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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sousou no Frieren out in bluray:

Thanks to [DB] over at, Sousou no Frieren has a 1080p bluray release of reasonable filesize.  In fact, the filesize is smaller than the original broadcast release, the best of all worlds.  This is what I've been waiting for.  I've already watched and rewatched Frieren, but it's useful for my archive.  The Rocket Girls download turned out to be a bust.  The file didn't look any crisper than the Exiled Destiny version I already owned but was 10 times as large filesize wise, so I just deleted the new download and stuck with what I had.

The Russian military is also ten times the size and strength as it used to be at the start of the war, according to Ukrainian general Syrsky.  (Humorously he's actually Russian though, born and nurtured in Russia but randomly the general of Ukraine anyway.)  Russia keeps getting stronger as the war goes on while Ukraine keeps growing weaker.  Russia now has six times as many drones as Ukraine, on top of their preexisting tank and artillery advantage.  They also have parity when it comes to boots on the ground for the first time in the war.  Ukraine's forceful conscription methods can't keep up with normal patriotic Russian recruits joining for gold or glory.

Russia has steadily been taking villages on a nigh daily basis.  The latest conquest was Novoselivka Persha.  But there's about to be a major fortress city taken, Krasnogorivka.  All that's left is mopping up the northwest corner.  All the hard to take places have already fallen.  Krasnogorivka is as important as Avdiivka or Bakhmut, a city that has held and been fortified since the start of the war in 2014.

To add insult to injury, Ukraine also lost their first soccer match in the Olympics, to lowly Iraq.  They're just losers across the board.  It couldn't happen to a better bunch of people.  These are the people who bragged about shelling kindergartens and for the last ten years have been targeting civilians with drones, Himars missiles, artillery shells, etc.  They even drop cluster bombs on children playing on the beach.  All of these attacks are precision munitions so none of this is 'collateral damage.'  It's all exactly what they were aiming for.  People that despicable don't deserve to exist anywhere in this world.  Ukraine doesn't deserve to exist and should disappear off the map.  They are the same as ISIS, who also killed everyone they met and tortured prisoners to death for no apparent reason.  And all of this is documented with video evidence, many times video made by the perpetrators themselves, who brag about their misdeeds.

I'm sure someone somewhere will argue that targeting kindergartners is justified in a war of self-defense, but even that argument doesn't work since Ukraine is the aggressor.  Ukraine overthrew the elected government in 2014 via violence.  The people who voted for the real government lived mostly in the south and the east, and when they didn't acknowledge the legitimacy of this violent coup, the people of western Ukraine sent their military and paramilitary (neo-nazi) forces to violently put down these peaceful protestors.  They massacred civilians in Odessa and elsewhere just for standing up for democracy.  Only then did the people of Donbass start fighting back and Russia rush to the rescue of Crimea.  Afterwards, a peace agreement was signed guaranteeing the rights of Russian speakers in Donbass, the Minsk accords, which Ukraine then publicly renounced.  They then martialed a giant army on the border of Donbass and made public speeches about how they intended to conquer and ethnic cleanse the region of any Russian 'loyalists.'  After that they dramatically increased their rate of shelling of the people of Donbass, a fact attested to by the neutral body, the OSCE, which was supposed to be monitoring the ceasefire.  Only after all of those things did Russia rush to the rescue of Donbass and the current phase of the conflict began.  Ukraine was the aggressor from the beginning, and targeted civilians from the beginning.

However, I don't believe you can target kindergartners for any reason.  There's no such thing as killing children in self-defense.  It's all bullshit.  Any sane person who originally sided with Ukraine at the start of this war would have been disgusted by the manner Ukraine conducted the war and switched sides by now.  The only people left who support Ukraine are sadistic Satanist psychopaths.  (The same is true of Israel.  The psychopathic manner in which they've conducted this war, relentlessly bombing and starving children even supposedly in 'safe zones', is unforgivable.)  Go figure, the Satanic States of America supports both child bombing countries with unlimited military aid and provides the very bombs and missiles and shells which are then dropped on the children.  America too is unforgivable.

Even Tony Montana refused to target women and children.  We are falling below the Cuban drug lord morality test.

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