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Friday, September 13, 2019

What is this shit?:

So Wheel of Time has shown off its live action tv cast -- and Perrin and Nynaeve are black.  This is obscene.  All the characters in Wheel of Time are white unless explicitly stated otherwise -- (Sea Folk or Seanchan).  This is a Medieval European style fantasy world.

Tairens had darker skin, Saldeans had wide noses, Cairheinen were short, and so on, but they were simply different white ethnicities.  No different from Italians or Greeks.  All of this was explicitly made clear in the books.

To make matters worse, everyone in the Two Rivers was closely related to each other, old Manetheran stock going back thousands of years.  They carried remarkable amounts of the 'ancient blood,' as Moiraine explained.  For Perrin and Nynaeve to be black, while Egwene and Mat are white, makes absolutely no sense in the story.  It's impossible for such a situation to arise.  The Two Rivers folk are their own united ethnicity, a white ethnicity, related closely to Andorans, who commonly had red hair and green eyes.  Everyone from the Two Rivers looking the same -- except possibly Rand who secretly is half Aiel (also established to be white in the books, due to Aviendha's looks if nothing else) -- is absolutely necessary for the same reason that all the Hobbits look similar from the Shire.  They're a closed off culture from the outside world!

If their casting has already completely butchered the immersion by ruining the setting and transposing modernity into what was supposed to be a Medieval Fantasy world, what are the odds anything else will be true to the story either?

I was so looking forward to this tv series as the next Game of Thrones, but nope.  No good thing in this world can survive political correctness.  Before it even started, diversity had to turn this beautiful world into yet another shithole.  Everyone should read the books and never poison their eyes with this eye cancer fraud.  It should be avoided like the plague.  The image in your heads of how this story really looked is the only true Wheel of Time.

Meanwhile, I'm back to reading Dracu Riot.  It seems to me that the earlier translated release tells the story just fine, and the translation group pulling the translation for the last few years saying they needed to 'polish' it were just lying.  They wanted to get paid so they pretended the translation wasn't finished yet even though the patch was already completed and released.  I'm fine if they had intended from the beginning to get paid, but releasing it as a fan translation, then renouncing their translation and trying to make it disappear, so that they can get paid for it five years later or whatever is really scummy.  They still haven't released their 'polished' version after all this time.  It's ridiculous.  Like the casting of Nynaeve.

I'm glad I downloaded the patched version when I did.  Now I can play the game without having to wait for their stupid bloodsucking antics any longer.

As for the Democratic debate, Elizabeth Warren is a lunatic who belongs in an asylum.  To claim that vast shadowy corporations are in control of everything, deliberately doing evil on all fronts in order to profiteer off the American people, controlling all governmental policy decisions from the shadows, is so obviously false it can't even be intelligently discussed.  The gun industry does not determine gun laws in this country, people who like owning guns do.  The prison industry does not determine incarceration laws in this country, people who don't like criminals do.  The fossil fuel industry does not determine energy laws in this country, people who like cheap energy do.  The pharmaceutical companies don't determine health care laws in this country, people who like cheap and effective health care do.  And so on down the line.

Elizabeth Warren removes agency from the American people, the American voters, and says all this time we've been the slaves of all powerful CEO's without even knowing.  We're just the manipulated pawns of a corrupt shadow government that never answers to the American people, only to the Bilderburgers or whatever.  How stupid would voters have to be to have put up with this for so many decades?  Why did Obama accede to these shadowy corrupt actors?  What about all the previous Democratic Presidents?  She's indicting everyone who has ever lived before her as either in on the evil or hopelessly foolish marks easily conned out of all their wealth and rights.  This disdainful attitude of complete contempt for the American people is not something the President of the United States should feel.

The reason the government is the way it is is because on average the American people want it to be this way.  At the very least, there isn't a filibuster proof majority to change anything.  To insinuate anything else is an insult to the people, to democracy itself, to our intelligence, to all former government officials and bureaucrats, to the media who up until now has continuously failed to uncover any of these shadowy corrupt conspiracies, to the Army which swore to uphold the constitution, etc, etc, etc.  It's pure lunacy.

If you want policy to change, you should make an argument for why people who have stubbornly clung to the status quo should change.  If you can't make a convincing argument then you should accept the continuation of the status quo.  You should believe the reasons people say they are opposed to your policy change instead of making up your own ridiculous fantasy conspiracy theories.  If people don't want to ban guns, they weren't bribed by the NRA, they just want to keep their guns, for the reasons they say they want to keep them.  They may be stupid reasons, but you should at least take them at their word, and not just assume they're secretly receiving bribes from an all powerful Sith Emperor.

This reckless disregard for reality is dangerous in domestic policy, but even more dangerous in foreign policy.  How long until Warren starts seeing conspiratorial enemies abroad 'sabotaging' us and in need of nuclear annihilation?  She's stark raving mad, seeing evil powers that don't exist under every bed, so how long before she starts inventing reasons to go to war with Russia or China?  I would trust the nuclear football with anyone else than her.  A random guy off the street would be safer.  At least odds are he isn't clinically insane.

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