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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I was right about the covid vaccines:

“The study about Covid and asthma in American kids and teens has gone mostly unnoticed. It hasn’t been cited once since it was published in June.

Which may be why no one has raised an alarm over the stunning figures buried in its appendix about deaths among mRNA Covid-vaccinated kids.

They show that 354 of the 64,000 children and teenagers who received a Covid mRNA shot died within a year after vaccination - a death rate of almost six kids per 1,000.

In contrast, only 309 out of 320,000 unvaccinated kids died, fewer than one per 1,000.”

As far as I'm concerned this is the decisive study.  They took a giant sample of unvaccinated and vaccinated kids, who presumably are the same age and health (before vaccination.)  They tracked how many died one year later, and six times as many vaccinated died as unvaccinated.  What possible objection does the other side still have after this?

The old argument is that sure mortality rates are up, but that's all due to 'long covid,' not the vaccines.  But 'long covid' doesn't seem to have done much to the unvaccinated kid cohort.  So that argument is out the window.

The other old argument was that unvaccinated people tended to be younger and healthier than vaccinated, but this is kids vs. kids, there's no apples to oranges comparison being made here, it's apples to apples.

There is no argument left.  This study has just blown up the other side.  Not only are vaccines dangerous, they're insanely dangerous.  Forget the sixfold increase in the death rate for a moment, just look at the pure death rate there -- five more kids for every 1,000 died due to the vaccine.  That's .5% of all kids died in a single year due to the vaccine.  How many children are in America?  According to Google, 74 million.  According to various websites, at least half of them were vaccinated.  So do some simple arithmetic and you get 185,000 kids murdered by the 'safe and effective' vaccines in a single year.  How many more will die early due to the long term effects of the vaccine?  Who knows.  But surely murdering 185,000 kids is sufficient to count as a crime against humanity right there.

I mean, I know everyone supports Israel murdering 185,000 kids in Gaza, but poisoning to death 185,000 kids in America, surely that's a crime, right?

Can we now move on from this murderous regime and switch to something more like I've called for?  Since clearly I was the one trying to save everyone's lives and they're the ones trying to liquidate them?  Do I get any credit for this?

While we're at it, today Russia has definitively taken the Nevelske cauldron, which includes Nevelske and the fields around it for around 100 square kilometers.  Obviously they didn't take all that today, but we finally have proof they took all that today.  This gets Donetsk out of artillery range once and for all.  Now Ukraine would have to waste expensive missiles to kill civilians in Donetsk for the rest of the war, which they'll probably do because they're that insane and evil, but at least it will be less frequent than what has happened up until now.

Indeed, Donetsk isn't usually the site of new atrocities these days, that's been moved into the Kursk region and Belgorod.  The first objective of the war, protecting the civilians of Donbass, has already been reached.  Tis a glorious day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh huh, thank God the dude writing the pedo novel taught me how bad the covid vaccine is.