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Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sakura Note, Fantasy Life, Terra Wars to the rescue:

Ragnarok Odyssey wasn't actually composed by Uematsu and it wasn't any good either.  For a moment it looked my music hall of fame wouldn't be able to stay 5500 songs anymore, but with some quick sleuthing I came up with the soundtracks to some actual Uematsu composed games that I hadn't listened to before -- Sakura Note, Fantasy Life and Terra Wars.

Most of the songs from these games were garbage, like Nobuo wasn't even trying.  But by grabbing a few from this game and a few from that, I managed to patch things up and now I'll have my 21 needed replacements when all is said and done.  I already had 8 vocal tracks from various anime and video games ready to slot in, so Uematsu only had to get me 13 more from three whole games.

Replacing 21 songs is harder than I thought it would be.  The songs have to at least be better than what I'm deleting or the project would be pointless.  But the songs I'm deleting are songs I thought were good after listening to them 100 times.  Finding something laying around in the street better than that isn't so simple.  I've gotten more picky, which is why I wanted to purge 21 songs in the first place, but it also means replacing the purged is equally challenging.  13 songs from the best composer of all time doesn't sound like much of an ask, but Uematsu is a shadow of his former self.  He can't churn out hits like he could during the FF years.  Squeezing 13 more songs out of him now is a big ask.  But he still delivered, and that's all that matters.  Hats off to the #1 coming in to rescue me one more time.

Even better, it seems like the replacements for my subpar 1-star songs are going to sometimes rate higher than 1-star themselves, which means I'll also get to downgrade a lot of deservingly bad 2-star songs.  It also means I'm not just pointlessly shuffling things around, switching from one bad song to another -- I'm making a genuine upgrade.

I wish I'd been able to replace my subpar songs with the soundtrack from Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest.  But the ost never came out no matter how long I waited.  Now it's missed its chance.  Well, I wouldn't mind expanding my music hall of fame to 5555 or whatever next year when it finally does come out (technically the release date is on Christmas of this year).  The important thing now is getting my current 5500 song music hall of fame fixed.

As you can surmise I finished screening all 5500 of my old songs and moved on to the second half of the project, listening to my potential replacements 100 times to prove they're viable replacements and belong in a music hall of fame.  It might take all of November to finish the job, but it will get finished.  My book and my music hall of fame will be perfect this year.

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