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Tuesday, August 11, 2020


The final promising manga available is called Necromance, a pun combining necromancy and romance.  Because the hero is a zombie and his lover is a saint, her body emits so much holy light that he can't touch her.  Other than that they're lovers though, which creates lots of hijinks.

The story borrows a lot from Dragon Quest, which is always a good idea, because Dragon Quest is a great story.  My biggest complaint so far would be how slowly the plot develops, but oh well.  This is my last manga so taking a little extra time is probably a good thing.

I also have a new song for my music hall of fame.  Yakudo, by Maaya Sakamoto, which came out just today and is designed for Fate/Grand Order.  But even if you don't play the game anyone can listen to the song, and this is a singer you normally don't want to miss.  Apparently she's also singing something for the Kimetsu no Yaiba movie, I can't wait to hear that one too.

After rewatching them, I rolled the two Nekopara oav's into Nekopara's great episode count, which makes a lot more sense than keeping the two separate.  That gets my anime hall of fame up to 8901 episodes/movies.

I said before that America is the most evil force in history, which anyone can derive from a simple formula:  The number of lies America tells X the amount of people who have fallen for them X the amount of harm it has done them.

Today a black man walked up to a white 5 year old boy innocently riding his bike, put a gun to his head and shot him dead for no reason at all.  This is the price of America's lies.  If we had told the truth that blacks are not equal to whites and should not be living among whites (or really be living anywhere at all truth be told), this never would have happened.

We pay the price of America's lies every day, everywhere, in every way imaginable.  30,000 white women are raped by black men every year.  Meanwhile, a total of 0, yes, 0, black women are raped by white men each year.

If current black crime levels were the only issue, we could bear with it though.  What's a little murder and rape in a country of 330 million people, right?  The problem is America's sick love of blacks extends to the currently breeding 4 billion Africans that will be here by 2100.  And then it won't just be a little murder and rape, it'll be the whole world murdered and raped by a majority black world population.  If America hadn't brainwashed the world into loving black people, the continent of Africa would have been conquered and peopled by the nobler races, and this worldwide apocalypse never would have happened.  Instead we're letting Africa conquer and people our continents.  All because America decided, on no evidence whatsoever, to proclaim that 'all men are created equal.'  And then fought two wars -- the Civil War against the Confederacy which refused to believe this ridiculous lie, and then World War II against the Axis powers which also didn't believe this ridiculous lie -- to crush all resistance to this insane belief and impose it throughout the entire world.

Now there is no one who will stand up to this lie -- not even Russia or China, who have nuclear weapons and could stand up to this lie if they wanted but still don't due to the effectiveness of Hollywood's propaganda which has genuinely convinced the populaces of these countries that blacks are our equals -- and so the blacks go on breeding unimpeded, awaiting the promised hour of their world dominion, where their savage nature, unchecked by anyone or anything, will finally be on full display.

It can be said that the United Nations demographic prognostications are wrong.  It's odd to say that, since every estimate they've made so far has underestimated black African population growth, not overestimated.  But okay, let's say 2100 rolls around and there are no more Africans than what we have today.  It doesn't matter, other lies exported by America have doomed the world just as well:

America's worst lie wasn't the nobility of the black man, it was feminism.  You see, 'all men are created equal' somehow extends to women, too.  Which means men and women are exactly the same in every way.  Which means there are no preordained gender roles men and women need to take.  Which means there's no point in male-female pair bonding.  Which means, you guessed it, the world's birth rate outside of Africa is plummeting to zero.

Now, instead of men getting jobs to support the family while women stay at home to have and raise kids, we just have a bunch of individual units supporting themselves, each doing their own job, in equal sterility.  Sexless androgyny.  And the whole world has reformed to this American innovation, which never existed anywhere until Americans decided it was a good idea.

LGBT+ all stems from this original lie, that there is no biological basis to our existence.  If there's no such thing as men or women, then any two units can come together in loving matrimony, or identify themselves as any gender they please, or whatever.  It's all meaningless gray goo anyway.  LGBT's are pernicious, in that they drive people who could otherwise have lived normal, healthy lives down the road to perdition (depression and an early death.)  They're also far more likely to abuse children and corrupt them down the same path of perdition than normal straight healthy men.  But there are so few gay people that the direct harm they do is basically inconsequential.  Their existence is less a cause of modernity's dilemma and more a symptom of it.  When the sexual binary was thrown out it was inevitable these sorts would pop out of the woodwork.  The real problem isn't this crazy minority, it's the overwhelming majority of women who would rather identify as workers than housewives.

Even if men and women do marry in this environment, they're so busy both working and competing to acquire useless stuff/honors they inevitably don't have enough kids to really make a difference.  From God's point of view, there's no difference between a sterile straight woman and a lesbian.  And in the long run, there's no difference between a mother who has 1 child and a mother who has 0.  Humanity goes extinct either way.

I think a lot of the drive to enforce LGBT's on the world as a human right is due to this conceptual snarl.  If LGBT's are illegitimate, it must be because men and women are different and thus two men or two women don't equal a man and a woman.  Nor could men transition freely into women, or women into men.  So you see, if you refute any plank of the LGBT ethos, you'd have to refute feminism too.  And then the entire world's way of life would collapse in on itself as we find that everything women have been doing for the last century has been unnatural and wrong.  Liberals can't budge on any of these extremist issues because they realize that the same logic upholding transgenders also upholds working women and women's education.

It's all or nothing, there is no inbetween.

But perhaps even this lie could be tolerated if not for the combination of democracy and socialism.  (Yes, both American exports, Karl Marx notwithstanding.)  Let's assume that in any given population, some small minority will wed in holy matrimony and reproduce the next generation.  There's actually plenty of people on Earth so even if the population halved every generation humanity would last a good long while.  In this time, all sorts of technological innovations could be made, like spaceflight, the artificial womb, or A.I. superbeings that render human reproduction moot anyway.

However, none of that can happen either, because America exported two more world-destroying lies that choke out all our possibilities.

Universal democracy means the worst sort of varmint can vote itself the authority to murder, rape, or steal from the highest order innovator.  They each get one vote, and it's a lot easier for the varmints to reproduce than the rocket scientists.  There's a lot more of them, and they don't need nearly as much nurturing.  So how exactly do these technological breakthroughs occur?  In a lawless environment where blacks are breaking into your house and torturing you to death as they rape your wife and daughters in front of you -- like we already see in South Africa?

There is no future in any country which lets the lower classes seize state power.  They just arrogate to themselves all the money and jobs, destroy everything better than them, and then stew in perpetual misery like the blacks of Haiti.

Socialism never could have existed without universal democracy allowing the lower classes to vote themselves other people's money.  It's the inevitable legacy of democracy, the endpoint.  The endgame.  The end.

Every nation on Earth is seizing an ever-rising percentage of people's intellectual output and devoting it, not to technological breakthroughs or artistic triumphs, but solely to the upkeep of an exponentially increasing underclass of criminal, insane, unemployed, obese voters.  Their eternal warcry:  "We need mo' money fo' dem programs."

You could have a magic money generating Sun God and it wouldn't be enough for 'dem programs.'  By the time they've wrung all our productive classes dry, do you really think they'll have enough time, energy, or hope left over to invent spaceflight?

In fact, we're already operating on empty.  The whole world is drowning in unpayable debt even as the impoverished grow in numbers and expand their needs:  "universal health care, universal daycare, universal college, social workers instead of prisons, windmills instead of coal plants!"  You could have an economy 4 times as productive as the United States and still there wouldn't be enough taxes to go around.

America's original sin, those awful words, 'all men are created equal,' inevitably leads to universal democracy, universal democracy inevitably leads to socialism, and socialism inevitably leads to technological stagnation (indeed, retrogression).  As evidence just look around you.  The rate of technological progress from 1860-1960 -- we went from the train to the plane to the moon.  The rate of progress from 1960-2020?  We went. . .well. . .we stopped going to the moon.  And in fact now all our airline companies are bankrupt too.  Huh.  Trains won't last much longer either.  I guess we can still ride bicycles around our decaying cities.

Oh wait, when a 5 year old boy tries to ride his bicycle a black man will inevitably walk up, put a gun to his head, and execute him for no reason at all.  So I guess that's out too.

When I think evil, I immediately imagine the Aztecs carving out so many people's hearts that an entire city is caked in rivers of blood, all to satisfy the hunger of a non-existent God.  But you have to remember that even the Aztecs had a rising population -- births exceeded deaths.  Even Aztecs had technological progress.  (They actually had some pretty impressive achievements.)  So no, the most evil society imaginable isn't the Aztecs.

It's right now, today, this very world.  The world we live in.  Where every trend is towards oblivion, and for obvious, ridiculous lies that anyone with a speck of courage in their souls could instantly realize and reject.  But because most people don't even have that speck of courage, the lies win.  That's the worst evil imaginable.  It's America today.

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