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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ukraine Supporters are Terrorists, yet again:

The man who attempted to assassinate Trump this month (week? day?) is a weasel named Ryan Routh.

Up until today the liberal media, including the New York Times, lauded this man as a hero for all his efforts to support Ukraine.  He made memorials for them, fundraisers for them, organized volunteers to go fight for Ukraine, etc.  He attempted to assassinate Trump today because he feared Trump would lead to peace with Russia.  He, as a proper Ukrainian patriot, supported Kamala so we could instead have World War III and restore Ukraine's 1991 borders.  Because not only should everyone on Earth die for the sake of Ukraine's borders, but also it's moral and just to assassinate any politician who disagrees with this (see Fico in Slovakia).

Anyone who so far hasn't been persuaded by my arguments that Ukraine is evil and you should be supporting Russia -- and that Kamala is evil and you should be supporting Trump -- you own this guy.  This guy is you.  You are Ryan Routh.  Actually you're a pathetic subpar Ryan Routh.  Ryan Routh at least had the guts to act upon his stated positions.  Anyone who doesn't try as hard as Ryan Routh to save Ukraine while still arguing in favor of Ukraine is inferior to Ryan Routh.  You don't deserve to lick Ryan Routh's shoes.

In fact, if you still support Ukraine and Kamala, I advise you to go to whatever courthouse his trial is being held in and break him out of prison, because after all he's just doing exactly what you wanted him to do and said was the right thing to do.  Or if you're some sort of 'law and order' fellow, you can just peacefully protest outside the courtroom with banners like "Free Ryan Routh!" and "Ryan Routh did nothing wrong!"  and "Slava Ukraine!"  In any case, if you don't do this, I never want to hear you support Ukraine again.  It's time to become a martyr, a hero, for Ukraine, like Ryan Routh.  He has shown you the the path, the way, the light, and now it is your turn to follow your convictions and prove you believe what you say.

If people ever believed that not all morality was connected, that you can be wrong on one thing and right in another, let this be a lesson to you.  All truths are connected.  There is only one truth.  So inevitably when you support evil like Ukraine, you become evil like Ryan Routh.  Inevitably.  It is impossible to believe a lie and not end up a servant of the Father of Lies, Satan.  So when you believe something as horrendously false as 'we should fight World War III to restore Ukraine's 1991 borders,' it is only a matter of time before a perfect logical chain requires you assassinate the Republican nominee for the presidency, or commit any other terrorist act, whatever it takes, right here in America.  (Or Slovakia, or anywhere else anyone dares to not support Ukraine.)

Here, I'll put this another way, Ukraine supporters.  You can have 1991's Ukraine borders and nuclear war, open borders immigration, infinite crime, barbequed cats (oh by the way there's now video proof of this:, economic collapse, hyperinflation, runaway debt, speech and thought police, 50% of the population LGBTQ+, single and sterile, infinite taxes, 37% of women literally diagnosed with depression -- or you can change your mind and accept Russia's peace proposal, where Ukraine withdraws from the oblasts that have already voted in referendums to join Russia, recognizes these territories as formally a part of Russia, stops launching terrorist attacks against them, demilitarizes so it's incapable of launching any further terrorist attacks against them, denazifies so it stops teaching children to do terrorist attacks against them or honoring ancestors who did terrorist attacks against them, and declares they won't join NATO so that no one else can threaten Russia from Ukrainian soil either.

If you think scenario A is better than scenario B then go ahead and join your hero Ryan Routh.  If you believe scenario B is superior to scenario A it is time to take your stupid Ukrainian flag out of your bio and vote Trump.

And by the way, we are this close to nuclear war.  Putin has already said that any long range missile attacks on Russian territory by 'Ukraine' will be treated as attacks by NATO, because that's what they really are -- weapons made in NATO, launched by NATO operatives, directed by NATO satellites to their destinations -- which would mean NATO is now at war with Russia.  It is also Russia's state policy to use nukes when the existence of Russia is threatened -- which of course a war with the entirety of NATO would mean.  Therefore we are one cruise missile away from the end of the world.  Nuclear obliteration.  And multiple NATO leaders have already declared they are fine with this and we should launch our missiles.  Conveniently none of these NATO leaders are willing to launch their missiles at Russia, but they're more than happy that we launch our cruise missiles.  These scumbags who are worse than Ryan Routh are already, today, calling for wholesale nuclear obliteration of the world.  And God help us, Biden, the brain-dead rapist, is the slender reed upon which the world must now rely for survival.  He is the only person left who has not gone full Ryan Routh, which is why I'm still alive today to write this post and you're still alive today to read it.  But we're talking about Joe Biden here.  Exactly how many days can such a person be relied upon?

Tick, tick, tick.

Between my terror of dying because World War III could begin any second now and my anger at having all of my domestic priorities thwarted because assassins keep trying to kill Trump, so I'm no longer allowed to resolve disputes through peaceful elections anymore, the amount of harm Ukraine has done to me personally is higher than any other nation.  Recall that it was Ukraine that attempted to impeach Trump during his first term.  A Ukrainian 'American' whistleblew Trump's phone call to the president of Ukraine, Zelensky.  Then the Democratic House said Ukraine was the sacred repository of western democracy (you know, that country that suspended elections, free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, etc.), Trump oh so cruelly didn't provide another batch of free lethal weapons to Ukraine as promptly as Ukraine's sacred-ness demanded, and therefore Trump had to be impeached.  Prior to that impeachment, Trump was investigated for two years by all the intelligence agencies as a 'Russian agent' simply for wanting peace with Russia as his stated foreign policy.  During the first two years of his presidency he wasn't allowed to rule because he was on trial for treason that whole time, and the press discredited all of his initiatives because he was an 'illegitimate President.'  So Ukraine has been overthrowing my right to vote for the past 8 years straight now.  I have had my democracy revoked by Ukraine for the last eight years.  And Ryan Routh tried to revoke my right to vote for Trump next month, which covers the next four years of political life in America.  For a total of 12 years of Ukraine vetoing my vote.

It is time for all Republicans to turn on Ukraine.  You cannot be pro-Ukraine and pro-Trump.  You cannot be pro-assassinating Trump and pro-Trump.  This should be obvious.  I should not have to spell this out for you any longer.  Either join Trump, Putin and peace -- or join Ryan Routh and Skynet, your ideological friends and partners.

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