Blog Archive

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Permapost #60:

It's always best to have nice round numbers.  Moving up from 59 permaposts (or see also references within permaposts) to 60 was a natural aspiration, but it also came in handy that such a fantastic post existed that I hadn't promoted yet.

Written nearly a year ago, 'Reasoned Debate Doesn't Lead to Truth' called out the silliness that man was inherently a rational animal and all differences could be settled via dialogue.  That post rejected freedom of speech as a worthwhile goal.  I then followed up on that post a couple days later with 'Freedom, what is it good for?' that went on to prove that not only is freedom of speech not a social good, neither is any other freedom.  Every single freedom people have been granted has just led to more social rot and decay.  We were better off when discipline, not freedom, was regarded as our highest ideal.

I've now combined the two posts into a single permapost:

Freedom of speech is why we have this absolute nonsense about Kavanaugh participating in gang rapes and groping a girl 36 years ago with zero corroborating evidence or witnesses.  In a serious country any such accusations would never have been allowed to go public and any such accusers would have been executed for the crime of defamation and disrupting the peace.

This goes beyond Kafka.  The United States is lurching about with insane statements like 'all women must be believed' by serious people, politicians with actual power to determine the fate of the world.  Satire can't even imagine what people are seriously promoting these days.  So what if two women say contradictory things, does the world just blip out in a paradox?

This is where allowing liars to just run their mouths has gotten us.  I think it's time to try something else, where people can be told to shut their mouths.

Christine Blasey Ford lied about her fear of flying.  She actually flies all over the place all the time.  And yet this is someone who 'must be believed?'  We caught her lying straight out, indisputably.  The moment that lie was revealed she should have been dragged out of the senate chamber and shot in the back of the head.  There is no reason to be treating such an obvious fraud with any further respect or consideration.  What kind of country continues listening to someone who just brazenly lied to their faces one week ago about an event that we have only her word ever happened?

We can do better than this.  The world does not have to be this insane, this stupid, this juvenile and ridiculous.  This is not how people acted or spoke in the 1700's, the 1800's, or 200 B.C.  We are better than this.  This clown world is unendurable and there's no damn reason we should endure it when we know we can, just by changing the culture and the laws, live in a completely different manner.  How can anyone tolerate coexisting with the likes of Christine Blasey Ford, (((Swetnica))) and the thousands of buzzing jews in the media, lawyers, political action groups, Senate, etc, who amplify their voices?

Could there be any better advertisement for the need to separate from these people?  Why haven't we launched a civil war now, civil war now, that crushes these vipers once and for all?  Who still wants to live with these people?  Who still likes them?  What are we waiting for?  We have the military, the militias, the men, everything.  The war would be over in a couple days and then they would shut their lying mouths forever.  We'd never have to hear their bullshit ever again for the rest of history.  We'd have our country back, and we'd have a serious country for the first time in our lives.  WHAT IS THE DOWNSIDE?

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