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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Romances I had to fix:

Due to terrible authors refusing to do the right thing, '100 Waifus' had to step in and fix a plethora of relationships.

There's also the issue that many great stories remain untranslated, so I had to fix the 'gap' in our English speaking knowledge of the story by simply assuming the couples eventually got together.  I won't blame the authors in this case but translators really should have translated these stories by now. God knows enough crappy web novels and manga are translated as is, if they spent 1/10 of that energy on translating these genuinely great stories we'd be saved by now.

Of the 100 Waifus, how many were broken and for what reason?

Cure Dream/Nozomi Yumehara - Coco:  They never got together in the anime, even though they kept hinting they would.  Most likely because this is a kids' anime so, somehow, even heterosexual romances are considered too scandalous to display.  I fixed it by finally letting them get together.

Asuna Yuuki - Kirito:  They never actually married, even though they kept hinting they would.  I fixed it by letting them do so.

Silica/Keiko Ayano - Kirito:  In the canon story Kirito isn't charmed by Silica when he first meets her, even though that should be impossible considering how cute she is.  If he had properly noticed her feelings and her cuteness, a romance could have properly ensued.  This would have happened even before he ever got involved with Asuna.  Why didn't this happen?  Either Kirito is dense as hell, or the power of censorship meant he wasn't allowed to get with her because she was too young.  Well in my world Kirito isn't so cruel he'd turn down a cute girl's loving feelings for no reason, and there is no censorship based around arbitrary age ranges, so it's fixed and they're together.  In addition, I specifically fix Asuna's jealousy so that even if she has first claim on his heart, she realizes it isn't fair to Silica or Suguha to monopolize him to herself, since their feelings for Kirito are just as sincere as hers were and for just as important reasons.  Kirito literally saved Silica's life.  He's her knight in shining midnight cloak armor.  He grew up with Suguha and spent more quality time with her than anyone else in the world.  Why does only Asuna get to love Kirito?  It makes no sense.

Leafa/Suguha Kirigaya - Kirito:  In the canon story Kirito acts awfully flirtatiously with Leafa and Suguha, despite officially being Asuna's boyfriend.  When this backfires and she falls in love with him, he brutally informs her he feels nothing romantically for her (despite her gallant spirit, incredible beauty of form and voice, and altruistic suffering by taking on his kendo grandpa's lessons for him?  None of that moved him?)  Leafa puts up with this and continues to treat him well as a live in sounding board, joke exchanger and trustworthy helper, enriching all his days, probably still spending more time with him than his girlfriend does, still producing nothing in his heart in return.  What are we to make of this?  Is Kirito just not into anyone but Asuna in this world?  Is he an Asuna-sexual or something?  Not even straight, just pro-Asuna?

I doubt that to be the case.  I'm pretty sure I remember him blushing and acting fidgety around a wide variety of pretty girls when they got in delicate situations.  Remember when he watched Sinon undress?  So he should have a normal sense of attraction to all girls in general.  So why wasn't Suguha good enough for him?  Is it because she's his cousin?  But cousins are allowed to marry in Japan.  There's nothing standing in their path.  Even if they weren't, why would a hero who stood up to evil again and again, like Administrator's unfair law code the Taboo Index, even think twice about abiding by an evil anti-incest law that would deny a pure girl's heart like Suguha's?

Is it because he doesn't want to cheat on Asuna?  But he knew Suguha first, so really wouldn't getting with Asuna be cheating on Suguha?  In any case, why does Asuna have a higher claim to his heart than Suguha?  Why is it cheating to ditch Asuna but fine to ditch Suguha?  I think a betrayal of someone's love happens either way, it's equivalent either way.  If he seriously didn't want to cheat on Asuna, he shouldn't have flirted so much with Suguha that she fell in love with him.  After that it's on him to take responsibility.  But no, the whole situation is absurd.  Even if he did nothing to encourage her feelings, when a wonderful girl confesses to you and is deadly serious about it and proves it through her actions every day, a boy should always take responsibility and return those feelings.  It's anti-love not to.  If this is about cheating he's got it all wrong.  The true betrayal here is a betrayal of love in abstract.  He was given an opportunity to love and be loved by a wonderful woman and he threw it away.  There is no reason why he couldn't have gotten into a polygamous relationship with Suguha, Keiko and Asuna.  They all three know each other and are best friends, they all three understand the pure loving hearts and genuine reasons behind their feelings for the same boy.  I do not understand why they couldn't accept each other into each other's lives like they already do as friends.

Get rid of the incest taboo which has no legitimate moral argument behind it, get rid of the monogamy taboo that has no legitimate moral argument behind it (if you can love two children or two parents or two siblings why not two wives?), and there's no good reason why Kirito/Suguha aren't a couple.  They get along great with each other.  They love each other's company.  They commonly fight on each other's behalf.  What is the problem?  What is wrong with their chemistry?  Why aren't they the pair they were obviously meant to be?  In 100 waifus this is fixed and they're together.

Teletha Testarossa - Sousuke:  As described in the book, it's absolutely criminal that Sousuke was never attracted to Tessa despite all she did to try to be liked by him and went with the violent and ill-mannered Chidori instead.  What on Earth was he thinking?  There could not be a more attractive woman than Tessa in this world.  Everyone else on the crew aside from him loves her like an idol, a goddess!  I have nothing against Chidori, actually I admire his romance with her a lot, but Tessa deserved better.  The book, as far as I recall, never gave any explanation or excuse for why Sousuke blew her off.  She just 'wasn't his type' or something.  That's ridiculous.  Tessa is every guy's type.  Now Sousuke is with both Chidori and Tessa and all is well again.

Elize Lutus - Jude:  There were two girls who loved Jude in Tales of Xillia -- Elize and Leia.  Go figure, he got with Milla, a girl who never gave a rat's ass about him and was instead focused entirely on 'the mission.'  I'm not even sure he ever actually got with her.  Wasn't she stuck in the heavenly realm while he stayed on Earth?  So maybe all he had was a crush on Milla throughout.  It's clear as day from all the blushing Elize does around Jude how she feels, she's a beautiful, amazing, cute girl who's head over heels for him, and he doesn't even notice.  Ugh.  Yet again the censorship against young girls law is in effect because there's no other way a guy would remain that dense.  If you actually play the game Elize is a far more effective black mage than Milla and a healer so she's essential to every victory.  Preferring Milla over Elize is crazy.  The girl you want on your team is Elize!  Her link arts are crazy powerful!  Come on!  In 100 Waifus Jude chooses Leia and Elize, the girls who actually cared for him.

Leaia Rolando - Jude:  This is a total no-brainer.  Leia is beautiful, peppy, powerful, Jude's childhood friend, and has been in love with him since forever.  Devoted, honest, kind to a fault -- did I mention beautiful?  She chose to be a nurse just so she could continue working with him when he chose to be a doctor, and then she excelled at it, becoming one of the strongest white mages in the world.  She follows you on a journey of a thousand miles just to be with you.  Literally!  So you go with Milla?  It's criminal.  It's so awful and unfair to Leia.  What did she do to deserve this?  In 100 Waifus her devotion is repaid.

Sophie - Asbel:  The chemistry is obviously there since they were kids.  I'm fine with Asbel getting with Cheria -- the chemistry with Cheria was also there since they were kids.  But why should Sophie be left out?  Why is she left out in the cold?  She clearly loved Asbel too.  A girl of that beauty left waiting at the altar?  She saves the world, saves your life and the lives of all your friends, and this is what she gets as thanks?  I don't think so.  Fixed in 100 Waifus.

Rydia - Cecil:  When Rydia loses everything Cecil's the one to save her from the abyss.  He saves her from the fire (was that the Ring of Bomb boss fight?  either way.)  He saves her from loneliness by taking her with them on their world spanning journey.  They work together to save the world.  They work together to save Rosa.  I know he was already an item with Rosa at the time but again, once a girl's feelings for a guy are genuine and sincere enough and based on a good enough reason, I don't think that should matter.  Plus Rosa and Rydia become best friends so what would be the harm in living together as one?  Plus she has green hair and blue eyes.  How do you not fall for that?  It makes no sense.  In 100 Waifus Cecil welcomes Rydia into the fold and keeps Rosa, the way things should be.

Tifa - Cloud:
Aerith - Cloud:  In FF 7 you could choose which girl you got with.  However, why couldn't you choose both?  They were both perfect romantic partners, in a sense they were both your childhood friends with a long and deep personal connection (due to Cloud's personality mixing with Zack's.  Remember, Cloud is struck by the nostalgic tune Aerith hums in FF 7 Remake despite having never met Aerith before.  That's because he has Zack's memories now, so he is Aerith's childhood friend whether he likes it or not), they were both reliable companions you could trust, that's why it worked whichever one you chose.  So why not just have both?  As shown in FF 7 Remake, Aerith and Tifa get along great so there should be no problem there.  In 100 Waifus this is fixed and Cloud chooses a flower on each arm.

MOMO Mizrahi - Jr.:  MOMO's heart and memories come from Sakura, who was in a mutually loving relationship with Jr.  MOMO therefore naturally loves Jr. too.  However, Jr., for whatever reason, never loves MOMO back and in the end just flies off to the ends of the universe, leaving her behind.  This is totally unacceptable.  MOMO's love is genuine, pure, and serious.  She puts in a lot of effort to save the world.  Why can't she be rewarded?  She's exactly as beautiful as the girl you did love, they're clones!  You can't say she isn't attractive -- you already fell for her once!  In 100 Waifus her feelings are returned.

Aruru - Hakuoro:  Aruru, if anything, displays more love and is willing to sacrifice more for Hakuoro than Eruru.  Time and again she amazes you with the lengths she'll go.  You can say those weren't maidenly feelings but come on, they obviously were.  Aruru never falls for any other man for the rest of her life.  The sequels prove this.  She also spends all her time doting over Hakuoro's child and trying to be Kuon's mother.  If that isn't a sign of wanting to have had Hakuoro's child what is?  Plus she's fine with Hakuoro seeing her nude or sleeping in his bed.  It's all clear as day.  The reason she wasn't given a route is censorship due to age barriers and nothing else.  In 100 Waifus there is no censorship so they're properly together.  What about Eruru, you say?  Of course she's deserving too.  But Eruru and Aruru get along together about as well as two sisters possibly can.  I can't imagine why they wouldn't continue getting along as a polygamous trio.  It's nonsense to not stay together as a family unit forever.  In 100 Waifus that's what they do.  It should have been the same in the source.

Nekone - Haku:  I know Haku has a huge crush on Kuon and this keeps him from appreciating any of the other girls in his life, but come on.  Nekone is so beautiful, so fragile, and so helpful, at a time when Kuon wasn't even there, Nekone was there to save the day time and time again.  Haku is nothing without Nekone, who shares his secret he can share with no one else and encourages him to see things through by grieving with him and sympathizing with his burdens every step of the way.  Of course Kuon is deserving of Haku's love, but Nekone is deserving too.  In 100 Waifus he gets with both and this is fixed.  As usual I suspect the only reason this didn't happen was Nekone's age.  But it was established in the story itself that Nekone was a prodigy whose mental maturity was light years beyond her age.  There is no legitimate reason why you'd hold her age against her.  She is a full grown woman and her heart is a full grown, sincere heart.  Nekone has a crush on Haku even before Oshutoru's death but their relationship after his death is sublime.  It could not be closer.  It's criminal to not preserve and blossom that relationship into a proper romance.

Wendy/Lucy/Lisanna - Natsu:  For God's sake, Natsu, just get with even one of them.  I complain about Kirito only having eyes for Asuna, but at least in contemporary morals it makes sense Kirito would do that. That's how he's been raised to act and feel.  Monogamous like a good boy.  Wendy and Lisanna are his childhood friends who have loved him since they were kids.  Wendy, Lucy and Lisanna think of him as their personal hero who saved them in every pinch.  Lisanna's already proposed to him, Lucy's thrown herself at him multiple times now.  Wendy confessed she loved him to Sherria.  Don't listen to her nonsense of 'like a brother.'  Her blush tells the lie to that.  Even Sherria didn't believe her.  Wendy loves Natsu as the most amazing manly figure she's ever been graced to know.  Remember her being princess carried in her pajamas by Natsu during the grand magic games?  That's a couple.  Remember their solo time together in Edolas where they acted just like each other both in mistakes and heroism?  The vibe, the chemistry, was so clear to see!  Remember when they worked together to bring down the executioner knights in the underground cave?  They were of one body and spirit!  Remember when they worked together to bring down Aknologia?  It was her enchant that powered Natsu's fist!  They're tied as closely together as any pair can be.

Is she too young?  Nonsense.  By now she's at least 400 years old.  No one can complain! ;) No but really, age doesn't matter.  Wendy has a mature heart any girl could envy.  She's saved the world multiple times over with her steady heart, agile mind, and incredible body.  If that still doesn't qualify her to be in an adult romance then please explain to me what exactly does.  She already makes her own living and lives alone.  What would it take to admit she's an adult?

Getting back to Lisanna.  I swear to God Natsu loved Lisanna before she 'died.'  His blushes as a kid prove it.  His promises to her prove it.  His joy around her proved it.  And most of all his deep seated sadness and anger at her loss, still boiling years afterwards like an unhealable wound, proved it.  Look at the pain that wracked him when Lucy or Gildarts touched upon Lisanna even lightly.  That's not the pain of a boy for his play pal.  That's Cross Game level missing Wakaba pain right there.

As to Lucy it's just obvious.  He's been doing all sorts of ecchi things with her, flirting with her like crazy, practically living with her he visits her room so often.  By now he owes her a ring.  He's totally made her swoon for him and now he's just jerking her chain.  Natsu owes all three of them big time.  In 100 Waifus polygamy solves issues where boys are perfect for multiple girls.  No one's heart has to be broken.  Take all three to wife.

Sakura Haruno - Sasuke:  I realize they got together even in the canon story, but for God's sake, can't Sasuke be even a little nice to her after all this time?  In 100 Waifus he is.

Rin Nohara - Kakashi:  Kakashi feels like he betrayed Rin and isn't worthy of her feelings, so he turns her down.  Maybe he also feels like he'd be betraying Obito.  But he's wrong on both counts.  Rin loved Kakashi before Obito died and was already deadset on him.  Plus making a battlefield judgment and treating Rin like the adult soldier on the battlefield she was is respectful of her, not a betrayal.  All of Kakashi's guilt is misplaced.  He should have returned her feelings.  As the two people who still remember and loved Obito, it would have honored his memory for them to unite together and keep his memory alive in each other's hearts forever.  That's what Aoba and Kou did in Cross Game.  They took the mature path.  Kakashi took the immature, wrong path.  In 100 Waifus that's fixed.

Chtolly - Willem:  Happy ending!  Now the married couple gets to stay alive and well, together forever.  Thanks to the power of miracles and 100 Waifus.

Elf Yamada (Emily Granger) - Masamune:  It's intolerable for Masamune to 'love Sagiri at first sight' and have that blind him to the charms of Elf who proved her appealing nature to him time and time again through more than first sight.  Elf is beautiful too you know.  Plus Elf and Sagiri get along fine, so why couldn't they have formed a trio?  Obviously Sagiri is the cutest little sister in the world, there's no denying her, but why should Elf's heart have to be broken?  Her love is real too you know.  In 100 Waifus her heart is given the welcome it deserves.

Kobato Hasegawa - Kodaka:  An argument can be made that Kobato is clingy to Kodaka because she's an immature little girl, a classic little sister archetype who just needs big brother to feel safe and happy.  They live alone together so of course she'd come to rely on him more than usual.  I'm sure that's what the author intended, because the author is operating under strict censorship guidelines that are both anti-incest and anti-young girl.  But at a certain point all those flimsy excuses can be torn apart like the flimsy excuses they are.  Beneath that veneer is a genuine burning love no authorial tricks can hide.  She isn't just spoiled by Kodaka, she lives and dies for him.  She does anything he says.  She'll do anything he says.  She prefers his company to the rest of the world's combined.  Everyone likes her but she only likes Kodaka.  She treasures their relationship like the holy grail and hates it when anyone else tries to intrude upon it.

If these feelings were coming from any other girl, would you say, 'ah, typical little sister.'  Or would you say, 'wow, that's a girl who's seriously fallen for a man.'  Seriously, though, is that really typical of a little sister?  I don't think little sisters love their big brothers that much, normally speaking.  Look at it objectively for five seconds.  That's love.  And it's not just a one-sided love.  Kodaka gets along better and more naturally with Kobato than any other girl in his life.  He dotes on her and she dotes on him.  They play all their games together, and they even have the shared tough memories of losing their mom and being discriminated against for their foreign looks.  They were forged in the same fire.  Not only does Kobato clearly love Kodaka, Kodaka should by all rights seriously love Kobato.  All the ingredients are there.  Have I mentioned what a ridiculous beauty she is?  And that she regularly stripteases in front of him?  If not for the censorship rules, we all know where this relationship would have gone.  So what if they're brother and sister?  Look at the two of them and how they get along.  Wouldn't they make a great couple?  So who cares?  Are great couples so easily come by that you should throw true love away when you find it because of some irrelevant issue that won't make you any less happy together than you are?  In 100 Waifus such things don't matter.  There's no censorship and there's no hangups over meaningless side issues.  There's just love.

Miu Takanashi - Yuuta:  Yes, Sora and Yuuta are a perfect match and I'm glad they married in the canon source.  But Miu was also a perfect match for Yuuta.  Her outgoing, playful spirit took him for a charming ride just like Sora's doting helpful spirit worked.  Fireworks were going off from episode 1.  Plus when she went on that date with Kouichi, she made it clear that the boys she truly admires are the hardworking self-sacrificing ones who do the right thing.  I.E., the boy she truly loves is Yuuta.  If Yuuta had wanted he could have taken her any time.  The flirting wasn't phony, it was actually the phoniness of the flirting that was phony.  Miu pretended not to love Yuuta because she knew how much getting him meant to her big sister, who she loved even more.  She sacrificed herself for Sora.  But that's under the logic of monogamy.  In a polygamous world, she wouldn't have to lose her lover just so Sora could gain hers.  They could both love Yuuta for the exact same reason -- that he was the only decent man they've ever met at a time when everyone else was absolutely horrid to them.  That he saved her life.  Why can't Miu love him for that too?  Because she's too young?  Absolute nonsense.  She displayed across the entire series a level of maturity possibly surpassing Sora's.  Far beyond that of most adults.  The stoicism she displayed for the sake of others isn't a child's heart.  That would have belonged in Xenophon's Anabasis.  100 Waifus has polygamy so Miu doesn't have to be the odd man out.  She's a living saint, an angel, no proper morality would leave her brokenhearted and alone.  How did it come to that?  In 100 Waifus it doesn't.

Myusel Foaran - Shinichi:  This is pretty simple.  In 100 Waifus Shinichi responds to Myusel's confession affirmatively, instead of turning her down like an idiot.  I don't think Elvia's or Petralka's feelings for Shinichi are as strong or as grounded in something real as Myusel's feelings.  I think Myusel and Shinichi make a perfect team, unlike those other two.  If Shinichi weren't a terrible character deliberately made to be wishy-washy so that the story can extend forever and make the author more money, he would have chosen Myusel long ago.

Myusel came from a dark place where she fit in nowhere and hated herself.  Shinichi gave her her self-confidence back, a place she belonged, and a new way to be happy.  He gave her everything.  Of course she'd love him and give everything she has back.  Because she's a good person her gratitude transforms into romantic attachment.  She's ready to pay him back -- and he doesn't take the offering!  Are you kidding me?  He doesn't take it!  The most beautiful half-elf ever, entirely devoted to serving you, and he doesn't take her up on the offer!

I can kind of see Shinichi insisting on Myusel sharing with Petralka and Elvia and the romance being delayed due to that.  But not even that happens in the canon source.  He just turns her down flat, offering no way they can get together at all.  Elvia is a werewolf simpleton who'd be fine breeding with just about anybody.  Petralka only likes Shinichi because he doesn't treat her as a station but as a human being.  If she hung out with other guys from Japan she'd get the exact same benefits.  She doesn't need Shinichi like Myusel does.  Shinichi and Myusel live together, they've shared everything important together.  Shinichi and Myusel should be a couple.  Long, long since, they should have been a couple.  In 100 Waifus they are.

Mikan Yuuki - Rito:  Mikan and Rito are the perfect couple.  They are always on the same side, always working together to solve problems.  Mikan heroically suppresses her desires out of a sense of morality -- not wanting to break the incest taboo, the underage taboo, or the adultery taboo.  But she seriously has them.  That's clear as day.  Meanwhile Rito gets hot and bothered around Mikan all the time.  He tries to hide it but his blushing says otherwise.  He's totally got the hots for her, which is why subconsciously he's all over her once he falls asleep at night.  They even say this outright in the manga.  When a boy and a girl live together under the same roof, spend all their time together, work together as a perfect team to solve galactic scale menaces, and burn with unbearable lust for each other every day and every night, that should be a couple.  There's really nothing left wanting.  In 100 Waifus Mikan gets over her sense of probity and Rito gets over his stupid insistence on monogamy (and his crush on the far inferior Haruna (nothing against Haruna but she can't hold a candle to the perfection that is Mikan)) and the happiness flows unstymied.  So what if they're brother and sister?  Aliens with super-technology have moved into their house.  Is there seriously any bullshit argument you could make about gene editing not being capable of solving any problems incest might cause?  After all of Lala's inventions doing far more spectacular things do you really think there's no cure?

Illyasviel von Einzbern - Shirou:  The one girl in the original game who didn't receive a route, despite being the same age as Shirou.  Her looks are due to her magical homunculus nature.  She's a full fledged adult mage just like Rin.  Illya should have had a route.  And as a homunculus, and with Shirou only being adopted, just because she called him Onii-chan, biologically there were no incest barriers at all.  They didn't even grow up together.

In Kalied Liner she really is young, and they really did live together, but again Shirou is only an adopted brother.  There's no actual reason they couldn't love each other.  Illya is so cute no guy could possibly resist her allure.  It's played as a joke that Shirou is so dense that no girl can capture him, but that's because Kalied Liner is a comedy.  And young or not, Illya, through her actions, by putting her life on the line and winning complicated debates with super-villains, shows she's mature enough for anything.  If she can save the world she can make love.  In 100 Waifus she does.

Chiwa Harusaki - Eita:  I despise that silver-haired bitch.  Masuzu?  Whoever.  How dare she get between Chiwa and Eita?  The two are childhood friends.  Chiwa lives for Eita, and Eita has already devoted his life to Chiwa.  GTFO Masazu!  Or whatever your bitch name is!  In 100 Waifus the bitch is gone and the childhood friends get together like they always should have.

Mylene Flare Jenius - Basara:  This is entirely Basara's fault.  Mylene keeps throwing herself at him and he just doesn't care.  Basara is not straight.  All he cares about is music.  It's unnatural, but I suppose it's necessary as an excuse to keep him away from 14 year old Mylene.  It all comes back to censorship making the author do unnatural things.  As bandmates and fellow warriors, Basara and Mylene have about as close a tie as humanly possible.  Combine that with her incredible good looks and puppy dog devotion, no guy would ever turn that down.  In 100 Waifus Basara doesn't.  His personality is fixed and the relationship works again.

Menma (Meiko Honma) - Jinta:  Happy ending!  Instead of Menma dying and going to heaven she lives and gives Jinta heaven directly.  Thanks to the miracles of 100 Waifus.

Ai Hinatsuru - Yaichi:  Ai and Yaichi are perfect for each other.  Fellow shogi prodigies who enjoy spending all their time playing shogi together, the two respect each other, and it's obvious Yaichi realizes she's cute just like the whole world population does.  Ai already acts like she's his wife, cooking for him, giving him massages, and jealously hoarding his affections.  Don't they live together already?  It's ridiculous.  All the elements are there, but because of censorship laws the relationship can't move forward.  The books aren't even being translated.  The elements were so volatile English translators won't even touch it.  But I'll be the first and foremost to declare -- Ai and Yaichi are in love, and they should be lovers.  I can't dream of a better couple or a happier life than a future those two could share together.  They are extremely fortunate in each other.  It's silly to keep them apart.  Just let nature take its course.

Nadeko Sengoku - Araragi:  Nadeko is way cuter and way more normal and nice than Hitagi.  Why the hell is he with Hitagi?  Anyone would be better.  Mayoi.  Tsubasa.  Tsukihi.  Sodachi would be better!  But of course Nadeko would be best of all.  She's loved him forever.  She'd do anything for him.  She's beautiful in body and voice.  I don't get it.  Why Hitagi?  It's so senseless.  Does he like being abused?  In that case he should like Nadeko more anyway -- she nearly killed him over and over, blood spattering like crazy.  It's total nonsense.  The author even pokes fun at how nonsensical it all is -- that a cute girl like Nadeko would be passed over in favor of a crazy abuser like Hitagi.  You could even say that 'imbalance' is the crux of why everything in the entire series goes wrong.  It's a clever literary device, but let's be honest -- he should get with Nadeko!  He belongs with Nadeko!  In 100 Waifus he's with Nadeko.

Kirino Kousaka - Kyosuke:  I've written about this enough in other places.  Suffice to say that sudden betrayal at the end, where Kirino agrees to marry but then dumps him back to 'ordinary sibling,' is absolutely inexcusable.  That doesn't reflect what she admitted was in her heart.  It ruins her love's life.  It's the most insane decision in literature.  All due to censorship.  The author even admitted it was all due to censorship and it wasn't the ending he wanted to write.  The whole thing is infuriating.  In 100 Waifus their relationship isn't censored so they get together for real.  And Kirino apologizes for putting Kyosuke through that, like she damn well should.

Mikoto Misaka - Touma:  This interminable series refuses to progress Mikoto's relationship with Touma, or anything else for that matter.  So many books, so little progress!  It's shooting for a world record.  Well enough.  In 100 waifus I skip to the end and Mikoto gets together with Touma once and for all.  Man and wife.  Say man and wife!

Louise - Saito:  Saito never treated Louise right from start to finish.  Even in the last page he treats Louise like crud.  He tries to abandon her the dawn after their wedding night, right after he takes her virginity.  It's bizarrely awful.  In 100 Waifus of course that changes.  He loves Louise devotedly like he always should have.

Wakaba Tsukishima/Akane Takigawa - Kou:  Kou gets with Aoba in Cross Game.  But wouldn't it be even sweeter if he got with Wakaba, brought back from the dead to fulfill their shared dreams?  Miracles like that can occur in 100 Waifus.  Akane is Wakaba reborn, honestly I think Kou should have gotten with her, but I can understand.  He grew up with Aoba and he has shared memories and love of Wakaba with Aoba.  Aoba is a reasonable choice.  It's just that his true love is and was Wakaba, and Akane is Wakaba.  The resemblance is more than skin deep.  It's all the way down to their cores.  But okay, I can see Kou getting over Wakaba because she's dead and the dead can never come back to life.  And I can see Kou ignoring Akane because he has a longer history with Aoba.  But combine the two through divine intervention and you get the true best couple -- Wakaba/Akane - Ko.  Now that's a match literally made in heaven.

Mitsuki Mononobe - Yuu:  Mitsuki and Yuu were lovers before he forgot about her.  Why did he forget about her?  He sacrificed his memories to save her life.  Out of love for her.  It's far too cruel for their love not to see fruition.  Mitsuki sacrificed too much, even her best friend, to not live happily ever after.  Yuu did everything he did for Mitsuki, even if he doesn't remember.  All his training, all his demonic pacts, was so that he could protect his beloved Mitsuki.  He should get the Mitsuki he cares so much about.  They love each other so much.  I can't believe they don't become a couple.  It's such a tragedy.  I like Iris a lot.  Everyone does.  I don't begrudge Yuu falling for Iris after he forgot about Mitsuki.  It wasn't his fault.  But that only justifies a polygamous ending with both Iris and Mitsuki.  There is no justification under heaven that leaves Mitsuki out in the cold.  I haven't read the ending to the book, so for all I know he does get with Mitsuki.  But from what I know of Japanese censorship, the fact that they were step-brother/step-sister and the fact that polygamous endings aren't allowed, I can deduce without even being able to read the ending that he must have ended up with Iris.  Well in 100 Waifus there is no censorship and all wrongs are set right again.

Nanoha - Fate:  Come on.  They raised Vivio together.  Why didn't they become a couple?  Censorship is the only explanation.  Well, in 100 Waifus there is no censorship.

So out of the 100 romances embarked upon in the book, a full 37 had to be fixed, wrested from the useless original authors' hands.  If you want to see their love flourish it happens here and nowhere else.  That's 37 more reasons to read the best book ever written.

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