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Sunday, September 22, 2024

'In Another World with 100 Waifus' read and edited for the 45th time:

There were edits to the very end -- I made changes in Chapters 56, 57, 58 and 59.  Mostly it was proofreading typos, substituting one word out for another more suitable one, stuff no one will ever notice.  But sometimes I added in whole new sentences, like with the ending to Chapter 57:

Ganbatte Christopher! I'm always watching you. Rin Nohara thought to herself as she watched her Hokage desperately attempting to bond with all thousand of his kids in a single day with a deep and abiding smile. She wondered idly how many more decades it would take before he realized Christ-(opher)-mas was celebrating him.

I couldn't resist the glorious pun just waiting to be plucked all this time.

I switched out who gave birth to Mai to a more fitting mother.  Rin Nohara, a ninja girl with a one-sided crush, now gets to give birth to Mai from Fatal Fury, another ninja girl with a one-sided crush.  Emilico, a living doll which falls under the 'undead' category, is now the child of Menma, a ghost who also belongs to the 'undead.'

I rewrote a few sentences in Chapter 41 to make the conversation flow better and feel more natural.  It's noticeably better now, though the content hasn't changed.

In Chapter 1, 17 and 56 I included the fact that officially Mai is not only Cure Egret but also Cure Windy, the only Pretty Cure (along with Cure Bloom/Cure Bright) who can transform into two different Cure.

Since the gates of hell had opened and I had to edit the book, I figured I may as well edit and proofread the story as much as possible and get my money's worth.  These last few chapters have been intensively scoured and improved upon as much as humanly possible.

With this, the book should be perfect.  The only way to improve upon the story is for me to learn new things about my waifus gleaned from newly translated works that haven't come out yet.  That may happen years from now, or never happen at all, depending on the whims of others.  So as far as my duty goes, I've done everything I possibly can for this book.  I've made this book my purpose in life and devoted everything I have to it.  I think the result speaks for itself (who else likes a book enough to read it 45 times?), but just in case I'll repeat my endorsement -- this is the best book ever written.

While reading the last pages of Chapter 59 I was already feeling lonely and wishing I could keep reading.  Wishing the book would just go on forever and ever, entertaining me and enlightening me without end.  There isn't a single wasted moment.  There isn't even a single wasted word.  Every moment Christopher spends with one of his precious waifus or children is wondrous, joyful, blessed.  Somehow the love physically exits the paperback book and shoots right through my heart.

I don't think I had to cut a single 'even' or 'just' this time.  Sure they were still ubiquitous, but they weren't so annoying that I had to scream or anything.  They were placed in reasonable places where the sentence benefited thereby.

The only section of the book that dragged for me was the name appendix in Chapter 56.  But for most readers who aren't reading it for the 45th time like me it's an invaluable resource that helps them remember and place the names of all the wives and children into their respective franchises.  If anyone dislikes or doesn't need the appendix, feel free to skip over it.  It's not a problem.  In order to prove I truly love my book I have to read over it each time, even the 45th time, so no one can claim I was skimping.  But other readers don't have to go that far.

The new and improved version of the book is now ready and available for viewing:

I can't say my work is done yet, not when I still found errors in need of correction.  I have to read the book for a 46th time and change nothing.  Only then can I say my life's purpose is fulfilled.  But I don't have to do that absolutely this moment.  I can take at least a short break before this starts all over.

Chapters 55, 58 and 59 remain some of my favorite chapters of the book.  I especially liked Nadeko's speech in Chapter 55, it was right up there with Levy's date in Chapter 11.  For a lot of stories the ending is their weakest aspect, but not for '100 Waifus.'  In '100 Waifus' the ending roars from strength to strength, making all new points and imagining all new realities full of glorious and intriguing possibilities.  It lets the imagination soar, making you excited for what comes next, after the ending, for all the characters involved.

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