A new manga based off of the World of Witches franchise has been scanlated, 'Brave Witches Prequel,' based off of the light novels of the same name. It's really good so far, focusing on one of my favorite characters, Naoe, who was already featured in my fictional characters hall of fame in my newest book, 'In Another World With 100 Waifus.'
100 Waifus, and the fictional character hall of fame, has seen a few edits, with Freya from FF9 being replaced by Vanille from FF13. Also I corrected some spelling errors and other edits so minor I forget what they even were.
Between the two Vanille is obviously superior. Freya is some sort of furry lizard, whereas Vanille is a beautiful, scantily clad, energetic girl who can defeat anything with the power of instant death. She even sacrifices her life to save the world -- what more could you ask of someone? As much as I enjoyed Freya's max damage dragoon attacks, as far as fictional character quality, the high definition Vanille blows her away.
In this manner I hope to constantly improve my book, which is already the best ever written, but always getting better.
100 Waifus is slowly but surely accumulating greater support. Part 1 has 120 views, Part 2 81, Part 3 76, Part 4 65, and Part 5 42.
I love the viewer retention from parts 2-4. Virtually everyone who read part 2 liked it enough to read part 3, and most of those went on to read part 4. Over 1/2 of the readers of Part 1 were still around for part 4, and over 1/3 followed through all the way to the end of the book with part 5.
I have yet to receive a single complimentary comment on 100 Waifus, or any of my books for that matter, but the reader retention speaks for itself. If they didn't like it, they wouldn't keep clicking on the subsequent parts, they wouldn't keep reading it to the end. They are reading it to the end, even though it's a very long book, which proves it must be doing something right.
The liberal spiel was that increasing freedom would lead to greater happiness, prosperity and success for all, not just the freed people. The newly invited immigrants were going to contribute to the natives' good fortune, not dispossess them. The freed blacks would be so grateful to whites that they'd never do crime again. The liberated women would be more likely to have sex with us than ever. Gays and transgenders would never proselytize their lifestyle towards straight people's children, and weren't at all likely to molest young boys, even if you made them scoutmasters.
We were given all sorts of assurances that nothing would go wrong, that everyone would be nicer to us than ever, the more power we gave them over us. A rising tide lifts all boats, right?
Of course the rich would get richer, but in the process the poor would all get richer too. It would be easier than ever to afford a home, health care, a college education, and so on. Right? That was the deal, right? Lower taxes on the rich and housing will become affordable for all, right? Unleash the vital spirits of capitalism and the labor force participation rate would soar, right?
Every promise they made about why we should empower others at our own expense never came through. It was all fairy tales. Dust thrown in our eyes to fool us out of our patrimony. Men are less likely to get sex and girlfriends and wives than ever, gays really are proselytizing to children right out in the open, right in our schools, the standard of living and labor force participation for the non-rich has gone down ever since Reagan, over 70% of immigrants are tax leeches getting more in welfare benefits than they contribute in taxes, blacks are more murderous than ever, with only the lifesaving techniques of hospitals stopping the murder rates from shooting through the roof, and no one has shown us any gratitude for their newly given freedoms at all. They all mock us and hate us, openly promising to destroy us once they get total power.
This isn't lifting all boats. We were simply pulled under into the abyss. Sixty years ago we were promised that if we give away all our wealth, jobs, status and power to women, minorities, immigrants and the super-rich, they would pay us all back with interest in the future and we would all dance in a happy celebratory circle together. It's been sixty years now and not a single group has paid us back. We are worse off in every conceivable way due to every single group.
Ludicrously, the Republican and Democrat party are still calling for white middle class men to give away yet more in exchange for these imagined payoffs 'down the road.' Trump wants immigrants to come in the 'greatest numbers ever.' Women are being given new equal pay handouts. Blacks are demanding no cop ever shoot them even when they're trying to wrest said cop's gun away and kill you with it or they'll burn down half the country. Transgenders are having story telling hours with toddlers in public libraries and demanding parents lose custody of their 3 year olds if they don't immediately start giving hormone replacement therapy to anyone who feels like a princess. Illegal aliens should be granted amnesty so they can vote in our elections even though no one even invited them here. Taxes should be even higher (white men are the only net taxpayers in this country).
They take and they take and they take -- and the promise is always that once we give enough away, everyone will be happy and we'll all be symbiotes benefiting from one another's wonderful contributions. But what are the odds? It's been sixty years of giving now and we haven't seen a single benefit. What are the odds that the next concession, the next giveaway we make, things will suddenly turn around? The promised utopia will finally arrive? We'll get everything we gave away with interest?
Fool me for sixty years, shame on you. Fool me for 100 years, shame on me. It's time to wake up and realize that every time we've given away any concession to anyone -- gays, blacks, immigrants, women, the super-rich, whoever, we've gotten nothing in return except a spit in the face. In fact, this is the exact same argument that was used to free the slaves. Don't worry, once we free the slaves, they'll all become well-adjusted citizens just like you and me and they'll be ever so grateful for our kindness to them. How did that work out? 40,000 rapes of white women by black men a year is how it worked out.
Not only should we give absolutely nothing to anyone -- more immigrant visas, kneeling black lives matter protesters, equal pay for women, transgender bathroom invasion rights, etc -- we should be rolling back every single concession we ever made to anyone. Everything should come back into the hands of middle class white men where it properly belongs -- where civilization was still in its golden age. Yes, that includes the entire fucking world that white men conquered and then stupidly gave back away for no reason. We should take back every single colony, rebuild every single empire, people all lands with white men and their obedient wives, and revoke every single 'nation' that was founded after we left. None of them can run themselves worth a damn, which the last 60 years has also proven, so why should they even exist?
How does the world benefit from the existence of Guatemala? East Timor? Burkina Faso? It's such a ridiculous joke.
The human accomplishments of white men from the 1300's to the 1900's outstrip the entire rest of the world's 100 to 1. This is just a settled, documented fact. No one can gainsay it. The idea that we should hand over all our wealth, power, status, etc, to other groups who didn't earn it and contributed nothing to the world is obscene. The idea that once we do so, everyone will benefit, including white men, and we'll enter a happy golden age together has been empirically disproven.
Detroit didn't benefit from enrichment. Nor did Baltimore. Nor did St. Louis. The experiment is over. We tried and we failed. Taking from white men, anything, land, power, status, rights, privileges, wealth, anything at all -- take anything from white men, and give it to any other group, the world does not improve. World utility goes down. Accomplishments peter out. Decay and regression becomes the norm. The future becomes one of only death and despair.
Why do we stand for it? Because, for the most part, white, middle class and lower class men still believe that if we just give away a few more things minorities and women will start to love us and everything will turn around. Soon enough, due to a few more concessions, working just a little harder (as the horse would say in Animal Farm), the golden age is just around the corner, of peace and prosperity for all, of universal love and brotherhood. They still believe the lie we've been told since 1861.
The education system and the media somehow has gotten these suckers to keep selling away their birthright for 160 years running. The limitless stupidity and gullibility of these white men is unfathomable and really inexcusable. If the same lie works on you 160 years in a row, if you never figure out that they used this exact same lie last time and were caught out as lying every time before, 160 times in a row, then you deserve to be conned out of everything you have and then die in a ditch overdosed on fentanyl somewhere. There's a limit to human stupidity after which no forgiveness can be brooked.
I suppose another argument was made, off and on, that said that even though giving away all of our wealth, power, land and rights would not help us in any way, nevertheless it was the right thing to do, because it was fairer this way. You see, white men should commit suicide because morality requires it, and you wouldn't want to be immoral, would you?
However, fairness is not morality, equality is not morality. Morality is justice. And justice is 'each receiving their due.' Which means the people who actually improved the world, white men from the 1300's to the 1900's, should reap the benefits. It isn't the right thing to do to take from the producer and give to some whining fatass black bitch. That may be more fair and more equal, but it does not improve the world.
The world is improved when more beauty, truth, and love is introduced into it. Blacks are incapable of beauty, truth or love, so giving them anything is a complete waste of resources. White men, however, are uniquely capable of all three, and have proven it with the wonderful civilizations they built, often out of howling wildernesses, from the 1300's to the 1900's.
The only people currently improving the world are the Japanese, with new beautiful episodes of Kimetsu no Yaiba extolling the power of brotherly and sisterly love.
You could make an argument that America's doing a few nice things, economically, for the world. Obviously China is booming economically, which boosts everyone's quality of living worldwide via exports. But economics are only valuable insofar as they contribute to the actual goal -- beauty, truth and love. I suspect both America and China are more destructive of these values than contributory. As for every other nation on Earth don't even bother. Europe is stagnant and going under. The rest of the world is an unlivable shithole.
As matters stand, Japan should inherit the entire Earth and be given all the wealth, power, women, status, legal privileges, etc. Because they are the only ones doing any honor to the human race. The rest of us are disgraces, black marks and smears on the species.
But it doesn't have to be this way. From the 1300's to the 1900's, whites showed they had what it took. The cathedrals that adorn Europe say we have what it takes. The man on the moon says we have what it takes. The internet and computers say we have what it takes. The airplane and the skyscraper say we have what it takes. Star Wars and the Wheel of Time say we have what it takes. Modern medicine and the green revolution say we have what it takes. Calculus, chemistry and physics say we have what it takes. The automobile and the steam engine say we have what it takes. Electricity and waterworks and railroads all say we have what it takes.
We could be valuable contributors. We could again become the pride of humanity. The inner greatness of white men could burst out once more the moment we were given the opportunity. We could be like the Japanese -- or even better than the Japanese -- if we were allowed to try. If we stopped handing over everything to our racial enemies intent on our total destruction. If we weren't instead hell bent on white genocide. Morality isn't fairly, meekly walking into the slaughterhouse in order to become the feedstock of women, blacks and immigrants. Morality is reclaiming the tools necessary to start contributing to the world again, like the titans of yore, and ushering humanity into the next stage of evolution -- the stars. We should have gone there already. White genius, as shown by Elon Musk and SpaceX, is still the only game in town when it comes to getting there. Morality is unleashing white men and once and for all spreading life across the universe.
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