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Thursday, October 3, 2019

Proof Liberalism is Unsustainable:

This article is eye-opening in how swift and severe the crisis of the west has become.  This is why I can outlive liberalism.  We commonly hear about low fertility, and the standard response of liberals is if we gave women paid leave from work, free daycare, and return-to-job guarantees, there would be no problem.

The only problem is Finland already does all that plus a stipend for all young mothers and it's getting them nowhere.

Despite all of the welfare and benefits given to new moms, Finland is in a never before seen total fertility collapse.  It's all in the article, there's no need to believe me:

In a mere 10 years Finland's fertility has nearly halved.  It's only a matter of time before it joins the .96 children per woman fertility of South Korea.  And obviously, if the world is only having half the replacement birth rate for any sustained period of time, humanity will cease to exist by default.  Eventually the last child born on Earth will have no one left to mate with.

But the crisis occurs long before that mathematical certainty.  The real crisis that makes life unsustainable in the present isn't some future prospect of extinction centuries from now.  It's the fact that entire generations of adults are unmoored from any greater purpose or value in their lives.  Those fertility statistics reflect another statistic -- the number of atomized individuals in your country, people living their entire lives without love.  They have no wife, no husband, and definitely no children.  They likely don't have any sisters or brothers or even cousins either -- that's how low fertility works.

If there are no children that implies there's no couples.  There are no families.  And humanity evolved to live in family units, surrounded by loved ones who cared about you upon whom you could really make a positive impact.  Without that, what does your life even matter?  Don't tell me that their job at Ikea or moving around paper in some office can supply all the meaning life needs.  Don't kid around.

Real jobs where people can make a real impact in the world are vanishingly thin.  At least 90% of workers aren't doing anything that actually needs to be done and are just wasting their own and everybody else's time.  If you stood up and left your job tomorrow, no one else on Earth would even notice.  If it really were a vital job, replacements eager to do it could be found the very same day, because real jobs are far more rewarding than makework, and billions of competent individuals would be eager to upgrade from their makework post to your meaningful existence.  Which means at best all you're doing is winning a game of musical chairs.

The meaning of life isn't to make money at Ikea or Nokia.  It's to find people you can love and share what you love with them.  Substituting one for the other isn't going to cut it.  And what Finland is trying to do is what all liberals are trying to do everywhere.  They are taking away love, family, marriage and children and replacing it with makework that gives you just enough money to pay the rent in ultra-expensive, ultra-crowded megacities.  It's the shittiest deal the world has ever seen.

It's my contention that women will never voluntarily switch back to homemaking no matter what incentives are placed before them.  This Finland article proves it.  They were given everything a woman could ever want for having a child and their fertility still dropped by half.  I suspect the country would go bankrupt before any subsidies would be large enough to bring that number back up to 2.1.

If the choice is left up to women, not only will humanity go extinct centuries from now, but right now in the present love, marriage, sex, intimacy, children, family, legacy, purpose and meaning will be gone from young people's lives forever.  The only thing they can look forward to is getting to work at Ikea.  Other than that, they'll just go home to their cold, sterile, empty apartments and age to death having never lived a single day of their lives.  It will be a totally empty, barren, pointless existence verging on zombie-hood.

The only thing that can reverse this trend is a mandatory marriage and children law which would require women to go back to their homemaking roles whether they like it or not.  If you say that would make women less happy, who cares?  It would certainly make the now-living-children happier, and it would most definitely please the men, so majority rules, right?  The greatest good for the greatest number dictates that what women want is immaterial.  For tens of thousands of years humanity didn't listen to what women wanted, didn't care what they wanted, and civilization grew this far.  Then for the last fifty years or so we started trying to accommodate women and the first thing they did is drive humanity to the brink of extinction.  It was obviously a mistake to take anything a woman said seriously or even try to humor her in any way.

But what makes the whole thing even more ludicrous is women were actually happier when they were homemakers.  They want to be homemakers, they just don't know that yet.  Once they're actually living like women of the past, they would feel infinitely better about their lives than they do now.  They're just too stupid to realize this themselves, even though all statistics show this to be true and all literature describes this to be the case.  Which makes it all the more stupid to be listening to what they want instead of giving them what they really want.

Endless studies show married couples are happier than singles, and parents are healthier and longer lived than old maids/bachelors.  This is all settled science.  God, through evolution and Nature, designed us to pair up and reproduce.  That's how we arrived at where we are today.  It's the crucible we were forged under for millions of years.  It's absolutely ridiculous, insane, ludicrous to assume we could substitute this evolved instinct, this communal desire to love and be loved, for the love of manufacturing cheap plastic furniture.  And yet somehow, all the world's elites, our best and brightest, insist that this is the case, and therefore women must all keep manufacturing plastic baubles instead of our very lifeblood, the angels that are meant to carry us forward into future generations.

Women are trapped by false consciousness.  They are extremely conformist, which is a trait they evolved, and it was a good thing, when wise men used to be at the head of society.  They were conforming to benevolent norms and the wise council of kings and bishops who told them to live virtuous, fruitful, homemaking lives and serve their husbands.  But now they are conforming to what a few random (mainly Jewish) 60's radicals believed without any historical or scientific basis, who happened to take power in the Universities and the media, and thus multiplied their outlandish and evil views to the masses 24/7.  By seizing the megaphone, they brainwashed our poor, helpless, evolved to be conformist women into a self-destructive life path which they think is what they should be doing -- working at Ikea or some other ridiculous waste of time -- and are awarded honor and status by 'society' for doing so, which is what they crave like heroin addicts looking forward to their next fix.

Mandate marriage and childbirth, honor women for following the mandate, take back the education system and the media and use it to reinforce traditional morality instead of this insane barren, sterile world -- and women would get a twofold advantage -- they would be pleasing their instinctual desires that God gave them and getting all the same status and honor they do today for working.

It is utterly pointless to say women are making the decisions that make them happiest and we have no right to intrude or impose upon them.  Women make the decisions they do in the environment they find themselves in.  They are not making these decisions as abstract logical entities, but as people living in a society.  So long as society discourages women from acting like women, shames them for being women, and demands they all live and act as men, of course women will choose to do so.  Fifty years ago, 100 years ago, 1,000 years ago, these same women would have made the exact opposite choice, because society rewarded them for making the exact opposite decisions.  People are already being influenced by others.  This isn't a choice between 'freedom' and 'imposition.'  It's a choice between two different impositions.  Either we can continue to impose liberalism on women, via encouraging women to stay single, childless, worker ants -- or we can impose fascism on women, via mandating women to marry, have children, and serve God's greater purpose for life on Earth.

There's no freedom in a world that's constantly insulting women for dropping out of school, getting pregnant as teenagers, marrying the guy next door or having lots of kids.  Insults hurt like red hot iron rods.  In fact, the human nervous system cannot distinguish between physical and emotional pain, it activates the exact same neural pathways and produces the exact same stress response.  For women their sensitivity to insults is especially acute.  Everything a man would feel for being called a loser is quintupled when leveled at a woman.  This is why it was always considered gentlemanly to never stoop so low as to insult a lady.  They are innately frail, delicate, nervous wrecks always worried about their self-worth.  Then you dish out constant mockery and abuse at anyone who tries to buck the system and what do you expect?  These women never stood a chance.

You could give women $100,000 per childbirth and it wouldn't increase the fertility rate of Finland.  So long as it's accompanied by insults about the mothers being worthless parasites who can't support themselves, who have no respectable job skills, who are destroying the climate with their dangerous breeding, who are lazy stupid whores who can't get a job, etc, etc -- why would they ever bother?  People need to be accepted by the society around them.  Living as an outcast is emotionally and pragmatically impossible.  Especially for women, who are extremely vulnerable without society's aid, and thus evolved to be extremely pleasing to others so that no one would want to hurt them.

We are going to reach an era where the majority of people in Europe/USA/Asia are post-menopause, with no families, their parents dead, no children, never married, no romantic experiences in their entire memory, nothing to care about on Earth.  An age of worldwide solitary confinement.  The whole world will be an open-air prison cell.  We are currently on that trajectory.  The median white American is 44 years old.  In Europe it's even higher.  In Asia it's even higher than that.

All because a few Jewish radicals decided they knew better than God and Nature and that, in fact, instead of family formation being the center of a woman's existence, plastic furniture self-assembly kits should be our reason for living.  We're going to cede the world to a nihilistic rebellion against God, essentially to Satan, because a few Jews told us so -- and no one had the courage to tell them 'no, I think we'll stick with what's worked for the first million years.'

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