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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden ceases to seek reelection:

I thought Biden would stick it out, but as the gaffes kept getting worse and worse, calling Zelensky President Putin and responding to Trump's assassination attempt by doubling down on calling him a threat to democracy and demanding America settle things in the 'battle box,' it became clear that this man is beyond all saving.  No amount of media spin can prop up this joke any longer.  The entire Democratic party turned on him and the polls were cratering in wild places like New Jersey.

Either Biden directly ordered the assassination of Trump or he made it clear to his subordinates that he would very much like this to happen, which is the reason the Secret Service did everything possible to let Crooks shoot Trump.  They let Crooks fly a drone over the rally (maybe they were hoping the drone had a bomb on it and he would bomb Trump, but the stupid boy insisted on the less reliable gun method).  Meanwhile they had no drones of their own.  So no drone defense, no drone offense.  They now admit that they did in fact turn down extra security to Trump rallies, saying they had other higher priorities than the Republican candidate for President, someone who has been continuously demonized for years and someone who Biden had just said needs to be 'put in the bullseye.'  That's the person they put Trump lowest on their priority list, as they added more and more security to Dr. Jill Biden, because of course the country was intensely out to get her.

Even after being told there was a suspicious man on the roof in prime sniping position ten minutes before Trump took the stage to give his speech, they did nothing to delay the speech until the suspicious person was apprehended or take Trump to a secure location.  They did nothing with this damning knowledge.

The Secret Service has been caught in lie after lie.  The sloped roof excuse is a lie, they had men on other, more sloped roofs.  The 'didn't deny extra security' was a lie, they in fact did deny the extra security.  Then they said Trump didn't deserve the extra security, which is also a lie, as he was the most at risk person in America.  Every excuse they've come up with is a lie.  These people should not be brazenly, smugly lying to our faces.  They should be in prison being interrogated for the assumed crime of attempting to assassinate the President of the United States.

Probably Biden was really hoping Trump would be killed and no other Republican candidate would have the charisma of Trump, in which case he would win reelection.  But after his assassination plot failed he decided it was hopeless and to skedaddle with whatever corrupt bribes he still had.  What a scumbag.  A criminal his entire life, a rapist and a child molester, and now an attempted murderer.  Oh, and a warmonger who has gotten millions of people killed and put billions at risk for absolutely no reason.  Probably because he was directly bribed by Ukraine to do so.  I spit on this man, this monster.  Hopefully he will die of natural causes soon enough and then burn in hell for the rest of time.  While we're at it I also hope the mass murderers, rapists and child molesters Bill and Hillary Clinton also die of natural causes soon and join Biden in hell to burn forever.  They can trade notes on how evil they are back and forth as they scream in eternal pain.  Since Hillary literally worships Satan I'm sure she'll feel right at home there.

Meanwhile, Dahlia is dropped.  First it celebrated her becoming a single divorced wine drinking working girl, then she went full transgender.  That's enough.  I've had enough of this liberal tripe.  There's plenty of good anime this summer, I don't have to put up with a single show that endorses or is transgender.

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