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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Surprisingly, Gray-Juvia didn't need fixing:

I can understand why Gray keeps Juvia at arm's length -- she's over the top crazy about him and it's disconcerting.  Like, stalker crazy levels of affection.  It's impossible to keep up with her, there's no way to make that level of love mutual.

The trick to romancing Juvia is to return a normal level of affection that a healthy couple might display compared to her crazy levels of affection.  It's flattering to be cared for that much, but normal is best!

And that's what Gray does.  He isn't cold to her like Sasuke was to Sakura.  He doesn't cheat on her like Saito did to Louise.  He just treats her like a normal person.  The latest chapter is a perfect example of a very much working Gray-Juvia pair.  Juvia is being comically ridiculous like always, and Gray is just going with it and using it to his advantage to get real work done, then offers her a little hug and some kind words at the end -- like a normal lover would!  The dynamic works, strangely enough.  Because Juvia always follows Gray's lead, it works out.  Her crazy stalker feelings get channeled back down to the level of a nice normal boyfriend-girlfriend navigating life together.  I have to tip my hat off to Gray, finding a way to make things work with such a crazy lover.

Juvia's feelings are admirable and welcome, but it takes a Gray to sculpt those feelings into a productive relationship.  Together they're one of the best romances in storytelling.  It took until '100 Years Quest' for that to be true, but '100 Years Quest' is just as canon as the original so it's fine.  If important plot developments weren't occurring in 100 Years Quest then there would be no reason for it to exist.  Waiting until now to develop Gray and Juvia's relationship is fine.  That's what extending the story was for -- to fix issues like these.  I hope someday Hiro Mashima uses the sequel to get Natsu and Lucy together too.

(By the way, that side hug panel of Gray and Juvia together should be hung up in the Louvre.  Juvia was so beautiful, I was so proud of her as one of my handpicked 100 waifus.  She really proved the correctness of that decision today.)

With Edens Zero getting an anime, soon enough 100 Years Quest will be the best un-animated manga around.  It's such a shame they called the anime 'Fairy Tail Final.'  It wasn't the end at all!  For all we know 100 Years Quest will last hundreds of chapters or even as long as the original!  It could overtake One Piece in total length!  (Actually, if you add up all the various Fairy Tail series, they already overtake One Piece in length, so now it's just a question of which lasts longer -- One Piece or 100 Years Quest, for who comes out ahead ultimately.)

Meanwhile, the newest Index GT novel is slated for release in Japan July 10th.  Baka-Tsuki is always prompt in translating this series so we'll probably get to read it in July too.

I wish I could just time leap forward to July and start watching SAO already. . .

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