Yuuri's route was really good. Taking in a cat and getting married is as good as it gets. Shirone and Hanako's routes were decent. Ayaka and Sara's routes were bleh. Overall I think there was too much sex and not enough real content, but I guess I should have seen that coming from a fandisc sequel.
I'm a completionist, if there's something I like I always want to follow it to the end, so I don't mind the bang for the buck I got out of Genesis. But for people not of my mental bent it's probably not worth it.
I added Edens Zero and Sousou no Frieren to my anime wishlist in recognition that the anime announcements of Rurouni Kenshin and Bastard!! have already granted my wishes vis-a-vis them. It's really annoying how Edens Zero, which used to be something I could reliably look forward to every week, hasn't been fan translated for half a year or so. I have no idea how much I'm missing out on by now. And this is one of my favorite manga by my favorite author, Hiro Mashima. Of all the series for fans to stop scanlating!
Sadly even if Edens Zero does get a new season, which I expect it will, it won't be covering any material I haven't already read in the manga. I would need a third season to get that far. But every step towards the untranslated material helps. We need a second season so that we can get to that third season.
I'm watching quite a lot of the Winter Olympics. I watched Kamila Valieva school the entire world in women's figure skating, and likewise the Japanese star Kagiyama school the men's field. But Kamila was so much better than every other girl out there it was almost laughable. Her costume and her looks were better than everyone else too. Kamila is 15 years old and already the GOAT.
I also find it laughable that a girl this picturesque and graceful is still going to be counted as 'pedophilia' to be attracted to. Yeah, sure. As though there isn't a single man on Earth who wasn't attracted to Kamila when she was making that skate. Of the many lies that rule the Earth, like the races are equal, or the sexes are equal, or sexual orientations are equally socially beneficial and therefore shouldn't be under the purview of societal regulation just like other vices like drug use, gambling, smoking, alcohol, etc., the one that says women aren't attractive until the age of 18 and all men who are attracted to under-age-18 women are diseased moral monsters has to be the stupidest and the worst.
Seriously, women are more likely to fall in love and start a relationship as teenagers than at any other time. To ward off any men who might be attractive to said women from courting them cuts off any chance for many of these women and men to ever find a lover in their entire lives. The window of opportunity is short and unlikely for both sides. Saying it's fine because women can date boys their own age is stupid -- why would you want to date a boy of no accomplishments, no status, no wealth, not even full-grown, of no reliability at all? It's a meaningless freedom. It's like giving women the freedom to drink arsenic. Women need to be dating men with an eye towards marriage and children, and that means they need to meet men who can already support them and their children, or what's the point?
There is a natural rush of hormones in teenage girls that makes them more attracted to boys and more desirous of love than at any other time in their life cycle. Nature wanted and expected them to get attached to someone as a teenager. It becomes much harder to fall in love as a girl every year, and at the same time men are less attracted to women every year they age past puberty because the number of beautiful and fertile years ahead of them is rapidly dwindling every year, so the girl will have worse prospects every year her dating life is delayed. If you can win an Olympic gold medal then your mind and body are clearly developed enough to get into a relationship. It's absurd to say Kamila can outperform the entire world by leaps and bounds at 15 but she's too 'immature' to date a grown man.
The average age of first birth in women is now past 30. The majority of the 'civilized' world is unmarried and without issue. All because of this pernicious, anti-reality crackdown on 'pedophiles.' For thousands of years older men hit on younger women and no one ever thought twice about it, it was the way of the world, of course that's who they'd be hitting on. If you don't own your own house and farm and so on, why would you be hitting on any girl at all? And between a young girl with all her health, beauty and fertility ahead of her and an old shrew with all her best years behind her, who on Earth would be courting the shrew? Juliet from Romeo and Juliet was thirteen. They married and nobody thought anything of it. We still count it as a beautiful love story today. No one calls Romeo a pedophile. It's all so farcical. We maintain the doublethink that Romeo isn't a pedophile for loving Juliet and teach and act the plays in schools across the world while jailing anyone who attempts to marry like Romeo did. We dress up Kamila Valieva in a revealing costume and have her move in an alluring manner and give her a gold medal for her performance and then call every male viewer of the Olympics pedophiles.
A single lie can destroy the world. Insisting on the lie that 17 year old women aren't sexy may sound like a 'noble white lie' to protect children with or whatever, but actually what you're doing is disrupting the natural reproduction cycle to such an extent that most men and women now don't reproduce at all. We went from having 8 children per woman in the 1800's to 1 per woman today. In South Korea it's well below 1. We went from almost all men and women being married for most of their lives, at least 90%, to below 50% of people living the way God and Nature evolved for them. No more pair-bonding, just eternal loneliness for all. All because of one stupid, self-evident lie where everyone could just look and see that it was a lie. How do lies like these succeed? It's insane. It's self-evidently false! And yet it spreads and congeals and no one dares speak against it!
If lies like these can succeed, what lies can possibly fail? When does the truth ever win in any argument? If "only pedophiles are attracted to Kamila Valieva" is the official verdict of this world, when does the truth ever win in any argument about anything? If we can't even win an argument on the side of truth when it's so readily apparent to all, when can we win?
How on Earth are you supposed to explain to people about standard deviations on a bell curve when it comes to IQ when you can't say Kamila is pretty?
How do you explain the VAERS database to people when you can't get across the point that Kamila is pretty?
How do you explain the differing proclivities of the male and female brain that make men more suited to some jobs and women to others if you can't convey the concept that Kamila is pretty?
How do you convince people to read the Koran, Hadith, and Sura, then compare the historical and contemporary results of Islamic countries to their non-Islamic neighbors, so as to get a sense of the ideology's pernicious retardation of mankind, then get them to check out various demographic charts showing the likelihood of Islam's growth over the next century, when you can't convince people Kamila is pretty?
This is why I despair of convincing anyone of anything. At this point I've moved on from persuasion and only talk to people who agree with me ahead of time, because they're the only people worth addressing anyway. If there is any future for humanity it won't come from mass persuasion. People are so stupid and evil and cowardly and worthless they can't even admit Kamila Valieva is pretty. It can only come from a tiny few splitting off from the main with a dedication to truth over lies, no matter how unpopular those truths might be. From this all else stems. If you actually care about the truth, if you will be ostracized, impoverished or killed if needs be for the truth, then coming to all the remaining correct beliefs is easy. All it takes is that initial dedication. No one is confused about the data or whatever. Looking at Kamila's face is not difficult. It isn't calculus. All it ever took was the courage to state the obvious out loud.
This world isn't divided between the correct and the misled. It's divided entirely and only between the courageous and the cowards. If the courageous could ever get together into one place and start living together, having children between each other, educating their children together, funding each other, defending each other from external aggression, and ultimately getting off this worthless planet full of cockroaches-in-human-skin, or exterminating the cockroaches should they ever become strong enough to do so, then and only then does humanity have a future. Down every other probabilistic path humanity either dies out or reverts to the stone ages in the near future. In '100 Waifus' I gave humanity 70 years before blowing themselves up, but after this vaccine mandate crap which the entire world swallowed without a peep of protest I'd honestly be surprised for us to make it that far.
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