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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Definitive Proof that men should have babies through surrogacy only:

In my permapost, "Is She Worth It?", I posit that all the health and longevity gains from marriage are actually chimeras, and the real benefit of marriage to men is getting to live alongside their children, not their wives.  As a result, men would be better off using their earning power to simply buy eggs, buy surrogates, buy a nanny's services, and raise children that are truly yours and yours alone in a single-father household.  There's no chance of divorce taking them away from you, no risk of being nagged for not doing enough chores or making enough money, etc, etc.  You get all the upsides with no downside.

Well, now the data is in, and it perfectly fits my predictions.  Proof that she isn't worth it -->

"Results suggest men with children are a third less likely to die of infectious diseases, two-thirds less at risk of passing away from cancer and just over half as less likely to die by accidents, murder or suicide.  
But marriage does not have the same protective effects.  
Men who say 'I do' are 171 per cent more likely to die of cancer and 123 per cent more likely to pass away from heart disease compared to 75-year-old bachelors."
Men are so stressed out by wives that they keel over from heart attacks and cancer just by living around them.  Meanwhile, children are such an angelic presence in people's lives (both for men and women their health skyrockets by living around children, as shown in the article) that they half the risk of all known causes of death.  But get this, these married guys, even taking into account the improved health outcomes of having children around, are still 2-3 times as likely to die because women are just that toxic.

So we have marriage doubling or tripling men's risk of death and children halving it.  People's physical health is affected by their emotional and mental health.  First off, stress just actively wears and tears away at people's bodies.  Second off, when people feel unhappy they make unhealthy choices in order to relieve the pain -- like alcohol, smoking, drug use, overeating, insomnia, profligacy or committing suicide.  So both directly and indirectly unhappiness is poison to your health.  In other words, if someone is healthy it's because he's happy, and if someone is unhealthy it's because he's unhappy.  You can get an insight into someone's mental and emotional wellness just by observing their physical wellness.

Now of course there are some unfortunate souls with bad luck or bad genes that means they're screwed by cancer or heart failure despite doing everything right -- but this is an exiguous amount.  Statistically speaking, probabilistically speaking, if marriage makes people, in the main, less healthy, it's because it makes them, in the main, less happy.

Married guys with children are less happy than bachelors without children, because they are less healthy, as demonstrated above.  But the healthiest guys of all are unmarried men with children -- but since divorce courts always reward women the child, and single mothers automatically get custody of the children -- the only way to arrange for this miraculous condition is to be a widower (good luck killing your wife and making it look like an accident) or what I've enjoined from the beginning -- surrogacy.

Simply buy the tools necessary for a child to be born -- a woman's eggs, a woman's womb, and a woman's daycare facility.  Keep the child for yourself -- leave the stress of marriage behind.  It's a prohibitively expensive path, but it's still better than marriage.  Marriage means all of your money for the rest of your life, whether you stay married or divorce, belongs to your wife.  And even though you hand over your entire life's work to her, she doesn't respond with gratitude and kindness -- she treats you so poorly she drives you to heart attacks or cancer.  That's if you stay married.  Otherwise you get to experience everything you love being ripped away from you and turned against you, leaving you with nothing, which happens the other 50% of the time.

Children are great -- they are your path to immortality.  Your genes get to continue interacting with the world of the future long after you are dead, and genes are the major driver of personality, intelligence and behavior so your ego is largely preserved through your children, it isn't just dna that continues but your core essence.

In addition, children are instinctively obedient and respectful towards their parents, so they'll actually listen to what you have to say and do what you want.  You can mold children into your ideal companion, unlike wives who intend to mold you into their ideal companion.  This means you can get children to believe what you want, educate them how you want, value the things you value, worship the things you worship, and be entertained by the things you give them to be entertained with.  Ie, your kids, if they are solely and only yours, are yours to play with as you please.  You can get them to take up soccer or baseball, watch anime, play video games, and be racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it.  They are your sandbox to create whatever sand castle you want with.

If you have a wife you can kiss all that goodbye.  They'll be raised as she sees fit, and inevitably that will mean in a conformist manner with the outward liberal society, because women are innately conformist and too cowardly to resist the prevailing norms.  Your children will have nothing in common with you, and actually will be raised to hate and despise you.  You will have to hide your true beliefs from them to avoid their scorn and judgment, and live a lie for the rest of your life.  All because of your wife's malicious influence on their upbringing.

Children are so wonderful, they make men so happy, that fathers don't directly suffer any consequences of a high stress lifestyle, nor do they self-medicate through various vices to alleviate said stress.  As a consequence fathers live like saints and reap the benefits of virtue thereof.  (The wages of sin are death, literally, because unhealthy lifestyles eventually kill you, through heart disease, cancer, overdoses, suicide, etc.  The wages of virtue, alternatively, are a long and healthy life surrounded by lots of cherubic loving children.)

The reason children are wonderful is because you've conquered death and loneliness by creating near-clones of yourself who can understand, appreciate, and share everything important with you.  Can a wife do that?  It's unlikely, since wives are not related to you, so none of the genes that code for intelligence, personality or behavior are similar.  Also women are so different from men that there's little hope of ever sharing anything important.  Then there's the fact that the wife was raised in a household whose beliefs and values were antithetical to your own, whereas your children can be steeped in exactly the same culture that you chose for yourself.

These numbers, this data showing that fathers are healthy but husbands aren't, prove everything I worked out through sheer predictive philosophy.  I was exactly on the money.  The differences in health are due to differences in happiness -- there's no other explanation.  And the differences in happiness are due to women being a plague unto men, unlike children who are a blessing.  This is now simply indisputable.  It's literally been proven.

Now, sure, there are children who are absolutely awful to be around.  In an ideal world you could just euthanize them as menaces to society who should have never been born.  But as things stand, it should at least be possible to fob them off to foster care or boarding school or something.  You don't have to be stuck with termagant children.  But wives you can't escape.  If you divorce they'll take everything, all your money, all your future earnings, and all your children, as well as your broken bleeding heart.  The consequences of a bad child vs. a bad wife are astronomically different in scale.

Likewise, I'm sure there are wonderful wives who agree with their husbands about everything, are completely on board with how to raise the children, are absolutely delightful and stress free to be around because they never complain about anything, are always willing to make love to you and stay thin and fit well into their 40's, etc, etc.  In this case the increased likelihood of cancer and heart attacks would of course not apply.  That's a statistical average, not an absolute necessity.  So if you know a girl like that, by all means make her your wife.  Good luck finding one.  ::rolls eyes::

For everyone else there's mastercard -- I mean surrogacy.  You can skip the devil wife and go straight to the angelic children.  And your life will be infinitely better and infinitely less risky than if you play at russian roulette with the modern dating system.

Like I've said before, women in 1900 and below were exactly what a man dreamed them to be -- domestic, obedient, respectful, devoted and true to their oaths.  If you could marry someone like that then the expense and absurdity of raising children on your own could be averted.  But we live in the 21st century now and the numbers are in -- even if you don't divorce your life is definitively worse off, as proven by these health statistics, which closely mirror people's inner happiness levels, by interacting with women in any way, shape or form.

Men going their own way are the healthiest men.  Men who go their own way and then purchase babies through surrogacy are the supremely blessed beings in the universe.  The data is irrefutable.  It's time men adjust to the realities of the 21st century, abandon the system that worked in the 1800's and take up the system that works now -- surrogacy and single fatherhood.  We don't need to charm anyone through some antiquated mating ritual.  Just purchase the right to have children directly and earn your way to immortality with the children you deserve.  Children who really do inherit your soul and carry your beliefs and values into the future.

Not only are you healthier and happier this way, it's probably cheaper too.  Wives add so many expenses to a household and the pay they bring home is so negligible I suspect purchased children are still cheaper overall.  Furthermore, a single father qualifies for all sorts of wonderful government benefits that are written in order to help single mothers but legally are sex neutral, so you qualify for them too.  Free medicaid, huge earned income tax credits, housing assistance, tanf, child credits, food stamps, free school lunches -- you name it.  The world is your oyster if you have a kid.  They'll bring in $10,000 a piece a year easy -- you could even see surrogacy as an investment that pays itself back before you're done.

Why let only single mothers take advantage of government welfare to live like queens? That could be you.  All you need is a surrogate and you're good to go -- you qualify for every single program they do.  Single mothers are living it up off of coerced male tax dollars.  Isn't it time we start returning the favor?

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