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Monday, November 16, 2020

Kanojo mo Kanojo Anime green-lit:

The world seems to bend around my will -- I declare a manga great, and then Japan goes ahead and animates it.  This will be a welcome addition to my top anime rankings when it happens.  Which may be years from now, who knows, I've seen green-lit anime take forever to actually debut.

For people who don't know what the excitement is about, anime is always an easier entry point, so now you can wait and see it all in full color.  Until the anime actually appears it can stay in my manga rankings though.

There are so many statistical anomalies in the 2020 election I'm convinced Trump won a fairly counted vote.  For instance, 450,000 ballots that voted solely for Biden in the key swing states, nothing down ticket.  That doesn't sound like a human being voting.  Why, if you support the Democratic party, would you not also want to see Democratic House, Senate, Governors, etc.?

Then you have a absentee ballot rejection rate in Pennsylvania that's only 1/30 the average.  Meaning magically everyone suddenly voted correctly this time even though they never managed to do so in the past, or ballots were being accepted wholesale with no oversight whatsoever -- a breeding ground for fraud.

Then you have all these weird 'hiccups' surrounding Dominion voting machines that always go against Trump, never for him.  (If they were honest mistakes it should break 50/50).

The Biden votes don't follow Benford's law, which is used as clear evidence of fraud in elections abroad.  (Trump's votes do, showing only they are legitimate.)

There's just too much evidence from too many angles to ignore.  I'm not even sure Biden won the popular vote if the votes were correctly tallied.  There are suggestions of millions of Trump votes deleted or 'flipped' to Biden.

It's a shame, though, that there's no practical way to overturn said fraudulent election.  None of the state legislatures involved have the guts to call for a re-vote, or to simply assign the electors to Trump.  The Constitution says states can send whatever electors they want to the electoral college, so if they want to send electors based off of fraudulent voting that's up to them.  All we can do is futilely watch the election be stolen in front of us.  I guess we should be thankful the fraudsters didn't have the time to steal the House and Senate too, they were so busy filling out fraudulent Biden votes.

Will there be any election security for the Georgia Senate runoffs?  Georgia's election system is run almost entirely on Dominion voting machines.  Is there any hope they'll be set to 'fair' mode this time around?  Or will we end up losing the Senate too, and then the entire nation as they pass every manner of horrible law?  Again, all we can do is sit by and watch in horror.  It's not like I live in Georgia.

Trump's lawyers say they have proof of fraud they'll show the courts.  There's no time for that.  Show the proof of fraud to the American people and let us decide.  If you have any evidence, show it.  We need to know now.  If the people are outraged, the state legislatures will be compelled to nominate Trump electors, and then we win.  We don't need any court intervention.  We just need a groundswell of Trump support that encourages already-Republican legislatures to do the right thing.  If they keep saying they have evidence but never show any, obviously they don't have any and it's all pigswill.

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