Without warning, suddenly Heaven Burns Red updated to include Chapter 4 of the story. It also started handing out lifestones and recruitment tickets like candy again. The game is back to full throttle. That's certainly welcome news, but I bet I'll finish Chapter 4 pretty quickly and get stuck in limbo again soon enough. But now I bet they'll without warning release Chapter 5 and 6 in the same manner some time down the road, so I'm not as disappointed about it. So long as I get to play the full game eventually it doesn't really matter when.
I finished all the recollections for both my power squad and plot squad, so the story of Chapter 4 is all that's left for me to do.
I've reached Chapter 22 in my '100 Waifus' reread, but I cracked and had to make some edits yet again. It's good to make use of my reread to improve the story, that is the purpose of the reread, but I also wanted this to go smoothly without having to edit for once. On the bright side the edits are so minor I still don't think it justifies starting all over for a 48th time, so edits or not this will still mark the conclusion of my book. Once I get to the end that will be the end. I'm going to finish editing my music and my book this year.
Let the Syrian Civil War be a lesson to you -- always secure the kill. Because the Syrian Army spared the terrorists in Idlib province, they were able to regroup, rearm, retrain, refinance, and recruit, until now they're stronger than the Syrian Army. Now Assad is going to lose the war that was all but won years ago. When before the morale of the Syrian Army was strong and they were willing to fight, now they retreat and melt away without a fight. Assad should have fought with his army when they were still willing to fight, now he's a figurehead with no legitimacy. If no one is willing to support your government you're no longer the legitimate government, and no one is willing to fight for Assad anymore. I expect the Turkish supported terrorists (the leader of the rebel force was the deputy commander of ISIS before he rebranded) to take over the core of the country, essentially expanding Turkey, while fringes break off to Israel and Kurdistan, and for Syria to disappear off the map. But I have no pity for incompetent cowards who didn't finish the fight when they could and now won't fight at all. There's no particular reason why 'Syria' has to exist in this world. States that aren't supported by people have no right to exist. This just goes to show that 'Syria' was a mistake and never should have happened to begin with.
What's happening in Romania is the greatest perversion of democracy I've ever seen. The court has ruled that the recent vote is null and void because too many voters were influenced by pro-Russian messages on Tiktok and Telegram. That's literally their justification. People were persuaded by speech emanating from the wrong sources to vote for a candidate, so the election is invalid. At this point democracy has no meaning. If elections can be revoked because populaces are too braindead to think for themselves, and are only allowed to vote the 'right way' after receiving the 'right directions' from the 'right elites,' then the vote is a formality with no meaning. Only votes that support the desired conclusion are considered valid and all other votes have to be 'redone' until the populace votes right again. At that point why even have a vote? Just say you're right and can't be challenged and be done with it.
If Romania believed in democracy they would right now be storming the government buildings and killing everyone in the government for denying them their right as citizens to elect the government of their choosing. But Romanians are clearly spineless cowards, much like the Syrians, who don't care that they've just been stripped of their human rights and more importantly their human dignity. Now they are literally being redefined as cattle who can't think for themselves and still they do nothing. At that point they deserve to lose everything.
The French are hardly any better. The polls show they support Le Pen over Macron but they're allowing Macron to stay in power while jailing his political opponent, Le Pen, on bullshit charges so she can't run against him. Again, the correct solution to this bullshit is to storm the Bastille all over again and restore the will of the people to power, but again they sit on their thumbs and do nothing, watching passively as their rights are stripped away from them.
The people of Georgia are just as bad. After electing the Georgia Dream party to power, they're allowing a riotous minority to potentially overthrow the government, when what they should be doing is getting out in the streets and counter-protesting, showing that they're the true majority of the people of Georgia and they won't allow a minority to take power through violence. They should meet riots with riots and beat their enemies into submission. Yet again if you aren't willing to fight for your country you don't deserve it. You can't just vote to be in power and expect it ends there -- if your opponent escalates to violence you must meet them in the streets, otherwise you didn't really want power or support your party, now did you? If they're willing to fight for power and you aren't, then they deserve power and you don't.
I'm tired of the west saying they're a democracy when they continuously and directly defy the will of the people, throw out election results, ban parties, arrest political opponents, and do whatever it takes to maintain dictatorial power while only giving empty gestures to democracy, like how Saddam used to hold elections with no opponents allowed. Ukraine has suspended all elections, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of everything, and supposedly we're still there fighting to 'defend democracy.' It's so brazenly absurd. The impunity of their hypocrisy defies belief.
But I'm also tired of the good guys not fighting as passionately or bravely for their cause as the bad guys. Why does ISIS have more support than Assad? Why do the people of Georgia not show up in favor of the government they just reelected? Why doesn't Russia mobilize like they did during World War II to finish Ukraine once and for all? Why do the Romanians allow their ballots to be chucked out the window without a peep? Why does France allow Macron to stay in power? Why does the entire Arab world sit and watch placidly as Israel genocides their fellow Muslim Arabs? The fault isn't really with the abusers, it's with the abused, who allow themselves to be abused. If you're that weak you invite abuse, you invite predators. This is a world governed by evolution, by survival of the fittest, if you can't or won't fight then you don't get to live. It's that simple. I have zero patience or pity for any group that doesn't fight and then complains that they 'lost even though they were in the right.' Only people who fight are ever in the right. Cowards are never in the right about anything. They don't get the right to be right about anything. I will mourn any country or people who fought their hardest for what they believed in but still were overpowered by overwhelming odds, but I will never pity or care about any group that lost to themselves long before they lost to their enemy.
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