No one can look upon these trend lines and say America is improving. Life isn't improving for white Americans, it's being snuffed out. This is white genocide.
As I repeat, genocide doesn't necessarily mean going out with machetes and slaughtering people one by one. The United Nations' definition of genocide realizes governments can achieve the same results much more subtly but just as surely, and considers these other means just as genocidally evil and illegal as the former.
Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as
White genocide in America currently takes the form of c) and d). It will eventually take the form of a) if democrats take and keep power long enough. It's already taken the form of a) in South Africa, which is the template for what's happening to us and whites all around the world.
Now, as for intent, and deliberate, all of this has been proven by Democrats' own rhetoric. They are constantly talking about how whites need to be 'crushed,' 'smashed,' 'destroyed,' that we're 'irredeemable,' 'you cannot negotiate with them,' that we're 'white supremacist terrorists,' (yes, every single Trump voter), etc, etc. They see open borders immigration, free trade, lax drug laws and criminal release programs, and all the rest as intentional and deliberate means to bring about 'conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.'
They know full well that if you can cripple whites economically, cripple their self-esteem via the media and education, you can 'impose measures intended to prevent births within the group.' IE, if white men can't get middle class jobs, they won't get married, white women won't have white children, and voila, white genocide.
Affirmative action already intentionally and deliberately shuts white aspirants out of the middle class by denying them entry into college, job hirings or promotions at work. Each time you shatter a man's economic chances, you shatter a future marriage that would have brought white children into the world. This is an intentional and deliberate imposition by the state to 'prevent births within the group.'
It has now been proven that whites kill themselves in massive numbers when their economic opportunities, which translates into their family formation opportunities, are denied them. These lower class whites, whose situation worsens every year (look at that graph! The top 1% vs. the bottom 50%! Look at it!), realize they can't bag a worthwhile woman and can't afford children, so there's nothing left in life for them to do. They may as well overdose on fentanyl and get it over with. They have nothing left to look forward to for the rest of their adult lives. Who wants to be kicked around all day by everyone around them, sneered at for being poor, uneducated, and deplorable?
Look at that fertility rate. No one can afford to have children anymore. It's virtually impossible to reproduce in this economic climate. All the oxygen has been sucked out of the room. This isn't to say that the GDP is bad. I'm saying that the winners and losers of the distribution of said GDP results in white genocide. Conditions meant to 'prevent births within the group.'
When you tax all the white men's money, when you give affirmative action to everyone but white men, when you give government handouts to everybody but white men, when the government primarily hires non-whites and women, the inevitable result is white men no longer in a position to provide a stable and secure future for his wife and children. No white woman is going to waste her time marrying a worthless white man who can't even earn as much as she can, who probably isn't worth more than the welfare benefits she can get by staying a single mother. The whole situation is absurd.
Then we reach the obesity crisis. Whereas only the totally reckless die of drug overdoses, obesity is reflective of the same hedonistic strain. People eat to relieve stress and temporarily forget their despair. Since they're always stressed and in perpetual despair, they eat more than they should. Since they don't care about their health because they have no future anyway, why not become a disgusting slab of lard? Who are they going to impress by staying thin anyway? What benefit is there in staying alive?
The consequence is white mortality increasing via heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, alzheimer's, etc. Virtually every disease is more likely and accelerated via obesity. Even before these victims die they've been disabled for decades, though. If you're obese you're no longer healthy enough to succeed at work, attract a mate and start a family, etc. Your ambitions have already flamed out long ago. That's 40% of Americans and growing every year right there.
There is a pattern of life that results in healthy young white men succeeding economically, attracting desirable healthy young white women as mates, and having healthy young white children. This pattern was practiced for thousands of years in Europe and hundreds of years in America since Jamestown.
This pattern involved giving young men the means of production necessary to start a family, and requiring and/or shaming women to shack up with said men as soon as they reached puberty. The means of production ordinarily meant a farm with the necessary tools and barnyard animals. But it could also mean an elite education for the sons of merchants or nobles intending to become clergy, traders, lawyers, rulers, etc. For tradesmen it usually meant inheriting your father's job in the guild, a privileged position that was inherently yours for the taking solely by right of descent -- ie, a guaranteed job in a lucrative field. And if none of that panned out, you could always enlist as a soldier or a seaman. Either you'd die or you'd make your fortune, but in any case there was always a chance even for men with no capital at all to get ahead in life and attract a wife with a prestigious and honorable status.
This was the opportunity culture that made sure any willing and able man could land a decent paying, high status job, which in turn meant a wife and kids.
Every single one of these job placement systems has been destroyed. The education system no longer gives you access to a high paying job -- there are billions of people with degrees equal to your own, so you're no better off than when you started, except now you have an enormous student debt to pay off. The sheer number of educated people, combined with open immigration with H1b visas and the like, means there are no job opportunities even for people with PhD's. Half of Americans with college degrees report that their job has nothing to do with the field they were educated in.
If education were restricted to a smaller, high IQ group who could actually make use of it, and we didn't have open borders education where every smart Chinese and Indian in the world could move in here and compete for our high IQ niche jobs, there would be greater opportunity for white men. Even moreso, if education had not been extended to women, who seem to love the academic environment and can never get enough of it, then men would have some leverage over women that would make them more attractive mates. When the women are the educated ones with the high paying jobs, how does this help men, and in turn, how does this help family formation and create white children?
There are no guilds, nor even labor unions, which could artificially restrict the number of people allowed into various skilled labor fields, which could then create high pay and thus attractive mates for women. With infinity immigration, every job is saturated with ten claimants for every opening, a situation that makes it impossible for laborers to win fair pay and conditions from their employers.
The population is now so high, thanks to infinity immigration and continuing open borders, that there isn't nearly enough land to distribute to support people as farmers, ranchers, miners, oil drillers, loggers, or the like. Even when there is land the evil Democrats artificially restrict its use via environmental laws, so no one can get a job working on it anymore.
There are no wars anymore, thanks to the nuclear bomb, so the army is no longer hiring nearly enough people to provide every unemployed male with a chance to get ahead. It's no longer a guaranteed job mechanism, it actually has more demanding standards than the average. Even if you do manage to get into the army, the prospects for advancement are low for those starting as privates, and there's no chance for promotion due to meritorious service because there's no war to strut your stuff in.
Let's make this even simpler -- there are no good jobs for men in America. There's a superabundance of worthy aspirants for every single position. Between robots, immigrants, women, changing geopolitics, the destruction of labor unions, free trade, and all the rest, the proportion of losers in the economy to winners continuously rises. The GDP does fine -- everything becomes more profitable and efficient with every change -- but the money stays stagnant, in the hands of a few billionaires and a tiny upper class who are living it up with unforeseen wealth disparities in world history.
Almost every government redistribution spending program meant to alleviate these structural problems are designed to aid women and only women -- social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, earned income tax credits, HUD, everything benefits primarily women, which actually exacerbates the problem, making men even less useful to women than before. Every spending program is another brick in the wall of white genocide, making it even less likely white women will want to marry white men than before.
If we taxed high earners and redistributed those gains to white men and white men only, maybe women would marry us for our benefits and start having children again, but even this is an incredibly dumb scheme compared to what actually worked for thousands of years -- which is gearing the economy such that all willing and able men can have high earning, high prestige jobs.
Imagine a country which wanted to make men attractive to women again. The solutions become instantly crystal clear.
The first thing we would do is test children during their early educational years to see what their strengths and weaknesses are, and then guide them into suitable future roles. The high IQ, nerdy types would get educated in STEM degrees, attending our university system and getting valuable, rare degrees that would really open the doors of opportunity for graduates.
Also, they would not be educated in 'general education' bullshit that has nothing to do with achievement and success. The university system would not be there to brainwash people into liberalism, but to become productive workers at useful jobs.
Intelligent extroverted types would be geared towards business, management, government and the like.
People who weren't particularly smart but were good with their hands would be assigned to labor union manufacturing jobs, electricians, plumbers, repairmen, etc. These job openings would be limited and thus the pay kept artificially high -- specifically by not having open borders immigration, but in fact deporting the endless riffraff and illegals that have accumulated in the American bloodstream so far. We would tailor the population to the number of high paying job opportunities, as opposed to flooding the country with people and then just seeing who gets a low paying job vs. who gets to overdose on fentanyl.
People who weren't particularly good with their hands or of nimble skill but plenty of grit could be assigned to work the land. This wonderful vast continent of open land, still practically untouched, which is full of valuable natural gas, oil, coal, minerals, beautiful arable farmland, offshore oil rigs, endless grazing for cattle in ranches, etc, etc. The environmental restrictions would be reduced to only what is actually necessary to maintain our national parks and tourism trades, plus clean air and clean water. Everything else would be opened up for jobs, jobs, jobs!
Lastly, people who didn't qualify for any of the above could be hired by the army where they are given an actual opportunity to fight and win wars, riches, women, and glory. In other words, we would not only have an army, but actually use it for its original and fruitful purpose -- to conquer the world or die trying.
There is absolutely no reason why we should allow 100,000 men to overdose or commit suicide every year when that same amount could be dying with a rifle in their hands trying to take new land for their country. All around us there sits wonderful opportunities for conquest. Canada to our north, Mexico to our south, the primitive tribes of Africa would stand no chance against us, the governments of South America can't even beat their local drug gangs. Even with the proviso that nuclear armed nations should be avoided, there's plenty of great economic opportunity in the rest of the world. The oil of the Middle East beckons.
Arm as many excess men as the country has and let them all try their luck in the wider world. Conquer, kill, rape, pillage, burn! What's to lose? If you die, well, you were going to kill yourself anyway. If you win, though -- the sky's the limit! Slave harems if you want! The Yazidis were going for $10 bucks each.
We could purge the world of weak, stupid losers and claim all of that land for white men, who would then have the job opportunities the land proffers up and all those job niches building socks or shoes or whatever that the former inhabitants used to do.
Most importantly, if the government actually wanted men to succeed in their jobs and start families, it would ban women from getting an education or a job unless and until they've already married a man and had at least two children by him. That simple. Talk to us once you've made a man happy, not before. Even then, there shouldn't be a single woman employed in anything if there is still an unemployed man who could do the same job. If you're a genius of unparalleled ability, fine, you're hired. If you're an actress or a figure skater or whatever, go ahead. But if you're an aspiring woman engineer -- fuck off. There's 10,000 men who need that job, unlike you, who can be supported just fine by a loving husband if you do your actual job and perpetuate the white race.
Any government which doesn't seek to maximize male opportunity is conversely c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part and d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Because males without economic opportunity aren't attractive to females, so they won't marry, so they'll end up physically destroying themselves via drugs, obesity and suicide because their lives have nothing left on offer. This experiment has already been tried and we are looking at the results. The results are those graphs. Men without economic opportunity don't marry, and then they implode. Sometimes they explode in mass shooting sprees, but in any case they definitely are physically destroyed.
And we have already seen, again, via the graph shown above, that men without economic opportunities don't have children, and therefore by setting up an economic system that denies them opportunity, you are imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
There's one other source of genocide that our government is ensuring via its law code of open immigration, and that is (a) Killing members of the group.
The graph showing whites turning into a minority in the near future is a path towards genocide version A. In a democracy, once your group can be outvoted by malevolent members of another tribe, you no longer have any protection from their predation. As shown by South Africa, the law will not protect you from murderers. The clearance rate for South African crime is essentially 0%. No one gets caught, no one gets prosecuted, no matter what they do. In addition, the government will join in on the fun by seizing your land, your wealth, your income, even your chance at being hired (black economic empowerment rules make sure that doesn't happen), all without compensation. There is no escape. If you have no legal protections and no property rights, you are a dead man walking. This is the fate of any legacy white majority surrounded by envious, malicious, enemy tribes who are now looking to get even for real or imagined past wrongs.
You would have to be completely insane to hand power over to blacks, browns, muslims, Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese, or any of these groups based on how they openly discuss how they feel about us and what they plan on doing to us once they have the whip hand. We are piling up our own funeral pyres. A) is baked into the cake based on the education system whipping up anti-white hatred, the media constantly demonizing whites, and the polled opinions of these people we're happily handing power. It will be the greatest bloodbath in world history. They are gleefully anticipating on twitter their plans for us. They are already tweeting, "all I want for Christmas is white genocide," "tick, tock, tick, tock," and "castrate them and feed them to the pigs." We know what they'll do once they take power and we're handing it over to them anyway -- that's intentional and deliberate white genocide right there. For that matter, anyone who is fanning the flames of anti-white animosity, in the education system, in the media, anywhere, is guilty of white genocide and should be held to account for it too. Are you listening, Jews?
So here we have trendlines that plan on dispossessing white men of their ancestral homelands, turning it over to malicious minorities like what happened in South Africa or Haiti, and making sure in the meantime that no man can get a decent job and thus afford a white wife, a home of their own, and brilliant beautiful white babies. Every single trendline is clear as day, and the solutions to every single trendline are equally obvious and simple.
And yet, and yet, the government does nothing to solve any of these trendlines. It does nothing to empower white men and allow them access to white wives and white children. It does nothing to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. When the answer is obvious, when it's staring us in the face, when history can be our guide on what worked for thousands of years until now -- and yet the government does nothing, learns nothing, changes nothing, and allows these disastrous trendlines to continue unabated -- that is deliberate and intentional. That is a deliberate and intentional attempt at white genocide.
When you realize every policy's actual intent is white genocide, the madness of the modern day suddenly snaps into crystal clear sense. Transgenderism being promoted to 3 year olds? Madness if you cared about the health of said children, their families, or birth rates -- perfect sense if your goal is white genocide. Affirmative action so that women get all the STEM jobs instead of men? Madness if your goal is effective engineers or family formation -- perfect sense if your goal is white genocide.
An education system that doesn't educate anyone but exists solely to demonize white people? Madness if you're trying to create a workforce -- perfect sense if you're encouraging whites to kill themselves out of shame and non-whites to kill whites out of righteous vengeance, ie, white genocide.
Churches that no longer preach any of their traditional virtues, like women staying virgins until marriage and then honoring and obeying their husbands -- madness if you're trying to keep Christianity a living force in the world -- perfect sense if your goal is white genocide.
Soldiers sitting around in bases in Afghanistan and occasionally building hospitals and schools for the locals -- madness if you're trying to win a war. Perfect sense if your goal is to bleed our country dry, make the army into a mockery that no one would ever enlist in, and then white genocide.
Why do they hate us and want us dead? Because in this world of struggle, he who won't fight will perish. Everyone is born hating us and wanting us dead. It's survival of the fittest. Us or them. In this world of limited space, job opportunities and resources, of course they want us all dead. Of course they want to replace us. Who wouldn't when given the chance? If someone says, "come rape me, come plunder me, I'm giving it all away for free!", why wouldn't the ants gather around to feast?
Their motive is obvious and understandable. The only real question is why do white men put up with it? Why are we allowing all of this to go down without a peep of protest?
And the answer is there are still enough upper class white men doing well for themselves that they don't feel the need for anything to change. The problem is all the worse because the people who aren't doing well for themselves tend to be stupid and/or anti-social, which means they find it impossible to organize in such a way to promote their own interests. The natural leaders they would need to rescue themselves from their ongoing genocide are currently having fun getting richer than ever, whistling in the wind. They get more sexual partners than ever, higher incomes than ever, more prestige than ever, etc, etc, the longer these trends continue. Everything's going great for them. They don't give a fuck what happens to the bottom 50%.
And once they've laughed and had their fun as their natural support base was genocided underneath them, they'll wake up one day and realize they have no one left to protect them from the ravening maws of the non-white hordes. They'll regret what they did to their race, but it will be too late, and the lid will be shut forever.
As satisfying as this comeuppance will be, it does nothing to save the already dead whites who saw what was coming and couldn't do anything about it because they weren't the elites. There is only death and despair, ashes and decay, for all of us.
Unless we who are not the elites are given the power to form our own governments, rule our own people, and create the conditions necessary for marriage and children to start back up again. And the only way to get that kind of power is to be the big fish of the little pond. IE, we need a new starting condition where we aren't competing with 5 billion third worlders, the US military and its trillion dollar budget, etc.
A closed room. Another dimension. An isekai. Or a space colony.
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