superpowers of her compatriots.
"Unfortunately this is a fantasy game." Aoba replied. "But for the pilot inclined there is magitek armor."
"Magitek armor!" Lots of powerless girls exclaimed excitedly, suddenly seeing a path forward.
"You can play the game solo if you want, or we can all work together, the raid encounters scale in difficulty with the number of players who enter the instance together. So play whenever you want, with whomever you want. There's no real death penalty, you just reappear at the nearest town, so it's okay to take risks. But it's risky to stay in the game for over three hours so you automatically log out if you don't manually do so before then. We still need to eat, shower, eliminate waste and so on in Paradise, so don't forget who you truly are." Aoba held up a warning finger.
"Silica, Asuna, Leafa." I called out to my SAO wives. "We invented this machine for you three. I'd be greatly honored if you formed a party with me and we won this game together."
Asuna looked to the other wives to see if they would get jealous over her monopolizing me, but they all nodded and gestured approvingly. "Why do I have the sinking feeling that not only can you not pull off a Starburst Stream, you're going to be completely useless at everything?" Asuna asked me with her chestnut colored eyes narrowing.
"Isn't that the sort of handicap VRMMO pros need to keep things exciting?" I countered confidently.
"Aoba, can we use all our sword arts here? What about the magic from Alfheim Online?" Leafa asked.
"Anything you mastered over there is a skill you can use here." Aoba replied. "This is your world, of course we matched it to your online selves, not your real world capabilities."
Pina perched on Silica's shoulder as she fed it a small brownie. "I want to play with Christopher, if you two wouldn't mind." She said bashfully.
"Then it's settled." Asuna nodded and passed me a party invite. "We'll play the whole game as a 4-man party. No cheating and leveling up while we're away."
"It took 22 years to get back here." Leafa lovingly ran her fingers down the cut of her clothes, along the hilt of her sword, and then floated into the air with faerie wings. "I was starting to miss it." She smiled happily.
"First things first," I whispered into Silica's ear. "Don't you want to try out sex in the virtual world?"
Her face turned beet red, and then she quietly nodded.
"So there you have it." I took Silica's hand in mine. "We'll be investigating the graphics at the nearest inn. You two can go ahead and buy all the equipment and items you think we'll be needing."
"Ah, zurui!" Suguha complained, watching Silica sneaking away with me.
Asuna put a hand on her arm and smiled, shaking her head. Now that Silica was looking forward to her unfinished dream, which had been an unrequited love last time she had shared this world with me, it wouldn't do to interrupt.
"Well I'm going next." Suguha muttered to herself, landing back on the ground.
Chapter 33:
Aoba and the others didn't stop at one VRMMO. They also provided a Dead or Alive Venus Vacation type sex simulator, an all you can eat lunch buffet (of truly empty calories), a quiet room where people could sleep even if their babies kept crying, a full scale recreation of Earth for tourists to visit without any of the danger, virtual reality recreations of historic periods and events meant for history class (fueled by the knowledge gained by Louise's portals combined with Sakura using the Record card), a combat arena where people could test their skills against each other without actually feeling pain or getting injured, a full scale recreation of Eden for the convenience of sightseers who didn't actually want to leave home, VR athletic events so no one would get hurt trying dangerous stunts and VR full immersion remakes of highly rated eroge, video games and anime. People could also meet in VR just to chat instead of having to rely on phones or messaging, since it conveyed more information to be able to talk face to face. Virtual reality contained infinite possibilities, sort of like the Dimension W we used to invent it. The only limit was how imaginatively we could apply it.
The VR versions of World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI/XIV were really popular with the children. A lot of them were practically living in other worlds now. I was already living the dream, so I didn't use virtual reality for much, but questing with Asuna, Suguha and Keiko brought us all closer together than we'd ever been before. For that I thanked Mira and Aoba profusely.
After our year long recreational break (i.e., my youngest child was still only one year old), where we defeated the Maou and I tried out every fetish I could think of with my accommodating partners, I felt I couldn't very well be losing to my own children's fertility and decided to breed up another batch. These would be my thirdborns. Since many of my waifus were still raising young children, I decided to follow the same order as last time, so all the secondborns would be grown up enough before their mothers risked getting pregnant again.
Year 22 was mainly about putting buns in the oven, so the births started up again in 23. They continued for the next nine years, ten girls per year, until the year 32 E.T.
"Congratulations, it's a boy!" Cheria showed off Nagisa's newest child to me as Rosa carefully monitored her heartrate.
"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" I punched the hospital wall. The pain I felt in my knuckles and wrist was nothing compared to how my heart felt about missing my chance at Ushio yet again.
"Don't blame me." Nagisa said weakly from the hospital bed. "I provided an X chromosome all three times."
"I know that." I instantly put on a mollifying voice when addressing her. "The wrong is with me. It's always with me. Don't worry Nagisa, you've always been perfect."
Cheria sighed and cast a healing spell on my broken hand. Then she looked at the wall and called in Siri to start up the repairs.
"I know you're disappointed, but your son needs a name, and your support too." Cheria held up the baby again.
I took him in my arms and dabbled some water on his forehead. "I dub thee Youhei. A name like that is good enough for the likes of you."
I gave the child back to Nagisa, who carefully cuddled him to her breast. "Don't worry Nagisa. I'll never give up. Until we can have Ushio, I'll keep impregnating everyone again and again. We'll do it twelve times if we have to."
"Would you please stop impregnating me just for Nagisa's sake?" Cheria rolled her eyes.
"It wouldn't be fair if I left anyone out, so I'm afraid you're stuck." I told her, turning and kissing Cheria on the lips. "Thanks for healing my hand, it really hurt."
"You could've thought of that before destroying hospital property." Cheria said, but she still kissed me back.
There were many more disappointments of the same sort. Usagi also had her third son in a row, so Small Lady had yet to join us. Rin Natsume failed yet again to give birth to a boy who could have been named Kyousuke Natsume, and so on. Overall I had terrible luck with the thirdborns. I made do with what I could and used the best names possible given the situation. After a trainwreck like this, I was eager to start with the fourthborns ASAP to give Ushio and all the others who were still waiting to join me here in Eden another chance.
In total, I had 49 more sons as compared to 51 more daughters, which helped address the gender disparity among my children. The details thereunto were as follows:
Year 1 (Year 23 E.T.):
Asuna's son was named Ryoutarou Yuuki, or 'Klein.'
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Sasami Natsume.
Rose's son was named Dezel Dagger.
Deedlit's daughter was named Ringo Glade.
Yume's son was named Neji Asakura.
Koko's son was named Kiba Tsukishima.
Yukino's daughter was named Irina Putina Ouhama.
Isara's son was named Rock Lee Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Miyabi Kazato.
Asa's son was named Shino Kazato.
Chiwa's daughter was named Miho Harusaki.
Year 2 (Year 24 E.T.):
Rosa's son was named Kain Farrell.
Eruruu's daughter was named Camyu Green.
Sherria's daughter was named Meredy Blendy.
Lisanna's daughter was named Shino Strauss.
Emily's son was named Simon Granger.
Usagi's son was named Sousuke Tsukino.
Nadeko's son was named Kaiki Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's daughter was named Hibiki Haruno.
Riko's son was named Jiraiya Izayoi.
Aoba's son was named Gaara Suzukaze.
Year 3 (Year 25 E.T.):
Kudryavka's son was named Ryouta Noumi.
Kagome's son was named Miroku Higurashi.
Nekone's son was named Oshtor Gold.
Sagiri's son was named Hak Izumi.
Kobato's daughter was named Yozora Hasegawa.
Myusel's daughter was named Petralka Foaran.
Nemu's son was named Shannon Asakura.
Aisia's daughter was named Anzu Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's son was named Rokumon Mamiya.
Hozumi's son was named Byakuya Schmetterling.
Year 4 (Year 26 E.T.):
Kirino's son was named Renji Kousaka.
Mylene's daughter was named Freyja Jenius.
Nico's son was named Shinta Yazawa, or 'Kenshin.'
Rin Tohsaka's son was named Almus Tohsaka.
Kobeni's daughter was named Asuna Yonomori.
Mavis' son was named Zeref Vermillion.
Levy's son was named Shiki McGarden.
Yuna's daughter was named Rikku Sea.
MOMO's daughter was named Shion Mizrahi.
Urara's son was named Goku Kasugano.
Year 5 (Year 27 E.T.):
Keiko's son was named Eugeo Ayano.
Teletha's daughter was named Ryou Testarossa.
Kaname's son was named Rand Chidori.
Kotori's son was named Kotarou Kanbe.
Makina's son was named Ranma Irisu.
Sora's son was named Vegeta Takanashi.
Sara's son was named Toma Chrysalis.
Sayaka's daughter was named Kazuko Mayuzumi.
Meiko's daughter was named Emilico Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Kamina Mononobe.
Year 6 (Year 28 E.T.):
Haruka Saigusa's son was named Han Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Yuri Barnes.
Juvia's daughter was named Ultear Locksor.
Mirajane's daughter was named Sorsha Strauss.
Nanoha's daughter was named Teana Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's daughter was named Hinata Nohara.
Lafiel's son was named Hiro Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Aoi Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Nia Katagiri.
Akane's daughter was named Momiji Tsukishima.
Year 7 (Year 29 E.T.):
Suguha's daughter was named Yoko Kirigaya.
Elize's son was named Lloyd Lutus.
Tifa's daughter was named Eiko Lockhart.
Aerith's son was named Vincent Gainsborough.
Fate's daughter was named Einhart Testarossa.
Chtolly's daughter was named Ithea Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Kobato Kinomoto.
Sae's son was named Shikamaru Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Satoko Ryuugu.
Ai's daughter was named Sanya Hinatsuru.
Year 8 (Year 30 E.T.):
Rydia's son was named Cyan Mist.
Aruruu's daughter was named Yuzuha Green.
Kuon's son was named Hikaru Black.
Lucy's son was named Leo Heartfilia, or 'Loke.'
Sakura Haruno's son was named Naruto Haruno.
Shana's son was named Zoro Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Luffy Yuuki.
Illyasviel's daughter was named Miyu von Einzbern.
Lyria's son was named Richard Jewel.
Louise's daughter was named Tiffania Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Year 9 (Year 31 E.T.):
Honoka's daughter was named Ako Yukishiro.
Mai's daughter was named Seiren Mishou.
Azusa's daughter was named Tsumugi Nakano.
Yui's daughter was named Ritsu Hirasawa.
Sophie's daughter was named Estellise Lhant, or 'Estelle.'
Rinoa's son was named Squall Heartilly.
Nayuki's son was named Sanji Minase.
Misuzu's daughter was named Latifah Kamio.
Orihime's son was named Ichigo Inoue.
Iris' daughter was named Firill Freyja.
Year 10 (Year 32 E.T.):
Nozomi's daughter was named Aguri Yumehara.
Mira's daughter was named Miyuki Yurizaki.
Leia's daughter was named Eleanor Rolando.
Nagisa's son was named Youhei Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Agnes Marvel.
Miu's daughter was named Evangeline Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's daughter was named Tamaki Yoshino.
Kokona's daughter was named Aoi Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Kuroko Misaka.
Many of the names were drawn from the lovers, relatives and friends of the mothers giving birth. There were many great successes of that nature, like reuniting Orihime with Ichigo or Rinoa with Squall. A smaller subset of the names had to cast wider nets, though. So for instance a Pretty Cure character would give birth to another Pretty Cure character, but from a different season. Or a Final Fantasy character would give birth to a Final Fantasy character from a different game. Sometimes even that wasn't enough, though, and for those names I just started using characters I liked from any series, like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Gurrenn Lagann, Clannad or Dragon Ball.
Most likely I would rely on this tactic even moreso for the fourthborns, as the well of relevant names to these girls continued to dry up. But so long as I was naming my child after someone cool, it was still something they could be inspired by.
Shino boy-type came from Naruto while Shino girl-type was the protagonist from the Saki spinoff Shinohayu: Dawn of Age. Miho was the protagonist of Girls und Panzer, while Hiro, Toma and Miyuki were all Mitsuru Adachi characters.
Though two of my daughters had been named Aoi from the same batch, they were from very different sources. Aoi from Da Capo III was a nice, hardworking girl who inadvertently got caught up in a time loop, whereas Aoi from Yama no Susume was the protagonist who learned the joys of breaking out of her shell one step at a time. Both fully deserved a vessel to enter Eden with, sharing the same first name didn't make either of them any less special.
Aoi #1 was Himeno's friend, so Himeno gave birth to her. Aoi #2 was Kokona's friend, so Kokona gave birth to her. Well, the teachers usually called out to children by their last names so I was sure it would work out.
Yoru's son was also named Aoi, from an entirely third source work (he was the protagonist of Konozora), so it was bound to get confusing, but I myself was married to four separate Sakura's so these sorts of bafflements were to be expected. I'd rather have four great wives of the same name than four mediocre wives with different names. And I'd rather three of my children be named after three separate great people who happened to share the same name than have them be named after three mediocre people with different names.
All in all, my thirdborns were as detailed:
Asuna's son was named Ryoutarou Yuuki, or 'Klein.'
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Sasami Natsume.
Rose's son was named Dezel Dagger.
Deedlit's daughter was named Ringo Glade.
Yume's son was named Neji Asakura.
Koko's son was named Kiba Tsukishima.
Yukino's daughter was named Irina Putina Ouhama.
Isara's son was named Rock Lee Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Miyabi Kazato.
Asa's son was named Shino Kazato.
Chiwa's daughter was named Miho Harusaki.
Rosa's son was named Kain Farrell.
Eruruu's daughter was named Camyu Green.
Sherria's daughter was named Meredy Blendy.
Lisanna's daughter was named Shino Strauss.
Emily's son was named Simon Granger.
Usagi's son was named Sousuke Tsukino.
Nadeko's son was named Kaiki Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's daughter was named Hibiki Haruno.
Riko's son was named Jiraiya Izayoi.
Aoba's son was named Gaara Suzukaze.
Kudryavka's son was named Ryouta Noumi.
Kagome's son was named Miroku Higurashi.
Nekone's son was named Oshtor Gold.
Sagiri's son was named Hak Izumi.
Kobato's daughter was named Yozora Hasegawa.
Myusel's daughter was named Petralka Foaran.
Nemu's son was named Shannon Asakura.
Aisia's daughter was named Anzu Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's son was named Rokumon Mamiya.
Hozumi's son was named Byakuya Schmetterling.
Kirino's son was named Renji Kousaka.
Mylene's daughter was named Freyja Jenius.
Nico's son was named Shinta Yazawa, or 'Kenshin.'
Rin Tohsaka's son was named Almus Tohsaka.
Kobeni's daughter was named Asuna Yonomori.
Mavis' son was named Zeref Vermillion.
Levy's son was named Shiki McGarden.
Yuna's daughter was named Rikku Sea.
MOMO's daughter was named Shion Mizrahi.
Urara's son was named Goku Kasugano.
Keiko's son was named Eugeo Ayano.
Teletha's daughter was named Ryou Testarossa.
Kaname's son was named Rand Chidori.
Kotori's son was named Kotarou Kanbe.
Makina's son was named Ranma Irisu.
Sora's son was named Vegeta Takanashi.
Sara's son was named Toma Chrysalis.
Sayaka's daughter was named Kazuko Mayuzumi.
Meiko's daughter was named Emilico Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Kamina Mononobe.
Haruka Saigusa's son was named Han Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Yuri Barnes.
Juvia's daughter was named Ultear Locksor.
Mirajane's daughter was named Sorsha Strauss.
Nanoha's daughter was named Teana Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's daughter was named Hinata Nohara.
Lafiel's son was named Hiro Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Aoi Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Nia Katagiri.
Akane's daughter was named Momiji Tsukishima.
Suguha's daughter was named Yoko Kirigaya.
Elize's son was named Lloyd Lutus.
Tifa's daughter was named Eiko Lockhart.
Aerith's son was named Vincent Gainsborough.
Fate's daughter was named Einhart Testarossa.
Chtolly's daughter was named Ithea Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Kobato Kinomoto.
Sae's son was named Shikamaru Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Satoko Ryuugu.
Ai's daughter was named Sanya Hinatsuru.
Rydia's son was named Cyan Mist.
Aruruu's daughter was named Yuzuha Green.
Kuon's son was named Hikaru Black.
Lucy's son was named Leo Heartfilia, or 'Loke.'
Sakura Haruno's son was named Naruto Haruno.
Shana's son was named Zoro Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Luffy Yuuki.
Illyasviel's daughter was named Miyu von Einzbern.
Lyria's son was named Richard Jewel.
Louise's daughter was named Tiffania Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Honoka's daughter was named Ako Yukishiro.
Mai's daughter was named Seiren Mishou.
Azusa's daughter was named Tsumugi Nakano.
Yui's daughter was named Ritsu Hirasawa.
Sophie's daughter was named Estellise Lhant, or 'Estelle.'
Rinoa's son was named Squall Heartilly.
Nayuki's son was named Sanji Minase.
Misuzu's daughter was named Latifah Kamio.
Orihime's son was named Ichigo Inoue.
Iris' daughter was named Firill Freyja.
Nozomi's daughter was named Aguri Yumehara.
Mira's daughter was named Miyuki Yurizaki.
Leia's daughter was named Eleanor Rolando.
Nagisa's son was named Youhei Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Agnes Marvel.
Miu's daughter was named Evangeline Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's daughter was named Tamaki Yoshino.
Kokona's daughter was named Aoi Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Kuroko Misaka.
Chapter 34:
I wanted to get started on our fourthborns immediately after witnessing my failure with Nagisa, but the problem with pregnancies is that it takes all year just for the girls to get pregnant, and then another nine months before they actually give birth. Which meant even though I resumed the cycle immediately, nothing could happen until at least next year, 33 E.T. The girls were rather impressed with my stamina and gung-ho ness for a fourth child, but of course that was all thanks to Ruby's magical injections.
To people a new world and fill up a married lifespan of 1,000 years you have to be willing to have a lot of children, so even if Nagisa had given birth to a daughter I would have continued getting my harem pregnant, I just don't know if I would have kept doing it so insistently soon.
While I was having my third batch of kids, Earth invented a safe, efficient process for genetic engineering away all birth defects. We already had a magical answer for this issue, but it was nice to know that even after our magical healers died, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who perforce had had to marry their half-siblings due to there not being anyone else, had a permanent solution to the risks associated with incest. We of course 'borrowed' the knowledge with Mikoto's psychic hacking powers. Thanks, Earth! With Siri and VR, we were generally more advanced than the home planet, but obviously we weren't specializing in medicine due to magic being so much easier, so they still surpassed us in that field.
As required, all of our children from the first batch had married and had two kids. Many had gone beyond that minimum, figuring the world was empty, the citizen's dividend existed, Siri could manufacture all their needs, and kids were fun (I especially liked the making-of process, but then again all my wives assured me I was the most perverted guy they had ever known, so I assume all of my children junsui loved children which was why they had gone above and beyond the call of duty.)
My secondborns were also coming of age. The eldest were 20 years old and required to marry. The youngest of that generation was 11. The oldest of my thirdborns was 9, so they were right on their heels.
A lot of the boys were following my example and courting younger girls. I didn't blame them, girls were always beautiful, and once they were fertile too there was no reason to wait and many reasons to hurry -- if you wanted a virgin who had only ever loved you, who would look up to you and obey you, a younger girl was always best. But it wasn't so simple.
The sexual dynamic went like this -- 18 year old men would hit on their 14 year old juniors, who were flattered by their attention and enjoyed flirting with them, but didn't want to settle down yet in case they could find a better guy later. The 18 year old girls, seeing their time limit approaching, became desperate to get the 18 year old guy's attention back on them, so they would suddenly become much nicer and more accommodating around them. Then the boys would realize that their true loves had always been the classmates they'd grown up beside and propose to them, after which point the girls, with a deep sigh of relief, would accept. Marital bliss ensued.
There were only a few times a girl mature beyond her years would choose to marry an older guy she had picked out for herself immediately, and likewise there were only a few times when two 14 year olds would decide their loves were eternal and marry in the middle of their schooling. (It was perfectly fine to attend school as a married couple, though not once you had your first child.) Polygamy also happened a few times, which left some boys in the lurch. The stranded boys were aggressively courting the younger girls, but most girls turned their noses up at them. If they had already been rejected by their elder sisters, what made them think they were good enough for freshly ripened fruit? Rejected once, rejected for all time it seemed. It was a shame, but they had a long life ahead of them. Maybe they'd be a perfect match with some girl down the road, and until then there was always virtual reality.
The worst day of the last ten years was when Araragi had what he described as a 'sexual emergency' and raped Miharu in the shower room adjoining the school pool. During the co-ed swimming class she had apparently looked so good to him that he resolved to wait in ambush for her when she went to change back into her school uniform for the walk home and take her by force.
It's hard to imagine what he was thinking. That perhaps Miharu would be charmed by his buccaneer spirit halfway through, or that any consequence was worth it, or perhaps he wasn't thinking at all. But since he confessed to the crime himself, in a regretful and pitiful state of self-loathing, there could be no doubt as to what had happened. Actually, with Sakura Kinomoto's Record magic, there would never be any doubt of what exactly happened in any contested court case. Which is why courts, lawyers, judges, etc. didn't exist and needn't ever exist here. The same was true of journalists. Since Record could report the truth of any happening, journalists had nothing useful to report. Like with the famous parable involving the Library of Alexandria and the Koran, if journalists agreed with what the Record card said they were superfluous, but if they disagreed with it they were heretical. Under no formulation could they ever prove beneficial. The entire industry was banned as pernicious, just like banking.
Tonikaku, I had no choice but to throw Araragi off the designated mountain cliff for executions. It was a part of the system I had hoped to only ever threaten to use, but in the end sometimes threats alone weren't good enough. Especially threats that had never been proven to be legitimate before. Hopefully the other boys would let this be a lesson to them. Consent mattered. Unlike statutory rape, which was total bullshit, rape rape violated everything sacred and holy in this world.
On the bright side, that did lessen our sex imbalance a bit. It also meant I had exactly 300 children again, so perhaps shaving one kid off for the sake of a nice round number was worth it.
Miharu, by the way, was naturally a cheerful girl, and laughed it off saying, "I guess that officially makes me the sexiest girl in Eden." She later married the much nicer, shorter, more timid and almost girly Riki who she felt extremely safe around and hadn't worried about it since. Which just goes to show that no one was really a victim unless they chose to be. If you chose to get over it, the future could always be bright again.
Though my children's romances were intriguing, I had enough trouble keeping up with my own romances, juggling 100 different wives at once. So unless something noteworthy came up, I had no idea who had married whom or whose grandchildren were born to which children. I was determined to remember all of my children's names, but that of course didn't apply to the endless sea of grandchildren and beyond. I figured their own parents could worry about that kind of stuff.
Unlike me, a lot of my wives were deeply interested in their children's and grandchildren's lives, and hung out with them all the time. Since they only had one husband and I usually couldn't be with them, it only made sense. So a lot of the time while I was on my scheduled romp with a wife, she would be bubbling about what was going on in the family, who was feuding with whom, who liked whom, what amazing achievements my five year old granddaughter had lately done, and so on. It all became a sea of words (oh, for a perfect memory!) but I nodded along and listened because they were clearly happy to talk about it, and like a shiawase spiral, if they were happy I was happy.
Orihime told me that a couple boys and a few girls had availed themselves of her power of rejection to chase their inner demons out of them. They all married normally afterwards and seemed to be living happily enough, so I was content with my ironclad rule and the solution I'd come up with to enforce it.
But truly, my kids were good people. This stuff was small peanuts compared to what the percentages would have predicted. A negligible fringe in the corner of Paradise. Everyone was growing up smoothly and was well-adjusted to life in Eden. Even Cure Flora could have nothing to complain about.
* * *
From the year 33 E.T. to the year 42 E.T., my life orbited around getting my girls pregnant and correcting the travesty of bad names that plagued my thirdborns with new and better fourthborns. I was convinced that this time, surely, Cute-sama would smile upon me and give the girls who needed sons, sons, and the girls who needed daughters, daughters. Following the same cycle as before, the results were as follows:
"Congratulations, it's a boy!" Cheria held up Nagisa's fourth healthy child, while Rosa made sure nothing terrible happened like in the visual novel.
"THAT DOES IT! THAT'S IT! THIS WHOLE PLANET'S GOING UP IN SMOKE!" I charged a gallak-ho and shot it with absolute fury at the hospital wall. Or I would have except I lacked any superpowers, so I just pantomimed the move instead.
"I properly contributed an X chromosome." Nagisa said tiredly, leaning back into her pillow.
"I know, dear. It's my fault. It's always my fault. But dear Cute-sama above, what did I do to have four sons, and only sons, in a row with the one girl I absolutely definitely needed to have a daughter with? Just one daughter? Please, Cute-sama, come down again, talk to me again, and tell me what do I have to do to get one daughter from my beloved?" Bargaining with God was a proper stage of grief, or so I had been told.
"Your fourth son needs a name." Cheria gestured the child towards my arms.
"Yusuke. He was my mentor and savior. He'll grow up to be a good kid, like Yusuke Yoshino was, and make some girl very happy, like he did Kouko." I dabbled a bit of water on his forehead and christened my fourth son in a row.
"Yusuke." Nagisa smiled at the name, remembering the man who had played baseball with them all and had rocked a guitar. "Don't worry Yusuke, I still love you. Come to Mama." Nagisa held out her arms, and I carefully placed our baby into them. Like all the times before, she held our son to her breast, and started singing the Dai Dango Kazoku song to him, just like she had sung it to him while he was still in the womb the whole time she had been pregnant.
The virgin Mary had never looked so holy as Nagisa did in this moment.
"I guess this means I should get ready for a fifth." Cheria muttered to herself, watching me watch Nagisa with infinite tenderness.
Year 1 (33 E.T.):
Asuna's daughter was named Yuuki Yuuki.
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Iori Natsume.
Rose's son was named Zaveid Dagger.
Deedlit's daughter was named Shierke Glade.
Yume's son was named Haruhiro Asakura.
Koko's son was named Choji Tsukishima.
Yukino's son was named Toushirou Ouhama.
Isara's son was named Shuhei Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Ageha Kazato.
Asa's daughter was named Kotori Kazato.
Chiwa's daughter was named Hana Harusaki.
Year 2 (34 E.T.):
Rosa's son was named Locke Farrell.
Eruruu's son was named Izuru Green.
Sherria's son was named Rogue Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Gildarts Strauss.
Emily's daughter was named Carina Granger.
Usagi's daughter was named Usagi Tsukino, or 'Chibiusa.'
Nadeko's son was named Koyomi Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's son was named Hayate Haruno.
Riko's daughter was named Mirai Izayoi.
Aoba's identical twin daughters were named Nene and Yun Suzukaze.
Year 3 (35 E.T.):
Kudryavka's daughter was named Itsuki Noumi.
Kagome's son was named Shippou Higurashi.
Nekone's son was named Piccolo Gold.
Sagiri's daughter was named Megumi Izumi.
Kobato's daughter was named Rika Hasegawa.
Myusel's son was named Legolas Foaran.
Nemu's daughter was named Otome Asakura.
Aisia's son was named Trunks Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's daughter was named Saki Mamiya.
Hozumi's daughter was named Kotomi Schmetterling.
Year 4 (36 E.T.):
Kirino's son was named Killua Kousaka.
Mylene's daughter was named Toki Jenius.
Nico's daughter was named Honoka Yazawa.
Rin Tohsaka's daughter was named Yumi Tohsaka.
Kobeni's daughter was named Yukine Yonomori.
Mavis' son was named August Vermillion.
Levy's daughter was named Perona McGarden.
Yuna's daughter was named Frederica Sea.
MOMO's son was named Rubedo Mizrahi, or 'Jr.'
Urara's son was named Gohan Kasugano.
Year 5 (37 E.T.):
Keiko's daughter was named Karen Ayano, or 'Llenn.'
Teletha's son was named Matrim Testarossa, or 'Mat.'
Kaname's daughter was named Shirley Chidori.
Kotori's son was named Haruhiko Kanbe, or 'Yoshino.'
Makina's daughter was named Amane Irisu.
Sora's daughter was named Yoshika Takanashi.
Sara's daughter was named Valentine Chrysalis.
Sayaka's son was named Shouichi Mayuzumi, or 'Captain.'
Meiko's son was named Satou Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Recca Mononobe.
Year 6 (38 E.T.):
Haruka Saigusa's daughter was named Kanako Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Alphen Barnes.
Juvia's son was named Makarov Locksor.
Mirajane's son was named Fried Strauss.
Nanoha's son was named Chrono Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's son was named Minato Nohara.
Lafiel's daughter was named Boa Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Charles Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's son was named Jun'ichi Katagiri, or 'Genokiller.'
Akane's daughter was named Ichiyo Tsukishima.
Year 7 (39 E.T.):
Suguha's daughter was named Touko Kirigaya.
Elize's son was named Rowan Lutus.
Tifa's daughter was named Tina Lockhart.
Aerith's daughter was named Garnet Gainsborough.
Fate's son was named Erio Testarossa.
Chtolly's son was named Kuririn Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Hatoko Kinomoto.
Sae's daughter was named Ai Nakata.
Reina's son was named Keiichi Ryuugu.
Ai's daughter was named Ukyo Hinatsuru.
Year 8 (40 E.T.):
Rydia's daughter was named Vanille Mist.
Aruruu's daughter was named Touka Green.
Kuon's daughter was named Nosuri Black.
Lucy's son was named Sting Heartfilia.
Sakura Haruno's daughter was named Ino Haruno.
Shana's daughter was named Kazumi Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Goten Yuuki.
Illyasviel's son was named Gilgamesh von Einzbern.
Lyria's son was named Gig Jewel.
Louise's daughter was named Henrietta Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Year 9 (41 E.T.):
Honoka's son was named Haruhiko Yukishiro, or 'Haruto.'
Mai's son was named Aoshi Mishou.
Azusa's son was named Suzaku Nakano.
Yui's son was named Ryoma Hirasawa.
Sophie's daughter was named Marta Lhant.
Rinoa's daughter was named Yuri Heartilly, or 'Yurippe.'
Nayuki's daughter was named Sayuri Minase.
Misuzu's son was named Ryuya Kamio.
Orihime's son was named Uryuu Inoue.
Iris' daughter was named Ariella Freyja.
Year 10 (42 E.T.):
Nozomi's daughter was named Tsubomi Yumehara.
Mira's son was named Tatsuya Yurizaki, or 'Tacchan.'
Leia's daughter was named Colette Rolando.
Nagisa's son was named Yusuke Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Saki Marvel.
Miu's son was named Hajime Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's daughter was named Kaywinnet Yoshino, or 'Kaylee.'
Kokona's daughter was named Fuu Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Uiharu Misaka.
There were a lot more successes this time. Small Lady had finally deigned to appear among us. Mavis got to have her canon from the source son, August. Yuuhi gave birth to Jun'ichi, Reina to Keiichi, and Asuna finally had the absolutely perfectly named Yuuki Yuuki.
The second set of identical twins were born into Eden, Aoba's Nene and Yun Suzukaze. Asa and Yoru definitely had a tinge of annoyance over it. But with this many kids it was bound to happen eventually. Cure Magical finally got to reunite with Cure Miracle, only 34 years later than she had desired. MOMO's lover, Jr., had arrived. Sagiri gave birth to the friendliest girl in the world, Megumi. Myusel the half-elf had given birth to a famous elf herself, Legolas.
Sara's Valentine was from the series Ender's Game, since she was English it was more fun to use English literature as the inspiration behind her kids. Wendy's Saki was from Saki, so you could call her the Saki of Saki's, whereas Sakura's Saki came from Extreme Hearts. Itsuki Noumi and Iori Natsume were named after the heroines of I"s, a criminally undervalued manga. Gilgamesh was of course named after his heroic Grand Order version.
With Ichiyo, Wakaba had completed the full circuit -- Kou and all three of her sisters were now with her in Eden. Sakura Haruno got to reunite with her best friend Ino. Kuroko and Uiharu were now shimai. Fate had now given birth to both of her canon sourced children, Caro and Erio.
Nemu's granddaughter in the source, Otome Asakura, was now instead her direct daughter, Otome Asakura.
Rin Nohara got to give birth to her former squad leader, Minato, who also happened to end up being the 4th Hokage. Alongside the previous Obito and Kakashi, she'd now brought her entire squad into this world.
Up and down the line there were great names everywhere. Powerful names that carried strong bonds between mother and child. And when that wasn't possible the names were still of total badasses like Killua, Ryoma or Aoshi. If they followed their namesake's example, they would have no problem thriving in this world.
However, none of this solved my biggest problem: Ushio wasn't among them. I decided enough was enough. Next time I was sex selecting the embryos and implanting them via artificial insemination. I would no longer leave anything to chance. God had denied Okazaki his life with Ushio, and now Cute-sama had denied me my life with Ushio, but in both stories ultimately the father prevailed. It was time to stop relying on miracles and make one myself.
All in all, the details concerning my fourthborns were as follows:
Asuna's daughter was named Yuuki Yuuki.
Rin Natsume's daughter was named Iori Natsume.
Rose's son was named Zaveid Dagger.
Deedlit's daughter was named Shierke Glade.
Yume's son was named Haruhiro Asakura.
Koko's son was named Choji Tsukishima.
Yukino's son was named Toushirou Ouhama.
Isara's son was named Shuhei Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Ageha Kazato.
Asa's daughter was named Kotori Kazato.
Chiwa's daughter was named Hana Harusaki.
Rosa's son was named Locke Farrell.
Eruruu's son was named Izuru Green.
Sherria's son was named Rogue Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Gildarts Strauss.
Emily's daughter was named Carina Granger.
Usagi's daughter was named Usagi Tsukino, or 'Chibiusa.'
Nadeko's son was named Koyomi Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's son was named Hayate Haruno.
Riko's daughter was named Mirai Izayoi.
Aoba's identical twin daughters were named Nene and Yun Suzukaze.
Kudryavka's daughter was named Itsuki Noumi.
Kagome's son was named Shippou Higurashi.
Nekone's son was named Piccolo Gold.
Sagiri's daughter was named Megumi Izumi.
Kobato's daughter was named Rika Hasegawa.
Myusel's son was named Legolas Foaran.
Nemu's daughter was named Otome Asakura.
Aisia's son was named Trunks Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's daughter was named Saki Mamiya.
Hozumi's daughter was named Kotomi Schmetterling.
Kirino's son was named Killua Kousaka.
Mylene's daughter was named Toki Jenius.
Nico's daughter was named Honoka Yazawa.
Rin Tohsaka's daughter was named Yumi Tohsaka.
Kobeni's daughter was named Yukine Yonomori.
Mavis' son was named August Vermillion.
Levy's daughter was named Perona McGarden.
Yuna's daughter was named Frederica Sea.
MOMO's son was named Rubedo Mizrahi, or 'Jr.'
Urara's son was named Gohan Kasugano.
Keiko's daughter was named Karen Ayano, or 'Llenn.'
Teletha's son was named Matrim Testarossa, or 'Mat.'
Kaname's daughter was named Shirley Chidori.
Kotori's son was named Haruhiko Kanbe, or 'Yoshino.'
Makina's daughter was named Amane Irisu.
Sora's daughter was named Yoshika Takanashi.
Sara's daughter was named Valentine Chrysalis.
Sayaka's son was named Shouichi Mayuzumi, or 'Captain.'
Meiko's son was named Satou Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Recca Mononobe.
Haruka Saigusa's daughter was named Kanako Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Alphen Barnes.
Juvia's son was named Makarov Locksor.
Mirajane's son was named Fried Strauss.
Nanoha's son was named Chrono Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's son was named Minato Nohara.
Lafiel's daughter was named Boa Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Charles Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's son was named Jun'ichi Katagiri, or 'Genokiller.'
Akane's daughter was named Ichiyo Tsukishima.
Suguha's daughter was named Touko Kirigaya.
Elize's son was named Rowan Lutus.
Tifa's daughter was named Tina Lockhart.
Aerith's daughter was named Garnet Gainsborough.
Fate's son was named Erio Testarossa.
Chtolly's son was named Kuririn Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's daughter was named Hatoko Kinomoto.
Sae's daughter was named Ai Nakata.
Reina's son was named Keiichi Ryuugu.
Ai's daughter was named Ukyo Hinatsuru.
Rydia's daughter was named Vanille Mist.
Aruruu's daughter was named Touka Green.
Kuon's daughter was named Nosuri Black.
Lucy's son was named Sting Heartfilia.
Sakura Haruno's daughter was named Ino Haruno.
Shana's daughter was named Kazumi Blaze.
Mikan's son was named Goten Yuuki.
Illyasviel's son was named Gilgamesh von Einzbern.
Lyria's son was named Gig Jewel.
Louise's daughter was named Henrietta Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere.
Honoka's son was named Haruhiko Yukishiro, or 'Haruto.'
Mai's son was named Aoshi Mishou.
Azusa's son was named Suzaku Nakano.
Yui's son was named Ryoma Hirasawa.
Sophie's daughter was named Marta Lhant.
Rinoa's daughter was named Yuri Heartilly, or 'Yurippe.'
Nayuki's daughter was named Sayuri Minase.
Misuzu's son was named Ryuya Kamio.
Orihime's son was named Uryuu Inoue.
Iris' daughter was named Ariella Freyja.
Nozomi's daughter was named Tsubomi Yumehara.
Mira's son was named Tatsuya Yurizaki, or 'Tacchan.'
Leia's daughter was named Colette Rolando.
Nagisa's son was named Yusuke Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Saki Marvel.
Miu's son was named Hajime Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's daughter was named Kaywinnet Yoshino, or 'Kaylee.'
Kokona's daughter was named Fuu Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Uiharu Misaka.
Sadly, the twins meant the number of my children was no longer round again. The new total stood at 401.
Chapter 35:
I visited the Research Institute to see if we could use sex selection and artificial insemination for our fifthborns, and was surprised by their response.
"That's an ancient technology, Siri could do it with a blindfold on. More importantly, we've invented a space elevator!" Sara said excitedly.
"Wafu!" Kud held up her hand, so I gave her a high five. "I kept designing rockets with more and more powerful fuels. Mitsuki can make antimatter so I was sure that was the key."
"The antimatter rockets will still come in handy once the ships are constructed in space at the top of the elevator." Mitsuki reassured Kud, tousling the hair on the top of her head.
Apparently our star fleet was well on its way, even though we still didn't amount to a speck on the map on Eden.
"The trick to space elevators is the tensile strength of the rope. For such a long, heavy cord to not split itself in half from the pull of gravity, it needs to withstand tremendous strain. It needs unworldly strength. But we've known all along that a perfect carbon nanotube had that level of tensile durability. What we couldn't figure out was how to create a perfect carbon nanotube, with no breaks or interruptions in its structure, for more than a couple centimeters. Since we need kilometers here obviously space elevators were impossible." Sara went into lecture mode.
"But that's when we realized there was a way to turn the exact same object from a couple centimeters in length to 100 kilometers." Sara continued with gleeful anticipation. "Sakura Kinomoto's Big card. The magic does not change anything about what it expands, it simply expands it -- so the pristine structure is left intact throughout. All the way to the top of the world." Sara pointed over her head with her arm fully extended. She was short so she didn't get very far into space.
"Sakura Kinomoto sure is benri." I agreed happily. I had junsui married her for how kind and beautiful she was, but she had become indispensable to all of us for so much more. "But what will we do in space? If you think the city is too crowded, we could always found another elsewhere."
"Space has three principal advantages -- it eliminates war, increases our natural resources, and emancipates the oppressed." Sara ticked off with her fingers. "Even virtual reality can't do these things. If two opposed groups are sufficiently far enough away from each other, they can't hurt each other anymore, and they can both go about doing whatever they want. This way we can let a thousand flowers bloom, to each their own, a libertarian utopia." Sara explained.
"So instead of throwing anyone who disagrees with me about public policy off a cliff, we can load them onto a spaceship and tell them to find their own way in life since they don't want to live like us?" I asked.
"Mmhmm. Don't worry, Chris. We all want to live with you, so we're not going anywhere. But Mayor for a 1,000 years can get pretty stifling for people who disagree with you on various things. They don't even have to be right, they'd still be happier getting to be wrong freely. They just want to try to live their ideal, the same as we did here when we got away from Earth. And it's not like we need them to stay. If it gets too lonely here because everyone flees your tyranny, I promise I'll have another kid with you and we can start all over." Sara stood on her tiptoes and kissed me on the lips.
"But what about surviving deep space on a long journey? Isn't that the actual hard part?" I asked.
"Not with a space elevator. With a space elevator, we can construct indefinitely large spaceships in space. They could be small moons if we wanted. Which means we don't need perfect recapture of all resources used in flight -- oxygen, water, etc. -- it only has to be good enough to get to another star system and load up on more base materials. And of course there's no chance of radiation poisoning when your spaceship is buried under endless tons of water or rock or whatever we decide to lift up the elevator as shielding. For gravity we can spin the ship in the living quarters area." Sara eliminated the problems one by one.
"Well, you have my permission. I assume Siri will be doing all the actual assembly work. But if people want to leave Paradise and try their own luck, I want them gone. The last thing I need is dissidents spreading discontent and trying to sabotage things. Everyone here should understand why they're here and agree with it. That's what the education system is for. Additional purification filters are always welcome." I said.
"Great! With antimatter as our fuel source, we can easily approach light speed drives. People will be landing on their own planets before they run out of Silver Crystal radiance, so we don't even need cold sleep." Sara said.
"Oh, man, I forgot about that. Anyone who leaves here, their children's lifespans would revert back to the norm. Would anyone ever make a deal like that?" I asked.
"What's the use in living for 1,000 years of torturous oppression? Of a boot stomping on a human face forever?" Sara asked.
"I swear it's not that bad. . ." I complained.
"It is to them. Think of it like the princess and the pea. It's no use how we view the matter, the princess was truly in pain and couldn't sleep because under seven mattresses there was a pea. No matter how well run a community, it will always rub someone wrong. It's impossible to please everyone." Sara mollified.
"Okay okay. It's their crazy decision anyway, like you said, we can just have more and better children to take their place." I waved the issue off.
* * *
On my way back from the Research Institute, which had been breaking out the champagne, I was greeted by Akane standing outside the tavern door.
"Soba doudeshou?" Akane offered. I hadn't visited the tavern in a long time and I couldn't refuse my cute wife's offer so I went up to her.
"How's business?" I asked.
"We're always at full capacity. Siri is great and all, but this is the only place in town you can be served by beautiful girls' home cooking." Akane beamed proudly.
"I didn't have much of an effect on our children's exterior appearance, so all our kids look basically the same as their mothers. In addition, you're all around the same age. So how do you continue to outcompete them?" I was genuinely curious.
"Hmmm. . ." Akane put a finger to her lips. "I think we were forged in a hotter fire than anyone here was. It was painful growing up, but it made us stronger. And that strength of will generates an aura around us that makes us more beautiful than our genes alone. Haven't you heard of the nobleness of a tragic heroine? Or the allure of a damsel in distress? When have any of our kids been in distress? Where are the tragedies? They remain sweet summer children. But our faces, like quiet knowing smiles, create an air of mystery and depth, like, 'what are you thinking about? How far does your wisdom pierce these clouds, this fog of everyday living?'"
"The quiet knowing smile is the most beautiful expression a woman ever makes. It means, 'I know better than you, but I'm too demure and kind to point that out to your face, so I'll contentedly watch over you until the time you realize the truth arrives.'" I said. "Every time a girl does that in an anime, I think, 'what a combination of humility and grace. This is the type of woman who will support her man.' Wakaba and Akane both smiled like that all the time. I fell for your quiet knowing smiles."
"Now you tell me." Akane smiled jovially. "What's it been, 34 years?"
"45 if you count our growing up together as childhood friends." I replied.
"I do." Akane said softly, her eyes dewey as they tracked mine. "And hundreds more to come. I wonder where you'll lead us by the end."
"Apparently into space." I explained the new invention.
"That's fine, but all I want is to cook people good food and see their smile when I approach them with it still steaming from the kitchen." Akane sighed, looking up into the sky. "Medical science saved my life, so I'm definitely grateful to modern technology. But if its main effect is to tear people apart, to isolate everyone from everyone else, is that really progress?"
"It is if people can't stand each other." I replied.
"But what if, if we got to know each other, we'd discover that we actually loved each other? But instead everyone's wrapped in their own private cocoon. And we pass each other by like ships in the night. Space flight, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, each invention has only put up another fence. . ." Akane trailed off, sighing wistfully.
"Are you lonely?" I asked.
"Impossible. Surrounded by so many children, so many grandchildren, so many sister-wives, eating dinner together at one big table. And right behind this door are inseparable friends who I've been working together with forever. And then there's you. I can feel your love every time you put your hands on me, and I feel safe and treasured and warm falling asleep in your arms. I just think it's a sort of discourtesy. To the goddess of the hearth, I suppose. To be so eager to run away from each other to the cold comforts of a machine. . .and now even deep space. Humanity is special because we're thinking, feeling beings. If we try to live in a world where our thoughts, our feelings, never collide with each other, are we still human?" Akane asked, looking into my eyes for a serious answer.
"When I was on Earth, I learned that all my thoughts and all my feelings were unwelcome. If I tried to become close to someone, they'd use me, betray me, and then condemn me for somehow failing them." I answered, thinking back.
"It got to the point that I never wanted to interact with anyone again. So I became an otaku, and from there on, I only thought about, I only had feelings for, people I knew I could trust. And those people were the 100 of you. You might mock me for it, but I never felt more human, more alive, more whole, wiser or emotionally fulfilled, than when I stared at those images on those screens. I lost nothing from isolating myself from the people who hated me. Instead it meant I had the time and energy to be around the people I loved. You saved my life."
Akane smiled quietly, not wanting to do anything to make light of my pain or my love for her that had surpassed it. "The other girls at the tavern would like to see you too. Do you have enough room for a bowl?"
"Of course." I responded, stepping into the one corner of the world not dominated by machines.
Akane put a hand on my arm and kissed my cheek as I tried to pass by. "Arigatou. For bringing Wakaba back to life, for bringing me into existence, and for bringing Kou and all three of my sisters back to my side as the four best children in the world. I don't know about all these spacefarers wanting to flee the system, but you've given me paradise. The four leaf clover represents happiness and good fortune. And Christopher. . ." Wakaba bit her lip as her emotions overwhelmed her, "you are my four leaf clover."
* * *
"Let's make an anime." I barged through the Studio doors. Various girls of various hair colors turned and looked at me in astonishment.
"I just had a conversation with Wakaba, and it made me realize, ii-na, anime. And then I thought of all of you. Anime can heal people. It can transform people's lives. It can bring people joy. In short, anime is the greatest invention known to mankind." I enthused.
"Unn, unn, Aniki wakateru!" Kirino applauded. "Ii-na, anime!"
"That's fine and all," Elf gave me an exasperated look. "But the reason I'm a light novel writer, the reason Sagiri is a light novel illustrator, is because the workload it takes to say the same story as an anime is exponentially higher. What could a little group like ours do? It would only end up looking terrible, and that's an insult to the anime gods."
"I thought about it, and we have all the tools we need. All of you girls, all of my wives, have the voices of the greatest voice actors to have ever lived. So our voice acting is covered." I said.
"We have their voices, but not their training." Elf volleyed back.
"How hard can it be? Ten year olds have managed it on their first try in the industry." I dismissed her.
"Voice acting is hard!" The Studio shouted at me.
"Okay, let me rephrase that, I have full confidence in the glorious capabilities of all 100 of my wives." I said, dismissing them again. "As for the boys' roles it's traditional for female seiyuu to cover them too, with talents like yours it shouldn't be a problem. Now as to the art, obviously we have people here who can draw up to standard. Mai can handle the backgrounds, Sagiri and Nadeko the characters, Aoba the computer graphics, and we have all the musicians we could ever need," I gestured to Azusa, Nico and Mylene.
"For one frame, I too have full confidence in our glorious harem." Elf said. "But you're talking tens of thousands of frames."
"Siri is a sufficiently advanced AI to do all the inbetween frames. Just show it the starting point and the ending point with your own key frames, and it will work out how to connect the two." I said.
"Plus we can start with the low hanging fruit. I'm not saying you have to come up with a whole new anime. What I really want is for the anime that was never finished on Earth to reach all the way to their conclusions. I want to see the rest of these shows that were so arbitrarily canceled despite being so obviously great. And you all have the same voices as the characters who were acted out in those series. Many of you are the characters in those series. So all you have to do is voice act exactly how you'd feel naturally in those circumstances and we could reach the finish line for a hundred different abandoned masterpieces. All the unfinished symphonies could finally be heard." I implored.
"Let's do it!" Sagiri stood up, looking at her fellow workers. So after forty years, she could walk anywhere in town, huh? Yokattane, Sagiri. "The anime stopped before I married Masamune. That's unforgivable. Why would you leave out the best part? Let's finish Eromanga-sensei!"
"Before that, we need to finish PapaKiki!" Miu stood up from her own desk and shouted for attention. "I haven't even met my mom yet! What the hell is that?"
"K-On too!" Yui piped up. "What happened to my college years? We were so popular, so why was I canceled?"
"Da Capo III! Why on Earth would you stop at the prologue?!"
"Juuou Mujin no Fafnir! I want Iris and Yuu to actually get together!"
"Negima! They butchered that show! Let's do it all over again, and right this time, from scratch!"
"Akatsuki no Yona! It gets so much more exciting in the manga right where the anime ends!"
"Hai to Gensou no Grimgar! Can you imagine? Storming that orc fort in full animation?"
"Let's do it! Anime! Anime! Let's become an anime studio!"
"Yes --- We --- Can!" Yukino Ouhama shouted out her favorite campaign slogan to the crowd, and the studio burst out into thunderous applause.
Chapter 36:
Space elevators, virtual reality, artificial intelligence replacing the drudgery of work, genetic engineering, antimatter drives and completed anime series. 100 of the most beautiful, generous and virtuous women to have ever been imagined all who loved me enough to satisfy my every whim and bear as many of my children as I asked of them. Eternal youth, such that I could enjoy our time together at our mutual peaks for as long as we desired. Magical medical care which meant no one had died of any accidents or illnesses, and none were likely to do so in the future either. A dictatorship which meant society evolved organically along the lines I set up for it, and children were educated in the values I preferred. All the comforts of modern living, from water to sewage to internet to electricity. I had everything I needed in life, except a few children of the right sex who stubbornly refused to be born.
I had waited four years to let my wives complete their exciting new work and raise their fourthborns to school age. It was now 46 E.T., and time to get started again on the project I cared about the most. The ten year cycle worked. It meant we were never overwhelmed by infants and there were always workers available in critical positions like the hospital or law enforcement. (No coups by my kids, thank you very much, not while Nanoha and Fate were my enforcers.) But this time I didn't use sex to get them pregnant. Instead I masturbated into a cup (making use of a certain video), harvested my wife's eggs, combined the two, checked for fertilized eggs with the right sex and no genetic abnormalities, and then inserted the ones with the most genes known for intelligence and robust health. For those who already had five children due to twins, I skipped them this time, and for Nadeko who was down to three children I made sure to insert two fertilized eggs.
At the end of this final cycle, I would have 500 children. Since we were all blessed with eternal youth, maybe afterwards I could try and get to know them all. There was still all the time in the world.
This time they would be the boys and girls I wanted, which meant my fifthborns would have the best names of all. I was bouncing with joy each time one of my wives went into labor. The hospital suddenly became my favorite place on Eden. Since my wives didn't need abnormal amounts of sex to get impregnated, we went back to the old 100 day 100 women cycle. It felt nostalgic after so many decades, and we got along better than ever. My obvious excitement and anticipation for each new child was infectious and all my wives were as eager to meet their handpicked newborns as I was.
The results were as follows:
Year 1 (47 E.T.):
Asuna's son was named Akihiko Yuuki.
Rin Natsume's son was named Kyousuke Natsume.
Rose's daughter was named Lailah Dagger.
Deedlit's son was named Parn Glade.
Yume's daughter was named Kurome Asakura.
Koko's daughter was named Kaya Tsukishima.
Yukino's daughter was named Nami Ouhama.
Isara's son was named Yuuki Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Saki Kazato.
Asa's daughter was named Dita Kazato.
Chiwa's son was named Eita Harusaki.
Year 2 (48 E.T.):
Eruruu's son was named Kimball Green.
Sherria's daughter was named Itsuki Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Haru Strauss.
Emily's daughter was named Euphemia Granger.
Usagi's daughter was named Minako Tsukino.
Nadeko's twin daughters were named Tsukihi and Karen Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's daughter was named Inori Haruno.
Riko's daughter was named Rikka Izayoi.
Year 3 (49 E.T.):
Kudryavka's daughter was named Chihiro Noumi.
Kagome's daughter was named Sango Higurashi.
Nekone's daughter was named Nia Gold.
Sagiri's daughter was named Yui Izumi.
Kobato's daughter was named Yuuna Hasegawa.
Myusel's daughter was named Kallen Foaran.
Nemu's daughter was named Akame Asakura.
Aisia's daughter was named Karin Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's daughter was named Sonoko Mamiya.
Hozumi's daughter was named Gin Schmetterling.
Year 4 (50 E.T.):
Kirino's daughter was named Ruri Kousaka, or 'Kuroneko.'
Mylene's son was named Basara Jenius.
Nico's daughter was named Ruby Yazawa.
Rin Tohsaka's son was named Yuzuru Tohsaka.
Kobeni's son was named Hakuya Yonomori.
Mavis' daughter was named Kiki Vermillion.
Levy's daughter was named Arisa McGarden.
Yuna's son was named Auron Sea.
MOMO's daughter was named Schwi Mizrahi.
Urara's daughter was named Mana Kasugano.
Year 5 (51 E.T.):
Keiko's daughter was named Sera Ayano.
Teletha's son was named Leonard Testarossa.
Kaname's son was named Yasuto Chidori.
Kotori's daughter was named Chihaya Kanbe.
Makina's daughter was named Sachi Irisu.
Sora's daughter was named Shiro Takanashi.
Sara's son was named Andrew Chrysalis, or 'Ender.'
Sayaka's daughter was named Cookie 4IS Mayuzumi, or 'Aisu.'
Meiko's son was named Goro Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Negi Mononobe.
Year 6 (52 E.T.):
Haruka Saigusa's daughter was named Yumemi Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Zelos Barnes.
Juvia's son was named Keima Locksor.
Mirajane's son was named Elfman Strauss.
Nanoha's daughter was named Vita Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's son was named Itachi Nohara.
Lafiel's daughter was named Nagi Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Hinagiku Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Ayumu Katagiri.
Akane's son was named Mizuki Tsukishima.
Year 7 (53 E.T.):
Suguha's son was named Kazuto Kirigaya, or 'Kirito.'
Elize's son was named Gaius Lutus.
Tifa's son was named Sabin Lockhart.
Aerith's son was named Edgar Gainsborough.
Fate's daughter was named Hayate Testarossa.
Chtolly's daughter was named Saki Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's son was named Syaoran Kinomoto.
Sae's daughter was named Miya Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Shion Ryuugu.
Ai's son was named Yaichi Hinatsuru.
Year 8 (54 E.T.):
Rydia's son was named Shadow Mist.
Aruruu's son was named Paul Green, or 'Muad'Dib.'
Kuon's daughter was named Rulutieh Black.
Lucy's daughter was named Cana Heartfilia.
Sakura Haruno's daughter was named Tenten Haruno.
Shana's daughter was named Wilhelmina Blaze.
Mikan's daughter was named Yami Yuuki.
Illyasviel's son was named Kiritsugu von Einzbern.
Lyria's daughter was named Katalina Jewel.
Louise's daughter was named Charlotte Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere, or 'Tabitha.'
Year 9 (55 E.T.):
Honoka's daughter was named Miyuki Yukishiro.
Mai's daughter was named Regina Mishou.
Azusa's daughter was named Vivi Nakano.
Yui's son was named Ace Hirasawa.
Sophie's daughter was named Sheena Lhant.
Rinoa's daughter was named Yona Heartilly.
Nayuki's daughter was named Shiori Minase.
Misuzu's daughter was named Misao Kamio.
Orihime's daughter was named Riruka Inoue.
Iris' son was named Roland Freyja.
Year 10 (56 E.T.):
Nozomi's daughter was named Erika Yumehara.
Mira's daughter was named Izetta Yurizaki.
Leia's daughter was named Farah Rolando.
Nagisa's daughter was named Ushio Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Pacifica Marvel.
Miu's daughter was named Tomoka Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's daughter was named Shihoru Yoshino.
Kokona's daughter was named Yume Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Misaki Misaka.
When Ushio was born, Cute-sama was in Her heavens, and all was right with the world. But I wouldn't say my other 98 children were just bonus. In fact, a lot of them were fulfilling important purposes of their own. Ushio hadn't been the only intransigent target of this generation.
For instance, this was Mikan's first chance at a daughter, so I finally got to bring her best friend (and true beauty) Yami into the fold.
This was also Ai's first son, so I could finally bring the Ryuuou who she'd fallen for, Yaichi, to Eden. He'd probably be a much better shogi player for her than I ever was.
This was Deedlit's first son, so only now, at the end, could she be reunited with Parn.
This was Rin Natsume's first son, so Kyousuke Natsume almost didn't make it, despite so many inferior men already making the cut.
This was Sakura Kinomoto's first son, so only now could I reunite her with her beloved Syaoran.
This was Suguha's first son, so only now could Kazuto Kirigaya be properly born with the fully correct name.
These seven corrections to fate were the most important of the lot, but the freedom to have specifically the son or daughter of my choosing led to many more great results. It allowed me to have only 32 sons as compared to 67 daughters, so that any of my sons who couldn't get a girl would now have a much better shot, and there was even a chance for some hot polygamy action to come back into vogue.
It meant my Pretty Cure could all have daughters, so that I could name them after yet more wonderful Pretty Cure. It allowed my Final Fantasy characters to have sons, so I could name them after all the cool guys in Final Fantasy. Plus there were many more inspiring female characters from anime and visual novels I wanted to honor, so the gender disbalance allowed me to catch them all. For instance, practically the entire cast from Yuuki Yuuna, the girls of Death March, the girls of No Game No Life, the girls of Hayate no Gotoku, the girls of One Piece and the girls of Hai to Gensou no Grimgar.
Saki Kazato came from Valvrave whereas Saki Seniorious came from Shinsekai Yori.
Yui and Yuzuru got to join Yuri to form the three Y's of Angel Beats.
I had the freedom to christen my children after all the greatest figures in fiction, so I took the opportunity to cover anyone who had slipped through the cracks until now and completed my collection.
I had now caught them all. Ushio. . .and all the others. It was to the point that I could actually sit back on my throne and relax. Of course, my wives were working their asses off taking care of crying infants all day, but that wasn't my problem. My only job was finding the right names.
In summation, my fifthborns were as such:
Asuna's son was named Akihiko Yuuki.
Rin Natsume's son was named Kyousuke Natsume.
Rose's daughter was named Lailah Dagger.
Deedlit's son was named Parn Glade.
Yume's daughter was named Kurome Asakura.
Koko's daughter was named Kaya Tsukishima.
Yukino's daughter was named Nami Ouhama.
Isara's son was named Yuuki Aomi.
Yoru's daughter was named Saki Kazato.
Asa's daughter was named Dita Kazato.
Chiwa's son was named Eita Harusaki.
Eruruu's son was named Kimball Green.
Sherria's daughter was named Itsuki Blendy.
Lisanna's son was named Haru Strauss.
Emily's daughter was named Euphemia Granger.
Usagi's daughter was named Minako Tsukino.
Nadeko's twin daughters were named Tsukihi and Karen Sengoku.
Haruka Haruno's daughter was named Inori Haruno.
Riko's daughter was named Rikka Izayoi.
Kudryavka's daughter was named Chihiro Noumi.
Kagome's daughter was named Sango Higurashi.
Nekone's daughter was named Nia Gold.
Sagiri's daughter was named Yui Izumi.
Kobato's daughter was named Yuuna Hasegawa.
Myusel's daughter was named Kallen Foaran.
Nemu's daughter was named Akame Asakura.
Aisia's daughter was named Karin Snow.
Sakura Mamiya's daughter was named Sonoko Mamiya.
Hozumi's daughter was named Gin Schmetterling.
Kirino's daughter was named Ruri Kousaka, or 'Kuroneko.'
Mylene's son was named Basara Jenius.
Nico's daughter was named Ruby Yazawa.
Rin Tohsaka's son was named Yuzuru Tohsaka.
Kobeni's son was named Hakuya Yonomori.
Mavis' daughter was named Kiki Vermillion.
Levy's daughter was named Arisa McGarden.
Yuna's son was named Auron Sea.
MOMO's daughter was named Schwi Mizrahi.
Urara's daughter was named Mana Kasugano.
Keiko's daughter was named Sera Ayano.
Teletha's son was named Leonard Testarossa.
Kaname's son was named Yasuto Chidori.
Kotori's daughter was named Chihaya Kanbe.
Makina's daughter was named Sachi Irisu.
Sora's daughter was named Shiro Takanashi.
Sara's son was named Andrew Chrysalis, or 'Ender.'
Sayaka's daughter was named Cookie 4IS Mayuzumi, or 'Aisu.'
Meiko's son was named Goro Honma.
Mitsuki's son was named Negi Mononobe.
Haruka Saigusa's daughter was named Yumemi Saigusa.
Cheria's son was named Zelos Barnes.
Juvia's son was named Keima Locksor.
Mirajane's son was named Elfman Strauss.
Nanoha's daughter was named Vita Takamachi.
Rin Nohara's son was named Itachi Nohara.
Lafiel's daughter was named Nagi Abriel.
Himeno's daughter was named Hinagiku Katsuragi.
Yuuhi's daughter was named Ayumu Katagiri.
Akane's son was named Mizuki Tsukishima.
Suguha's son was named Kazuto Kirigaya, or 'Kirito.'
Elize's son was named Gaius Lutus.
Tifa's son was named Sabin Lockhart.
Aerith's son was named Edgar Gainsborough.
Fate's daughter was named Hayate Testarossa.
Chtolly's daughter was named Saki Seniorious.
Sakura Kinomoto's son was named Syaoran Kinomoto.
Sae's daughter was named Miya Nakata.
Reina's daughter was named Shion Ryuugu.
Ai's son was named Yaichi Hinatsuru.
Rydia's son was named Shadow Mist.
Aruruu's son was named Paul Green, or 'Muad'Dib.'
Kuon's daughter was named Rulutieh Black.
Lucy's daughter was named Cana Heartfilia.
Sakura Haruno's daughter was named Tenten Haruno.
Shana's daughter was named Wilhelmina Blaze.
Mikan's daughter was named Yami Yuuki.
Illyasviel's son was named Kiritsugu von Einzbern.
Lyria's daughter was named Katalina Jewel.
Louise's daughter was named Charlotte Francoise Le Blanc de la Valliere, or 'Tabitha.'
Honoka's daughter was named Miyuki Yukishiro.
Mai's daughter was named Regina Mishou.
Azusa's daughter was named Vivi Nakano.
Yui's son was named Ace Hirasawa.
Sophie's daughter was named Sheena Lhant.
Rinoa's daughter was named Yona Heartilly.
Nayuki's daughter was named Shiori Minase.
Misuzu's daughter was named Misao Kamio.
Orihime's daughter was named Riruka Inoue.
Iris' son was named Roland Freyja.
Nozomi's daughter was named Erika Yumehara.
Mira's daughter was named Izetta Yurizaki.
Leia's daughter was named Farah Rolando.
Nagisa's daughter was named Ushio Furukawa.
Wendy's daughter was named Pacifica Marvel.
Miu's daughter was named Tomoka Takanashi.
Sakura Yoshino's daughter was named Shihoru Yoshino.
Kokona's daughter was named Yume Aoba.
Mikoto's daughter was named Misaki Misaka.
Chapter 37:
The year was 61 E.T. I waited outside the mansion door, on the street streaming with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Everyone still walked between the few structures that served our entire community. In Earth terms we were still a pitiful flyspeck of a village, so 'traffic' wasn't really a concept yet. The structures had all grown over the years, though. The mansion had more floors, the power plant generated more power, and the studio released more anime than ever before.
The mansion which housed our entire extended family opened up and produced a mother and child with brown hair and yellow eyes. The child was wearing a white beret and a blue dress. It was to be her first day of school.
"Shall we go then?" I held out my right hand.
"Unn." Ushio nodded nervously, and stretched out her left hand to hold mine. Her right was already snugly being held by Nagisa's left hand. The three of us abreast, hand in hand in hand, started walking the slow pace of our youngest child towards the schoolyard swathed in the bloom of everlasting cherry trees.
In my mind, 'Chiisana te no Hira' was playing at full blast.
"Papa, itai?" Ushio looked up at my face worriedly.
"No, it doesn't hurt, Ushio." I said. "I'm just so glad you're here." Since my hand was already occupied, all I could do was let the tears run down my cheeks unobstructed.
"Naitena, Papa. . . Papa, daisuki." Ushio removed her hand from mine and patted my hip, which was the furthest she could reach to console me.
* * *
"Well, there you have it." I stood in front of the shrine offering box. "I started as a puddle of blood on some pavement, and thanks to your generosity, and the outrageous wish you granted in full, my new life in another world has come this far. If I had lived this long on Earth, I'd be old and decrepit or dead by now, one or the other. I would have zero children, I'd probably still be a virgin, I would have lived paycheck to paycheck, or maybe I would've pulled some disability scam and lived off of social security. The only person I would've ever talked to was the clerk at the supermarket, because if I said anything more I would have been persecuted for hate speech.
Here all the wealth of the planet is mine to toy with as I please. I'm so rich and powerful I don't even know what left to do with it. I can say anything I want to 100 different wives who love, appreciate and understand me. I have a great job, ruling the city and instructing the youth in all the beauty of this world. I've had the greatest and most sex of any man in history, with the most beautiful girls imaginable, who never asked for anything in return, who say I paid them all upfront before our first kiss. I'm still as young as the day I got here, too. Not a single ache or pain to show for all these years. I could pick up soccer or football if I wanted. And I have 500 children, whom I've drilled myself for years to remember each and every one of their names and faces, so I can greet them in the streets or in the mansion or in the baths whenever we cross paths.
And would you believe it, a lot of my children have gone out of their way to thank me, for bringing them into this world. They're very glad they were born here and not over there. Some have even thanked me for leading them down the right path. Cute-sama knows Earth isn't doing so hot anymore. It's on the wrong path, and getting there very quickly. All we have to do is check the news on the internet to see. My kids are beginning to see why exactly we're special, and what hand I had in that. . .and they love me for it. . .even though I barely played a single day of catch with them. . .they see what this was all about, that their mothers, and their father, have been working nonstop for their sake, so that Eden can be a decent place to raise a family. So that in Eden you can build a home.
I guess my next dream is to hand Ushio off to her husband on her wedding day, and see that she's set for life like you did for me. Well, if you want to come play, you're always welcome here. I know it must be painful watching over Earth, it's pretty rotten, thankless work. But here on Eden we've already built you an abode. We'll welcome you with open arms. You can marry the pick of the litter and settle down with us. . .well, give it a thought at least."
I poured a bottle of sake on a rock set aside for the purpose as an offering, sighed and stood up, having failed to win Cute-sama over yet again today.
My body was young, and my memory had been adjusted to properly remember up to elven lifespans of material, but I was starting to feel old all the same. I'd said everything I had to say, thought everything I had wanted to think, and done everything I'd wanted to do. It was difficult to stay engaged when everything ran so smoothly on autopilot.
I suppose, with the power of my wives, I could always invade and conquer Earth next. Save their souls, show them a better way, share our endless wealth with their teeming hungry hordes. But the very idea of it was exhausting and unpleasant. Why should I do anything for people like that? Every single problem in their lives was a result of their own choices. You couldn't help such hopelessly deluded idiots. All it would do is drag us down with them. Even though we'd win the war, we could never win the peace. We would never get through to them why our world worked and theirs did not. They'd cling to their fallacies all the way down to the grave. So to hell with them. Maybe it was time to cut off our internet connection and forget Earth existed entirely.
But no, I guess it was important to document their self-destruction to the very end, so that no one could doubt the error of their ways. We could reference their bad example so as not to follow it, so let the information flow freely. Let it become beyond dispute that I was right and they were wrong. Let it become the final history lesson they impart to our children.
Eden didn't need them. We would just go our own way.
* * *
Girls' Side:
"Was it a good life, Christopher?" Cute asked as her favorite subject walked away. Just because she was transparent, he sure gave up fast. She felt like running after him and hugging him from behind, stopping him in his tracks and making him turn back her way. Maybe if she begged all the other wives, they'd be okay with her being the 101st?
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