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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Scarface had some good lines:

"First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women."  Is about as down-to-Earth simple as it gets.  A lesson men need to learn before they think having a good personality or being nice to girls is going to get them anywhere.

I also like "All I have are my balls and my word and I don't break either."  It's a good standard to live by.

Unfortunately Tony Montana wasn't a good person and didn't have a good life because he was too focused on animalistic pleasures -- drinking, smoking, drugs, hot women -- instead of what the Bible would describe as the treasures of heaven -- self-respect, the respect of people you respect, a life of contemplation and reflection, something invigorating you can throw yourself into, that can occupy your mind without wearing it out, and a love that's based around compliments and kindness, not insults and dependency.  Scarface made it amply clear that Tony only had himself to blame for how screwed up his life became.

As Jesus said, 'what use to gain the whole world and lose your soul?'.  Actually Scarface and Jesus are completely in line with one another, probably intentionally.  One is just using the mathematical concept of the reverse proof -- if math can prove that the reverse of x is impossible, then x must be true.  Alongside a good soundtrack the movie entertains.  I wouldn't call it great because the characters in the movie, all of them, are so awful that it's hard to care what happens to any of them.  But it serves its purpose.

If getting money and power are the only route to women, and if you have to lose your soul to get money and power, then sorry but getting women isn't worth it.  It's best to just give up on getting a woman and keep your soul instead.  Save yourself the bother.  I'm sure heaven will reward you with plenty of women, so long as you keep your soul, women who aren't interested in money or power but in that very soul.

I saw an advertisement for a police officer getting an initial salary of $108,000 a year.  It sounds really enticing, the sort of job that leads to money and power.  But if you think about it for a while it's just another soul sucking, soul crushing job.  First off you lose half that money to taxes, and now it doesn't look like so much after all.  Then you suddenly realize that all day every day you interact with ghetto blacks, having to somehow arrest them without hurting them, which will lead to you being put on trial and going to jail instead of the actual criminal.  Even if you miraculously navigate this minefield, the only thing that happens is the blacks are released right back onto the streets, where you arrest them again, and again, and again, 40 times or more, the same damn guy you just arrested last weekend, because our courts have no punishments for black criminals.  It's like a job where you dig holes and fill them back in, that's the meaningfulness of your job, because it never actually punishes evildoers or protects the innocent.  There's nothing more soul crushing than interacting with vermin all day with kids gloves and yet never actually reducing the population of vermin.  You'd also best watch everything you say on or off the job, because if there's any hint of politically incorrect thought you're out of your job.  So you have to bite your tongue and live in lala land just to keep the economic security coming which surely your wife married you for.  I wouldn't be surprised if they required cops get vaccinated too.

Or maybe you're a cop working the traffic beat and it's your job to pull over and ticket random innocent motorists who are driving just like everybody else (which is, illegally, because no one actually follows all the random laws of the road).  How does that make your paycheck any different from the blood sucked by vampires?

And then someday you find yourself called upon by the authorities to put down a rebellion or an insurrection against sacred Democracy and kill the people you actually should be supporting, but gotta get that paycheck right?  So what do you do, fulfill your oath of office to uphold the law or save your soul and side with the people overthrowing a tyrant?  Either way you violate your honor.  Then it turns out as a cop it's your job to take children away from fathers who don't want their children's genitals to be cut off.  Or to raid the home of former Presidents for lawfully keeping documents from their Presidential term with 'shoot to kill' orders.  Eventually you end up looking the other way as somebody assassinates the President of the United States because boss told you to stand down today.

All that for $50,000 a year.  I hope the woman you find on Earth who is happy about your money and power was worth it, because you're not going to heaven afterwards.

If we lived in a country with justice, cop would be an honorable profession.  But when you're an agent of anarcho-tyranny, whose job is to let the criminals run wild but crack down on anybody who opposes the government or is just driving to work like normal, you're working a dishonorable job.

Is there any high paying job that leads to money and power sufficient to get a woman's attention that isn't dishonorable?  Scarface suggests 'doctor, lawyer, banker,' but that's laughable.  Lawyers and bankers basically lie for a living.  Doctors take taxpayer dollars from people who didn't want to pay and then gives services to people who don't deserve them, gluttons or druggees or smokers or sluts with STD's or gunshot wound gangsters or whatever.  Or people so over the hill that it would be more merciful to let them die.  A few doctors, a few, are doing good work helping deliver babies or treating treatable childhood illnesses and the like.  But the vast majority are defrauding us the same as lawyers.

Don't talk to me about teachers or professors -- the government propaganda they spew is dishonorable.

Soldiers?  Have you looked at the dishonorable causes we've been fighting for recently?  The genocide of Gaza and Donbass?  The mass slaughter of Iraqis for WMD's that didn't even exist?

Not even mailmen are worth spit.  It's almost all junk mail that nobody wanted delivered.

I'm sure somewhere there is a high paying job that does not instantly cost you your soul.  But at that point it's a game of musical chairs.  There are a million qualified men for every such job, so if you take it all that happens is somebody else doesn't get it and suffers in your stead.

Meanwhile, I watched 'Those About to Die,' the story of Titus' brief reign.  The history I was taught is that Titus died of natural causes, but the historical fiction version spices it up by having him assassinated and the 'died of natural causes' part being a coverup.  Who knows, maybe they're right.  I've seen so many coverups in my day, including the one that happened just a couple weeks ago, that I could believe anything about the past too.  The tv show also spices things up with lots of sex and nudity, gore and violence, and shallow romances where guys easily get girls after one pleasant conversation.  Those portions are far less interesting than the political intrigue, but I guess tv has to cater to the masses to justify its high live action expenses.  The Tony Montanas.

Rocket Girls is out in bluray I believe for the first time, at bloated size but watcha gonna do.  A nice pickup for archival purposes.

Tomorrow the Olympics begin, which means I can veg out and stop thinking of anything for a month.

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