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Monday, March 25, 2019

Global Warming is a Hoax:

According to the data used by global warming proponents, the temperature of the Earth has increased 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit since 1950, while the Co2 content has increased from 300 parts per million to 400 parts per million.

This means that the temperature of the Earth has increased 2%, while the carbon content has increased 25%.  You have to put an unbelievable amount of carbon in the air for each tiny additional bit of warming.

We could double the amount of fossil fuels burned in all of human history and the temperature would rise 8%.  Since room temperature, where humans are comfortable, is around 78 degrees, and we're currently at a world average of 59 degrees, 8% temperature growth would be a good thing.  In fact, I don't see why a warming Earth would be bad until all of Siberia, Alaska and Canada were blooming green farmland.  But in any case, we have plenty of temperature to spare.  With Co2 being such a pathetic driver/forcer or whatever they want to call it, we could burn all retrievable fossil fuels on Earth and get nowhere near to a dangerous level.

The whole issue is a hoax, according to their own numbers.

If we, for some bizarre reason, wanted to lower the temperature of the Earth, we could do so for much cheaper than banning all fossil fuels.  We could just insert sulfur into the upper atmosphere and call it a day, just like how volcano eruptions cool the Earth.  So again rising temperatures in no way implies we need to end civilization and return to the stone age, it has an easy, cheap, and well known cure whenever we want one.

The entire global warming industry is just a way to justify socialist seizure of the economy, after which they plan on redistributing the wealth to whoever they find most 'deserving,' likely poor people in Africa 'struggling to cope with climate change.'  It's just a giant racket for phony scientists to get federal grants to continue manufacturing phony arguments for why we need to expropriate the entire economy.

Every single prediction they've made with every single climate model has already been proven false.  Instead of admitting they were lying, they just made new predictions with new models, again ten years out so unfalsifiable.  No matter how many times their 'catastrophe' doesn't arrive, they'll just delay the result for another ten years and repeat 'this time for sure.'  It's no different from Christian doomsday cults.

If these people cared about the future so much, why don't they worry about actual threats to the future of mankind?  Like overpopulation, nuclear war, asteroids, unstoppable bioweapons released by terrorists, dysgenics, the stifling of scientific and philosophical progress via speech policing in the name of 'not giving offense', tanking fertility rates within developed nations, the ever rising national debt, the breakdown of bedrock social institutions  -- like the family, church, or tribe -- leaving people as atomized individuals prone to drug abuse and suicide, the rise in mental illness rates in each succeeding generation, Islam's violent conquest of the entire world, joblessness due to automation, etc, etc, etc.

Many of these threats are much more damaging than anything a rise in temperature can do, they are happening right now, not just 100 years from now, and they're much easier to solve than what it would mean to cut off all fossil fuel production.  And yet all of them are ignored by the global warming fraudsters in favor of addressing climate change.  This shows their lack of sincerity.  If they were just concerned citizens trying to avert future risk, global warming would be their lowest priority on a giant laundry list.  Instead they dismiss all other, much more immediate and pressing problems, and preach on and on about how we need to save the Earth from climate change via shutting down the entire industrial revolution right now because there isn't a moment to spare.

And perhaps the most vomit inducing aspect of the global warming hoax is anyone who questions it is labeled a 'denier,' someone who won't accept scientific facts even though they've already been long proven.  And yet the same people who demand we accept scientific facts refuse to accept the hereditary nature of IQ and that it varies between the races.  So we're 'deniers' for refusing to catapult ourselves back into the stone age via a calm and calculated weighing of the costs versus the benefits, but they can live in mystical fairy land where all people are born equal and can become anything they want if they just try hard, and adjust policy to fit this deluded dream in terms of education, immigration, anti-discrimination laws, etc.  They've been living in denial for practically a century, ever since Boaz posted his fraudulent, debunked studies on morphing brain sizes, and yet we're the deniers and they're the holy receptacles of Science.


Anonymous said...

Well, I accept that there are IQ differences between the human races, and I also believe in global, what does that make me?

Diamed said...

It's possible to believe that CO2 and other greenhouse gasses have contributed to rising global temperatures without having to believe that this spells the end of the world or that only socialism can save us. That's the pro-science position everyone should take.