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Monday, November 9, 2020

Everything's Fine:

I'm nearly done with the latest Bleach light novel.  After that I can get started on the Imouto Sae Ireba Ii novel.  Later this month comes a new Gun Gale Online novel, a new Outbreak Company novel, and a new manga volume of Choyoyu.  There's also a Slime Tensei ova slated for release.

The stock market is booming and there's apparently a cure for covid.  These are not the end times.

The Fall anime season features 20 watchable shows, 3 of them new to my rankings, 6 of them great, and possibly two more if I include the new Higurashi and Inuyasha spinoffs.  It's rarely ever this plentiful, and Shingeki resumes in December to boot.

Aiyoku no Eustia's in the last phase of translation, 'Translator Check,' 57% complete.  It could be out in a week or two.  Summer Pockets Reflection Blue won't be far behind.  Happiness 2 is also almost ready.

WoW Shadowlands is right around the corner.

Football season is in full swing, all the conferences are back and playing.  Notre Dame vs. Clemson was an epic double overtime slugfest.  The NFL is swarming with amazing quarterback play.  How is it possible to be glum at a time like this?

Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters is a cute manga.  UQ Holder! has taken a dramatic turn.

Most of all, my music collection is amazing, and I'm steadily inching towards my goal of proving it by listening to every song 100 times.  With new songs from the likes of Jun Maeda it continues to improve by the day too.  It would be a sin to be unhappy in the midst of so much auditory wealth.

Now that we have a covid vaccine, expect lots of great movies to be coming out shortly, and even the Tokyo 2021 Olympics.  It will be like a bursting dam.  The World Cup is right around the corner in 2022 too.

If Biden really is inaugurated he'll be constrained by the Senate, the Supreme Court, and even a precariously even House where surely moderate Democrats will often side with Republicans to tip the balance.  Republicans control more state legislatures than before and this is a federal form of government, so he'll be constrained on that front too.  There's really little damage he can do all on his own.  Plus, he keeps assuring us he's a moderate, so maybe he doesn't even want to do any damage in the first place.

In the near term, the present and future are bright.  In the long term, all we need is a few lucky breaks when it comes to stuff like space flight or fusion power or AI, and things will work out there too.  Scientists keep assuring us we're on the precipice of various breakthroughs.  Don't worry be happy.

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