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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

It's Over, Democrats have all 3 branches of government:

By winning the Senate runoffs they are now in position to pack the court like they promised to do, pack the United States with extra states which will churn out additional Democratic Senators so they own the Senate forever, and pack the electorate by passing amnesty and open borders.  This is the first day of total one party rule for the rest of time.

There's nothing we can do.  We are at their mercy.  Even engaging in politics anymore is a waste of time.  They will get everything they want and we will get nothing we want for the rest of time.  America is theirs.

People should have voted Trump while they had the chance.  He could have vetoed all this.  But he'll be gone in 15 days and from there on it's their show.  I realize Trump is an embarrassing wannabe dictator, but he stood up for the common man.  He was our only bulwark against every institutional power in the country -- Wall Street, Silicon Valley, colleges, schools, churches, media, you name it.  With him gone, yes, we'll get the relief of never having to hear him say or do something stupid again, but at the price of complete lawlessness in the streets as even murderers are no longer put in jail, a flood of billions of impoverished immigrants being given free everything and citizenship to vote in the next election. . . tax rates are going to be so unbelievably sky high now, I can't even imagine.  90%?  95%?

Here's the deal, it's whatever Democrats want it to be, forever.  They're getting rid of the filibuster, packing the supreme court, adding new states to the country with surefire Democrat senators, and adding 100 million surefire Democratic illegals to the voting rolls.

I wish Republicans hadn't been so very eager to lose.  Instead of campaigning in Georgia as the last gasp of America, they went on and on about fantastical conspiracy theories concerning the previous election which no longer mattered and could never be reversed.  They discredited themselves in the eyes of every rational, moderate, intelligent, sane person in America by demanding that you believe in their big lies.  Trump lost.  He lost by 7 million votes.  In a landslide.  We could have pivoted to -- "okay but we need to hold the Senate to preserve America," but instead we wasted all the oxygen in the room insisting that to be a Republican you are required to believe in pink elephants dancing on top of the moon.

That's why we lost the runoff election by an even wider margin than the original November election votes for these same Senators.  Because in the last couple months the Republicans did nothing but embarrass and discredit themselves.  Denying people a simple $2000 relief check on the eve of the election -- oh yeah that'll make you popular.  Brilliant move there McConnell.  Insisting you won an election you lost by 7 million votes -- it's like demanding people believe 2+2=5.  If Trump had cared about the country he would've stopped campaigning for himself and campaigned for these Senate seats instead.  He could have shown the adults in the room that Republicans were a party worthy of support that adults could stomach belonging to.  Instead he threw a childish tantrum, the credulous masses went along with it, and the Republican party was discredited.  And now we reap the consequences, complete, eternal defeat.  Trump destroyed the Republican party.  It may as well not even run for election ever again.  Just fold it up.  It's over.

I'm not going to invest myself in an organization that does everything possible to lose.  I'm not going to get emotionally roiled over inescapable situations.  It is what it is.  America is a liberal country and it will have liberal policies from here on.  Black Lives Matter.  Gay Rainbow Unicorns instructing kindergartners how to get in touch with their inner queer.  Open Borders.  Thought Police.  90% tax rate.  Whatever.  Pile it on.  I don't care.  None of it affects me anyway.  I'll stay in my room and play World of Warcraft.

I don't even care what Republicans do from here.  They can admit their mistakes and try to change -- it won't matter, they'll lose anyway.  They can continue to insist on fantasies and fairy tales and be no different from the tinfoil hat conspiracy crew -- they'll keep losing same as they are now.  There is nothing they do or don't do that matters anymore.  It's all too late to care.  In a few months there will be more immigrant citizens in this country than native born.  Try winning an election then.

Okay so, let's say the Democrats didn't mean what they said on the campaign trail, and they don't do anything they said they would do.  No amnesty, no packing the court, no new states, the filibuster remains, nothing.  It still won't matter.  It just means they'll slowly go about doing everything they could instead do quickly.  Since the American people are firmly behind them and the electorate shifts blue every two years (because the majority of the youth of this country are non-white), does it matter if Democrats decide to take it easy?  Sooner or later they'll get their policy agenda through.  They will win every election either way.  Nothing changes except the pace of change.

What this election shows is that even in the deep South Democrats have won.  If they can win in Georgia they can win anywhere.  They will always win for the rest of time.  Republicans are too niche a population with dumb and unpopular policies.  They will always lose.  Democrats could slit their throats and be done with it on January 21st, or they could do nothing and let them dangle for a while, but they're doomed either way.  My prediction is simple: it's over.  Whether it's over in three months or three decades, the situation remains the same -- Democrats will be in power forever and will get their way on all issues sooner or later, according to their own discretion and whimsy.

Since being a Republican apparently includes believing in fantasies (Christianity) and conspiracy theories (Trump really won!), I'm not a Republican and I don't care what happens to Republicans anymore.  Nor do I want to belong to a Republican breakaway republic.  A nation founded on lies has no future.  A nation of liars and fools is fit only for scoundrels.

I belong to a theoretical nation whose law code and moral values is spelled out in my permaposts.  I have no interest joining anyone or anything else.  I have no community, no shared interests with anyone.  It's the same to me that the Republicans lost as if the Golden Khanate lost on the far side of the globe in the far eddies of time.

Democrats can have America.  There's no one and nothing I wish to protect or preserve here anyway.  They can wreck it all they want.  It has nothing to do with me.

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