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Friday, April 1, 2011

Japan Proves and Disproves Racism Simultaneously:

When Japan suffered a massive 9.0 quake that claimed around 30,000 lives, my heart went out to them. I gave a charitable donation to their relief fund, the first charity I've ever given anyone, simply because I wanted to express my love for the country that had given me so much in its time of need. It wasn't just me. The entire anime, manga, and gaming community sent their love, support, and charitable donations to our 'motherland.' Comment threads on individual streaming anime episodes ran to the hundreds, with everyone expressing their solidarity and concern for Japan. For the anime community, this quake cut deeper to the bone than 9/11. This is because we feel closer to the Japanese people than we do to fellow Americans. We also feel closer to other anime fans who live in Germany, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else on Earth than we feel about fellow Americans. International anime communities unite around their love of anime and the Japan that anime depicts, and have a 'cultural identity' far stronger than their ethnic identity. People choose their culture, so it has value and meaning, but no one chooses their ethnicity, so what possible value or meaning can it have? How can something you receive by chance define an agent of free will? Only those traits we choose for ourselves can possibly be morally relevant. How can you condemn someone for something they had no choice in? Alternatively, how can you praise someone for something they had no choice in? Both cases are equally absurd.

I have more inherent trust, loyalty, and good will for a fellow fan of anime than any ethnic or national category. I instantly assume an anime fan will be of superior intellect and higher moral fiber -- because why else would they enjoy anime? It's impossible to watch lots of anime and be a bad person -- this is because anime has an edifying effect which, A) bad apples will grow to hate, because it stands against everything they believe in, thus driving them away, B) blank slates will absorb and transform themselves to match what they see. We instantly have something in common we can talk about. We instantly share something we wish to protect: Japan, anime, individual shows and characters, and the values depicted by all of the above. With bonds like these, who needs something random and arbitrary like race or geography? I was born in America by chance, why should I give a damn about it? Other Americans have nothing to do with me. I was born white by chance, why should I give a damn about it? Other whites have nothing to do with me. If race were so important, why does East Asian art appeal to me far more than art by my fellow whites? If race matters why is art trans-racial ?

If we can enjoy their art, and they can enjoy ours, then race isn't a serious boundary. There clearly isn't any serious difference in personality or values between the races, or their art would be alien and abhorrent to us, and our art would be alien and abhorrent to them. Instead Dragonball is one of the most popular American TV shows of all time, and Star Wars is beloved all across the world. Great art is considered great by anyone who sees it, anywhere on Earth. If anything, language keeps us further divided than race. With an instant computer translation device, the art of the world will be even more distributable. Once that happens, more and more people will go out of their way to view and consume foreign art, and will start to identify with the foreigners who made the art just as much as or more than the people who live around them.

Everyone coming together to support Japan, because everyone has nothing but positive feelings about Japan, proves that race doesn't matter. But paradoxically, it also proves race does matter. This is because Japan is precisely the great nation it is, because it is solely populated by Japanese. Japanese are one of the highest IQ people on Earth. Japan is one of the most homogeneous nations on Earth, with over 99% of the population all being of the same ethnicity. Japanese are all born into a shared and immersive culture developed over millenia, unique in the world, that ties all Japanese together. Their shinto religion, their cuisine, their dress, their architecture, their holidays, their language, their art, everything about Japan is distinctly Japanese. These traditions give Japan a vast, hereditary inheritance for every newborn in Japan. For free, they gain a close connection to everyone else in their country, and a deep separation from everyone else in the world, which serves to keep a public spirit alive and well, and immunizes Japan against any foreign corrupting influences that could tear their people, or their inherited culture, down. Japanese can expect high standards from each other, because no one will whine about discrimination or disproportionate impacts. Everyone is Japanese, so there's no such thing as special treatment for selected groups. Nor is there any need to lend special assistance to any special group, because everyone in Japan is basically the same in their capacity to lead productive, civilized lives. Japan is crime-free, poverty-free, slum-free, litter-free, and every-social-malaise-free. Japan's socially minded and efficient reaction to their devastating quake, in contrast to New Orleans after Katrina or Haiti after its earthquake, drew the well deserved awe and admiration of the whole world, but both of those traits ultimately trace back to Japan's genes, and their genetic homogeneity.

The homogeneity of the Japanese people, the distinctiveness of their unpolluted millenia old traditions, the genetic substrate that powers their high IQ, the ease of governing a country without any warring factions, all of these things are proof race matters. The one thing the whole world can unite behind is how enviable Japan's situation and people are, how superior they are to the rest of the world. But if that enviable superiority is due to caring about race, racism yet again becomes the forefront of morality. And yet, logically speaking, people are unsatisfied with organizing the world by ethnicity or race. They find all sorts of complaints with such an arbitrary system. People don't choose their race, so why should they be punished or rewarded for things they can't choose? It isn't fair. Individuals from different races can have more in common than individuals from the same race, so why should race be the organizing factor of a country? Race is unfair and inaccurate. The deep-set rebellion across the world against racism isn't a product of brainwashing or even antipathy to Hitler. It's just the voice of reason. How could anyone care about race when it is unfair and inaccurate?

If racists want countries like Japan, or Denmark for that matter, because of all the obvious advantages of living in a homogeneous, high IQ society, it's going to have to disassociate these wishes from racism and argue from the viewpoint of objective reason and fairness. People react to racism like a coiled rattlesnake, they instinctively run away from it as far as they can. There's no such thing as a non-universal morality. Any universal morality would have to approve of any non-whites who are good people, and disapprove of any whites who aren't good people, regardless of their race. Nobody wants to associate themselves with amoral groups that refuse to admit to a universal moral law that applies to all of mankind. Such a stance is irrational, unfair, and prone to quickly devolve into moral atrocities perpetrated against the 'out-group' due to their no longer being protected by the umbrella of universal morality. Anyone can see this. It's just obvious to anyone.

Is there a way to replicate the blessings of Japan without any reference to race? Obviously. Any set of non-racial filters, if specific enough, could make sure only Japanese could possibly qualify in the end. This is how Japan itself is run. To become a legal immigrant to Japan, people must have all sorts of qualifications, like holding a high paying job in Japan for five years, a good college degree, no criminal record, proficiency in Japanese, and so on and so forth. Legally, anyone of any race can become 'Japanese.' Functionally, no one immigrates to Japan and Japan remains a country for Japanese. Anyone who could qualify to live in Japan finds that they can make just as good a life for themselves in their own homeland. Japan offers no 'pull' factor to immigrants. Combine this with the fact that moving to a foreign country means abandoning your family and friends, your home language and culture, and everything else people hold dear, and immigration is never a winning proposition. It is perfectly legal for blacks to flood Japan and make it a majority black country. But it is de facto impossible, because Japan has the right filters in place to stop it, without ever referring to race.

Japan has objective standards that still create subjective goods: a close-knit community, a shared culture, and a unified body politic. Why can't we? Why insist on something as absurd as organizing a country by race, with its inherent logical and moral flaws, when we can have our cake and eat it too? If we provide strong enough filters to select for a proposition nation, we can share all the same benefits Japan has. A shared culture, a shared religion (or lack thereof), a shared language, a shared IQ, a shared political bent, a shared code of virtue, a shared everything of any possible significance. If this happens to bring together people from all across the world, of all possible hues, who cares? We know for a fact that underneath these skin tones we are all spiritual brothers, because everyone passed through a rigorous regime of filters. It's like worrying about drinking from filtered water. Once water is filtered, no matter how dirty it was originally, you can trust that the water you drink will be clean. With the appropriate filters in place, anyone can be trusted as a next door neighbor, or a spouse. Everyone has already qualified for that sort of trust already. Proposition nations, with sufficiently rigorous filters, could have an even more loving community than Japan. There is no reason to believe the filters would fail -- they've succeeded just fine in preserving Japan's national character. So why couldn't they succeed in preserving any other nation's character, set up under any system it so pleases?

The moment people start to filter by universals, that potentially anyone could qualify under, no matter what their race, they could immediately become mainstream and acceptable to the larger world community. No secessionist movement based off of race will ever be allowed to succeed by the world community, any such nation will be smashed even if it did somehow gain power, because it is morally abhorrent to allow it to stand. Therefore, people must abandon race as their method of filtering if they wish to have any hope of living in a new nation. Not only will it find more willing listeners, it will encounter less passionate resistance on all fronts. If some crazy group of nerdy atheists wants its own country where they can watch anime and read greek classics in the school system, "Well, whatever." If a group of neo-nazis wants a new white reich, people will instantly think, "Nope, not on my watch! Never again!" and take arms. Just look at how rabid the reaction is to American Renaissance when it tries to host a conference where it can speak about race in the mildest of terms. Abandon race, filter by a means more accurate and useful than race, and you kill two birds with one stone. Not only is your pitch automatically more moral and appealing, but it will draw no fundamental ire or resistance from the outside world. Filtering by IQ solves almost all the same problems as filtering by race anyway. Filtering by art solves all remaining problems towards building a cohesive society.

What would we like to be known for? Our primitive, backwards tribalism? Or our progressive, modern art? Grouping by shared values and aesthetics, or by random chance and primitive instincts, which is the path to the future? Who can be taken seriously in today's world? Racists need to seriously consider their options. The world is going to become steadily more diverse, demographics have already set this fact in stone. Racial purity is an unrealizable dream for the majority of white countries on Earth. No new nations will be allowed to form on the basis of racial purity. If Europe and America become new South Africas, true hellholes on Earth, there will have to be some way to break away from our 'countrymen' and begin anew. The obvious solution is proposition nations with airtight filters, airtight standards, for who gets in and who stays out. Even supposing Europe and America don't become new South Africas in 2100, there could still be a groundswell of support for a new nation by people who are just sick of wrangling with their countrymen about tax rates or budget deficits. A country that is simply fatigued from fighting itself every day in a deeply divided Congress, one half elected by 'diversity', the other half by 'whites,' each group looking out only for themselves, could well want to split apart just to stop the argument. At that time, the people who will be allowed to split away will not be racists, but a proposition nation. With the right 'propositions' in place, immigration will be so water-tight as to never become a threat again. Undesirables will never overwhelm our country again, without ever having to mention the poisonous word of 'race.' As a plus, we will be around people even closer to us than arbitrary chance could ever unite a people.

There are no false positives in proposition nations. If you group people by race, you find all sorts of 'race traitors' who wish nothing but harm for their own race. In addition, you find members of a race that are criminals, retards, mentally unstable, parasites, or infected by dangerous memes, all of whom must be invited inside the gates. It's all so stupid when an alternative already exists, grouping people by airtight filters, that avoids all of these dangers, while allowing an entirely illusory 'objectionable' danger of being swamped by non-whites. First off, Japan isn't being swamped by Africans. Second off, even if such a swamping occurred, it would by definition be a good thing, because somehow or other they did qualify, which means all of these people are the highest moral/productive caliber imaginable. There simply is no risk. Getting hung up on the 'risk' of being swamped just reveals an irrational prejudice. If someone passes through all our imaginable filters, why should we dislike them on the basis of their race alone? It's just letting fear, prejudice, and irrational instincts to rule us. It isn't noble or sightly at all.

Proposition nations deliver greater benefits, and an even stronger immune system, than nations built around race. No one, not within our race, or outside of it, can slip through the system to infect or sabotage the whole. The same can't be said of ethno-states. Remember, Europe Was full of ethno-states before they allowed in non-white immigrants. That proves ethno-states lack any serious protection from being swamped by foreigners. A proposition nation, however, would be proud of its standards, and like Sparta, refuse to lower them for anyone. Such a culture can sustain itself for centuries. By the time it breaks down, it will easily be replaced by an even better proposition nation. Because once the idea of grouping the world by propositions instead of arbitrary historical inheritance takes off, it will never die. It will become a legitimate force in the world, a freedom anyone can call upon and be granted by the world community, just like Wilsonian self-determination was in the previous century. If one proposition nation falls apart because the filters weren't 'airtight enough', you or your descendants can just try another. There's bound to be one set of filters that selects for the right things, and makes you happy. But until people start trying for a proposition nation, instead of their racial ghetto politics, nothing can begin.

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