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Monday, September 16, 2024

The Nation of Life versus the Nation of Death:

Just as there is a party of life and a party of death, Republicans and Democrats, these parties support a nation of life and a nation of death, Russia and Ukraine, respectively.

The nation of life has banned anti-natal extremism, whether of the feminist or LGBTQ+ variety, as inimical to the health of society.

The nation of death has the lowest birth rate on Earth. (no, not hyperbole, this is a fact).

The nation of life is run by a Christian, which opposes anti-life policies like abortion and gay marriage, and believes in the value and magnificence of life on Earth and in Heaven.

The nation of death has banned Christianity and arrests its practitioners.  It is run by an atheist Jew who thinks humans are soulless animals, participates in pornographic comedy routines, and does not believe in the afterlife.  The previous president of Ukraine was also an atheist Jew, even though the country is predominately Christian and less than 1% Jewish.  These atheist Jews now have a deathgrip (as the pun were) on power because Ukraine has suspended all elections.

The nation of life is increasing its population by rescuing millions of innocent people from an attempted genocide, whose only sin was not recognizing a Nazi coup as their legitimate rulers instead of the duly elected president they had voted for.  For this the Nazis started burning protesters alive, and for this the Russians intervened.

The nation of death has halved its population in a couple decades.  It has the highest death rate on Earth.  (again, not hyperbole, literally.)

The nation of life has fought the most civilian-casualty-conscious war in history, with a military to civilian death ratio unprecedented in history.  After three years of intense warfare with modern weapons maybe 10,000 Ukrainian civilians have died by accidental collateral damage at Russian hands.

The nation of death purposefully targets civilians from the beginning, all the way from 2014, when they purposefully sniped members of the crowd to start the Maidan revolt as well as policemen who were trying to contain the unlawful protests, forcing them to have to return fire.  They then moved on from there to shelling the breakaway Donbass Republics, which resulted in the deaths of 14,000 more innocent civilians/freedom fighters.  When Russia intervened to stop the targeted, purposeful slaughter of civilians, including kindergartners, who the atheist Jewish President Poroschenko bragged in a press interview he was deliberately targeting, they then moved on to targeting civilians with all the NATO weapons they could acquire -- artillery shells, HIMARS, cluster rounds, ATACM's, MLRS Vampires (what an apt name for how they were used), petal mines (which Ukraine signed a treaty not to use as a banned war crime munition but then went ahead and used anyway on downtown Donetsk in the hopes of maiming children), drones to apartment buildings thousands of miles away from the front, drones on obvious civilian cars simply trying to evacuate, machine gunning civilians, mass murdering 'collaborators,' etc.  They wasted expensive missiles on children playing on the beach.  They made collaborative stamps and toys celebrating the slaughter of civilian vacationers, yes, including children, for the sin of driving across a bridge from one part of Russia to another.

The nation of life has already been given ample cassus belli to use nukes against half the world, but has refrained from hitting anyone outside of Ukraine, even with conventional weapons.

The nation of death deliberately killed farmers in Poland and then attempted to frame Russia for it, in the hopes of sparking World War III.  They violated their treaty agreements and said they were going to develop nuclear weapons -- and obviously a country that brags about targeting kindergartners, if equipped with nuclear weapons, would use them for the most despicable ends immediately.  There is ample evidence they were using biolabs to develop biological weapons as well, though it hardly matters whether true or false, since we know for a fact, because they announced it at an international conference, that they were illegally seeking nuclear weapons.  Every day Ukraine keeps calling upon Biden to allow them to start World War III by using cruise missiles against civilian targets deep inside of Russia, which would result in the end of the world.

The nation of life is currently defending multiple nuclear power plants from Ukrainian sabotage.

The nation of death has been shelling the Energodar nuclear power plant, occupied by the Russian military, for years, all the while ludicrously claiming that the Russians were shelling themselves, in yet another obvious false flag attack.  Their next plan was to seize the Kursk Nuclear Power plant and deliberately melt it down, creating another Chernobyl (also located in Ukraine by I'm sure pure coincidence. . .).  Prisoners of war taken in the Kursk bulge have already admitted to this.  But this plan too failed.

The nation of life signed a treaty, the Minsk treaty, that was incredibly favorable to Ukraine, for the sake of peace.  They honored that treaty for eight years while Ukraine and Germany now admit they had no intention of honoring it, and never did, from the very beginning.  Their leaders brag openly that it was just a ruse to give Ukraine more time to build up their military so that they could finish off the Donbass and Crimea at a time of their choosing.  Despite this, Russia was willing to negotiate another treaty only a month into the war, again that was incredibly favorable to Ukraine.  Ukraine at first agreed to the Istanbul treaty but then decided to go back on their words again and throw it out -- which has extended this war for years and millions of deaths (potentially billions.)

As a lame excuse for this decision to not accept this extremely favorable peace plan, they did another false flag, like their false flag attack against Poland, called the 'Bucha massacre.'  For whatever reason, Russia evacuated Bucha, and Ukrainian troops and officials occupied it, for multiple days.  But only three days afterward or whatever did these troops, who all have video cameras and body cameras, suddenly 'discover' hundreds of innocent civilians bound and executed littered all across the public streets.  And only then, days afterwards, did they suddenly show this shocking footage to the world.

Obviously the people weren't littering the streets when the Ukrainians first arrived, so how did all those dead bodies get there days afterwards?  There was only one armed force available to create all those executed corpses, the Ukrainian army.  Case closed.

The nation of life agreed to not attack shipping in the black sea so that grain harvests wouldn't be affected and world famine was averted.  The nation of death violated this agreement and continued attacking Russian ships for months or perhaps years until Russia gave up on the agreement.  They then bragged about their great success in making the black sea a war zone.

The nation of life evacuated its people from Kherson, civilian and military, so that they wouldn't drown in a flood.

The nation of death continuously bombarded the dam that was protecting those people from a flood, until the dam broke, and then blamed Russia for sabotaging the dam.  Afterwards they took advantage of the flood to seize evacuated Russian territory that had already voted to join Russia.

The nation of life has war memorials to their ancestors who prevented a Nazi genocide of all the slavic peoples, Ukrainian and Russian.

The nation of death tears those memorials down and instead puts up statues honoring the genociders, the Nazi SS people who actually were doing the genocide.  They also wear the same emblems, patches, helmets, etc. as those genociders as they go back to war with the very same slavs.

The nation of life was providing an economic lifeline to all of Europe through a vast, cheap, advanced pipeline.  Without it, every year Europeans freeze to death because they can no longer afford to properly heat their homes at the new prices on offer.  Still to this day, the nation of life honors its contracts and sells oil and natural gas to any Europeans who are willing to buy it, the very same Europeans who are deliberately trying to kill as many Russians as possible and arming Russia's enemies.

The nation of death has now taken credit for, and been exposed as, the destroyer of these pipelines.  Like usual for years they attempted to blame Russia for it in yet another false flag, but like with the Poland missile attack they were caught this time.  (Unfortunately their false flag attacks have still not been 'caught' by the western media when it comes to Bucha and MH17, but they were false flag attacks like all the others.)  These pipelines belonged as much to Germany as Russia, and therefore Ukraine has been caught doing an unprovoked act of war on a NATO nation.  Strangely, instead of NATO declaring war on Ukraine, they instead decided to declare war on Russia, who has not destroyed any NATO infrastructure.

The nation of life continues to provide a high quality of life for its citizens, with a strong and growing economy, and a longer lived lifespan than any previous time in their history.  They have refrained from drafting anyone into the war (calling upon army reserves who have left active duty to return to active duty is no different from what America did during our wars with Iraq and Afghanistan, and is part of the contract soldiers sign that they know this can happen to them.)  They have allowed anyone who wishes to leave Russia to do so without issue.  They don't even have a death penalty.

The nation of death has one of the worst economies on Earth and it's still shrinking.  All their soldiers are drafted -- kidnapped straight off the street as they struggle and are beaten into submission.  They have sealed the borders and do not let any of their people escape.  They extra-legally kill anyone they suspect of harboring 'pro-Russian' sympathies, like they killed the American journalist Gonzalo Lira.  They send terrorist squads to kill Russians in Russia, including women and children, and then brag about it as a great success.  They worked with Islamic terrorists to kill government soldiers in Mali simply because the government of Mali was working with the Wagner mercenaries to fight these Islamic terrorists.  They worked with ISIS-K terrorists to mass slaughter civilians, including women and children, by the hundreds, in a Moscow theater.  The Islamic terrorists did the killing, but the Ukrainian intelligence agencies did the planning, funding, arming, and offered the safe haven to those terrorists, which was made abundantly clear by the fact that the terrorists, after doing the attack, immediately made a beeline for the Russia-Ukraine border, where they'd already been given a pre-arranged corridor of retreat beyond the grasp of Russian authorities.

The nation of life supports good politicians abroad, who argue for peace and prosperity and traditional morality.  They do this by nefariously posting positive editorials in news websites about them.

The nation of death attempts to assassinate these politicians, or inspire loons within those countries' borders to assassinate said politicians for them.  They keep a 'death list' of all marked for death politicians, celebrities or influencers abroad and encourage people to eliminate them and celebrate their deaths when they do happen, whether naturally or unnaturally.  This list includes one of the brightest hopes for mankind becoming a multiplanetary species, Elon Musk, despite the fact that it was Elon Musk who granted them free satellite communications that are indispensable to their war efforts.  That still wasn't enough aid to Ukraine so he was put on the hit list anyway.

Ukraine (the nation of death) supports Israel which is currently committing genocide against millions of helpless, defenseless Muslim women and children, who aren't even allowed to evacuate the war zone.  Russia (the nation of life) has condemned Israel's genocide of these people.

I could go on and on.  But my real point, the real point of this article, isn't that Russia is good and Ukraine is bad.  My real point is supporters of Russia are good, and supporters of Ukraine are bad.  It is impossible to have such a stark, clear, openly visible, plain and simple divide between life and death, and accidentally choose death.  No one is that blind.  Only by willingly embracing death, evil, Satan, does your reasoning ever get you to the side of Ukraine.  There is no other way.

Supporting Ukraine, the obvious, clear, and indisputable nation of death, in fact the most 'dead' nation on Earth, is an unforgivable act.  Ryan Routh is the perfect representative of this type of person, a dealer of death who wants to plunge our country into chaos and civil war.  Don't let anyone fool you and say 'I support Ukraine but I don't support Ryan Routh, death, evil or Satan.'  Yes you do.  Yes you do.  You are Ryan Routh.  Shut up.  I've seen through your lies and so has everyone else.  You are a liar and a child of your father, the Father of Lies.  You are Ryan Routh.  You are all Ryan Routh.

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