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Friday, June 28, 2024

How about that debate?:

I watched the debate in full and thought it was very well done.  Both candidates got to speak, no interruptions, no filibustering as people keep talking long after their time is out -- a fair debate.  Trump ran roughshod over the doddering Biden, who often failed to complete his sentences, and barely managed to stagger his way to the podium in the first place.  Biden lost purely on presentation.

But he also lost on content.  All of Biden's talking points were already debunked ages ago even by the media on his side.  For instance Snopes, a very liberal site, said Trump did not call Neo-nazis 'very fine people' at Charlottesville, but nevertheless Biden accused him of saying so.  Biden accused him of a lot of other debunked nonsense and it all came off as mean-spirited and phony.  There's no way even Biden believed any of the shit he was accusing Trump of.  Trump pointed out how ridiculous it would be for him to start calling the fallen soldiers of World War I 'suckers and losers' during a ceremony to honor them in front of his generals.  Even assuming Trump actually believed that, why on Earth would he spontaneously just blurt this out, and thus lose the support of patriotic Americans who are his main base of support?  The whole scenario is absurd.

While Biden kept talking about Trump's character, falsely claiming he was convicted of having sex with a porn star (when the actual felony was interfering with an election by listing what should have been listed as a campaign expense a legal fee, the most ridiculous and eye-rolling felony in the history of America), Trump talked about Biden's record over the past four years -- he wrecked the economy, especially for poor people, he wrecked the demographics of America with endless unvetted and unskilled immigrants, he wrecked the entire world by getting us into World War III with nuclear powers, etc.  Trump talked about substantial things that actually matter to the American public -- how they're going to live in the America Biden has created moving forward, while Biden kept talking about 'orange man bad.'

The majority of Americans watched this debate and saw what a flaming pile of garbage Biden was, mentally, physically and spiritually.  There's no escaping this.  The entire Democratic press admits Biden is doomed now.  Trump won the presidency today.  If they want to stop him they'll have to kill him.  Nor will they replace Biden with someone else, because that would be too embarrassing to all the people who assured us Biden was capable of a 2nd term (which is the entire Democratic party and press).  Since they can't admit they've been lying to us all this time, they have to stick to their guns all the way through and then say after Biden loses 'oh what a shame he would have been such a good president, the American people just don't understand.'  Far better that than admitting they made a mistake or lied to the American public.  So to maintain their credibility and reputation, Democrats have to go down with the ship and simply cede the 2024 election.  They probably figure their deep state is so deep they can paralyze Trump for another 4 years just like they did the previous 4 years.  Maybe they're right.  Certainly the deep state is a more formidable opponent than Joe Biden.  But I wouldn't count Trump out.  With a Vice President and Cabinet that actually supports him instead of is secretly out to get him, he could be much more effective.  And with a red wave of support from people who just watched this debate, he could have the House and the Senate on his side this time.  (Last time there were so many RINO's in the Senate that he basically didn't have the Senate, ever, and he only had the House for 2 years.)

Meanwhile, I've finished books 8-11 of Konosuba so far.  Not much happens in these books.  Megumin meets the person who taught her Explosion magic and, due to her being a demon general, defeats her, but it's implied she isn't really defeated and the full story of her life is yet to be revealed.  Iris (the crown princess) turns out to be super strong and in love with Kazuma.  (Megumin's true rival.)  Megumin confesses her love for Kazuma (yay!).  Chris turns out to be an avatar of the goddess Eris.  But no romance moves forward.  Kazuma is too wishy-washy to commit to anyone.  Meanwhile, the state of the war doesn't change, as Kazuma and crew are too lazy to actually storm the demon lord's castle.  Humorously, it's implied that the humans actually instigated the war, not the demons, by constantly harassing the demons with low grade pranks.

Basically by refusing to resolve anything the story can drag on indefinitely.  But I forgive the books because they really are funny along the way.  I guess this is a comedy and as a comedy it's doing its job.  With four books read I'm confident enough to promote the series to my good books hall of fame, at the very bottom.  Once I've read to the ending we'll see how far it can climb.

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