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Friday, January 28, 2022

DanMachi and KonoSuba elevated to my top anime rankings:

The ridiculousness of having two anime series in my rankings which haven't even been announced as in production yet got to be too much.  Mao and 100 Kanojou aren't getting animated any time soon, which was all the more made clear by the announcement of a different Rumiko Takahashi show getting an anime, Urusei Yatsura.  For all I know they'll never get animated, which made having them in my top anime rankings problematic.

There are two obvious replacements for these non-existent shows that very much do exist, DanMachi and KonoSuba.  DanMachi is about to receive its 4th season this year, and KonoSuba has already announced its 3rd season as in production.  These are both well-supported, very real series that meet my length and *actually existing* requirements.

I wish both of these series were higher quality, I have a mountain of complaints with both of them, but compared to what they're replacing. . . Basically I had no choice but to rank them.  They're the only two series good enough to reach my fictional character hall of fame, be anime, be of the required length to not count as short movies, and are worth rewatching.  I've built a series of requirements to reach my top anime rankings and these two series are the only two that fit them all.

Now all 200 of my top anime have already aired or at least have been announced as 'in the works.'  If Summer Pockets takes too long to get concrete information on, I could end up replacing it too, but unlike Mao and 100 Kanojou Summer Pockets has at least had anime announcements.  They're also all of the required length and they all have a representative in my fictional character hall of fame -- in DanMachi's case Hestia, in KonoSuba's case Megumin.

I haven't actually rewatched these two series yet but I intend to do so going forward.  Selection Project is ranked and I haven't rewatched it yet either.  So long as I plan on rewatching a show I can rank it ahead of time because I'm always true to my word.  Every other ranked series was ranked before it was rewatched too.

Why do I like DanMachi?  Aside from the obvious good art and voice acting, I mainly like how Bel takes under his wing people who aren't exactly perfect and makes them better.  He doesn't give up on a girl just because she's a thief, a drug user or a prostitute.  He sees the good in her instead and gives her a more productive path in life moving forward.  That's a wonderful ability.  He's practically Jesus Christ.  And Hestia, instead of interfering with his saint like activities, supports his decisions and makes them practically possible, like a true woman who loves her man.  Hestia doing what it takes to make the unreasonable Bel happy and successful is even more saint-like than Bel himself.

As for KonoSuba, I'm a huge fan of Megumin and her "EXPLOSION!" spell.  No matter how badly done everything else in the series is, her explosion spells and Megumin and Megumin's village are all taken very seriously and given special care and love.  Megumin is the one serious aspect of this show, the lodestar all the other awful people orbit around and succeed because of.  Megumin is so attractive, her little sister is so cute, that I can forgive the entire rest of the series and all of its crude sexuality and lowbrow humor just to see more of her.

These aren't the best series around, which is why they're only ranked #196 and #197.  They only beat series with 0 episodes, series that haven't actually aired yet and thus don't technically exist.  Once those series do start airing no doubt DanMachi and KonoSuba will fall behind them as well.  And my rankings are prophetic, so I'm taking into account the value of DanMachi S4 and KonoSuba S3 just to reach my rankings at all.  So when I rank DanMachi and KonoSuba, I'm only saying that with the future in mind they're among the top 200 long-form anime ever made.  Nothing more!  I'm not saying they're top ten series or anything.  They aren't Kimetsu no Yaiba.  But they are better than nothing -- which is what I had ranked before now.  If you've already watched all 195 series that are ranked above these two, then I would suggest watching these two series next.  Only then!  Not before!

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