Blog Archive

Friday, September 27, 2024

Eltolinde, not Etolinde:

In what may be the final edit of '100 Waifus,' I corrected the spelling of Eltolinde's name.  The beautiful Elf Queen from Unicorn Overlord was previously, erroneously, 'Etolinde.'  Now it's all fixed and she is honored properly.  Sadly it's too late for my paperback copy which will be stuck with my error, but for internet readers of my book it will at least be correct.

I'm looking forward to receiving my now already obsolete paperback copy of the 46th edition of my book so I can prove once and for all the story is without error and finished.  I'm so close.  But who knows, maybe there are more mistakes like this one.  That's why I have to read the book to find out.

Meanwhile, my Precure rewatch has reached episode 43 of all 14 series I'm watching simultaneously.  Once I finish these 14 I'll start rewatching Max Heart, Go Go and Wonderful.  But it will take some time to finish 14 series.

Soon enough the 2nd season of Mahoutsukai Precure will air and I'll have to decide whether it's canon or not.  Undoubtedly some new Precure series will come out after Wonderful (Wonderful is pretty popular so the show isn't getting canceled) and I'll have to judge whether it's great as well.  Precure is totally dominating my life.

I'm listening through my music hall of fame from shortest song to longest, all 5500 songs, in order to discover more songs worth purging.  I've listened to over 70% of 1-star songs and found 13 duds so far.  Overall I've listened to about half of all my songs (shorter songs tend to be rated lower than longer songs).  This project will also take some time, given that the later songs are all longer by the way I ordered my playlist.

At this point I'm going to need an Octopath Traveler III announcement to fill up all the blank positions on my roster. . .  Though I hear Octopath II didn't get high enough sales to justify a third game, so, sigh. . .

Speaking of my music hall of fame, Sayuri has died of a mysterious chronic illness at age 28.  Ever since the Covid vaccines there sure are a lot of early deaths by mysterious chronic illnesses, huh?  It's a shame because I have multiple of her songs in my hall of fame.  If she had lived she could have contributed a lot more beauty to the world.  Thanks, Fauci.

Speaking of new video games, the new Atelier, Resleriana, might be good, since it was written by one of my favorite scriptwriters, Takahiro.  Venus Vacation Prism at least has great graphics for its part.  Da Capo 5 has come out with its 18+ version today, but only in Japan.  America lacks a release of Da Capo 4 or 5, all ages or adult versions.  We're stuck in limbo.

I'm still waiting for a free version of Happiness 2 to appear for download.  I'm not such a huge fan of the game that it's worth buying, but it's worth checking out once it's available for free.

The SEC Championship game comes early this year, with #2 Georgia facing #4 Alabama tomorrow.

The anime that specializes in board room meetings, Slime Tensei, is getting a 4th season and a 2nd movie.  Apparently board room meetings are really popular with the kids these days. . .

Grisaia Phantom Trigger's anime has been delayed to January of 2025.  Still no word on when Honzuki's next season will actually come out.  Oh well, the fall season already had so many big hits it didn't need these shows.  2025 was looking pretty grim so it could use the help.

Russia has fully encircled Ugledar and doomed the 1500 or so Ukrainians still stuck in it.  The city has held out since the beginning of the war and been a real thorn in Russia's side, but that's all coming to a close now.  Russia will get the last laugh.  I'd also like to point out I called this -- I said after Konstantinivka falls Vodiana and Ugledar would fall next like dominoes, and it played out exactly as I said, in exactly that order.  It's like I actually know what I'm talking about.

My prediction that Toretsk would fall soon after New York is also bearing out.  The only thing I got wrong was Selidove.  Due to Ukraine reinforcing Selidove Russia has been completely stymied on that front.  Instead Russia decided to turn south and attack easier pickings, so Selidove could hold for months or years at this rate.

My biggest complaint with Russia these days is Siversk.  Siversk is encircled on three sides.  How hard would it be to take it?  And yet for years now Russia hasn't been able to advance one inch in that direction.  I said Russia would take Siversk next after Bakhmut, and here we are years later and nothing.  At least Russia is making progress towards Chasiv Yar.  Siversk is completely silent, Russia doesn't even try to advance.

However, a recent article from the Financial Times says all this is immaterial.  It blithely mentions that 50-70% of newly mobilized Ukrainian soldiers are killed or wounded within days of being deployed.  With that kind of casualty rate, the war is almost over.  Ukraine will run out of men sooner or later (it sure sounds like sooner), and then it will surrender all the remaining territory without a fight.  At the same time Russia is announcing plans to increase its drone production 10 fold next year, which would mean they have more hunter killer drones than Ukraine has soldiers.  Anyone can tell how that would turn out if Ukraine chooses to keep fighting.  On top of that we have Trump giving strong speeches saying he's sick of the war and Zelensky's bullshit, making it as clear as possible that everything ends once he takes office.

I'm still confident Trump will win the election, but obviously I can't be certain.  For one thing he could still be assassinated.  There could be vote fraud hidden within all those mail-in ballots.  Or maybe the American people are so braindead they'll legitimately vote for Kamala and nuclear war.  Kamala should replace her vice presidential pick, Walz, with Skynet, since that's her actual running mate.

I saw an illuminating poll showing that 6 in 10 Democrat voters were voting solely for the right to unlimited abortions.  It's rather fitting that they're voting for the death of all life on Earth for the sake of the right to kill their own babies.  These are sick people.  Really sick, evil, twisted people.  Every election is a simple fight between pure good and pure evil.

Almost the entire world has reasonable restrictions on abortion, Europe included.  Only America wants unlimited abortion rights.  And only in America is abortion the 'single issue' that completely determines how 50% of the country votes.  Nobody else is this passionate about killing babies on Earth.

Why are they voting for Kamala over abortion?  Abortion is no longer a federal issue, it's a state by state issue, so at most you should only vote for your governor based on abortion.  And yet these democrats, who 90% live in states that already allow them free abortions all the way to the 9th month, are so passionate about abortion that they're voting in a federal election for the sake of abortion.  They seriously are voting so that Republicans can have abortions in Republican states.  That's their 'single issue.'  They don't even care about themselves.  They already have their abortion rights.  They're voting so that Republicans in Republican states can have abortions in the 9th month too.  This is so loopy, so lunatic, so deranged, it boggles belief.  How can anyone care that much about abortion?

So because somebody in New York thinks my state of Texas should kill more babies, we have to go to nuclear war with Russia.  That's democracy for you.  That's our election process for you.  So enlightened, so brave, so progressive.  I can't think of any better way to determine public policy, and especially foreign policy, than this.


Anonymous said...

I hate God with a vast broiling sea as deep as the abyss, belief in him is the source of almost every bad decision anyone makes in their whole lives, and that's with him not existing. If he existed, jesus christ, he created the universe so he could torture 90% of us in an everlasting lake of fire, and you DON'T hate him?

Diamed said...

I'm not a Christian. I believe, like Deists, that God created the world and then stepped aside, never interfering with it again. I also believe Hell is a corrective institution that reforms evil people via punishment -- once they've reformed their punishment ends.

If God created the world such that it's possible for evil to not exist and good to triumph, it's not God's fault when humans muck it up. And if God created an afterlife where it's possible to be rewarded, not punished, then it isn't God's fault that humans keep choosing to go to the wrong afterlife. Which leaves the one important thing God is responsible for -- our chance to live, which I think everyone should be thankful for. Loving God and loving life are synonymous. This is why I tend to find that religious people are pro-life, and atheists are pro-death. They reject God because they hate life, all the other reasons are excuses made up after the fact.

The best way to put yourself in the right mindset towards life is to put yourself in the right mindset towards God.