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Sunday, August 25, 2024

45% of American women aged 25-44 are expected to be single and childless by 2030:

Of course this means the majority of women who could be in a positive relationship will be single and childless, because there's no reason women aren't marrying and having children from age 18-25.  (Actually there's no reason they aren't starting a family from age 14, but it's unnecessary to reach the over 50% threshold to mention them.)

So the majority of women in America have chosen to be barren and single for life.  Did the majority of men sign up for this?  For every woman who volunteers to be barren and single, there is a man who did not volunteer who perforce must also go barren and single.  Their entire life made redundant.  Their gene line, which extends back billions of years, ended forever.  Do the majority of unborn children also volunteer to not be a burden on these unburdened single women?  Did they feel guilty and decide to stay unborn for the sake of mommy?  Or did the majority of women just destroy the lives of the majority of men and children for their own selfish, stupid reasons?

This dovetails into the whole LGBTQ+ shit, in that it's basically the same people.  The same mentally ill liberals who are the single women and the alphabet women.  But basically, this group of women, liberal women, is the source of all evil in society.  They vote overwhelmingly liberal, 80%+ democrat, so if they don't directly do the harm themselves -- by depriving men of happiness and children of life -- they indirectly do it by imposing insane policies on the remaining sane society.  Every other demographic -- single men, married men and married women vote Republican.  If not for single women we wouldn't have any problem in America.  Black crime could be solved overnight, just like El Salvador's crime rate was solved overnight.  The endless millions of illegal immigrants could be stopped at the border, like they were stopped under Trump and in Hungary when conservatives took over the government there.  The drug overdoses would stop at the same time because the drugs are coming from across the border.  With regulations and taxes cut, the working class could get high wage jobs, and with lower immigration the demand to supply curve of labor would finally shift in favor of workers again.  With government spending down, stupid malinvestment subsidies driving the price of various things through the roof would end, and inflation would be solved.

With the liberal women gone the toxic woke culture in our media and schools would end, and proper respect would be shown to white men now and in the past.  The white men who made the American economy the dynamo of the world, invented half of the world's sports and science, won every war and saved the world multiple times from tyrants.  These liberal women are the ones making 'The Acolyte' and every other terrible show on tv.  Kamala Harris is one of these women, she only got married at age 50 or whatever and doesn't have any biological children.  She is directly trying to impose communism on America and wants to start a nuclear war with Russia because they aren't gay enough.

Without these single women there would be no affirmative action or DEI, people would be hired on merit, and any man who wanted to get ahead in life could do so.  There would be no required loyalty oaths to diversity or required vaccines, so people would not have to trade their integrity for a job, meaning that only slimy liars ever get ahead in life.  Men wouldn't have to go through a pointless indoctrination camp in college, at ever mounting expense, for the right to work.  They could be interviewed and hired directly on the basis of their IQ which could be tested directly.  Men could hire other men because they liked them and no other reason.  There would be no regulations requiring 'equal opportunity' or whatever, there would be freedom to work.  If you can do the job you're hired, if you can't you're fired, period.  Truth tellers like Durov, Andrew Tate, Trump, or Assange would no longer be arrested or persecuted for making woke women feel bad.

Everything I hate about America would disappear overnight.  There would still be Jews pushing propaganda, but no one would listen to them anymore.  There would be no voting block actually enforcing the demented lies of the Jews.  There would still be black hoodlums, but they'd immediately be rounded up and sent to jail, and thus there wouldn't actually be a 'hood' anymore.  Like Japan all the streets of America would be safe to walk at any time of day or night.  Every other problem in the country is easily solvable the moment single women are out of the way.

What this country needs is a law mandating women marry by age 20 and have at least two children by age 25.  Then all these liberal women would become conservative women, and then Republicans would win every election in a landslide.  Men would be happily married and with real, high paying jobs they merit.  The birth rate would be above replacement.  Crime would be near zero, immigration would be near zero, drug overdoses would be near zero (enforcement would be up and the reason to use drugs would be down, because everyone would now have a worthwhile life).  Everything would be bright and sunny again.

If we can't mandate marriage and children because that violates their 'holy freedom' the second best solution would be to eliminate the offending women directly and replace them with robot/AI girlfriends, like the currently airing Atri anime.  Or Multi from To Heart.  Or Minatsu from Da Capo II.  Or Ame from Dal Segno.  There are endless great examples of romance with fake girls that works much better than the real ones.  Women who refuse to love men or children are dead weight no longer performing the designed purpose of their lives.  God put them into this world to love and be loved.  It would be like a chair refusing to be sat upon, or a car that won't start, or a horse refusing to run, or a cow refusing to graze, or a chicken that won't lay eggs.  There is no use for junk like that, it's manifestly broken refuse.  The proper solution to junk is to eliminate it, throw it away, put it in the ash heap of history.

These women are killing us.  Either reform them or eliminate them or die.  That's all that's left to decide.

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