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Sunday, February 6, 2022

Delicious Party Precure is great:

The new Precure season begins and like usual, though not always, it's a great anime.  I like the theme of the new season (food!), the main characters, the villains and the costume designs.  This might be an above average season of Precure, which is impressive this deep in.  It's the 19th season and they're still coming up with cool new ideas.

Kira Kira Precure was also about food, but it sucked, so essentially this will be the first real season of food-themed Precure.  A second chance to get it right.

With the new characters introduced I had the chance to upgrade three names in '100 Waifus.'  Previously the Setsuna and Akane Precure (Passion and Sunny) were in my fictional character hall of fame, but now they've been replaced with the new Delicious Party Precure members Ran and Yui.  This is because I genuinely think Ran and Yui are more attractive girls than Setsuna and Akane, but also because of name overlapping issues.

Akane was the 6th of her name and it was getting too much, too confusing to keep track of them all.  Yui isn't much better, because that makes her the 4th of her name, but it's still an improvement.  Four is easier to keep track of than 6.

Meanwhile Setsuna was the 2nd of her name while Ran is a completely new name.  By replacing Setsuna with Ran I managed to create two more unique names -- the surviving Setsuna and the new Ran.  This is especially important because the remaining Setsuna is a demigod so really someone of such august majesty shouldn't have to share her name with anyone.  She should stand alone and above, like she now does.

While I was at it I also replaced Butz from Final Fantasy 5 with Himmel from Sousou no Frieren.  Butz has two problems -- A)  He's the type of silent protagonist that basically does whatever the player wants him to do and has no separate existence, so as a fictional character he's pretty lacking.  B)  Butz sadly sounds too much like 'butts' in English and therefore was never a good name to begin with.

Meanwhile Himmel is extremely good looking and extremely wise.  Practically every third thing out of his mouth is an aphorism that could be mounted on a wall somewhere.  Not to mention he's a hero who saved the world.  (Though I guess that's true of Butz too.  But Butz saved the world silently while Himmel did it while chatting, which is always preferable.)

By kicking Butz out this gives another opportunity to highlight the greatness of Pretty Cure.  This way Final Fantasy and Pretty Cure both had 50 fictional characters, tied for first in my hall of fame, which means I could put Pretty Cure first in order and Final Fantasy only second, which is where they belong in terms of preeminence.  Also having the top number be 50 instead of 51 is a nicer, rounder number.

Minor edits, to be sure, but they're all doing something subtly important.  Eventually these types of edits really add up to a better book.

Shenmue the Animation also began today and it was a solid start.  I think the anime character designs are a bit off from their cg counterparts in the video game but I guess that will happen.  If this anime were a standalone product and not constantly being shown up by the video game I'd love it a lot more, but as it is it can only ever be a 'good' anime.

Soon enough Kimetsu no Yaiba will end and then the winter season will finally settle down into a permanent status until the spring season starts up.  I don't want Kimetsu to end.  :(.  I hope they announce a third season or new movie soon.

S Rank Boukensha isn't a great manga like Sousou no Frieren, but it's a fun guilty pleasure to experience while we wait for new chapters of the bigger names.  Sadly at 18 chapters I'm already fully caught up with it now too.

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