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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Harris:

Once Biden restricted himself to choosing only a black woman vice president (which I predicted he would do), Kamala Harris was probably the best of the bunch.  A senator from California is a pretty impressive achievement, it means she had to beat out a heck of a lot of other people for the job.  Certainly more distinguished than Senator from Delaware, which has a smaller electorate than most Mayors.

Of course, Kamala isn't really black.  At best 25% black.  But whatever, one drop rule.

The problem I have with Kamala isn't her ancestry (or lack thereof), her qualifications or even her personal life scandals, it's her policies.  She's been rated the most liberal senator in the senate by non-partisan organizations.  That's right, she's to the left of Bernie Sanders.

Why was she rated such?  Because she endorsed AOC's Green New Deal, she co-sponsored Bernie's Medicare for All plan, she tarred border enforcement as the equivalent of the KKK, she led the 'believe all women' charge against Kavanaugh, and so on.  Some of her liberal ideas I actually agree with, like gun control, abortion rights and reducing military spending.  Nevertheless, these are all very liberal positions.

Biden is not mentally competent to fulfill his term of office.  If he's elected Kamala will shortly be the next President of the United States.  If the most liberal politician to ever grace the Senate is put in charge of the country, what do you think will happen?  Someone to the left of an avowed Socialist?

Open Borders, a ban on fossil fuels and gigantic subsidies of unworkable alternatives, health care spending larger than the entire US GDP, and of course the packing of the Supreme Court and the Senate such that Republicans can never win an election again.  It will happen in slow motion, but America's decline will follow the same trajectory as Venezuela's.  Businesses will flee, capital will flee, taxpayers will flee, until there's no one left to fleece, and eventually the lights will go out (did you really think Green energy could keep them on?) and the supermarkets won't have any food.  Actually, with this defund the police movement, all the supermarkets will be looted, gutted, and boarded up, never to open again, long before socialism manages to do them in.

It will be in slow motion.  I don't predict this will all happen in the next four years.  It didn't even happen in Venezuela in Chavez's first four years.  But once they've packed the Supreme Court, abolished the electoral college, added in two new Democratic states which = 4 new Democratic senators, and gerrymandered the House census allocations, the Democratic party will have all the time in the world to slowly grind America into dust.  They can do it in 10, 20, 50 years, they'll be in power the whole time and completely untouchable in any election.  They plan on importing hundreds of millions of new loyal Democratic voters from Latin America, Africa and Asia and giving them all citizenship and the vote.  How do you beat that?

How many Yemenis would prefer to live in America?  I would assume pretty much all of them.  Well under Kamala Harris they'll be free to do so.  They'll probably be given subsidized plane tickets.  How about Somalians?  Afghans?  Pakistanis?  South Sudanese?  I can't wait to see what our country will look like.  All that vibrant diversity.

If Democrats get their way and the borders are opened (quite possibly by executive order without even getting Congressional approval), there will be hundreds of millions of immigrants headed our way.  It would be stupid not to take advantage of the offer.  Free education, free health care, free welfare, free housing assistance, what's not to like?  You're even free to do crime here in America -- no matter what crime you do Democratic DA's will set you free with no bail.  There are billions of people out there who live in abject poverty, who could move to America and start receiving tens of thousands in welfare benefits a year.  Under what mathematical model do they not take advantage of this offer?

I'm opposed to scaremongering, I think it's important to keep your predictions bounded by the facts so that you aren't discredited by how future events actually play out.  But when Kamala Harris herself has already given speeches saying she wants to do these things, when she's already rated to the left of Bernie Sanders on all issues, how is any of this scaremongering?  There is no crackpot leftist idea she hasn't already endorsed.  16 year olds should be given the vote, red meat should be banned, it's anything goes.

This is extremely frustrating because there are moderate Democrats out there who, if handed power, would not immediately destroy the country.  And the Democratic primaries united behind an ostensibly moderate candidate, proving that even Democrat voters want a moderate Democrat in charge.  But due to Biden's senility and this awful pick of the most liberal Senator in the Senate, against the expressed wishes of the voters we've ended up with Super Bernie Sanders.  Is this really democracy?

If you took polls on these issues -- the Green New Deal, Open Borders, defunding the police, etc. -- something like 70% of Americans would be opposed.  Nevertheless that's the policy we'll get, because Kamala Harris is sneaking into the presidency through the backdoor -- after being totally demolished in the Democratic Primary, she's president anyway.  And once those policies are implemented, we can never win another vote, because suddenly there will be millions of Yemenis and Somalis saying no, they like these policies and America must now keep them.  The old American people will no longer have any say in the matter.  There's no take-backs.  If we make the mistake of electing Biden, we'll never get to elect anyone else ever again.  From there on our Yemenis and Somalis will be deciding such things for us.

I hope Trump somehow miraculously wins again.  If that doesn't work out, I hope Republicans quickly wise up to their new state of powerlessness and quickly organize a Red State Secessionist movement.  There are still some very nice, pristine, majority Republican areas of this country like Kansas or Utah we could all happily move to and prosper in.  But the longer we allow open borders immigration to flood into the country, the fewer such redoubts we'll have.  We're running out of time.  Republicans must wise up quickly or they can kiss their property and their personal safety goodbye.

I wish Trump would resign his Republican party nomination and nominate Andrew Yang/Tulsi Gabbard as a consensus unity party platform to oppose the far left socialist Kamala Harris.  Then we would have a smashing majority to stop all these horrendous reforms.  We would win every state.  Kamala Harris is not popular!  She didn't even make it to the Iowa caucus, in the Democratic primaries!  Add all the moderate Democrats and Republican voters together and we'd win easily.


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