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Monday, March 21, 2011

A New Nation?:

Currently there's a Gates of Vienna article posted by Takuan Seiyo saying, in an overly florid manner, the same thing I was saying earlier.

There's no saving whites, who are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Nor is there any point in getting fixated on race. Though many things correlate to race, ultimately the correlation is not 100%. There's no point filtering for correlations to race, by race. We should just filter by those correlates directly. What kind of people do we want to be around? Surely not just any fellow of European ancestry. But if we're judging by some other standard, that automatically means non-whites will have to be included. This is why wanting a 'jew-free' state, or a 'black-free' state, is so repugnant to most people. They probably personally know a nice jew or black in their own lives, and certainly don't want to be 'free' of them. Furthermore, it shows that the standards of citizenship in this 'future state' are arbitrary and irrational, which isn't a very good foundation for the future. People are going to question the wisdom of setting up a new country when the founders of said country are obviously half-wits fixated on things that don't matter.

Race doesn't matter. Only love, beauty, and truth matters. Some races have more of this than others, but the capacity for these virtues resides within individuals of every group. Therefore, any fair and objective screening method must allow, potentially, any number of non-whites to qualify for citizenship in any new breakaway nation. This isn't because people want to be swarmed by non-whites. It's because they want the foundation of their country to be rational, objective, and fair. If that results in being swarmed by non-whites, well, who cares? They're by definition good people you'd want to be around, if they passed all the imposed filters before they could immigrate to your new nation. The importance isn't the racial or ethnic makeup of your country, but the filters you use to select for your population.

There has never been a proposition nation. All nations are historical accidents, with borders that simply match the vicissitudes of history, and citizens that never chose to be around each other. The annals of history tell us that if people are thrown together by accident, they're much better off when related, than when they're unrelated. The more similar they are, the better off they become. Iceland, for instance, or Japan, is a very nice place to live, because everyone is similar and so everyone gets along. However, this doesn't mean an ethnostate is superior to a proposition nation. It just means an ethnostate is superior to a random assemblage of unrelated people thrown together by migrations or conquests due to the accidents of past history.

Until we compare how well a true proposition nation does against a blood-related nation, there's no proof a proposition nation is inferior. With modern communication and transportation, it has become possible to sort the world by propositions, instead of by pure accident. It would be nice to at least experiment with a few, to see how they do vs. multicultural states and ethnostates. Then we could discover just how important shared genes are, compared to shared capabilities and values. I predict a proposition nation would be a blowout victory, but I also think white nationalists understand that. They aren't going to filter people solely by race either, but also by ideology. It would require a proposition-race-nation and a proposition-universal-nation to compete with each other head to head to finally resolve the question. In any event, we can't observe entities that don't exist yet, but we can advertise for them, and give a hint of what they might look like, which might appeal to enough people that the idea becomes a reality.

Given what I care about, how would I filter a nation designed just for me? What citizens would I handpick from the world? What qualifications would they have to meet before they could live on some sovereign territory I've somehow acquired, to dispose of and give to whomever I please?

We can start with everyone having at least 115 IQ.

No record of incurable mental or physical hereditary diseases in their near family.

No drinking, smoking, drug use, premarital sex, divorce, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, gambling, or other basic sins. Anyone who wants to engage in these acts, or tolerate them, is immediately out.

Likewise, neither violent criminals, nor people who tolerate violent crime via weak enforcement or punishment measures, would be allowed.

Everyone would have to pass personality tests concerning anti-social or psychopathic behavior.

Everyone must love this new country and be willing to die for it, they must abandon all previous loyalties to any other group.

They must not belong to any organized religion.

They must swear to obey and uphold the Constitution, on pain of death.

The Constitution would include all the laws of the state, as well as the structure of the State. The laws would be short and simple, covering the same material as these filters, and other basic concepts. There will be an executive branch that is elected by the universal suffrage of the people every 2 years, that enforces and defends the Constitution. Sub-branches of the executive branch can be appointed by the elected officials. Elected officials will be called Guardians, short for Guardians of the Constitution. The Chief Guardian will be whoever received the most votes, the other guardians are elected in turn until all the slots are filled out, by how many votes they received. The Chief Guardian has the power to wage war or make treaties, and the power to enforce the provisions of the Constitution on the citizenry. Each branch of the cabinet, energy, transportation, etc, has its own Guardian, who has exclusive control of his duties. If any Guardian, including the Chief Guardian, is derelict in his duties (which includes just performing them badly), a 2/3 vote of the other Guardians can impeach and remove him from office. A special election will be held to replace all Guardians at this time, to make sure no sitting Guardian benefits from the removal of another via impeachment.

There is also a judicial branch. The judiciary is appointed by a 2/3 vote of the Guardians, and serve until they die, or are impeached by a 2/3 vote for dereliction of duty (which includes bad performance). The judiciary's job is to try criminals arrested by the executive branch, handle lawsuits, and all the normal things we associate with the judiciary. The Supreme Court of the judiciary also has the right to interpret the intent and spirit of the Constitution when a situation has no clear guideline for the State's response to it. The judiciary's opinion has the force of law and is considered a weaker part of the Constitution, which Guardians must enforce, until a future judiciary overturns the law and decides on a new one. None of these laws can conflict with the clearly stated laws of the Constitution. The Constitution has supremacy in all disputes. In this way, the state can pass 'laws' like a legislature, but not on its own authority, but only as a subtext of the Constitution's own laws, their meaning and intent, their governing spirit and the Constitution's ideals.

There is no legislative branch. The idea that laws should be constantly changed is pernicious to a well-ordered society. The Constitution cannot be amended.

The executive branch is given whatever taxation and monetary authority is necessary to meet the needs of its people. Everyone in the country is guaranteed a minimum standard of living, via a citizen's dividend, set at the evenly redistributed wealth of 25% of GDP between all citizens equally, whatever that might be, and mandatory monogamous marriage by age 25. The environment must be sustainable, clean, healthy, and pretty to live in, both the urban and rural environment. Public infrastructure, schooling, insurance, art, science, etc. funding for the general welfare will be provided. Labor Freedom, Trade Freedom, Business Freedom, Property Rights, Financial Freedom, and Investment Freedom will not be infringed.

Everyone must have at least two children, but beyond that must receive a license from the State. People of extraordinary merit, as shown by winning competitions, IQ test scores, personality tests, vast wealth, physical beauty, etc, can be required to have additional children, and will be given the means to do so without any additional burden. Money, nannies, adoption, whatever.

Freedom of speech, access to information, assembly, privacy, and the right to a fair trial, will not be infringed.

Children will be taught in public schools that teach the Constitution and appreciation and loyalty for it.

Everyone who comes into this country must have imbibed in entirety, and approved of, the following art, as shown by an essay by the prospective citizen regarding their personal feelings and thoughts about each of them:

Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, Star Wars 1-6, Clannad, Planetarian, K-On!, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, Higurashi, Code Geass, One Piece, Crest of the Stars, Haruhi Suzumiya, E.E. Doc Smith's Lensman series, David Zindell's Requiem for a Homo Sapiens series, Dostoeveskey's books in full, O.S. Card's Ender's Game, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, Jane Austen's books in full, Plutarch's Lives, Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Plato's Dialogues, Charles Murray's Human Accomplishment and The Bell Curve, Charles Dickens' Bleak House, Tale of two Cities, David Copperfield, and Little Dorritt, Joss Whedon's Firefly, and Ken Akamatsu's Mahou Sensei Negima!.

Schools will instruct all children by having them imbibe in full, write essays on, and talk about all of the above art works.

Publishing a lie to any mass medium, whether libelous or just deceitful and against all known facts, for mass distribution, is forbidden and punishable by law.

War would not be permitted except in defense of the nation. All foreign international relationships will be that of neutrality -- like Switzerland. Territorial expansion could only occur via consent from the current residents.

Immigration will continue to be allowed, so long as it does not cause overpopulation, if future immigrants meet the same standards as the original founding population.

Anyone who grows up in this country, or came to it, but later does not enjoy living under its laws, or does not succeed in obeying the law, is free or forced to leave and will be given due compensation for all the property they owned plus a year's citizen's dividend on the way out.

Everyone should cherish in their hearts the three values of Love, Beauty, and Truth. Acts contrary to these values should be considered shameful, and people who engage in them should be shamed. Acts in accordance with these values should be estimable, and people should esteem the doers for them.

* * *

White people, all in all, are a failure as a people. They can't pay their debts, they are involved in endless wars, they allow their society to morally degrade, they allow their populations to numerically degrade, they allow the capability and acuity of their population to degrade, and generally all of them are following an unsustainable course. This society, no matter who it was composed of, would avoid all of these flaws. It is a more perfect union, on a more sustainable course.

Since everyone shares a common culture -- the artworks listed -- they can come from all over and immediately fit in, make friends, and marry someone. Older and younger generations will faithfully transmit this culture as their national cultural birthright. No divisions will ever occur between groups, everyone is united by the Constitution and the art listed. Families will no longer be broken, children will always have parents, the poor will not suffer, and the businessman, the artist, and the scientist will not be fettered while pursuing their dreams.

Perhaps I missed a few important things in this brainstorm, but it should be enough as a general idea. More details can always be added later. I don't need millions of people to qualify. A mere 10,000, if given a large territory, could easily populate it soon enough, just like the early American settlers. The easiest way for a small population to gain a large territory is to buy a hunk of unwanted, unsettled land, and settle it. Either in space, or here on Earth. Enough money could buy a small group freedom in a reasonable chunk of land. Much of the Earth is still basically empty. If some rich people cared deeply enough that they wanted to live here, and their children to live here, and their grandchildren to live here, and they wanted such a society to exist simply because it was Good, the fiction could reasonably become a reality.

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