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Saturday, June 8, 2024

So many edits. . .:

When my new paperback copy of '100 Waifus' arrived, I excitedly embarked upon what I thought would be a victory tour -- I could read the book without editing and see what a magnificent creation I had finally made.


It started with two plot holes that needed filling:

1)  In Mahoutsukai Precure, Riko says it's impossible for magic to create something from nothing, which is exactly the magic she does in my book, summoning food for the hungry.  I would have to rewrite the entire book to align things with the anime, but that would be ridiculous, so instead I tried to thread the needle -- Kotoha was empowered by the Emerald Linkle stone, and her magic precisely could create something from nothing, which is what so astounded Riko, so I added a segment to '100 Waifus' that explained Riko's newfound powers:  "Small things like conjured food were about her limit, and even that was only due to God helpfully stuffing all the Linkle stones, including the Emerald, into her backpack."

If Riko had all the Linkle stones behind her magic maybe she too could cast the sorts of spells Kotoha did.  There are two other reasons this seems plausible -- Riko had ten years to improve her magic since she made that statement in the anime, and she regularly created food for Haa-chan using the Linkle Smartome, so using magic to create food isn't truly beyond her capacity given the right conditions.  All considered I think these reasons are good enough to consider this plot hole filled.

2) Nemu wanted to be a nurse in the anime but Christopher had made her a teacher.  I fixed this with an expedient maneuver, matching her role to what we saw in Da Capo S.S., she's the school nurse.  Both teacher and nurse.  Another problem solved.

It's pretty embarrassing that it took me 43 times to notice these plot holes, but it's satisfying that I found ways to maneuver around them without having to drastically alter my content.

Next there were several sentences in the book I've known for a long time were poorly worded, but I'd never figured out how to phrase them better, so had just left them as is with a shrug of resignation.  For some reason this time, on my 43rd try, I suddenly figured out how to improve them all.  The words streamed into my head as though from an outside source.  Often all it took was deleting a bunch of words and stitching two sentences or phrases together from either side.  But now the sentences that disturbed me most flow like honey.  It's like I went Super Saiyan (Super Writer) or something.

It's nice that on my 43rd reread I managed to fix these problems, but it's at least understandable why these problems still existed -- they were very difficult nuts to crack.  What really gripes me is my most recent spate of edits -- from Chapters 28 to 32 I found an ungodly number of unnecessary 'justs' and 'evens,' as well as other poor word or grammatical choices that all had to be corrected.  At a rate closer to every paragraph than every page. >.<.  World war 'just' and 'even' still rages.  I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever win.  Previously I felt like this section of the story, from the 2nd borns to the 5th borns, was worse simply due to having worse content, but after correcting so many obvious errors, now I'm starting to feel like the issue was entirely stylistic.  If I had written this section correctly it would have read as smoothly as any other, but somehow it took 43 editions before I recognized the problem and fixed it.

Hopefully this rough patch ends with chapter 32 but who knows, I need to keep reading to find out.  After this many edits I can't help but think the book will truly be perfect come the 44th edition.  What could there possibly be left to fix?  ::knock on wood::

I reread '100 Waifus' precisely with the hope that it will inspire me to improve upon it, so I'm not dissatisfied with what's transpired.  It feels good to be so productive, and there's no more productive job on Earth than improving upon what is already the best book ever written.  3/5 of the way through my 43rd reread, I believe this to be the case as firmly as ever.  The sexy portions are still sexy, the name gallery is stupendous thanks to the changes I made from last time, and the dialogue is a combination of simple, normal exchanges you could imagine really happening in life with emotional and philosophical depth beyond imagination.  I guess you could call it the warp and the weft of the story.  The warp threads make you feel at home, or like you're relaxing in a hot bath, while the weft of those very same words are enlightening your consciousness and saving your soul.  I've never seen such perfect artistry.  And the book only gets better as the plot moves forward and the last major character is introduced.  I can't wait to reach Chapter 38!

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