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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Takarakuji & Kenkokuki:

These two isekai manga involved with building up a primitive land are fun reads, joining my ever growing stable of isekai manga.

There's also a new isekai manga called Musume Jingai worth checking out, even though it's rather short so far.

So long as the isekai manga keeps pouring forth there's always more fun stuff to read, but none of them are as good as the 75 in my manga hall of fame rankings, so I can only praise them so much.

On the anime front, a 720p version of the newest Hibike! Euphonium film is out, but I'm holding out for the 1080p version.  This is the most beautiful anime ever made, so it deserves the highest definition version.

Hibike! Euphonium is the only high-ranking anime that's come out since 2012, so its continuation is a valuable addition to 2018's so-far minuscule corpus.

On the music front, Motoo Fujiwara is the lead vocalist and composer of the band Bump of Chicken, so it's silly to list the two groups separately in my eminent composers list.  Instead, all the credit now goes to Motoo for a gigantic 8 song credits.  This opened up another slot in my 200 eminent composers list, so I re-added May'n as my 200th favorite with a measly 2 songs.

It's amazing how long these things can be overlooked.  Just like how long it took me to realize I was missing a song from my favorite soundtrack, Xenogears.  Ridiculous.

Sea, You & Me and Inflate Pocket have portions of their melodies overlapping, but they don't overlap entirely, so neither can be justly called a remix.  Both songs are incredible.  If this is Jun Maeda's farewell song before dying of heart failure he couldn't have done any better.

Nobuo Uematsu is also ill, though hopefully not fatally.  It is making the prospects for his new Granblue project dim, though.  All the best composers are on their downslopes.  We'll never see their like again.

It feels like everything new is just a shadow of what came before. . .

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