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Monday, June 12, 2023

fripSide +2:

My music hall of fame was overhauled in a rather slapdash manner when I added 50 whole new songs to it, so I've been working on smoothing things out since then.

The most urgent problem is that, by stitching together too many short songs into single song medleys, I'd inadvertently reduced my hall of fame down to 5498 songs instead of the round number of 5500.  The solution was found in some old fripSide visual novel songs, 'sword of virgin' and 'absolute wish.'  Due to the urgency of needing to fill the hole I added both of these songs to my hall of fame immediately instead of after listening to them 100 times, but I'm sure they'll hold up.  It's fripSide, after all, when has that band ever let me down?  I gave both of them 4-star ratings because, again, fripSide is very reliable quality.

My next problem was that there were more songs from Octopath Traveler II deserving of a 5-star rating than there was room in my 5-star hall of fame, so I had to listen through my entire 5-star listings again to find some weaker songs that could be replaced.  I did find a good number of weak points, and that let me promote the songs stuck at 4-star that were really 5-star all along.

This includes 'The Harborlands' and 'City of Wisdom and Art' from Octopath II, but also 'Dannagh Desert' from Xenoblade 3, 'Frozen Heel' from Tales of Graces, 'Rolling Star' from Bleach, and a couple songs I had just demoted but realized shouldn't have been demoted, 'Krypton' from Ogre Battle and 'Jaws of Ice' from Xenogears.  The criteria for 5-star songs is 'moving and memorable' and I found these melodies, the moment they started, to be very arresting.  You couldn't help but listen and care because they were such unique joys to contemplate.  The moment they started I was thinking to myself, "what is this doing in the 4-star tier?!"

Dark Matter and Abyss, both by Hayato Matsuo, were demoted to make room for the new fripSide songs, but no songs were kicked out of my hall of fame because I had two spare spaces.  Krypton is also by Hayato Matsuo so he was promoted as well as demoted, meaning he shouldn't feel so bad.  Everything has now worked out for the best for everyone.

This time around most of the promoted songs were instrumentals, the reason being that I've already thoroughly reviewed all of my vocal 4-star songs for potential and promoted all the worthy members of that group, so only worthy overlooked instrumentals should remain.  Of course Rolling Star is a vocal track, and has had a frustrating history of being promoted, demoted, and now promoted again, in a 'rolling' cycle that doesn't seem to ever have a satisfactory conclusion.

I can still improve the accuracy of my ratings by making sure all 4-star songs are better than 3-stars, all 3-stars are better than 2-stars, etc.  That's my next goal, but it isn't as important, because most of the time I'm listening to my 5-star music so getting that right is 90% of getting everything right.  Still, if something can be improved there's no reason not to improve it.

Star Ocean 6 continues to plague me.  I have two dungeons left to go but of course both dungeons are huge, being the last dungeons, with lots of bosses.  But I'll definitely beat it, sooner or later.  I'm already so close, I can't give up now.

As for my Xanth reread I'm on book #40, Isis Orb.  Luckily this one doesn't have any gays or transgenders, so it's been a smooth and fun experience.  It does have the feature I've been complaining about in recent Xanth novels, a magic 'path' that always tells the heroes what to do and where to go, so that they don't have to think for themselves or make any decisions of their own.  I see that this path magic is pretty much a structural feature of all Xanth books moving forward, but I can live with it so long as they aren't also preaching rainbow love.

The ending of Five Portraits argues that being gay or not is a minor detail and no one should care about such a petty meaningless thing in life.  The problem is it isn't minor, it completely determines the rest of your life -- a life of suicidal nihilism, based on hedonistic selfish pursuits, or of dutiful submission to God's plan, the route of selfless devotion to family and the cause of future life in general.  Who you hook up with determines everything about you.

If a man marries a woman he works hard, stays out of trouble, has children, raises children with good values so they don't get hurt in the future, and then takes care of grandchildren and shares all his accumulated wisdom over the years with the people inheriting his will and soul and genes into the bright new dawn.

If a man 'marries' another man he has an open marriage, attends dozens of gay orgy parties around the world, tries to convince other children he meets or over the internet to join his hedonistic lifestyle, takes drugs, drinks alcohol, undermines virtue and belief in God, the sacred, the holy, or the dutiful as an affront to his personal liberty, and of course votes Democrat, which in turn multiplies the damage he does by siding with other evil causes like open borders, high taxes and regulations, high crime, war with Russia and China, etc.  He eventually dies at age 50 or so of AIDS or some other ailment or disorder he picked up from all his bad habits.  Or just suicide.

If a man marries a woman and has children he has something like an 80% chance of voting Republican.  So these things matter quite a lot.

Basically being gay is part of a larger subset of people who have rejected all meaning in life, the very purpose of life, which is to grow fruitful and multiply (or as Broken God stated it, 'more and better life.')  Obviously this is a huge detail, the hugest of details, that will completely dominate your life and your soul.  There is no more important decision than whether life is meaningful or meaningless.  Whether you're going to live it for yourself, or something larger than yourself.  All gay people have chosen the former, which is the path of emptiness and death.  Only straight people are integrating themselves into a larger structure that they love more than life.

Selfish people who betray their parents who spent all that time and money to pass on their genes to the future by not having children themselves and passing down the torch of family lore and family genes, are selfish in any and every decision they ever make in life.  They will selfishly vote in a way that destroys the future but helps themselves.  They will selfishly spread disease to the larger community for the sake of orgies.  They will selfishly recruit vulnerable kids to a destructive lifestyle in search of more prey.  They will selfishly accumulate wealth and waste it on themselves instead of saving the money and passing it on to the next generation so that they might also thrive.  Their entire life is centered around themselves.

Who you have sex with changes your outlook completely, it isn't a minor aspect of your life, it's your whole life.  And just look at these gays, do these people treat their gayness like a 'minor detail' of their life?  No, front and center, all they ever talk about, think about, or posture about, is how gay they are and how we need to celebrate their gayness.  They want children to be learning nothing but gay sex in school, they want whole months of the calendar celebrating their gayness, they want the rainbow flag flying everywhere, far above the American flag.  They want to go to war with Russia because they aren't flying the proper rainbow colors yet.  They want to destroy the world in nuclear obliteration for the sake of how gay they are.  That is not minor.  That's pretty serious.  All advertisements should be rainbow ads.  All movies and television shows should include gay sex scenes.  All books, all sports, all everything should talk about nothing but gays, gays, gays.  I can't even watch a children's show in Japan, Pretty Cure, without the transgender agenda being front and center for the last two seasons.  That's 100 episodes of gays, in Japan, in a show designed for 8 year old girls.  So it turns out not to be a minor detail whether someone is gay or not.

When the youth of America is reporting itself to be 40% LGBT+, you can no longer say it's a minor issue who people choose to love in their own bedrooms.  It turns out that the social contagion of your choices has spread so far that the entire nation teeters on the brink of complete dysfunction.  Who will be left to form families, have children, and pass down our values in a world of 40% single hedonists?  Who is going to work hard when you only need to support yourself and treat sex as your highest goal in life, instead of getting your granddaughter into Harvard and changing the world for the better so that your descendants can reap what you have sown?

It's obvious that one gay leads to ten gays, and ten to a thousand, and a thousand to a million, and so on.  So the minor detail of who you love turns out to decide the future of the entire nation.  And since we're now going to war with countries to enforce gay pride on the outside world, we're now talking about the fate of the world.  Whether one person is gay or not -- whether he is allowed to be gay or not, eventually determines the fate of all future life in the universe.  We're talking the potential existence or nonexistence of trillions of people across billions of years.

So no, I won't let bygones be bygones, I won't let 'you be you,' I won't 'live and let live.'  And I won't dismiss what you do in the privacy of your home.  Of course, if you're some sort of stealthy gay who manages to hide from the public that you are gay, and thus aren't creating any social contagion, there's not much my law can do to stop you.  But the moment you start proselytizing this horrendous, world-ending deathstyle, yes the law should come for you and stamp you out, just like we quarantine active tuberculosis cases.  You are a plague on the world and need to disappear.

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