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Friday, July 31, 2020

Chihayafuru S3 Rewatched:

This was a boring season where nothing of consequence happened.  A couple random npc's challenged the Meijin and Queen and lost, as you would expect.  Arata, Chihaya and Taiichi all watched from the sidelines.  Arata and Taiichi both confessed to Chihaya but it was useless because she's a useless person with no interest in romance, only Karuta.  Something they should have known already just by being around her.  In the end all their goals ended in futility.

Like many manga, Chihayafuru is super long, so nothing eventful ever happens.  The anime faithfully adapted a few chapters in the middle of this endless series and as a result had nothing genuinely worth showing to show for it.  They would have done infinitely better to adapt the next segment of Death March, which is the best part of the series, or the next segment of Haruhi Suzumiya which is at least as good as the previous books.

But for whatever reason, they chose to animate the most boring segment of Chihayafuru and then stop, resolving nothing.

I also rewatched BanG Dream! Film Live.  Next up is BanG Dream S3 and Granblue Fantasy S2.  My quest to rewatch all ranked as great anime is well on its way to completion.

Today Donald Trump decided, on a lark, to pretend to be Hitler by abolishing any future elections.  For this dumb joke, he's lost all credibility and can credibly now be accused of treason.  He's trying to overthrow the constitutional order and usurp power as an unelected dictator -- what other punishment for that than death?  But of course he put a '???' after his statement, showing he didn't really mean it, so I guess it's okay.  No, it's not okay.

"Shall I rape a little girl tonight???'  Is not something a President should joke about at the end of their tweets either.  Attaching a '???' to an insane and evil statement doesn't somehow make it alright.  The fact that you were even considering it, or thought it was even debatable, is proof of your wicked heart already.  Some things are beyond the pale.

I'll still vote for Trump because he cut immigration in half and doesn't plan to flood the country with the world's refuse or release all prisoners from jail.  But it's absolutely shameful that the Republican party couldn't find a sane and competent person to be their candidate -- he could have the exact same platform or even a different platform -- anything's better than Biden's platform -- he just has to not be Donald Trump.  Anyone would do.  He is absolutely destroying the Republican brand.  We're going to lose in a blowout because everyone is disgusted with Trump personally, the way he acts and talks, so the platform never even gets a fair hearing.

If Trump actually cared about the Republican party platform, and the aid this would represent to America, he would resign.  Then the Republican party could nominate someone, anyone else to run in November and represent the voice of sanity in this election cycle.  Someone not over the age of 70 and totally senile and incompetent.  Actually, just nominate Andrew Yang for God's sake, that's a consensus candidate the whole country could get behind.  I am so sick of my ideas being associated with the embarrassment that is Trump.

If Trump hadn't asked Putin for Hillary's emails, another 'joke,' the whole Russiagate controversy could have been avoided which wasted three years of Republican power.  Why did Donald Trump Jr. go to that meeting to get admitted Russian intelligence dirt about Hillary?  It was an obvious setup!  It proved the Trumps were happy to collude with Russia if only an actual Russian had actually ever offered.  They only left that meeting unhappy because Russia didn't offer any actual dirt -- they were fine with getting Russia's help so long as it was genuine!  If Trump hadn't asked Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden in an election year when he was running against Joe Biden he never would have been impeached and the Ukrainegate scandal could have been avoided.  If Trump would simply shut up and never say anything, the last four years we could have enacted so many beneficial policies.  Instead he kept making all these stupid 'jokes' and causing endless, completely unnecessary controversies.  Why the hell would you describe all illegal immigrants as rapists?  On your very first speech?  It's absolutely insane.  Why couldn't you have cited some CIA statistics showing Hispanics have incredibly high murder rates in their own countries and left it at that?  Why say something completely insane and make everyone hate you within the first five minutes of your introductory speech?

Why the hell did he say Mexico would pay for the wall when obviously that's impossible?  Why the hell would a foreign country pay for your internal infrastructure?  It's insane!  It's completely insane!  Did anyone ever really think that would ever happen?  And yet he repeated this claim hundreds of times -- and here we are -- no wall, no payments from Mexico.  You look like a complete buffoon!

We're literally losing to a brain-dead opponent.  Because we elected a clown!  Because of all these pointless own goals that any normal, halfway savvy person could have avoided, we're losing every branch of government!  This fucking idiot is destroying the country every time he flaps his mouth!  All Trump had to do is point out that these radical Marxists are for open borders, open prisons, banning fossil fuels, reparations and riots.  We should be up 50 points right now!

The saddest thing is Trump's platform wasn't bad!  He had a good plan for America and, until the coronavirus hit, it was booming the economy and crime was going down, wars were winding down, it looked like a freaking golden age.  If anyone else had implemented that exact same platform than Trump, anyone who could have just kept their damn mouths shut and avoided obviously stupid statements-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it's all over now.  Whatever chance Trump had this election he's now blown by suggesting a coup with cute little '???' teasing.  I hope he really enjoyed his joke because it just cost the Republican Party any chance of ever winning any election ever again.  Say hello to the United Soviet States of America, all thanks to Donald Fucking Trump.

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