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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Party of Life versus the Party of Death:

Reflecting on the DNC, it was striking how much of the platform, or the party's most fanatical adherents, were openly campaigning for Death -- Women dressed up as birth control or abortion pills chanting "You can't make us procreate."  Marching for the end of life in the universe.  A premier attraction of the DNC was a van offering free abortions and vasectomies, which was completely booked with happy customers.  Customers who came to kill their children or sterilize themselves, an event considered a crime against humanity when done by anyone else.

The stench of death surrounds the DNC to an extent bordering on the supernatural.  I am reminded of the Bible, where God says clearly, "Behold, I present to you life and death, therefore, choose life."  The democrats clearly chose death.  They want to die, they want their children to die, they want no child to ever be born in the first place.  And then they want to die for eternity because they're also atheists who don't believe in the afterlife.  They aren't exactly nihilists because they value annihilation so much that they do in fact have an identifiable value.  They support euthanasia.  They want to legalize drugs so that they can overdose and die on them more comfortably, and their children can overdose and die on them more comfortably.  They want to legalize crime so that murder can happen more frequently.  They support war in Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan so that the whole world can die.

In contrast Republicans want to live, they want to procreate, they want their children to live and procreate, and they want to live forevermore in the afterlife.  They choose life as a value, they value being alive, and desire it now and in the future.  They are never tired of living.  They want their line of descent to continue, and their own personal existence to continue, forever.  They support policies that continue life and preserve the purity necessary to reach the afterlife.  They want to ban drugs, make peace with the world, ban crime, ban immigrants who bring drugs and crime into America, ban abortions, and create incentives like an expanded child tax credit for people to procreate.  Overall they want a culture that supports young people marrying and starting a family.  They want an economy that supports that, a culture that supports that, a lifestyle that supports that.  They want the values and traditions and beliefs they were born into to live beyond their mortal frame, at a national level and through their descendants.  They support old things like the Bible and the Constitution and do not believe in 'progressing' past them.  (If you didn't know progress is synonymous with the death of the old things that are being discarded or torn down.)  They don't want Mt. Rushmore blown up, or statues vandalized, they want to preserve our history.

The party of life does not support a 'great reset,' a 'build back better,' a 'green new deal,' or any other apocalyptic break with the past.  They want the past, the present and the future to go on living.

In other words it's the party of God versus the party of Satan.  The people who followed God's advice and chose life versus those who rejected his advice and joined his opposite, his inverse, the Prince of Hell, and chose Death as their primary value.  The moment you reject God your soul shrivels up and dies, so it's no wonder that swiftly thereafter those same people prefer the death of the body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Christian, seeing someone so filled with hate try to justify their opinions using Christian scripture hurts my heart.