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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Isekai Cheat Magician Dropped:

The villains in this series are too stupid, they seem incredibly dumb and shallow.  The heroes don't seem much brighter.  I feel stupid just watching this show.

Meanwhile, Zettai Karen Children's translation has resumed, so I'll happily trade a high-ranking manga for a worthless anime.

Meanwhile, it's been revealed that Reagan thought Africans were monkeys who were still uncomfortable wearing shoes so long as he was speaking in private to his Republican Presidential friend Nixon.  Of course, Nixon also laughed and agreed with this, but it was already well known that Nixon was a racist.  George Bush Senior was Reagan's Vice President for eight years so he must have known what Reagan privately thought about blacks and never said anything about it, which is essentially condoning the belief.  George Bush Junior lived around George Bush Senior all that time and never condemned his father, so we have to assume he believes blacks are monkeys in the privacy of his home too.

The entire Republican party, which praises Reagan ever-so-much, are all closet-Africans-are-monkeys believers.  Every single one of them is a racist who doesn't believe blacks are human.  So why do we have to keep playing pretend?  If every single prominent Republican secretly agrees with me, why don't we just throw off these shackles and start acting on our beliefs already?  We could solve the black problem in a couple days.  What are we waiting for?

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