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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Another Shooter:

Deaths of despair strike again, this time in the form of a spree shooter who saw no future for himself in America.  Why did he feel like there was no future?  Due to three trends that are well known and well documented:

Continued environmental despoliation, continued automation leading to continued labor force participation reduction, and continued mass immigration which will inevitably lead to people of color having the whip hand over straight white males (like the shooter.)

Who would want to live in such a future?  Obviously not this guy.  But why would anyone?  His despair was accurate.  Why live as a tax slave to people of color immigrants, or as an unemployed bum in a world of capitalist trillionaires overseeing giant robot manufacturing centers, or in a wasteland bereft of greenery or clean water?

What does the future have to offer any of us?  Along current trendlines, nothing but death and despair.

This guy's grim future isn't even the half of how bad things will actually get.  He neglected to mention that birth rates among whites are the lowest in recorded history, that the median white age in America is 44 (past reproductive age, ie, most white Americans are biologically meaningless units waiting to be put out of their misery), that drug overdoses were only slightly down from last year and continue to claim, alongside suicide, alochol, etc, over 100,000 lives a year.

He neglected to mention that 50% of marriages end in divorce, that 50% of relationships end in adultery, that 27% of millennials report having no friends at all.  That it's virtually impossible for anyone short of superman to marry, have a respectable number of children, and for said family to get along in the long term.  That 18% of Americans are diagnosed mentally ill.  That 20%+ identify as sexual deviants which puts them on a life course of meaningless, empty relationships followed by a meaningless, empty death.

Every trend line gets worse every year.  The drug use, the divorce, the adultery, the mental illness, the LBGT's pissing their life away by not forming a reproductively viable family, the loneliness, the happiness surveys, it's all infinitely worse than this guy's despair even imagined.

Even if the environment was doing fine, automation gave all of us access to better and more interesting jobs, and mass immigrants perfectly assimilated into this country and voted Republican, this country would still be utterly and completely doomed.

So long as feminism stops family formation everybody's future is despair.  Humanity evolved to marry and have children.  Not at age 40.  At age 14.  Every year people live outside of marriage and parenthood is unnatural and uncomfortable.  We are now living in an era where the majority of people spend the majority of their lives unmarried and without issue.  This is true of the people who never marry, but it's equally true of the people who marry late and then get divorced soon after.  It's equally true of fathers who lose custody of their children.  It's equally true of the parents of kids who overdose or commit suicide, leaving their entire family legacy shattered beyond repair because they only had one or two children to begin with.  It's equally true of the parents of gays, who will never see their genes or traditions passed down to the next generation because from the moment they came out of the closet it was all over.

The only way out of this despair is for people to start living natural lives again, as God intended, which means marrying as teenagers, being given the capital necessary to support themselves with a citizen's dividend, and becoming parents themselves.  Then they need to stay together, raise the children to be moral and well adjusted, happy individuals, and make sure they get married and they have children.  If you die with plenty of successful, happy grandchildren, you lived as nature and nature's God intended.  If you go out any other way then you lived a life of despair.

This world is fucked up beyond recognition.  We now have children as young as age three being given the right to sterilize themselves for life by injecting themselves with opposite-sex hormones.  Never mind grandchildren, people don't even get to have children anymore, because at any moment they can turn into circus freaks instead.  At the drop of a dime, any three year old can trump your parental authority and with the full power of the state demand to make a mockery of nature and God by defiling your home with a new demonic being that you cannot stop or remove for the rest of your life.

The number of transgenders, like every other trendline, is ever-upwards.  The despair is always increasing.  There isn't a single good trendline on Earth.

And because everyone waited until they were 30 to start having children, you only get one or two to begin with, so each time they end up insane, gay, or transgender, the damage is irreparably vast.  Your entire bloodline, your entire folk history, that traces back to the dawn of time, gone in a puff of smoke.  All the effort you spent building up your life gone, in a flash, and you helpless to stop any of it because you're going up against the full power of the State.  All the effort all your ancestors spent to get you this far gone forever.  All of it wasted because your 3 year old decided they wanted to transform into a demon.

This is the satanic hellscape we live in.  Even objecting to this despair inducing future is liable to get you fired, ostracized, and lose all child custody rights.  So there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.  This future, which is absolutely bleak, cannot be changed, because we're not even allowed to raise up our voices and speak against it.  It's all banned as hate speech and thrown off of any influential public forum.  Of course shooting random people won't change anything either.  It will only create yet more enemies and silence us yet further.

There is no getting out of this despair.  There's no political solution to this despair.  We need a complete moral revolution that changes the very definition of good and evil, right and wrong.  We need an entirely new religion and God we can actually respect to worship and rally around.  We need fixes on such a fundamental level that virtually no one alive today is worthy of being a citizen of tomorrow.  Obviously that isn't going to happen.  No one is going to change to that extent.  Ships of state have an unbelievable amount of inertia.  The idea that their course can be changed even a little, much less reversed, much less warped into an altogether new dimensional axis, is naive.  Nothing will change.  The weight of our previous decisions will lead us inevitably into our predetermined hellish future.  If we had wanted the future to be different, it had to start in 1945 with the victory of the Nazis.  Anything short of that is too little too late.

It's almost cute how this Patrick fellow thinks killing 20 Hispanics is going to save the world.  If life were that easy, we wouldn't have any troubles in the first place.  Even if we killed 20 million Hispanics nothing would change, we'd still be just as doomed as before.  The date of our destruction would barely budge.

There's only one way to escape the hell of liberalism, and that's to cut off a healthy sprig of humanity from the diseased main.  To isolate ourselves from the terrible ideas that destroyed mankind, and to educate our children in healthy ideas that will elevate mankind.  A complete break with the modern world.  And the only way to achieve the self-determination we need to enact this plan is to escape to outer space.  The powers that be would never allow such a system to thrive on Earth.

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