I must apologize. I initially predicted the gutless Republican senators wouldn't confirm a replacement Supreme Court Justice right before an election, citing their 'principles and values.' But it seems they're made of sterner stuff than I made out, and they realized how important this position was. Power is everything. Without power there are no principles or values. Without power you lose everything, including your dreams.
About a week later McConnell assured me he had the votes to confirm so I relaxed and have been predicting this win ever since. It took a while but here we are. A 6-3 Republican Supreme Court for the first time in at least 70 years. We have had progressive judges ramming their 'principles and values' down our throats since time immemorial, in express contradiction to the written law and the Constitution. Now we'll finally let voters decide what our laws should be again, after decades of judicial tyranny. Most people alive today have never experienced such a state of affairs.
Unfortunately, this interregnum won't last long if Biden wins the election. We'll have about three months of constitutional rule, followed by another infinite twilight of a political Supreme Court that ignores the Constitution and does whatever it wants. For the first time since the Civil War, they're going to pack the supreme court with toadies who care nothing about precedents and norms and simply go for our throats. And there's nothing we can do about it, because due to a stupid oversight, the Constitution never specified how many justices are on the Supreme Court. Even though it's obvious they meant 'lifetime appointments' to mean something, and not for each new President to have complete control over the courts every time he got in, which is what packing the courts would mean. But who cares what the framers' intent was so long as there's a loophole, right? Power is everything, so a 170 year precedent of an independent judiciary means nothing.
We are in a life or death fight for any semblance of a 2 party state, where we still have some say in our own futures. If Biden wins and they take the Senate (it would be very odd for Biden to win and Democrats not to take the Senate), they'll pack the Supreme Court and then there is no check on their behavior. None. They'll have all three branches of government, abolish the filibuster, rule by decree, and every ruling, no matter how tyrannous or ruinous, will be upheld by their own toadies they just put on the Court. They could pass a law declaring all Republicans to be criminals and the punishment is death and there's nothing we can do in redress. There is no power we can appeal to. It's just whatever they want goes.
All previous elections have been fought within the lanes of Democratic norms. Even if the other side won you knew you would still have your fundamental Constitutional rights. The Supreme Court leaned left or leaned right, but it was not a partisan body of bloodthirsty friends of the President ready to embrace any partisan cause put before them. Now we're venturing into no man's land. We have no freedoms, no rights, no property, even our children could be taken from us. Whatever they say goes. We'll essentially have all become slaves of the monolithic all powerful State come January 20th.
So we get constitutional, non-partisan, fair and reasoned rule for three months. And in exchange Democrats get to take us all as conquered war booty slaves for the rest of time. They openly admit this is their intent so if they win the election anyway, it's on our heads that we let it happen. We deserve our serfdom. There is no excuse to not elect Trump in a landslide, there has never been a more consequential election in our history. The Civil War was over the fate of 10% of the population being slaves, but now we're talking at least 50% of the country being enslaved. We'll probably be treated worse than the blacks were too. There's just no end to this genocidal rabbit hole. It will only get worse for the rest of time as they grind us into finer and finer dust. I repeat -- we have no redress if they pack the Supreme Court, and we have no way to stop said packing if Biden wins. Either we win or we die.
Vote Trump like your life depends on it.
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