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Sunday, March 10, 2024

FF7 Rebirth beaten:

What a fantastic game.  The most beautiful game ever made.  But as vast and long as this game was, it's still unfinished.  The third part still has a lot of things to do -- reveal Reeves as Cait Sith, get Cid and Vincent's back stories and have them as playable characters, reveal Cloud's true past, deal with the Weapons, get the Highwind, defeat all the top staff of Shinra, Jenova and Sephiroth, visit Wutai, go snowboarding, deal with the new villains like Nero and Genesis, do something about this multiverse where sometimes Zack and Aerith live, plus whatever else they decide to throw in or I've forgotten.  It feels like the third game could be longer than this one.

Until the whole story of FF7 is revealed I can't give a segment of it any credit.  A story without an ending is just a cliffhanger.  This was a fantastic portion of a game.  Only if the third game delivers will it eventually become the best game ever made.

One thing I love about this game is I predicted Aerith would make a great diva, and in '100 Waifus' she sings for everyone in a great performance -- and here we see it in the canon version, Aerith singing to a vast audience and people admiring and applauding her greatness.  I called it.  It's like divine inspiration, how I'm able to write a character so close to the original that I can put in events that the original hasn't put in yet, and then retroactively they become realistic because the original does them later too.  The same thing happened with Myusel being okay with polygamous marriage in the canon content only after I had her join a polygamous marriage in '100 Waifus.'

Of course, everything about this game reaffirms my belief that Aerith and Tifa are 2 of the finest 100 girls in imagination.  They showed that in spades throughout the 100+ hours of playtime.  One of my favorite moments in this game is Tifa playing Aerith's theme on the piano for the sake of her pet cat who wants to listen.  It was so heartwarming in so many ways.

There's still things to do in FF7 Rebirth that I can get around to only now that the game is over -- non-Tifa Gold Saucer dates are available, materia still need to be maxed out, and I still have to temper my genji gear and max out my crafting skill.  I could also play the game again on hard mode.  But at the same time Unicorn Overlord is ready to play so I might just immediately move on to new content.  I could always swing back to FF7 Rebirth later.  Either way March is going to be super fun.

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