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Sunday, September 15, 2019

FF 7 Remake Announces Classic Mode:

My biggest complaint with FF 7 Remake is it wasn't actually a Remake because it neglected the most important aspect of the game, a menu driven, turn based rpg combat system, where strategy and character design between battles was more important than reflexes during battle.

That complaint is all gone now, thanks to the announcement of classic mode, which allows for the character to attack, block and dodge automatically between ATB activation sequences, where you'll be able to choose in a menu everything important for your character's turn.  The only problem is this system only allows you to control one of your three characters instead of all three's actions.  You could get around this by carefully cycling through which character you're controlling every turn, but it sounds like a lot of hassle.  I suspect instead you'll want to permanently control the actions of the character most suited to handling the boss at hand.  Oh well, it's only a minor quibble.

With Classic Mode, FF 7 Remake firmly ensconces itself as the best Final Fantasy ever and quite possibly the best game ever made.  Of course, this will only be true once all of its parts have been released for the PS 5, but still, even the first part is going to be amazing.  March 3, 2020 isn't that far away!  Six months or so and the gaming world is going to be taken by storm.

FF 7 Remake has perfect characters, a perfect setting, a perfect plot, great voice actors, perfect gameplay and enormous epic size and scope.  It's nothing like the tiny FF 8 which can be beaten in 30 hours we just saw.  Once all the parts are released, I expect a game of 300 hours or more.  Even Dragon Quest XI was only 150 hours.  It will be depicted with the most top of the line graphics ever seen in video game history.  With this many advantages, how can it help but be the best game ever?

It feels like video games are the best things happening in the world today, and due to FF 7 Remake, that isn't going to change any time soon.

There are only two episodes left of Fairy Tail until the epic conclusion.  There are also only two untranslated chapters left of Kyoukai no Rinne's manga.  September is going to end with a bang.

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