Vinland Saga: A historically accurate historical fiction about the very under-studied culture and life of the Vikings. This is a fantastic story, both entertaining and educational, even didactic. The animation is top class, to the point that the water looks real. I thought I was watching a movie. Really, after the first three episodes, I can't point to anything to complain about. There is one issue that the Vikings were savages, and so this story is an accurate depiction of savagery, but there's no way to write a true story about Vikings and be any other way. This is the perfect Viking epic. This should go down as the defining version of Viking-dom for the rest of history. We won't even need to study history anymore -- just watch Vinland Saga and you're good. This isn't just a passable anime, from the moment it began it became a great, top ranked anime. This is a masterpiece that will go down in history. Pass.
Naka no hito Genome: The whole point of games is that they're enjoyable. You can't force people to play games without ruining the point of playing games. Nor should people put up with being forced to do things against their will, even if they threaten to kill or torture you. Just don't play along with it and they'll gain nothing by it, and eventually stop doing it. It's the only defense against these sorts of blackmail operations. Everyone needs to stop giving in to blackmail already, in every story, across the board. The answer is always to immediately rebel. Fail.
Re:Stage Dream Days: Aside from their heads being too big, this is the perfect series. It quickly moves the plot along, develops the characters, and shows off an amazingly animated dance sequence right from the start. There's already a clearly defined goal -- win the Prism Stage competition and become pro idols. Everything flows so well from start to finish. Seeing as how this is an overused storyline, I doubt it can stand out (compared to Idolm@ster or Love Live!), but it's certainly watchable. Pass.
HenSuki: The girls are cute, the animation is surprisingly top notch, and the comedy is great. I also like our protagonist's male friend, they seem to get along really well. It actually reminds me of that hilarious episode in Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun where everyone decides the male friend who tries to help you get along with all the girl targets eventually becomes their favorite character. I also like the My Cousin Vinny like conversation where the boy and the girl manage to have a full conversation about 'it' without ever realizing they're talking about two different things. It's hilarious every time. Pass.
Wakaki Nobunaga: Despite being told the history of the Sengoku period over and over, my understanding of this historical era is still quite hazy. A series like this, which promises to be a more realistic take on the era than all the other anime I've seen about it, is welcome. Pass.
Cop Craft: An intriguing story with an interesting setting. The culture shock of the aliens visiting Earth is also nice. This isn't a simple cop story. There's more going on. But it does have a nice noir vibe going like you'd expect. Perfectly acceptable. Pass.
Arifureta, from commonplace to world's strongest: This show has been a long time coming and based off of a well known popular source. I hardly need to give a first impression to it, it's obviously good. Another isekai but with some interesting twists to make it more individualistic. Any fan of the isekai genre should be onboard for this one. Pass.
Isekai Cheat Magician: I like pretty much all isekai shows. Other than Isekai Maou and Isekai Smartphone, I suppose. This one is probably below average, but still good enough. The new cast seems likable enough, but I object to the male beta apologizing to the female he orbits when he didn't even do anything wrong. Instead of apologizing to her, he should have said, "I took the optimum course available, if you're going to criticize me, do it after you detail a better plan." That would have shut her up. Pass.
Machikado Mazoku: This is a boring, low budget attempt at comedy. The jokes fall flat because the situation is nonsensical. Normal girls don't suddenly become murderers, nor do normal girls allow themselves to be murdered. The whole central plot is unworkable. Fail.
Okaa-san Online: People usually leave to isekais for the chance at freedom, the ability to live how they please for the first time. When your super-powered Mom travels with you and has the ability to veto all your decisions, you're no freer than before. It takes a lot out of the genre. On the other hand, a lot of funny jokes become possible, and all the Dragon Quest references are cool. The threat to all comedies is the jokes will grow old, but at least in the first episode that isn't the case. Pass.
Meanwhile, I dropped Arabaru and Mudazukai because the girls were becoming annoying. I almost dropped Dr. Stone because Dr. Stone was becoming annoying, but the series has such a promising setting that I want to hang on at least a little longer. All in all, the summer season looks like this:
Here's the good anime that's currently airing this season and is worth at least a try, in the order of how exciting each episode is week to week (not in the order of how good the series is overall, which would favor older/longer series too much):
1. Fairy Tail S3
2. Kimetsu no Yaiba
3. Vinland Saga
4. Mix
5. Kanata no Astra
6. UchiMusume
7. Lord El Melloi II no Jikenbo
8. Star Twinkle Precure
9. One Piece
10. Accelerator
11. Arifureta
12. Carole & Tuesday
13. Danmachi S2
14. Re:Stage Dream Days
15. HenSuki
16. Isekai Cheat Magician
17. Sounan desu ka?
18. Maou-sama Retry
19. Okaa-san Online
20. To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
21. Wakaki Nobunaga
22. Cop Craft
23. Dr. Stone
23 shows is fantastic. I have no complaints. The fall season is slated to be even better though.
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