Blog Archive

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Choyoyu volumes 1-9 available:

Over at, [lucaz] has the first 8 volumes free to download.  I actually didn't have the patience and had already bought volumes 7-8, but it did help me fill in the gaps between the end of the anime and the start of volume 7 by reading the final few chapters of volume 6.

On top of that, volume 9 was just released today, I bought it from Google Play because it wasn't available at amazon for whatever reason.  A reasonable $7 something.  (I feel like they charge that much for every chapter of Hinowa which is why I only pirate that series.)  Perhaps volume 9 will also be uploaded at some point but I wanted to read it now.

Like usual it was a fantastic volume, full of beautiful nude girls and tons of interesting politics.  This series would be so good if the anime went on to a second and third season.  I don't know how you really beat the beginning of Choyoyu but certainly the later portions are equally interesting.  Each new portion of the story presents its own unique fun puzzle that has to be solved so the story never gets old.

Unless I subscribe to HBO Max and quick watch Wonder Woman 1984 this will be the last selling point of 2020.  It's a nice finale.  Really ever since Shadowlands came out there's been more than enough stuff to do, and I don't expect that to change in 2021.  The winter season is chock full of potentially good anime.  20+ shows, just like this fall season.  Plus there's still the NFL Playoffs and the Super Bowl to look forward to -- so many veteran quarterbacks facing off, like Brees, Brady, Wilson, Rodgers, it feels like a walking Hall of Fame.

The stimulus bill should keep us all well stocked with food on the table while we enjoy our television shows. Banzai free money!

I added 'The Feminist Future is Death' as a footnote to my 'My Philosophy' permapost, because it does such a good job of summarizing all of my political thinking/priorities into one place and all stems directly from my philosophical base principles.  It may not be as persuasive as each point debated separately, but putting everything in one place and discussing it holistically is also useful.

There aren't many readers of this blog, and it makes sense after 12 years of saying the same thing that most readers would want to move on, but sometimes I still come up with, what seem to me, new and insightful essays that deserve memorializing.  If nothing else it's still fun to go back and read my own old posts for my own sake, so continue to write I shall.

But is it really my fault for repeating myself for 12 years, or the world's fault for continuing along this same inexorable path all 12 years and counting?  Heck, Amren has been warning about these issues since 1990.  Is it their fault for repeating themselves for 30+ years that black misbehavior is being unfairly blamed on whites and non-white immigration is overwhelming us into a powerless dwindling minority?  Or is it the public's fault for not getting the message all this time and electing idiots like Biden to office all the same?

I'd love to write something original but first the world would have to do something original, not just keep digging its same grave every day like clockwork.

For now all I can do is recommend good art like Choyoyu to people by improving and expanding my halls of fame to perfection and wait for the tide of public opinion to turn back to sanity and self-preservation.  With enough good art I can wait and write patiently forever.

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