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Friday, June 9, 2023

Trump indicted again:

The question about this case all comes down to this -- can a President declassify documents without going through some formal process and informing others about it, just by deeming them declassified in his own head?  The law has never been clear about this so nobody knows how the system works.  The President has the authority to declassify any documents he wants, as many as he wants, but when exactly is that authority executed?  If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it make a sound?  Was the document declassified if no one was informed that it was?

I can see a reasonable case made on both sides, but ultimately I think the Democrats are right.  IF the documents were truly declassified, Trump should have posted them online for everyone to see, as they are now the people's property since they are government documents.  Since he hid them away in his own home and talked about how secret they were, clearly he did not consider them declassified, and as such he was in violation of mishandling classified documents.

I think Trump will be convicted on this charge, and the Stormy Daniels charge, and the election interference charges in Georgia, and whatever other charges are brought against him like sedition or whatever.  It's endless, but none of it matters.  There is nothing in the constitution that stops a convicted prisoner from becoming President, so Trump will just become President behind bars.  At which point he'll pardon himself, and this whole stupid nonsense will go away.

Lots of people mishandle classified documents, including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence and Barak Obama.  Only Trump is indicted for 38 felonies though.  It's obvious what's going on here.

Trump is leading Biden in the polls by wide margins.  The more he's persecuted, the more he looks like a martyr, the more people will sympathize with him, which basically means he's assured to win the election in 2024.  The Democrats have created a legend when they could have just left him alone to be a loser.  If they want to stop Trump they can't do it by jailing him, they'll have to kill him.  The question is do they dare?  Who knows.

I finished rereading Board Stiff, book 38 of the Xanth series, and it was also good.  Next up is Five Portraits, which introduces the first gay to Xanth.  Luckily in this book he's just a kid and I don't think they even mention it, it only becomes a big deal in the future.  Even more humorously, the gay hole-making magician still gets a girlfriend and only has a romance with a girl, so he's the most token of token gays imaginable.  When the gay agenda is this watered down I think I can still swallow it.

One thing liberals don't understand is that there is a big difference between having illicit thoughts and actually engaging in illicit behavior.  Virtually everyone has illicit thoughts about everything.  That's not important.  What's important is what you choose to do with them.  Do you dwell on them and let them dominate your life, or do you ignore them and do the right thing?  That decision is always up to you.  No one makes you do anything wrong.  Everyone has a choice.  There is no such thing as a gay person who didn't have a choice.  The identical twins of gays usually are not gay themselves, despite having the exact same womb environment and exact same genes.  No one has to be gay, you are not born gay.  So Santo of Five Portraits is not gay, regardless of what Piers Anthony says, because he never actually chose to be gay.  He chose to get a girlfriend and not have gay sex with anyone, so he is not gay.  He may be what Piers Anthony thinks a gay person is like, but he's not.  He's a moral and responsible nice kid who did the right thing.  He is not a gay who has a ten times as high likelihood of abusing kids as a straight, or a thousand different anonymous sex partners, i.e., someone who acts on their illicit desires instead of controls them.

It's the exact same for transgenders, of course.  No one is born transgender.  Lots of people wish they were the other gender, or daydream about it, but that doesn't suddenly make you the opposite gender.  No one has to mutilate their body and prance around as a grotesque parody of the other sex.  Only evil people who let their daydreams control them, who don't care about the harm this does to themselves or their family or the social contagion this spreads to other vulnerable kids, only those people are transgender.  To be transgender is to choose to be evil, not to think about it and then realize that's stupid and wrong.  Which means every single transgender person is not a victim but a perpetrator.  They all could have chosen to just not be trans.

Which is why I'm for executing every single LGBT+ person in America as a part of the legal code.  These people are self-declared evildoers who have admitted, upfront, that they cannot control their illicit desires and thus are a public menace and a public blot on society.  They chose to worship Satan and so they'll be treated as Satan worshippers.  There are no innocent LGBTers because they tautologically have self-defined themselves to be guilty.  You could not ask for a better sorting mechanism.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian military continues to get shredded to pieces, day after day ramming their heads against a brick wall.  It's so beautiful.  It's like Christmas every day.  In just one week they've lost 25% of their entire armored vehicle fleet.  At this rate, in three more weeks the war will be over.  (Let's hope they don't learn their lesson and just keep coming like lemmings over a cliff. . .)  For about a year and a half nothing has happened in this war, Ukraine kept getting new equipment as fast as Russia could destroy it, and no progress was made in the frontline.  Russia still has yet to secure the suburbs of Donetsk's own capital city despite invading 1.5 years ago.  But in just this one week Ukraine has evaporated itself, committed mass hara-kiri, solving all of Russia's problems for it.  I've never seen anything like it.  Charging across uncleared minefields, over open fields, with no artillery or air support, into fortifications, helicopters, airplanes, artillery, it's the craziest thing I've ever seen.  They don't even reach the opposing side, they all die before firing a single shot.  They just drive over mines and die, then retreat.  Like chickens with their heads cut off.

I hope every last Ukrainian male dies so that these genocidal maniacs who specifically target children and then laugh and brag about it to the press will never haunt the world again.  Just today Ukraine wasted some precious Storm Shadow missiles (given to them by Britain) on a children's summer camp in Crimea.  While they're being pulverized at the front, they still have time to shoot cruise missiles at children hundreds of miles away.  Their evil is only matched by their insanity.  The women can be handed over to the victorious soldiers of the Red Army and all the new housing can go to a new baby boom of Russian children on their newly liberated land.  Now that Ukraine has so obligingly committed suicide, Russia should not stop until the border with Poland.  Just annex the whole kit and caboodle.  Victory is assured and costless, there's nothing left in Russia's way.  The best farmland in the world, completely empty and unoccupied, just waiting for some strapping young lads to move in and start plowing.  Thanks Zelensky, we couldn't have done it without you!

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