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Saturday, January 29, 2022

KonoSuba rewatched:

As promised, any series ranked 'great' is great both when watched and rewatched.  I always rewatch a great anime to prove its lasting worth as a masterpiece that should be passed down for all time.  Once I decided to rank KonoSuba, it was also time to rewatch it and prove the ranking worthy.  It was definitely worthy!  The art and animation are gorgeous  (for example Megumin's pose while hunting lettuce:)

, the voice acting is top class, the plot and setting is fun and unique.  There are tons of hilarious scenes and a couple that will move you to tears.  (Yunyun and Megumin holding hands as they cast their ultimate spell together in the movie, Megumin giving up on explosion magic and then having it handed back to her in the movie.)

This comes really early in the series, but my favorite scene in KonoSuba is when a Dullahan shows up to ask who has been casting explosion on his castle, with the obvious implication that whoever confesses will be executed, but if no one confesses the whole city will be executed.  Megumin, at this time still pretty low level, nevertheless steps forward and proudly, boldly declares herself the culprit.  Not because she wasn't afraid -- she was sweating and trembling in fear before she resolved herself -- but because she has a heart of gold.

Now that I've rewatched KonoSuba, I realize it's better than #197, but I'm not sure how much better until I see what they do with Season 3.  If they manage to finish the series in the next season and provide a satisfactory ending that would be a huge boost.  If they just beat another demon general or goof around the whole time it would be a big letdown.  Season 3 will be coming soon enough, so I can change KonoSuba's ranking once I actually have full knowledge to work with.  One thing is for sure it's not falling back out of the rankings now that it's here.  It's proven itself over the course of the last two days of marathoning.

My next goal is to rewatch DanMachi and prove it's a great anime too.  It's a lot longer than KonoSuba so it might take a good deal longer than KonoSuba did.

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