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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I was right about the transgenders:

This data is straight from the CDC, so it's unquestionable.  It says 5.5% of high schoolers are transgender or unsure what gender they are.  The CDC goes on to point out that these people all have awful lives and 26% of them attempted suicide last year.

An X user then commented that this rate of transgenderism is up 1,000 fold from 2013.  There's no way 1,000 times as many people were 'born that way' in ten years.

So all the ducks are lined up in a row -- A massive number of children are transgender -- if there are 74 million children aged 0-18, and high school is four years long, it follows that there are 856,842 transgenders in high school right now.  The natural rate of transgenderism is 1,000 times less than this, so let's subtract the 'born that way' group as not the media's fault -- the remainder is 855,985 kids whose lives are ruined and will shortly end, according to the CDC's own reporting.

Honestly it's probably better to die of a Covid vaccine than get your body and spirit mutilated beyond recognition and live in perpetual agony while constantly attempting suicide until you finally succeed.  And all 855,985 kids became transgender due to external influence, not because they were 'born that way.'  All their fates were preventable.  All their fates were foisted upon them.  By the same government that mandated the death jabs.

If killing 185,000 kids isn't enough of a crime for you, how about 855,985 more?  Now we're over a million tortured to death kids in America.  There's a big hullaballoo over the Armenian genocide which killed 2 million people.  So do American kids get an entry in the history books for their genocide?  Or does the number need to keep rising?

Speaking of dead kids, a good post by Caitlin Johnstone proves Israelis are busy killing kids too.  It's no wonder the American government is Israel's greatest ally, they're peas in a pod:

The strongest piece of evidence (though all of it is overwhelming) is when 45 separate American doctors all signed a testimonial reporting that they'd specifically treated deliberately sniped in the head children in the Gaza Strip.  There's no way that many doctors are lying or the conspiracy to paint Israel as evil could be that vast among accredited U.S. doctors just reporting what they're seeing back to President Biden.

I'm for not killing kids.  I don't want to shell kindergartners like Ukraine brags about doing.  I don't want to snipe kids in the head in the Gaza Strip like Israel is doing.  I don't want to give kids a vaccine that kills 5 out of every 1,000 who take it.  I don't want to turn 5.5% of kids into transgender freaks whose lives become mental and physical agony until they take their own lives.  There's no telling how many covid vaccinated kids are also living tortured lives due to the aftereffects of the vaccine, but one good example of these aftereffects is found in the exact same asthma study already cited -- vaccinated children have twice as much asthma now as unvaccinated:

Cohort 1, 4.7% of COVID-19 infected children without vaccination developed new-onset asthma,

For Cohort 2, COVID-19 infected children with vaccination showed an 8.3% incidence of new-onset asthma,

Now multiply asthma by every other imaginable health condition, because these vaccines impact every single corner of your body and brain, and you'll get the health toll, which is magnitudes larger than the death toll, to kids given this unnecessary vaccine.  (Basically zero children died of Covid).

I have tried to describe how evil America is with terms like 'Satanic,' 'inverted,' and 'nightmare hellscape,' but apparently people still don't get the import of these terms.  They probably associate these adjectives with 'he's a cat person and doesn't like dogs.'  Or 'he's a fan of vanilla as opposed to chocolate.'  So maybe I'll try to describe America with no adjectives at all:

America's government policy is to torture and kill as many kids as it can get away with across the entire world.  Its victims are, at the least, counted in the tens of millions (the American invented vaccines were used all over the world, America gives free bombs to warring countries all over the world, America spreads pro-LGBT messages all over the world).  Its potential victims, if it insists on needling Russia further, are every single one of us, over eight billion.  I am opposed to this government.

Meanwhile, I've had to make several edits to '100 Waifus' in my latest (46th) readthrough, so my hopes of finishing the book are stymied yet again.  Most of the edits were in Chapter 4, where I renewed 'world war just' and substituted various words for better alternatives.  I also added Taiki from Ao no Hako to the fictional character hall of fame embedded within the book, replacing Makoto from Futari Ecchi.  Taiki is more heroic than Makoto since his love is sincere and resists the temptations of other girls, unlike Makoto.  Also Taiki is a unique name, unlike Makoto, so it's two birds with one stone.  It also means all my ranked anime are represented in '100 Waifus,' something I'm always striving for.  So that's three birds with one stone.

Since I was going to have to buy a new paper copy of '100 Waifus' anyway, because I corrected the spelling of Eltolinde too late for it to appear in the paper copy, all these additional edits are essentially free.  I may as well do them now while I have the chance.  That way next time I can get it right and have a real final paper copy of the book.  Maybe the 47th readthrough won't have any issues and I can fulfil my purpose in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's very weird how focused on children you are. How many children do you sexually assault in your pedo fantasy novel?