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Friday, September 20, 2024

Curse you, Chapter 49!:

I was almost finished, almost finished, when I found two things I had to edit in the same chapter.  The first edit I switched 'and waiting' to 'awaiting,' figuring it was more educated and elegant sounding, which was more suited to the ladylike Teletha to say.  I thought to myself, 'cutting two letters, 'nd,' hardly qualifies as an edit.  It's like cutting a space.  I'm still okay.'

Then it came Fate's turn to speak and I noticed there were two unnecessary and repetitive (and not even grammatically correct) sentences I could painlessly cut, and I knew it was all over.  This was definitely a 'real' edit, and it had come after my 'grace period.'  Chapter 49 had completely torpedoed me to the very bottom of the sea.

Ten chapters from the finish line.  *sigh*.  Though I'm confident these edits are the last, I can't prove it until I actually read the book all the way through without making any more changes.

Of course now it's open season.  If I can think of any way to improve the book I'm free to do so again, since I'm stuck rereading it later anyway.  Maybe if I read the Akaneiro visual novel I'll come up with nice new Yuuhi scenes to include.  Supposedly the game will be out in English soon.  Or maybe the Kud Wafter visual novel will give me inspiration to write a new scene with her.  Or maybe the Rewrite Harvest Festa fandisk will give me a new idea for Kotori.

In that case it would make sense to hold off my 46th readthrough until after I play those visual novels, which requires waiting until they're all out in English.  If I'm stuck with a new edition of the book anyway, I may as well make it a truly new edition.

It's the same story with my music hall of fame.  Right when I thought I'd finished it off with the Bleach soundtrack, I found new 1-star songs deserving of deletion.  Currently there's eight of them, but I may discover more before I'm done.  Which means I still need to find a new soundtrack to include into my music hall of fame to get it to a true gallery of 5500 actually great songs.  Currently I'm awaiting the release of the ost to Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest, which I'm certain will have some new great songs for me, but I'm not sure it will have eight or more.  In which case I'll need the fall anime season to provide some good new opening or ending themes -- or FF7 Reprise to have some good new songs, or something.  I'm so close to done, but yet again I'm not done.

Frustrations aside, my 45th reread of '100 Waifus' has been a wonderful experience.  The quality of the child names is sky high, which makes reading through the endless lists in Chapters 42 and 47 no chore at all.  Cute's dynamic entrance, recounted in Chapters 38-41, is a breath of fresh air.  Then Chapters 44-46 have a perfect trio of conversations with Deedlit, Rose and Wendy.  Menma's Magic tournament is a real treat in Chapter 48, and Mikan's confession in Chapter 49 is the sexiest paragraph ever written in the English language.  As I've said before, Chapter 43 is the best writing in the book, not because it's the most entertaining, but because it's tackling the most difficult content in the book and not completely flubbing it.

In other words I've loved every chapter I read today.  And I suspect this will remain the case for every chapter I read till the end, because the subject matter only gets more entertaining from here.  Chapters 28 through 32 were also great, featuring the completion of Aoba's VR game, the mass beach date, the kinky sex relay, the Vivio debate and the roboticization of work.  Even Chapters 33 through 37 weren't bad, despite them being totally dominated by name galleries.  It helps when the names are cool enough to think of fondly no matter who you're looking at.  All those years improving the child name galleries has paid off.

Maybe in a year or two I will learn more about my waifus from newly translated visual novels which will let me improve the book a bit, but I wouldn't let that stop anyone from reading the book as is right now.  This is already as close to perfect as a book can get.  Well, soon enough I'll have finished my 45th readthrough and will post the links to the fully edited work, so I suggest people dive in then~

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